If we find a match to a street, then also look for a house number / house number ranges and try to match that.
For example, if we have a reference to Foostraße 22, then Aho-Corasick will trigger a match against Foostraße. We can then formulate a regex to look for Foostraße, then a space, then a Number (perhaps a letter after the number), then perhaps a hyphen or dash and then a Number.
If we match, then apply address matching in the graph, starting from the node that represents the street and looking for relationships matching the house number pattern extracted.
If we find a match to a street, then also look for a house number / house number ranges and try to match that.
For example, if we have a reference to Foostraße 22, then Aho-Corasick will trigger a match against Foostraße. We can then formulate a regex to look for Foostraße, then a space, then a Number (perhaps a letter after the number), then perhaps a hyphen or dash and then a Number.
If we match, then apply address matching in the graph, starting from the node that represents the street and looking for relationships matching the house number pattern extracted.