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q: how to build an safe neural lace as fast as possible? #8

Closed quinnliu closed 7 years ago

quinnliu commented 7 years ago

Answer 1

mesh electronics with Harvard team Lieber group

quinnliu commented 7 years ago

Answer 2

Build 20 million nanorobots injected into the blood stream per human to monitor 20 billion neurons in each human neocortex.

But if we think about what we really want to do it is to capture what an idea is in a brain and send it to a computer to be interpreted and understood immediately.

so the question we have to answer before Q1 is Q0 What is an idea in the human brain?

Definition The collection of all connections in the neural circuit and which neurons “fire” during a discrete time interval in the brain

Then the question we need to answer first is Q-1: how do we monitor the entire neocortex for an idea and send it to another neural lace to be interpreted as fast as possible?

Answer 1 to Q-1: state of the art right now is mesh electronics but I don’t think this technique is scalable to monitor the whole neocortex

Answer 2 to Q-1 we build a nanorobot community that we inject into the blood stream and have them live in each human brain by the millions.

Each nano-robots responsibilities would include:

  1. Using computer vision build a model of the human brain in the cloud so that whenever an idea is thought of it can be immediately interpreted by a computer. We do not need the nano-robots to be able to excite a user B's brain as the computer will be able to create a mini-movie to explain the concept to user B through user B's eyes.

The unfortunate thing is that this is going to be harder than building human level AI and we have to build it before human level AI which might be here within 15 years.

quinnliu commented 7 years ago

Answer 3

Elon's neural link


markroxor commented 7 years ago

The least straight-forward way - A controlled zombie virus affecting the central nervous system rendering it to release certain chemicals in a more controlled manner. As of now few viruses are known to control the way human brain works or alter its functionality. -

The team was able to identify two compounds, guanidinobutyric acid (GBA) and sphingosine, that are likely involved in zombifying its two hosts — these two compounds also appear to play a role in some neurological disorders, the researchers note. They found many other candidate compounds as well, but are unable to identify them yet.

the fungus secretes a specific array of chemicals that allows it to manipulate the behavior of C. castaneus and C. americanus, but not other ants.

@markroxor can u formulate this into a possible neural lace device?

quinnliu commented 7 years ago

Answer 4

Theodore Berger of University of Southern California, in Los Angeles, has proposed that brain implants might be used to store and retrieve memories.

Kernel recently bought Kendall Research Systems, a spin-off from MIT that builds devices which use light, rather than electricity, to stimulate the brain.


quinnliu commented 7 years ago

Answer 5

At Florida International University, in Miami, led by Sakhrat Khizroev. Dr Khizroev and his team use magnetoelectric particles so tiny that they can interact with the electric field generated by an individual nerve cell. The team inject these particles, tens of billions at a time, into a vein in a rat's tail, then drag them into the animal's brain using magnets. Each particle produces an electric field when stimulated by an external magnetic field.


quinnliu commented 7 years ago

Answer 6

Another approach, being pioneered by Jose Carmena of the University of California, Berkeley, and his colleagues, uses devices the size of a grain of rice to convert ultrasonic energy beamed towards them into electricity that can stimulate nerve or muscle cells. Ultrasound travels through the body, so can power and control such devices without wires.