jellAIfish / neuralLace

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Q & A for "Stable long-term chronic brain mapping at the single-neuron level" #1

Closed quinnliu closed 7 years ago

quinnliu commented 7 years ago

Link to paper

Q1: what is stable multiplexed local field potentials and single-unit recordings in mouse brains for at least 8 months without probe repositioning mean exactly? Specifically what is multiplexed local field potentials?

quinnliu commented 7 years ago

ANSWERED :) Q2: How does the neural lace attach to a specific area in the brain? A2: injection by needle precision of ~20 um

quinnliu commented 7 years ago

Q3: What is photolithography? possible A3: video possible A3:

quinnliu commented 7 years ago

Q4: what does 16-channel mesh electronics mean? A4:

The overall design (Supplementary Fig. 2) consisted of an array of 16 recording or stimulation electrodes at one end addressed individually by metal interconnects and terminated with input–output (I–O) pads at the opposite end of the mesh structure.

quinnliu commented 7 years ago

Q5: what is local field potentials? A5: voltages across electrodes.

quinnliu commented 7 years ago

Q6: Page 2 "The constant single-unit amplitudes and similar spike firing patterns over time suggested that these data might correspond to signals from the same neurons and neural circuits. This doesn't sound very sure?

markroxor commented 7 years ago

Q7: Neurofilament (red), NeuN (yellow), GFAP (cyan) and iba-1 (purple) fluorescence intensity normalized against background values (gray dashed horizontal lines) plotted versus distance from the interface

What are these things?

markroxor commented 7 years ago

Q8: Principal component analysis (PCA), which can define the number and stability of recorded single-neuron signals over time28,30, of representative sorted spikes

How is PCA relevant here?

markroxor commented 7 years ago

Q9: Astrocytes and microglia were slightly enriched up to 100–300 µm from the probe surface. Hence, the observed amplitude increase during the first weeks postinjection could be associated with recovery from acute implantation damage via gradual removal of astrocytes and microglia.

What are these chemicals for?

markroxor commented 7 years ago

Q10: Where is supplementary fig 10?

markroxor commented 7 years ago

Q11: What is a peristimulus spike raster plot?

quinnliu commented 7 years ago

Q12: Did they kill the rats after the experiment to look at "horizontal brain slices at 6 and 12 weeks postinjection"?

is it important? they might have, they might not have.

quinnliu commented 7 years ago

Q13: How da fuck are they tracking the electrical signals to get Figure 2 a?

quinnliu commented 7 years ago

Q14: What is Figure 2 b

quinnliu commented 7 years ago

Q15: What is Figure 2 d

quinnliu commented 7 years ago

Q16: What is Figure 2 e