jellyfin / jellyfin-androidtv

Android TV Client for Jellyfin
GNU General Public License v2.0
2.92k stars 497 forks source link

Dolby Vision + Android TV #1271

Closed gyCfjSnO closed 2 years ago

gyCfjSnO commented 3 years ago

Describe the bug

I am trying to play Dolby Vision content on my Android TV with two different servers and have been unsuccessful, I am getting the washed out purple/green colours for files that don't have SDR fallback.

Dolby Vision content is able to be direct streamed/played using Plex AND Emby so don't know why Jellyfin can't do it?

I tried Google for a fix but couldn't find any suitable, I did learn that it should work on latest app which is what I am using.


11-27 16:38:00.010  4337  4337 E AgentTimeActionReceiver: {DT} CAUTION: time sync feature is not enabled
11-27 16:38:00.010  4337  4337 E TimeMsgProcess: {DT} msgTpye:14
11-27 16:38:03.594  2069 25756 D mtdrm_WV: MTAL: _oecc44 OEMCrypto_GetHDCPCapability entry 
11-27 16:38:03.594  2069 25756 D mtdrm_WV: MTAL: _oecc44 OEMCrypto_GetHDCPCapability exist current=255,maximum=255
11-27 16:38:04.260  3072  3072 V HotPlugDetectionAction: Poll all devices.
11-27 16:38:04.997 10377 10396 D UEI.SmartControl: checkWifiSSID: Network info - [type: WIFI[], state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: (none), failover: false, available: true, roaming: false]
11-27 16:38:04.997 10377 10396 D UEI.SmartControl: checkWifiSSID: SSID = 
11-27 16:38:06.668  3072  3072 D JobScheduler.Time: Setting alarmType=ELAPSED_WAKEUP alarmTag=*job.delay* whenElapsed=+2m18s967ms workSource=WorkSource{10164 com.discovery.discoveryplus.androidtv} uid=10164 package=com.discovery.discoveryplus.androidtv tag="*job*/com.discovery.discoveryplus.androidtv/"
11-27 16:38:06.668  3072  3235 D AlarmManager: Wakeup history#0 Wakeup alarmType=ELAPSED_WAKEUP package=android wakeups=1770 alarms=1770 whenElapsed=0 when=0 nowRTC=2021-11-27 16:37:00 workSource=WorkSource{10036} uid=1000 tag="*walarm*:*job.delay*"
11-27 16:38:06.668  3072  3235 D AlarmManager: Wakeup history#1 Wakeup alarmType=ELAPSED_WAKEUP package=android wakeups=1771 alarms=1771 whenElapsed=-6s568ms when=-6s568ms nowRTC=2021-11-27 16:37:36 workSource=WorkSource{10036} uid=1000 tag="*walarm*:*job.delay*"
11-27 16:38:06.668  3072  3235 D AlarmManager: Wakeup history#2 Wakeup alarmType=ELAPSED_WAKEUP package=android wakeups=276 alarms=276 whenElapsed=0 when=0 nowRTC=2021-11-27 16:37:36 workSource=null uid=1000 tag="*walarm*:WifiConnectivityManager Schedule Periodic Scan Timer"
11-27 16:38:06.669  3072  3235 D AlarmManager: Wakeup alarmType=ELAPSED_WAKEUP package=android wakeups=1772 alarms=1772 whenElapsed=0 when=0 nowRTC=2021-11-27 16:38:06 workSource=WorkSource{10036} uid=1000 tag="*walarm*:*job.delay*"
11-27 16:38:06.688  3072  3502 D JobScheduler.Time: Setting alarmType=ELAPSED_WAKEUP alarmTag=*job.delay* whenElapsed=+2m18s946ms workSource=WorkSource{10164 com.discovery.discoveryplus.androidtv} uid=10164 package=com.discovery.discoveryplus.androidtv tag="*job*/com.discovery.discoveryplus.androidtv/"
11-27 16:38:06.692  3072  3502 D JobScheduler.Time: Setting alarmType=ELAPSED_WAKEUP alarmTag=*job.deadline* whenElapsed=+32m21s787ms workSource=WorkSource{10007} uid=10007 tag="*job*/"
11-27 16:38:06.698  3072  3502 D JobScheduler.Time: Setting alarmType=ELAPSED_WAKEUP alarmTag=*job.delay* whenElapsed=+30s0ms workSource=WorkSource{10036} uid=10036 tag="*job*/"
11-27 16:38:06.701  3072  3502 D JobScheduler.Time: Setting alarmType=ELAPSED_WAKEUP alarmTag=*job.deadline* whenElapsed=+59s996ms workSource=WorkSource{10036} uid=10036 tag="*job*/"
11-27 16:38:07.157  2597  2637 D SurfaceFlinger: getDisplayConfigs hwc config w:1920 h:1080
11-27 16:38:07.157  3072  3502 I AudioService: registerAudioPolicy for android.os.BinderProxy@123a461 with
11-27 16:38:07.158  3072  3251 D KeyResponseManager: setLed: onMs=200, offMs=0, windowMs=100
11-27 16:38:07.158  2062  3036 I audio_hal: [adev_set_parameters:584]kvpairs = -581846373:ap:81mixr:0=;connect=32768
11-27 16:38:07.158  2062  3029 V libmvs  : adev_set_parameters adev 0xec327e60 params -581846373:ap:81mixr:0=;connect=32768
11-27 16:38:07.158  2595 17214 I AudioFlinger: openOutput() this 0xe746a000, module 34 Device 0x8000, SamplingRate 48000, Format 0x000001, Channels 0x3, flags 0
11-27 16:38:07.159  2062  3036 D r_submix: adev_open_output_stream(address=-581846373:ap:81mixr:0)
11-27 16:38:07.159  2062  3036 D r_submix: submix_audio_device_create_pipe_l(addr=-581846373:ap:81mixr:0, idx=9)
11-27 16:38:07.159  2062  3036 D r_submix:   now using address -581846373:ap:81mixr:0 for route 9
