jekyll / jekyll-import

:inbox_tray: The "jekyll import" command for importing from various blogs to Jekyll format.
MIT License
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uninitialized constant JekyllImport::VERSION (NameError) #535

Closed sgofferj closed 6 months ago

sgofferj commented 6 months ago

System: Ubuntu 22.04

Any call of jekyll import leads to

/var/lib/gems/3.0.0/gems/jekyll-import-0.23.0/exe/jekyll-import:13:in `block in <top (required)>': uninitialized constant JekyllImport::VERSION (NameError)
        from /var/lib/gems/3.0.0/gems/mercenary-0.4.0/lib/mercenary.rb:20:in `program'
        from /var/lib/gems/3.0.0/gems/jekyll-import-0.23.0/exe/jekyll-import:12:in `<top (required)>'
        from /usr/local/bin/jekyll-import:25:in `load'
        from /usr/local/bin/jekyll-import:25:in `<main>'

Unfortunately, I don't know anything about ruby, so I don't know what/how to provide additional info.

tramtrist commented 6 months ago

Same error here

parkr commented 6 months ago

What command exactly are you running?

tramtrist commented 6 months ago

For me it was just as the tutorial on the site said jekyll-import blogger --source blog-02-02-2024.xml --no-blogger-info --replace-internal-link --comments

sgofferj commented 6 months ago

jekyll-import drupal8 --dbname "drupal" --user "root" --engine "mysql" --password "xxxxxxxxxx" --host ""

parkr commented 6 months ago

0.24.0 released.