jellespijker / pymech

Continuation for this project is stopped. Focus is now on the MechEng modules ( ) A Python module for mechanical engineers. Project which is mostly based on the books of Roloff / Matek (Machineonderdelen), Hibbeler (Statics, Mechanics and Dynamics), Kals (Industriele productie) and R. Mott (Applied Fluid Mechanics). Al calculations are unit/dimension save. Using IPython / Jupyter a report can be generated in LaTeX, html or PDF Currently implemented: * Force method calculation for a simple beam * Unit based calculations * Axle calculation * Material properties
MIT License
9 stars 3 forks source link

Fluid module #8

Open jellespijker opened 7 years ago

jellespijker commented 7 years ago

Based upon Applied Fluid Mechanics, Global Edition

jellespijker commented 7 years ago

pipes, valves and fittings are to be defined in a Graph network. Serial and Parallel flow networks should be able to auto solve. This means that appart from the normal flow mechanics, Graph theory should be applied.