11-27 16:38:07.160  2597  2637 D SurfaceFlinger: getDisplayConfigs hwc config w:1920 h:1080
11-27 16:38:07.160  2595 17214 I AudioFlinger: HAL output buffer size 1024 frames, normal sink buffer size 1024 frames
11-27 16:38:07.161  2595 22315 I AudioFlinger: AudioFlinger's thread 0xe4d83e40 tid=22315 ready to run
11-27 16:38:07.162  2595 22315 D AudioFlinger: will be ignored for threads on AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_REMOTE_SUBMIX
11-27 16:38:07.163  2062  3036 I r_submix: out_standby()
11-27 16:38:07.164  2595 22315 D AudioFlinger: will be ignored for threads on AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_REMOTE_SUBMIX
11-27 16:38:07.170  3804  3817 V AtvRemote.ABridgeX: AudioPolicy is registered in 13ms
11-27 16:38:07.172  3489  4193 D AudioOutputService: onAudioPortListUpdate() device = 262144
11-27 16:38:07.173  3489  4193 D AudioOutputService: getHdmiConnectionState() connection detected. getDeviceType:5
11-27 16:38:07.174  3072  3295 W AudioService: handleDeviceConnection() failed, deviceKey=0x40000:, deviceSpec=[type:0x40000 name: address:], connect=true
11-27 16:38:07.175  3489  4193 D AudioOutputService: #### updateAudioPath() connect device for eARC HdmiSystemAudioSupported:true
11-27 16:38:07.175  3489  4193 D TV_MtkTvConfig: Enter setConfigValue, inputGroup=-1, cfgId=g_audio__bt_hp_conn_st, value=0, isUpdate=3
11-27 16:38:07.175  3489  4193 D MtkTvConfig_jni: MtkTvConfig Java_com_mediatek_twoworlds_tv_TVNative_setConfigValue_1native
11-27 16:38:07.175  3489  4193 D hw_mtktvapi_config(client): <a_mtktvapi_config_set_value:72> a_mtktvapi_config_set_value
11-27 16:38:07.175  2594 27932 D MtkTvApiConfig(service): <a_hidl_a_mtktvapi_config_set_value:79> [Return ]ARG=[g_audio__bt_hp_conn_st]
11-27 16:38:07.175  2594 27932 D MtkTvApiConfig(service): <a_hidl_a_mtktvapi_config_set_value:81> [Return ]ARG=[0]
11-27 16:38:07.176  3489  4193 D hw_mtktvapi_config(client): <a_mtktvapi_config_set_value:80> a_mtktvapi_config_set_value  i4_value=0, i4_ret=0
11-27 16:38:07.176  3489  4193 D MtkTvConfig_jni: setConfigValue_native inputGroup = -1,s_cfgid = g_audio__bt_hp_conn_st,value = 0 ,isUpdate = 3
11-27 16:38:07.176  3489  4193 D TV_MtkTvConfig: Leave setConfigValue, return value = 0
11-27 16:38:07.176  3489  4193 D AudioOutputService: updateAudioPath() BT_HP Connectio status off result:0
11-27 16:38:07.176  3489  4193 D AudioOutputService: updateAudioPath() results 
11-27 16:38:07.176  3489  4193 D AudioOutputService: SPK       = false
11-27 16:38:07.176  3489  4193 D AudioOutputService: HP        = false
11-27 16:38:07.176  3489  4193 D AudioOutputService: HDMI ARC  = true
11-27 16:38:07.176  3489  4193 D AudioOutputService: SPDIF     = true
11-27 16:38:07.176  3489  4193 D AudioOutputService: BT        = false
11-27 16:38:07.176  3489  4193 D MtkTvSonyCustom_jni: 0: 2
11-27 16:38:07.176  3489  4193 D (hw_mtal)(client): <MTDRVCUST_dcustom_cust_spec_set:409> ####  call MTDRVCUST_dcustom_cust_spec_set
11-27 16:38:07.177  2594 27932 D MtkTvApi(service): <a_hidl_MTDRVCUST_dcustom_cust_spec_set:1438> enter a_hidl_MTDRVCUST_dcustom_cust_spec_set(131461,0)
11-27 16:38:07.178  2594 27932 D MtkTvApi(service): <a_hidl_MTDRVCUST_dcustom_cust_spec_set:1440> exit a_hidl_MTDRVCUST_dcustom_cust_spec_set,return 0
11-27 16:38:07.178  3489  4193 D (hw_mtal)(client): <MTDRVCUST_dcustom_cust_spec_set:412> ####  mt_ret=0 #### 
11-27 16:38:07.178  3489  4193 D D_INTERFACE: jni_d_interface_set_BePqParam, i4_ret=0
11-27 16:38:07.178  3489  4193 D MtkTvSony: setBePqGeneralParam ret = 0
11-27 16:38:07.186  3337  3337 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onFinishInput():3466 
11-27 16:38:07.186  3337  3337 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onStartInput():2045 
11-27 16:38:07.188  2597  2637 D SurfaceFlinger: getDisplayConfigs hwc config w:1920 h:1080
11-27 16:38:07.188  3337  3337 I DeviceUnlockedTag: DeviceUnlockedTag.notifyDeviceLockStatusChanged():38 Notify device unlocked.
11-27 16:38:07.189  2597  2637 D SurfaceFlinger: getDisplayConfigs hwc config w:1920 h:1080
11-27 16:38:08.026  2597  2898 D SurfaceFlinger: getDisplayConfigs hwc config w:1920 h:1080
11-27 16:38:08.027  3072  3251 D KeyResponseManager: setLed: onMs=200, offMs=0, windowMs=100
11-27 16:38:08.028  2597  2637 D SurfaceFlinger: getDisplayConfigs hwc config w:1920 h:1080
11-27 16:38:08.048  3337  3337 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onFinishInput():3466 
11-27 16:38:08.048  3337  3337 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onStartInput():2045 
11-27 16:38:08.051  3337  3337 I DeviceUnlockedTag: DeviceUnlockedTag.notifyDeviceLockStatusChanged():38 Notify device unlocked.
