jellydn / hurl.nvim

Hurl.nvim is a Neovim plugin designed to run HTTP requests directly from `.hurl` files. Elevate your API development workflow by executing and viewing responses without leaving your editor.
MIT License
148 stars 15 forks source link

Getting errors while running in simple hurl file with :HurlVerbose #89

Closed TimPelgrim closed 6 months ago

TimPelgrim commented 6 months ago


Have tried with multiple files, each resulting in the following error:

Error executing Lua callback: ...lgrim/.local/share/nvim/lazy/hurl.nvim/lua/hurl/main.lua:419: attempt to concatenate field 'start_line' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
    ...lgrim/.local/share/nvim/lazy/hurl.nvim/lua/hurl/main.lua:419: in function <...lgrim/.local/share/nvim/lazy/hurl.nvim/lua/hurl/main.lua:390>

I installed with the basic config using LazyVim, specificly this lua file:

return {
  dependencies = { "MunifTanjim/nui.nvim" },
  ft = "hurl",
  opts = {
    -- Show debugging info
    debug = false,
    -- Show notification on run
    show_notification = false,
    -- Show response in popup or split
    mode = "split",
    -- Default formatter
    formatters = {
      json = { "jq" }, -- Make sure you have install jq in your system, e.g: brew install jq
      html = {
        "prettier", -- Make sure you have install prettier in your system, e.g: npm install -g prettier
  keys = {
    -- Run API request
    { "<leader>A", "<cmd>HurlRunner<CR>", desc = "Run All requests" },
    { "<leader>a", "<cmd>HurlRunnerAt<CR>", desc = "Run Api request" },
    { "<leader>te", "<cmd>HurlRunnerToEntry<CR>", desc = "Run Api request to entry" },
    { "<leader>tm", "<cmd>HurlToggleMode<CR>", desc = "Hurl Toggle Mode" },
    { "<leader>tv", "<cmd>HurlVerbose<CR>", desc = "Run Api in verbose mode" },
    -- Run Hurl request in visual mode
    { "<leader>h", ":HurlRunner<CR>", desc = "Hurl Runner", mode = "v" },

<details open>

- [X] Modify `lua/hurl/main.lua` ✓ [Edit](
- [ ] Running GitHub Actions for `lua/hurl/main.lua` ⋯  [Edit](
sweep-ai[bot] commented 6 months ago

🚀 Here's the PR! #90

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GitHub Actions✓

Here are the GitHub Actions logs prior to making any changes:

Sandbox logs for e3c0fb4
Checking lua/hurl/main.lua for syntax errors... ✅ lua/hurl/main.lua has no syntax errors! 1/1 ✓
Checking lua/hurl/main.lua for syntax errors...
✅ lua/hurl/main.lua has no syntax errors!

Sandbox passed on the latest main, so sandbox checks will be enabled for this issue.

Step 1: 🔎 Searching

I found the following snippets in your repository. I will now analyze these snippets and come up with a plan.

Some code snippets I think are relevant in decreasing order of relevance (click to expand). If some file is missing from here, you can mention the path in the ticket description.

Step 2: ⌨️ Coding

@@ -353,7 +353,11 @@
       run_at_lines(result.start_line, result.end_line, opts.fargs)
-      utils.log_info('hurl: not HTTP method found in the current line' .. result.start_line)
+      if result.start_line then
+        utils.log_info('hurl: not HTTP method found in the current line ' .. result.start_line)
+      else
+        utils.log_info('hurl: no HTTP method found in the current line')
+      end
       utils.notify('hurl: no HTTP method found in the current line', vim.log.levels.INFO)
   end, { nargs = '*', range = true })
@@ -416,7 +420,11 @@
-      utils.log_info('hurl: not HTTP method found in the current line' .. result.start_line)
+      if result.start_line then
+        utils.log_info('hurl: not HTTP method found in the current line ' .. result.start_line)
+      else
+        utils.log_info('hurl: no HTTP method found in the current line')
+      end
       utils.notify('hurl: no HTTP method found in the current line', vim.log.levels.INFO)
   end, { nargs = '*', range = true })

Ran GitHub Actions for fed85aa9c948dbff083e30212f8b568f03daa58f:
• pandoc to vimdoc:

Step 3: 🔁 Code Review

I have finished reviewing the code for completeness. I did not find errors for sweep/getting_errors_while_running_in_simple_h.

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jellydn commented 6 months ago

Hi @TimPelgrim Thank you for your report. Could you check again with latest version? It should work now.