jellewie / Unity-Gnorts

Gnorts an RTS unity game
11 stars 7 forks source link

Woodcutter (gets wood) #41

Open jellewie opened 5 years ago

jellewie commented 5 years ago

2x3 with a 2*2 building and a 2 wide wood storage next to it When clicked on an option 'move by Oz' can be clicked (this also sets the new place default). This will disable the woodcutter itself from moving the wood to the stockpile, and store a little wood (1 load) at the woodcutter building that can be moved by Ox. AI to the building, 4x get a log (stored in the building). Then saw the logs, then either place then on the side of the building, or walk them to the stockpile
When no exist and no planks in stock this building is free (probably to hard to exploit?). Production, the woodcutter will produce 5 planks for each log (thus 20 planks per run)