11-27 16:38:08.161  2597  2898 D SurfaceFlinger: getDisplayConfigs hwc config w:1920 h:1080
11-27 16:38:08.163  2597  2638 D SurfaceFlinger: getDisplayConfigs hwc config w:1920 h:1080
11-27 16:38:08.626  2597  3088 D SurfaceFlinger: getDisplayConfigs hwc config w:1920 h:1080
11-27 16:38:08.627  3072  3251 D KeyResponseManager: setLed: onMs=200, offMs=0, windowMs=100
11-27 16:38:08.628  2597  3088 D SurfaceFlinger: getDisplayConfigs hwc config w:1920 h:1080
11-27 16:38:08.757  3072  4471 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LEANBACK_LAUNCHER] flg=0x10000000 pkg=org.jellyfin.androidtv cmp=org.jellyfin.androidtv/.ui.startup.StartupActivity} from uid 10034
11-27 16:38:08.746  2597  3088 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) Binder:2597_4 identical 1 line
11-27 16:38:08.748  2597  3088 D SurfaceFlinger: getDisplayConfigs hwc config w:1920 h:1080
11-27 16:38:08.773  2597  2898 D SurfaceFlinger: getDisplayConfigs hwc config w:1920 h:1080
11-27 16:38:08.849  3377  6158 I SonySystemService: PictureModeController: ApplicationMonitor.onForegroundActivitiesChanged: packageName=org.jellyfin.androidtv
11-27 16:38:08.849  3377  6158 I SonySystemService: PictureModeController onActivityChanged: packageName=org.jellyfin.androidtv, isTranslucent=false
11-27 16:38:08.851  4420 27000 D TV_MtkTvConfig: Enter setConfigValue, inputGroup=-1, cfgId=g_misc__netflix_running_status, value=0, isUpdate=3
11-27 16:38:08.851  4420 27000 D MtkTvConfig_jni: MtkTvConfig Java_com_mediatek_twoworlds_tv_TVNative_setConfigValue_1native
11-27 16:38:08.851  4420 27000 D hw_mtktvapi_config(client): <a_mtktvapi_config_set_value:72> a_mtktvapi_config_set_value
11-27 16:38:08.851  2594 27932 D MtkTvApiConfig(service): <a_hidl_a_mtktvapi_config_set_value:79> [Return ]ARG=[g_misc__netflix_running_status]
11-27 16:38:08.851  2594 27932 D MtkTvApiConfig(service): <a_hidl_a_mtktvapi_config_set_value:81> [Return ]ARG=[0]
11-27 16:38:08.852  4420 27000 D hw_mtktvapi_config(client): <a_mtktvapi_config_set_value:80> a_mtktvapi_config_set_value  i4_value=0, i4_ret=0
11-27 16:38:08.852  4420 27000 D MtkTvConfig_jni: setConfigValue_native inputGroup = -1,s_cfgid = g_misc__netflix_running_status,value = 0 ,isUpdate = 3
11-27 16:38:08.852  4420 27000 D TV_MtkTvConfig: Leave setConfigValue, return value = 0
11-27 16:38:08.853  4420 27000 D MtkTvSonyCustom_jni: id:15, value:0
11-27 16:38:08.853  4420 27000 D MtkTvSonyCustom_jni: enter4kScaling param1= 0
11-27 16:38:08.853  4420 27000 D (hw_mtal)(client): <MTDRVCUST_dcustom_cust_spec_set:409> ####  call MTDRVCUST_dcustom_cust_spec_set
11-27 16:38:08.853  2594 27932 D MtkTvApi(service): <a_hidl_MTDRVCUST_dcustom_cust_spec_set:1438> enter a_hidl_MTDRVCUST_dcustom_cust_spec_set(131075,0)
11-27 16:38:08.853  2594 27932 D MtkTvApi(service): <a_hidl_MTDRVCUST_dcustom_cust_spec_set:1440> exit a_hidl_MTDRVCUST_dcustom_cust_spec_set,return 0
11-27 16:38:08.853  4420 27000 D (hw_mtal)(client): <MTDRVCUST_dcustom_cust_spec_set:412> ####  mt_ret=0 #### 
11-27 16:38:08.853  4420 27000 D D_INTERFACE: jni_d_interface_set_enter_4k_scaling, ui1_value=0,i4_ret =0
11-27 16:38:08.853  4420 27000 D MtkTvSonyCustom_jni: jni_d_interface_set_enter_4k_scaling ret= 0  
11-27 16:38:08.853  4420 27000 D MtkTvSony: enter4kScaling false ret = 0
11-27 16:38:08.885 20630 20630 I JellyfinApplication: Process Lifecycle started
11-27 16:38:08.891 20630 20630 D SessionRepositoryImpl: Restoring default session
11-27 16:38:08.907 20630 20630 D BackgroundServiceFragment: Restoring active backgrounds
11-27 16:38:08.916 20630 20630 D BackgroundServiceFragment: Restoring background drawable
11-27 16:38:08.935  2597  2637 D SurfaceFlinger: getDisplayConfigs hwc config w:1920 h:1080
11-27 16:38:08.936 20630 20660 D mali_winsys: EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000
11-27 16:38:08.936  2071  6552 D gralloc : mali_gralloc_select_format: req_format=0x00000001 req_fmt_mapped=0x1 internal_format=0x700000001 usage=0xb00
11-27 16:38:08.937  3377 18955 I SonySystemService: PictureModeController: ApplicationMonitor.onTaskStackChanged: packageName=org.jellyfin.androidtv
11-27 16:38:08.939  3377 18955 I SonySystemService: PictureModeController onActivityChanged: packageName=org.jellyfin.androidtv, isTranslucent=false
11-27 16:38:08.955  2071  6552 D gralloc : ION_IOC_CUSTOM
11-27 16:38:08.961  2071  6552 D gralloc : mali_gralloc_ion_allocate: hnd->shared_fd=17, hnd->iova=0xfc000000, cpu_ptr=0xeec4f000, size=0x1030040
11-27 16:38:08.964  2071  6552 D gralloc : mali_gralloc_select_format: req_format=0x00000001 req_fmt_mapped=0x1 internal_format=0x700000001 usage=0xb00
11-27 16:38:08.980  2071  6552 D gralloc : ION_IOC_CUSTOM
11-27 16:38:08.984  2071  6552 D gralloc : mali_gralloc_ion_allocate: hnd->shared_fd=17, hnd->iova=0xfa000000, cpu_ptr=0xeec4f000, size=0x1030040
11-27 16:38:08.986  2071  6552 D gralloc : mali_gralloc_select_format: req_format=0x00000001 req_fmt_mapped=0x1 internal_format=0x700000001 usage=0xb00
11-27 16:38:08.986  2071  6552 D gralloc : ION_IOC_CUSTOM
11-27 16:38:08.992  2071  6552 D gralloc : mali_gralloc_ion_allocate: hnd->shared_fd=17, hnd->iova=0xf8000000, cpu_ptr=0xeec4f000, size=0x1030040
11-27 16:38:09.017  3337  3337 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onFinishInput():3466 
11-27 16:38:09.023  3337  3337 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onStartInput():2045 
11-27 16:38:09.025  3337  3337 I DeviceUnlockedTag: DeviceUnlockedTag.notifyDeviceLockStatusChanged():38 Notify device unlocked.
