jekhokie / raspberry-noaa-v2

V2 of the fantastic Raspberry Pi NOAA setup
GNU General Public License v3.0
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[Error] Bias T only appears to switch on for one pass after system restart #1016

Closed ShianMull closed 1 month ago

ShianMull commented 1 month ago

I’ve recently updated to the latest code to include the Meteor M2-x satellites. I de-installed the old version of Raspberry NOAA and installed the new version, with apparent success.

I revised the Config file to include my preferred settings, which includes enabling the 5V Bias T setting as I use an RTL-SDR V3 with compatible RTL-SDR amplifier (both RTL-SDR Blog kit). Note that all worked very well in the previous version of software and I reliably received NOAA images extending from southern Europe to top of Greenland etc images.

However, with the new version, I seem to be able to receive one pass that works well, but all subsequent passes have very poor reception and it looks like the Bias T powering the RTL-SDR amplifier may have been turned off after the first pass, but does not turn on for subsequent passes until I reboot the RPi - I can’t see the green light turn on the amplifier. Passes after the first one (for NOAA) barely cover the UK (and are noisy), whilst subsequent Meteor passes do not process at all.

I’m a bit stumped as to what might be happening here?

Support Output Paste the output of running the ./ script here.

============================================= Details about environment

Current local date/time: Thu 18 Jul 09:32:54 BST 2024 Current date/time (ms): 1721291574 Repo git hash: ef65cfac5c87fc2d44a3f952f581f28c7dafcc3c Raspberry Pi Model: Raspberry Pi 4 Model B Rev 1.4 Architecture: Linux RaspiNOAA 5.15.32-v7l+ #1538 SMP Thu Mar 31 19:39:41 BST 2022 armv7l GNU/Linux Num CPUs: 4

'at' Scheduled Jobs (Captures):

Using device 0: Generic RTL2832U OEM Found Rafael Micro R820T tuner

Current configuration:

Vendor ID: 0x0bda Product ID: 0x2838 Manufacturer: Realtek Product: RTL2838UHIDIR Serial number: 00000001 Serial number enabled: yes IR endpoint enabled: yes Remote wakeup enabled: no

Database tables: predict_passes => CREATE TABLE predict_passes( sat_name text not null, pass_start timestamp primary key default (strftime('%s', 'now')) not null, pass_end timestamp default (strftime('%s', 'now')) not null, max_elev int not null, is_active boolean, pass_start_azimuth int, direction text, azimuth_at_max int, at_job_id int not null default 0);

decoded_passes => CREATE TABLE decoded_passes( id integer primary key autoincrement, pass_start integer, file_path text not null, daylight_pass boolean, is_noaa boolean, sat_type integer, img_count integer, has_spectrogram boolean default 0, has_pristine boolean default 0, gain real, has_polar_az_el boolean default 0, has_polar_direction boolean default 0, has_histogram boolean default 0, foreign key(pass_start) references passes(pass_start));

ShianMull commented 1 month ago

It would also appear that auto gain does not work in this latest version either. Worked fine in previous versions of the code, so not sure what has changed?

creas002 commented 1 month ago

There was a short time that there was version had an issue with gain parameter being passed correctly. Can you report the output of having run the following command please?

cat $HOME/raspberry-noaa-v2/.git/config

Would you be interested in Beta Testing the next Raspberry-NOAA-V2 which includes 64-bit support?

OS requirements : Debian 11 or 12 (32-bit or 64-bit)

Please follow these steps to ensure best outcome.

Installation steps:

1) Perform a fresh OS install

2) Install the latest OS updates.

sudo apt update sudo apt -y full-upgrade sudo reboot

3) Use github for pulling the RN2 bookworm-support branch down.

cd $HOME git clone --depth 1 -b aarch64-support

4) Modify settings.yml as you normally would (There is a new parameter called enable_coronal)

vi $HOME/raspberry-noaa-v2/config/settings.yml

5) Execute the install script

cd $HOME/raspberry-noaa-v2 ./

4) New feature - Execute the Verification Tool and look for any unacceptable failures

$HOME/raspberry-noaa-v2/scripts/tools/verification_tool/ quick

NOTE * If you need to remove RN2, execute the uninstall script


ShianMull commented 1 month ago

Output from cat command is:

[core] repositoryformatversion = 0 filemode = true bare = false logallrefupdates = true [remote "origin"] url = fetch = +refs/heads/master:refs/remotes/origin/master [branch "master"] remote = origin merge = refs/heads/master

I’ll certainly have a look at the Beta testing the latest. What typical aspects should I be aware of for this beta version?

Many thanks.

creas002 commented 1 month ago

I’ll certainly have a look at the Beta testing the latest. What typical aspects should I be aware of for this beta version?

I'm not sure I understand the question. There are a number of incremental fixes in this version that are not in the MASTER version you are presently running, so our hopes is a better experience for users as well as supporting 64-bit OS.

ShianMull commented 1 month ago

I was just asking if there was anything in the Beta version you would specifically like tested, but I’m guessing by your response, you’re just seeing if it works on my system.

After a card failure, I have now successfully installed the beta version and it does seem to be working well. Bias Tee is working and I’ve played with a few options and config to confirm it’s nominally more stable on a RPi4 B+ running Bookworm than the master release. I’ll keep an eye on it over the next day or two, but thank you for the pointer to the 64-bit compatible beta version.

creas002 commented 1 month ago

You are welcome. Thank you for testing and happy to read its seems to be working for you.


ShianMull commented 1 month ago

All seems good today as well. May I ask if there is code in any of the branches for the original V2 Home Screen that displays processor usage, sunspot activity, etc? I’d love to keep that going if possible.

creas002 commented 1 month ago

All seems good today as well. May I ask if there is code in any of the branches for the original V2 Home Screen that displays processor usage, sunspot activity, etc? I’d love to keep that going if possible.

RN2 is a stripped down version which only install the things needed to receive and process APT telemetry. I am going to guess that you are referring to the utilities that someone else is bundling together in the pre-built images that can be installed on a Micro SDCard to get you going quickly. I believe the README references those installation paths under the heading of

"Super Easy setup: Use a maintained image"

, but its my understanding that those images lag the development and code fixes the we develop here.

ShianMull commented 1 month ago

Ok, no worries. Many thanks for your help.

creas002 commented 1 month ago

Absolutely. I'm pleased that things are working correctly for you.. Regards