Closed DirtyF closed 6 years ago
Just installed jekyll and jekyll docs.
I see the above behaviour:
ewan@starbug:~$ jekyll docs --version
But also, (and more seriously) I can't get at docs at all:
ewan@starbug:~$ jekyll docs
You must install the 'jekyll-docs' gem version = 3.6.2 to use the 'jekyll docs' command.
ewan@starbug:~$ jekyll _3.6.2_ docs
You must install the 'jekyll-docs' gem version = 3.6.2 to use the 'jekyll docs' command.
But this is the version I have installed:
ewan@starbug:~$ gem list jekyll
*** LOCAL GEMS ***
jekyll (3.6.2)
jekyll-docs (3.6.2)
jekyll-sass-converter (1.5.0)
jekyll-watch (1.5.0)
I'm running Ruby 2.4.1 on Debian Stretch.
$ gem list docs
*** LOCAL GEMS ***
jekyll-docs (
Please make sure you have latest patched version and that you're not running jekyll docs
in a folder with a Gemfile
Uninstalled and reinstalled, but no difference in behaviour (see below).
Do I need to build locally rather than just run gem install?
ewan@starbug:~$ gem list docs
*** LOCAL GEMS ***
jekyll-docs (3.6.2)
ewan@starbug:~$ gem uninstall jekyll-docs
Successfully uninstalled jekyll-docs-3.6.2
ewan@starbug:~$ gem install jekyll-docs -v
Fetching: jekyll-docs-3.6.2.gem (100%)
Successfully installed jekyll-docs-3.6.2
Parsing documentation for jekyll-docs-3.6.2
Installing ri documentation for jekyll-docs-3.6.2
Done installing documentation for jekyll-docs after 1 seconds
1 gem installed
ewan@starbug:~$ jekyll docs
You must install the 'jekyll-docs' gem version = 3.6.2 to use the 'jekyll docs' command.
ewan@starbug:~$ ls -al Gemfile
ls: cannot access 'Gemfile': No such file or directory
Edit: looks like this option isn't implemented.