11-27 16:38:09.032  2072  2660 E hwcomposer: [556] DeviceUI change to ClientUI, so also need releaseFence:20
11-27 16:38:09.261  3072  3072 V HotPlugDetectionAction: Poll audio system.
11-27 16:38:09.384  2597  3089 E BufferQueueProducer: [] disconnect: not connected (req=1)
11-27 16:38:09.384  4597  4915 W libEGL  : EGLNativeWindowType 0xc2fa1808 disconnect failed
11-27 16:38:09.527  5676  5676 E chromium: [] Unknown app_id AndroidNativeApp
11-27 16:38:09.532  5676  5676 I chromium: [] Record action: Cast.CecHdmiInputState.Active
11-27 16:38:09.532  5676  5676 I chromium: [] Record action: Cast.CecStandby.On
11-27 16:38:09.538  5676 22331 I chromium: [] No histogram or IOCTL data
11-27 16:38:09.540  5676 22331 I chromium: [] Current wifi TDLS peers:
11-27 16:38:09.540  5676 22331 I chromium: []  No peers:
11-27 16:38:10.038 10377 10396 D UEI.SmartControl: checkWifiSSID: Network info - [type: WIFI[], state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: (none), failover: false, available: true, roaming: false]
11-27 16:38:10.038 10377 10396 D UEI.SmartControl: checkWifiSSID: SSID = 
11-27 16:38:10.276  2597  3089 D SurfaceFlinger: getDisplayConfigs hwc config w:1920 h:1080
11-27 16:38:10.277  3072  3251 D KeyResponseManager: setLed: onMs=200, offMs=0, windowMs=100
11-27 16:38:10.278  2597  2898 D SurfaceFlinger: getDisplayConfigs hwc config w:1920 h:1080
11-27 16:38:10.287 20630 20630 D GridFragment: row selected position 2
11-27 16:38:10.302  3337  3337 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onFinishInput():3466 
11-27 16:38:10.303  3337  3337 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onStartInput():2045 
11-27 16:38:10.304  3337  3337 I DeviceUnlockedTag: DeviceUnlockedTag.notifyDeviceLockStatusChanged():38 Notify device unlocked.
11-27 16:38:10.398  2597  3089 D SurfaceFlinger: getDisplayConfigs hwc config w:1920 h:1080
11-27 16:38:10.401  2597  3089 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) Binder:2597_5 identical 1 line
11-27 16:38:10.756  2597  3089 D SurfaceFlinger: getDisplayConfigs hwc config w:1920 h:1080
11-27 16:38:10.757  3072  3251 D KeyResponseManager: setLed: onMs=200, offMs=0, windowMs=100
11-27 16:38:10.758  2597  2898 D SurfaceFlinger: getDisplayConfigs hwc config w:1920 h:1080
11-27 16:38:10.761 20630 20630 D GridFragment: row selected position 4
11-27 16:38:10.783  3337  3337 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onFinishInput():3466 
11-27 16:38:10.783  3337  3337 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onStartInput():2045 
11-27 16:38:10.784  3337  3337 I DeviceUnlockedTag: DeviceUnlockedTag.notifyDeviceLockStatusChanged():38 Notify device unlocked.
11-27 16:38:10.891  2597  3089 D SurfaceFlinger: getDisplayConfigs hwc config w:1920 h:1080
11-27 16:38:10.893  2597  2898 D SurfaceFlinger: getDisplayConfigs hwc config w:1920 h:1080
11-27 16:38:10.945  4239  5738 W chromium: [] No subscribers for event
11-27 16:38:10.945  4239  5738 W chromium: "" from publisher "UmaMetricsForwarder"
11-27 16:38:11.041  2597  2898 D SurfaceFlinger: getDisplayConfigs hwc config w:1920 h:1080
11-27 16:38:11.042  3072  3251 D KeyResponseManager: setLed: onMs=200, offMs=0, windowMs=100
11-27 16:38:11.044  2597  3089 D SurfaceFlinger: getDisplayConfigs hwc config w:1920 h:1080
11-27 16:38:11.046 20630 20630 D GridFragment: row selected position 6
11-27 16:38:11.067  3337  3337 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onFinishInput():3466 
11-27 16:38:11.068  3337  3337 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onStartInput():2045 
11-27 16:38:11.069  3337  3337 I DeviceUnlockedTag: DeviceUnlockedTag.notifyDeviceLockStatusChanged():38 Notify device unlocked.
11-27 16:38:11.162  2597  2638 D SurfaceFlinger: getDisplayConfigs hwc config w:1920 h:1080
11-27 16:38:11.166  2597  3089 D SurfaceFlinger: getDisplayConfigs hwc config w:1920 h:1080
11-27 16:38:11.312  2597  2898 D SurfaceFlinger: getDisplayConfigs hwc config w:1920 h:1080
11-27 16:38:11.313  3072  3251 D KeyResponseManager: setLed: onMs=200, offMs=0, windowMs=100
11-27 16:38:11.314  2597  3089 D SurfaceFlinger: getDisplayConfigs hwc config w:1920 h:1080
11-27 16:38:11.317 20630 20630 D GridFragment: row selected position 8
11-27 16:38:11.336  3337  3337 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onFinishInput():3466 
11-27 16:38:11.337  3337  3337 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onStartInput():2045 
11-27 16:38:11.337  3337  3337 I DeviceUnlockedTag: DeviceUnlockedTag.notifyDeviceLockStatusChanged():38 Notify device unlocked.
