jekalmin / extended_openai_conversation

Home Assistant custom component of conversation agent. It uses OpenAI to control your devices.
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Document usage for other languages #144

Closed zolakt closed 4 months ago

zolakt commented 4 months ago


first of all, thank you @jekalmin for your work. This looks amazing.

I'm just wondering how to use this in languages other than English. I've seen you mentioned Korean in a few places, but there are no instructions on what needs to be done.

Obviously, the model needs to understand the language. But does anything else needs to be done? e.g. the prompt translated (or give an instruction to answer in another language), do the function descriptions need to be translated? etc.

I'd appreciate if you can give some instructions for this. Ideally it should be included in the readme file of the repo

jekalmin commented 4 months ago

Thanks for reporting an issue.

Nothing has to be done. If you ask in your language, OpenAI, with high probability, will respond in your language. If it doesn't, try adding a prompt like Answer in Spanish or any other language.

I will enhance README about this.

zolakt commented 4 months ago

Great. Thanks for the reply.

Sorry for taking your time. I know I could have tested this out myself, but I don't have a openAI subscription currently. And for the localAI option, it takes some effort and horsepower to set up, so I was reluctant to jump directly into that route, before I asked this.