jellekralt / Responsive-Tabs

Responsive Tabs is a jQuery plugin that provides responsive tab functionality. The tabs transform to an accordion when it reaches a CSS breakpoint. You can use this plugin as a solution for displaying tabs elegantly on desktop, tablet and mobile.
MIT License
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IE7 and IE8 #16

Closed silverdragon686 closed 10 years ago

silverdragon686 commented 10 years ago

Thanks for continuing the work on this! Unfortunately, neither IE7 or IE8 are working for me. I did update the code from your fix on 3/31/14, but I'm still getting the same results that were shown in Issue #14. ie8_screenshot ie7_screenshot Now I'm viewing these in the IE Emulator on my machine, but have tested the demo URL on a machine with a WIN XP/IE8 setup with the same results. Normally I wouldn't bother with outdated versions of IE, but IE8/IE7 makes up over 11% of our user base. Plus 90% of our company employees are still operating with XP/IE8, and they need to use the site!

jellekralt commented 10 years ago

Hi silverdragon,

Weird stuff :confused:, I've tested the same demo page on browserstack in IE8 and everything seems to work fine. It even seems to work (technically, not css-wise :grin:) on IE7, which the plugin doesn't even officially supports :grinning:. Can you maybe check if you get errors on IE8? screen shot 2014-04-22 at 20 04 01

silverdragon686 commented 10 years ago

Sorry I've taken so long to reply; got busy with other projects!

I haven't been able to test anything yet, but at this point I'm going to say "Oh well!" and move on. We've actually updated our office computers in the mean time, so those employees working with the IE8/WinXP machines are now up to IE11/Win7 (and they were the ones I was most concerned about). I'll just add a disclaimer on the website that the page is best viewed at IE9 and above, and we no longer support IE8 and lower. :)

Thanks for your help!

jellekralt commented 10 years ago

No problem! You're welcome :).