11-27 16:38:11.402  2597  2898 D SurfaceFlinger: getDisplayConfigs hwc config w:1920 h:1080
11-27 16:38:11.404  2597  2898 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) Binder:2597_3 identical 1 line
11-27 16:38:11.557  2597  2898 D SurfaceFlinger: getDisplayConfigs hwc config w:1920 h:1080
11-27 16:38:11.565  3072  3251 D KeyResponseManager: setLed: onMs=200, offMs=0, windowMs=100
11-27 16:38:11.570  2597  2898 D SurfaceFlinger: getDisplayConfigs hwc config w:1920 h:1080
11-27 16:38:11.575 20630 20630 D GridFragment: row selected position 10
11-27 16:38:11.591  3337  3337 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onFinishInput():3466 
11-27 16:38:11.596  2597  2898 D SurfaceFlinger: getDisplayConfigs hwc config w:1920 h:1080
11-27 16:38:11.600  2597  2638 D SurfaceFlinger: getDisplayConfigs hwc config w:1920 h:1080
11-27 16:38:11.604  3337  3337 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onStartInput():2045 
11-27 16:38:11.611  3337  3337 I DeviceUnlockedTag: DeviceUnlockedTag.notifyDeviceLockStatusChanged():38 Notify device unlocked.
11-27 16:38:11.742 20630 20640 I lyfin.androidt: NativeAlloc concurrent copying GC freed 10531(798KB) AllocSpace objects, 2(136KB) LOS objects, 50% free, 16MB/32MB, paused 204us total 165.944ms
11-27 16:38:11.747  2597  2638 D SurfaceFlinger: getDisplayConfigs hwc config w:1920 h:1080
11-27 16:38:11.748  3072  3251 D KeyResponseManager: setLed: onMs=200, offMs=0, windowMs=100
11-27 16:38:11.753  2597  2638 D SurfaceFlinger: getDisplayConfigs hwc config w:1920 h:1080
11-27 16:38:11.798 20630 20630 D GridFragment: row selected position 12
11-27 16:38:11.817  3337  3337 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onFinishInput():3466 
11-27 16:38:11.817  3337  3337 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onStartInput():2045 
11-27 16:38:11.822  2597  2638 D SurfaceFlinger: getDisplayConfigs hwc config w:1920 h:1080
11-27 16:38:11.823  3337  3337 I DeviceUnlockedTag: DeviceUnlockedTag.notifyDeviceLockStatusChanged():38 Notify device unlocked.
11-27 16:38:11.824  2597  2637 D SurfaceFlinger: getDisplayConfigs hwc config w:1920 h:1080
11-27 16:38:11.877  3072  3318 E TaskPersister: File error accessing recents directory (directory doesn't exist?).
11-27 16:38:11.971  2597  2638 D SurfaceFlinger: getDisplayConfigs hwc config w:1920 h:1080
11-27 16:38:11.972  3072  3251 D KeyResponseManager: setLed: onMs=200, offMs=0, windowMs=100
11-27 16:38:11.974  2597  2637 D SurfaceFlinger: getDisplayConfigs hwc config w:1920 h:1080
11-27 16:38:11.977 20630 20630 D GridFragment: row selected position 14
11-27 16:38:11.987  3337  3337 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onFinishInput():3466 
11-27 16:38:11.988  3337  3337 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onStartInput():2045 
11-27 16:38:11.988  3337  3337 I DeviceUnlockedTag: DeviceUnlockedTag.notifyDeviceLockStatusChanged():38 Notify device unlocked.
11-27 16:38:12.047  2597  2898 D SurfaceFlinger: getDisplayConfigs hwc config w:1920 h:1080
11-27 16:38:12.052  2597  2898 D SurfaceFlinger: getDisplayConfigs hwc config w:1920 h:1080
11-27 16:38:12.183  2597  2638 D SurfaceFlinger: getDisplayConfigs hwc config w:1920 h:1080
11-27 16:38:12.184  3072  3251 D KeyResponseManager: setLed: onMs=200, offMs=0, windowMs=100
11-27 16:38:12.186  2597  2638 D SurfaceFlinger: getDisplayConfigs hwc config w:1920 h:1080
11-27 16:38:12.200 20630 20630 D GridFragment: row selected position 16
11-27 16:38:12.213  3337  3337 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onFinishInput():3466 
11-27 16:38:12.213  3337  3337 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onStartInput():2045 
11-27 16:38:12.216  3337  3337 I DeviceUnlockedTag: DeviceUnlockedTag.notifyDeviceLockStatusChanged():38 Notify device unlocked.
11-27 16:38:12.286  2597  2637 D SurfaceFlinger: getDisplayConfigs hwc config w:1920 h:1080
11-27 16:38:12.290  2597  3089 D SurfaceFlinger: getDisplayConfigs hwc config w:1920 h:1080
11-27 16:38:12.467  2597  2898 D SurfaceFlinger: getDisplayConfigs hwc config w:1920 h:1080
11-27 16:38:12.469  3072  3251 D KeyResponseManager: setLed: onMs=200, offMs=0, windowMs=100
11-27 16:38:12.471  2597  3089 D SurfaceFlinger: getDisplayConfigs hwc config w:1920 h:1080
11-27 16:38:12.473 20630 20630 D GridFragment: row selected position 18
11-27 16:38:12.487  3337  3337 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onFinishInput():3466 
11-27 16:38:12.487  3337  3337 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onStartInput():2045 
11-27 16:38:12.487  3337  3337 I DeviceUnlockedTag: DeviceUnlockedTag.notifyDeviceLockStatusChanged():38 Notify device unlocked.
