jeisner / treebank-scripts

Suite of scripts for preprocessing the Penn Treebank, primarily to extract lexical subcategorization frames and dependencies.
MIT License
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problem with slashnulls #11

Open jeisner opened 8 years ago

jeisner commented 8 years ago

[item from the old TO-DO file dated 2002-04-07]

Problem with slashnulls: it's hacked S~-1 to S~-1\NP~-SBJ-54 in the example below, but that continues to be passed up as S~-1. Need to change it throughout.

00/wsj_0037.mrg:131:    (S
                            @(-NONE- @it))
                            @(VBZ @'s)
                            (ADVP @(RB @also))
                              @(VBG @refreshing))
                                @(-NONE- @0))
                              @(VP (TO @to)
                                   @(VP~ @(VB @read)
                                           @(NP (DT @a) (JJ @Japanese)
                                                @(NN @author))
                                               @(WP @who))
                                                 @(-NONE- @0))
                                               (ADVP @(RB @clearly))
                                               @(VP (VBZ @does) (RB @n't)
                                                    @(VP~ @(VB @belong)
                                                            @(TO @to)
                                                              @(NP (DT @the) (JJ @self-aggrandizing) (`` @``) (JJ @we-Japanese) ('' @'')
                                                                   @(NN @school))
                                                              (PP @(IN @of)
                                                                    @(NP @(NNS @writers))
                                                                        @(WP @who))
                                                                          @(-NONE- @0))
                                                                        @(VP @(VBP @perpetuate)
                                                                               @(NP (DT @the)
                                                                                    @(NN @notion))
                                                                               (PP @(IN @of)
                                                                                     @(NP (DT @the) (JJ @unique)
                                                                                          @(NN @Japanese))
                                                                                     (, @,)
                                                                                     (ADJP @(JJ @unfathomable)
                                                                                           (PP @(IN @by)
                                                                                               (NP~ @(NNS @outsiders)))))))))))))))))))))))
                          (. @.))