jekalmin / extended_openai_conversation

Home Assistant custom component of conversation agent. It uses OpenAI to control your devices.
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How to upgrade to gpt-4o #219

Open The-Erf opened 1 month ago

The-Erf commented 1 month ago

Hello What I have in mind is that gpt can analyze the images of the cameras connected to the home assistant for example : How many people do you see on the camera? Or what is the color of their clothes? Do they look suspicious?

In the first step, I tried to set its language model to gpt-4o in the extended open ai conversion settings as a result : The response speed is relatively better But when I asked him to analyze the camera images, he replied that I don't have access to cameras or that I don't have the ability to process images.

After a little searching, I found this: I installed it and after 1 day I succeeded! in such a way that When I say open ai conversion "what do you see?" 1- My automation or script is executed 2- A photo is taken from the camera I specified 3-Then I send that photo to ha-gpt4vision 4- The response of ha-gpt4vision is converted to sound with tts

If I'm honest, the result is good. lol:) But its problems are many For example, it is very limited Or sometimes its tts sound interferes with openai conversion (tts sounds are played at the same time)

Or I have to write a lot of scripts to run ha-gpt4vision (for example, if the word x is said, take a picture and analyze the picture. If the word b is said, take a picture and say what it is used for. If the word c is said, take a picture and tell if the person in the picture is suspicious or not. In this way, you have to write a lot of scripts to analyze each different photo

I'm looking for a way to not write scripts For example, extended open ai conversion can directly access the cameras, and when we say for example, what do you see in the camera? Analyze the camera image in real time with GPT-4O

In the end, I hope I have explained correctly and you understand because I used Google translator ♥

jleinenbach commented 1 month ago

So you have issues with your workflow. ha-gpt4vision uses a service you could use, but input needs to be an image. Your goal needs to be that the response of ha-gpt4vision gets back to your conversation.

So I'd recommend that you write an Extended OpenAI Conversation script that includes the complete workflow. Note: All response variables are dicts!

Here's a template I generated for you with ChatGPT without modifying it, but so that you have an idea how to start:

- spec:
    name: capture_and_analyze_photo
    description: >
      Captures a photo, sends the URL to the ha-gpt4vision service, and retrieves the description of the photo.
      type: object
          type: string
          description: The entity_id of the camera to capture the photo from.
        - camera_entity_id
    type: composite
      - type: script
          - service: camera.snapshot
              entity_id: "{{ camera_entity_id }}"
              filename: "/config/www/tmp/photo.jpg"
          - service: homeassistant.update_entity
              entity_id: "{{ camera_entity_id }}"
        response_variable: photo_url
      - type: template
        value_template: >
          {{ "http://your-home-assistant-url:8123/local/tmp/photo.jpg" }}
        response_variable: photo_url
      - type: script
          - service: ha-gpt4vision.analyze_photo
              photo_url: "{{ photo_url }}"
        response_variable: photo_description
      - type: template
        value_template: >
          {{ photo_description }}
        response_variable: final_description
mkammes commented 1 month ago

Uploading a picture to a vision complaint OpenAI model was added to Extended OpenAI Conversation several months ago, @jleinenbach @The-Erf .

You can use a sentence trigger through the HA GUI with keywords to trigger what kind of image analysis you want or simply ask in your native language and let ChatGPT "understand" what you say.

The-Erf commented 1 month ago

Uploading a picture to a vision complaint OpenAI model was added to Extended OpenAI Conversation several months ago, @jleinenbach @The-Erf .

You can use a sentence trigger through the HA GUI with keywords to trigger what kind of image analysis you want or simply ask in your native language and let ChatGPT "understand" what you say.

Tanks can you Explain more ؟

mkammes commented 1 month ago

The developer outlines it here:

valentinfrlch commented 1 month ago

This spec, as taken from this post, allows you to chat with Extended OpenAI about an image (multiple images if you want):

- spec:
    name: vision
    description: Analyze images
      type: object
          type: string
          description: Analyze the images as requested by the user
      - request
    type: script
    - service: gpt4vision.image_analyzer
        max_tokens: 400
        message: "{{request}}"
        image_file: |-
        provider: OpenAI
        model: gpt-4-vision-preview
        target_width: 1280
        temperature: 0.5
      response_variable: _function_result
ChristianEvc commented 1 week ago

@valentinfrlch Super beginner question here, but where do I add the spec for this to work, please? I'm just getting started with Home Assistant, so still figuring things out. Greatful for any guidance anyone can give on this!

valentinfrlch commented 1 week ago

So I assume you have installed OpenAI Extended Conversation.

  1. Go to Settings > Devices & services > Extended OpenAI Conversation
  2. You should see your entry here, if not, you need to add the integration first.
  3. Click the configure button. There should be a "Functions" text field in the dialog. This is where the specs go.

The spec posted here has also been updated. You can find the updated version in the wiki of gpt4vision

Also note that you need to install gpt4vision (a separate integration) for this spec to work. You can do so through HACS, just follow the instructions here.

ChristianEvc commented 1 week ago

Thanks very much. I had an existing spec, so wasn't sure wether to replace or append, but seems like append is the way to go. Thank you @valentinfrlch !