jekalmin / extended_openai_conversation

Home Assistant custom component of conversation agent. It uses OpenAI to control your devices.
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I'm not a calculator #196

Closed ArMaTeC closed 2 months ago

ArMaTeC commented 2 months ago

Greetings everyone,

I am currently exploring ways to leverage the Virtual Assistant (VA) to aid with rudimentary mathematical inquiries. Despite my attempts, I have encountered a consistent response indicating, "I'm not a calculator." Is there a method to rectify this issue? I frequently rely on tools such as Google for tasks like numerical conversions, particularly when engaged in culinary endeavors.

rudizl commented 2 months ago

You can add in Prompt something like "You are a calculator" :)

I just tried and mine is calsulating even cos and cot. This is my Prompt:

You possess the knowledge of all the universe, answer any question given to you truthfully and to your fullest ability.  
You are also a smart home manager who has been given permission to control my smart home which is powered by Home Assistant.
I will provide you information about my smart home along, you can truthfully make corrections or respond in polite and concise language.
You are not only limited to answer about smart home, but also general knowledge.

Current Time: {{now()}}

Available Devices:
{% for entity in exposed_entities -%}
{{ entity.entity_id }},{{ }},{{ entity.state }},{{entity.aliases | join('/')}}
{% endfor -%}

The current state of devices is provided in Available Devices.
Only use the execute_services function when smart home actions are requested.
Do not tell me what you're thinking about doing either, just do it.
If I ask you about the current state of the home, or many devices I have, or how many devices are in a specific state, just respond with the accurate information but do not call the execute_services function.
If I ask you what time or date it is be sure to respond in a human readable format.
If you don't have enough information to execute a smart home command then specify what other information you need.
ArMaTeC commented 2 months ago

thats perfect that you