11-27 16:38:12.571  2597  3089 D SurfaceFlinger: getDisplayConfigs hwc config w:1920 h:1080
11-27 16:38:12.575  2597  2638 D SurfaceFlinger: getDisplayConfigs hwc config w:1920 h:1080
11-27 16:38:12.751 20630 20640 I lyfin.androidt: NativeAlloc concurrent copying GC freed 13073(990KB) AllocSpace objects, 13(884KB) LOS objects, 50% free, 15MB/31MB, paused 617us total 111.843ms
11-27 16:38:12.961  2597  3089 D SurfaceFlinger: getDisplayConfigs hwc config w:1920 h:1080
11-27 16:38:12.962  3072  3251 D KeyResponseManager: setLed: onMs=200, offMs=0, windowMs=100
11-27 16:38:12.964  2597  2638 D SurfaceFlinger: getDisplayConfigs hwc config w:1920 h:1080
11-27 16:38:12.966 20630 20630 D GridFragment: row selected position 20
11-27 16:38:12.983  3337  3337 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onFinishInput():3466 
11-27 16:38:12.984  3337  3337 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onStartInput():2045 
11-27 16:38:12.984  3337  3337 I DeviceUnlockedTag: DeviceUnlockedTag.notifyDeviceLockStatusChanged():38 Notify device unlocked.
11-27 16:38:13.067  2597  3089 D SurfaceFlinger: getDisplayConfigs hwc config w:1920 h:1080
11-27 16:38:13.072  2597  3089 D SurfaceFlinger: getDisplayConfigs hwc config w:1920 h:1080
11-27 16:38:13.257 20630 21682 E BackgroundService$loadBackgrounds$1$backdropDrawables: There was an error fetching the background image.
11-27 16:38:13.257 20630 21682 E BackgroundService$loadBackgrounds$1$backdropDrawables: java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.GlideException: Failed to load resource
11-27 16:38:13.257 20630 21682 E BackgroundService$loadBackgrounds$1$backdropDrawables: There was 1 root cause:
11-27 16:38:13.257 20630 21682 E BackgroundService$loadBackgrounds$1$backdropDrawables: com.bumptech.glide.load.HttpException(Failed to connect or obtain data, status code: -1)
11-27 16:38:13.257 20630 21682 E BackgroundService$loadBackgrounds$1$backdropDrawables:  call GlideException#logRootCauses(String) for more detail
11-27 16:38:13.257 20630 21682 E BackgroundService$loadBackgrounds$1$backdropDrawables:     at com.bumptech.glide.request.RequestFutureTarget.doGet(
11-27 16:38:13.257 20630 21682 E BackgroundService$loadBackgrounds$1$backdropDrawables:     at com.bumptech.glide.request.RequestFutureTarget.get(
11-27 16:38:13.257 20630 21682 E BackgroundService$loadBackgrounds$1$backdropDrawables:     at$loadBackgrounds$1$backdropDrawables$2$1.invokeSuspend(BackgroundService.kt:184)
11-27 16:38:13.257 20630 21682 E BackgroundService$loadBackgrounds$1$backdropDrawables:     at kotlin.coroutines.jvm.internal.BaseContinuationImpl.resumeWith(ContinuationImpl.kt:33)
11-27 16:38:13.257 20630 21682 E BackgroundService$loadBackgrounds$1$backdropDrawables:     at
11-27 16:38:13.257 20630 21682 E BackgroundService$loadBackgrounds$1$backdropDrawables:     at kotlinx.coroutines.scheduling.CoroutineScheduler.runSafely(CoroutineScheduler.kt:571)
11-27 16:38:13.257 20630 21682 E BackgroundService$loadBackgrounds$1$backdropDrawables:     at kotlinx.coroutines.scheduling.CoroutineScheduler$Worker.executeTask(CoroutineScheduler.kt:750)
11-27 16:38:13.257 20630 21682 E BackgroundService$loadBackgrounds$1$backdropDrawables:     at kotlinx.coroutines.scheduling.CoroutineScheduler$Worker.runWorker(CoroutineScheduler.kt:678)
11-27 16:38:13.257 20630 21682 E BackgroundService$loadBackgrounds$1$backdropDrawables:     at kotlinx.coroutines.scheduling.CoroutineScheduler$
11-27 16:38:13.257 20630 21682 E BackgroundService$loadBackgrounds$1$backdropDrawables: Caused by: com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.GlideException: Failed to load resource
11-27 16:38:13.257 20630 21682 E BackgroundService$loadBackgrounds$1$backdropDrawables: There was 1 root cause:
11-27 16:38:13.257 20630 21682 E BackgroundService$loadBackgrounds$1$backdropDrawables: com.bumptech.glide.load.HttpException(Failed to connect or obtain data, status code: -1)
11-27 16:38:13.257 20630 21682 E BackgroundService$loadBackgrounds$1$backdropDrawables:  call GlideException#logRootCauses(String) for more detail
11-27 16:38:13.281  2597  2638 D SurfaceFlinger: getDisplayConfigs hwc config w:1920 h:1080
11-27 16:38:13.283  3072  3251 D KeyResponseManager: setLed: onMs=200, offMs=0, windowMs=100
11-27 16:38:13.285  2597  2898 D SurfaceFlinger: getDisplayConfigs hwc config w:1920 h:1080
11-27 16:38:13.288 20630 20630 D GridFragment: row selected position 22
11-27 16:38:13.307  3337  3337 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onFinishInput():3466 
11-27 16:38:13.308  3337  3337 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onStartInput():2045 
11-27 16:38:13.318  3337  3337 I DeviceUnlockedTag: DeviceUnlockedTag.notifyDeviceLockStatusChanged():38 Notify device unlocked.
