jellewie / Arduino-Smart-light

A smart 3D printed light clock/lamp, that includes, but is not limited to; WIFI and manual control, Clock mode, multiple animations, and transitions.
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ClockAnalog flow around #43

Closed jellewie closed 3 years ago

jellewie commented 3 years ago

So I removed some code I didn't know what it would do, but now I do and I see the issue.

ClockAnalog has an formula exp(-2,7 x)255 or something. But for when it's at the start/begin, the curve is wrong since it does not wrap around. I fixed this my moving it +30 and then -30 so the curve would piek/curve would always be in vieuw.

Isue now: ClockAnalog does not wrap around nicely at LED[0] and LED[59]