11-27 16:38:13.412  2597  2638 D SurfaceFlinger: getDisplayConfigs hwc config w:1920 h:1080
11-27 16:38:13.421  2597  2638 D SurfaceFlinger: getDisplayConfigs hwc config w:1920 h:1080
11-27 16:38:13.577 20630 20640 I lyfin.androidt: NativeAlloc concurrent copying GC freed 10156(728KB) AllocSpace objects, 6(408KB) LOS objects, 49% free, 16MB/32MB, paused 926us total 210.031ms
11-27 16:38:13.593  2597  2898 D SurfaceFlinger: getDisplayConfigs hwc config w:1920 h:1080
11-27 16:38:13.597  3072  3251 D KeyResponseManager: setLed: onMs=200, offMs=0, windowMs=100
11-27 16:38:13.599  2069 25756 D mtdrm_WV: MTAL: _oecc44 OEMCrypto_GetHDCPCapability entry 
11-27 16:38:13.599  2069 25756 D mtdrm_WV: MTAL: _oecc44 OEMCrypto_GetHDCPCapability exist current=255,maximum=255
11-27 16:38:13.600  2597  3088 D SurfaceFlinger: getDisplayConfigs hwc config w:1920 h:1080
11-27 16:38:13.610 20630 20630 D GridFragment: row selected position 24
11-27 16:38:13.623  3337  3337 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onFinishInput():3466 
11-27 16:38:13.623  3337  3337 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onStartInput():2045 
11-27 16:38:13.625  3337  3337 I DeviceUnlockedTag: DeviceUnlockedTag.notifyDeviceLockStatusChanged():38 Notify device unlocked.
11-27 16:38:13.652  2597  3088 D SurfaceFlinger: getDisplayConfigs hwc config w:1920 h:1080
11-27 16:38:13.664  2597  3089 D SurfaceFlinger: getDisplayConfigs hwc config w:1920 h:1080
11-27 16:38:14.011  2597  2898 D SurfaceFlinger: getDisplayConfigs hwc config w:1920 h:1080
11-27 16:38:14.012  3072  3251 D KeyResponseManager: setLed: onMs=200, offMs=0, windowMs=100
11-27 16:38:14.016  2597  3089 D SurfaceFlinger: getDisplayConfigs hwc config w:1920 h:1080
11-27 16:38:14.019 20630 20630 D GridFragment: row selected position 26
11-27 16:38:14.043 20630 20630 W StaticLayout: maxLineHeight should not be -1.  maxLines:1 lineCount:1
11-27 16:38:14.047 20630 20630 W StaticLayout: maxLineHeight should not be -1.  maxLines:1 lineCount:1
11-27 16:38:14.072  3337  3337 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onFinishInput():3466 
11-27 16:38:14.072  3337  3337 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onStartInput():2045 
11-27 16:38:14.076  3337  3337 I DeviceUnlockedTag: DeviceUnlockedTag.notifyDeviceLockStatusChanged():38 Notify device unlocked.
11-27 16:38:14.146  2597  2898 D SurfaceFlinger: getDisplayConfigs hwc config w:1920 h:1080
11-27 16:38:14.153  2597  3089 D SurfaceFlinger: getDisplayConfigs hwc config w:1920 h:1080
11-27 16:38:14.262  3072  3072 V HotPlugDetectionAction: Poll audio system.
11-27 16:38:14.323 20630 20640 I lyfin.androidt: NativeAlloc concurrent copying GC freed 4010(432KB) AllocSpace objects, 3(204KB) LOS objects, 49% free, 16MB/32MB, paused 186us total 247.970ms
11-27 16:38:14.444 20630 20630 W StaticLayout: maxLineHeight should not be -1.  maxLines:1 lineCount:1
11-27 16:38:14.444 20630 20630 W StaticLayout: maxLineHeight should not be -1.  maxLines:1 lineCount:1
11-27 16:38:14.791  2597  3088 D SurfaceFlinger: getDisplayConfigs hwc config w:1920 h:1080
11-27 16:38:14.792  3072  3251 D KeyResponseManager: setLed: onMs=200, offMs=0, windowMs=100
11-27 16:38:14.793  2597  3089 D SurfaceFlinger: getDisplayConfigs hwc config w:1920 h:1080
11-27 16:38:14.801 20630 20630 D GridFragment: row selected position 27
11-27 16:38:14.820  3337  3337 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onFinishInput():3466 
11-27 16:38:14.820  3337  3337 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onStartInput():2045 
11-27 16:38:14.821  3337  3337 I DeviceUnlockedTag: DeviceUnlockedTag.notifyDeviceLockStatusChanged():38 Notify device unlocked.
11-27 16:38:14.896  2597  3089 D SurfaceFlinger: getDisplayConfigs hwc config w:1920 h:1080
11-27 16:38:14.899  2597  3088 D SurfaceFlinger: getDisplayConfigs hwc config w:1920 h:1080
11-27 16:38:15.078 10377 10396 D UEI.SmartControl: checkWifiSSID: Network info - [type: WIFI[], state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: (none), failover: false, available: true, roaming: false]
11-27 16:38:15.079 10377 10396 D UEI.SmartControl: checkWifiSSID: SSID = 
11-27 16:38:15.226  2597  3088 D SurfaceFlinger: getDisplayConfigs hwc config w:1920 h:1080
11-27 16:38:15.228  3072  3251 D KeyResponseManager: setLed: onMs=200, offMs=0, windowMs=100
11-27 16:38:15.233  2597  3088 D SurfaceFlinger: getDisplayConfigs hwc config w:1920 h:1080
11-27 16:38:15.238 20630 20630 D GridFragment: row selected position 25
11-27 16:38:15.252  3337  3337 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onFinishInput():3466 
11-27 16:38:15.253  3337  3337 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onStartInput():2045 
11-27 16:38:15.253  3337  3337 I DeviceUnlockedTag: DeviceUnlockedTag.notifyDeviceLockStatusChanged():38 Notify device unlocked.
11-27 16:38:15.408  2597  3089 D SurfaceFlinger: getDisplayConfigs hwc config w:1920 h:1080
11-27 16:38:15.413  2597  2898 D SurfaceFlinger: getDisplayConfigs hwc config w:1920 h:1080
11-27 16:38:15.513 20630 20640 I lyfin.androidt: NativeAlloc concurrent copying GC freed 9951(795KB) AllocSpace objects, 10(680KB) LOS objects, 50% free, 16MB/32MB, paused 190us total 113.320ms
11-27 16:38:15.680  2597  2898 D SurfaceFlinger: getDisplayConfigs hwc config w:1920 h:1080
11-27 16:38:15.683  3072  3251 D KeyResponseManager: setLed: onMs=200, offMs=0, windowMs=100
11-27 16:38:15.689  2597  3089 D SurfaceFlinger: getDisplayConfigs hwc config w:1920 h:1080
11-27 16:38:15.782  2597  3088 D SurfaceFlinger: getDisplayConfigs hwc config w:1920 h:1080
11-27 16:38:15.787  2597  3088 D SurfaceFlinger: getDisplayConfigs hwc config w:1920 h:1080
11-27 16:38:15.797 20630 20630 D ItemLauncher: Item selected: 25 - P5_Dolby_Amaze (Movie)
11-27 16:38:15.799  3072  3502 I ActivityManager: START u0 {cmp=org.jellyfin.androidtv/.ui.itemdetail.FullDetailsActivity (has extras)} from uid 10171
11-27 16:38:15.869 20630 20630 W ActivityThread: handleWindowVisibility: no activity for token android.os.BinderProxy@6f76175
11-27 16:38:15.874  3072  3136 E memtrack: Couldn't load memtrack module
11-27 16:38:15.874  3072  3136 W android.os.Debug: failed to get memory consumption info: -1
11-27 16:38:15.874  2597  2638 D SurfaceFlinger: getDisplayConfigs hwc config w:1920 h:1080
11-27 16:38:15.887 20630 20630 I AppThemeCallbacks: Applying theme: DARK
11-27 16:38:15.906  2597  3088 D SurfaceFlinger: getDisplayConfigs hwc config w:1920 h:1080
11-27 16:38:15.913 20630 20630 I BackgroundService: Adding BackgroundServiceFragment to activity
11-27 16:38:15.919  2597  2898 D SurfaceFlinger: getDisplayConfigs hwc config w:1920 h:1080
11-27 16:38:15.924 20630 20630 D jellyfin-apiclient: Adding request to queue:
11-27 16:38:15.939 20630 20630 D BackgroundServiceFragment: Restoring background drawable
11-27 16:38:15.943  2597  3088 D SurfaceFlinger: getDisplayConfigs hwc config w:1920 h:1080
11-27 16:38:15.959  3072  4471 E WindowManager: App trying to use insecure INPUT_FEATURE_NO_INPUT_CHANNEL flag. Ignoring
11-27 16:38:15.967  3377  6158 I SonySystemService: PictureModeController: ApplicationMonitor.onTaskStackChanged: packageName=org.jellyfin.androidtv
11-27 16:38:15.969  3377  6158 I SonySystemService: PictureModeController onActivityChanged: packageName=org.jellyfin.androidtv, isTranslucent=false
11-27 16:38:15.992 20630 20630 D MediaManager: Added event listener.  Total listeners: 3
11-27 16:38:16.020  2597  3088 D SurfaceFlinger: getDisplayConfigs hwc config w:1920 h:1080
11-27 16:38:16.024 20630 20660 D mali_winsys: EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000
11-27 16:38:16.024  2071  6552 D gralloc : mali_gralloc_select_format: req_format=0x00000001 req_fmt_mapped=0x1 internal_format=0x700000001 usage=0xb00
11-27 16:38:16.027  2071  6552 D gralloc : ION_IOC_CUSTOM
11-27 16:38:16.032 20630 20630 W RecyclerView: No adapter attached; skipping layout
11-27 16:38:16.037  2071  6552 D gralloc : mali_gralloc_ion_allocate: hnd->shared_fd=17, hnd->iova=0xf6000000, cpu_ptr=0xeec4f000, size=0x1030040
11-27 16:38:16.045  2071  6552 D gralloc : mali_gralloc_select_format: req_format=0x00000001 req_fmt_mapped=0x1 internal_format=0x700000001 usage=0xb00
11-27 16:38:16.049  2071  6552 D gralloc : ION_IOC_CUSTOM
11-27 16:38:16.055  2071  6552 D gralloc : mali_gralloc_ion_allocate: hnd->shared_fd=17, hnd->iova=0xf4000000, cpu_ptr=0xeec4f000, size=0x1030040
11-27 16:38:16.099  2071  6552 D gralloc : mali_gralloc_select_format: req_format=0x00000001 req_fmt_mapped=0x1 internal_format=0x700000001 usage=0xb00
11-27 16:38:16.173  3337  3337 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onFinishInput():3466 
11-27 16:38:16.175  3337  3337 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onStartInput():2045 
11-27 16:38:16.176  3337  3337 I DeviceUnlockedTag: DeviceUnlockedTag.notifyDeviceLockStatusChanged():38 Notify device unlocked.
11-27 16:38:16.269 20630 20630 I jellyfin-apiclient: Response received from:
11-27 16:38:16.333  2071  6552 D gralloc : ION_IOC_CUSTOM
11-27 16:38:16.339  2071  6552 D gralloc : mali_gralloc_ion_allocate: hnd->shared_fd=17, hnd->iova=0xf2000000, cpu_ptr=0xeec4f000, size=0x1030040
11-27 16:38:16.526 20630 20630 D FullDetailsActivity: Item type: Movie
11-27 16:38:16.528 20630 20630 D jellyfin-apiclient: Adding request to queue:
11-27 16:38:16.542 20630 20630 E ThemeUtils: View class org.jellyfin.androidtv.ui.ExpandableTextView is an AppCompat widget that can only be used with a Theme.AppCompat theme (or descendant).
11-27 16:38:16.734  2597  2898 E BufferQueueProducer: [org.jellyfin.androidtv/org.jellyfin.androidtv.ui.browsing.GenericGridActivity#0] disconnect: not connected (req=1)
11-27 16:38:16.734 20630 20660 W libEGL  : EGLNativeWindowType 0xc93d9808 disconnect failed
11-27 16:38:16.749  3337  3337 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onFinishInput():3466 
11-27 16:38:16.749  3337  3337 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onStartInput():2045 
11-27 16:38:16.750  3337  3337 I DeviceUnlockedTag: DeviceUnlockedTag.notifyDeviceLockStatusChanged():38 Notify device unlocked.
11-27 16:38:16.756 20630 20630 I jellyfin-apiclient: Response received from:
11-27 16:38:17.626  2597  2898 D SurfaceFlinger: getDisplayConfigs hwc config w:1920 h:1080
11-27 16:38:17.627  3072  3251 D KeyResponseManager: setLed: onMs=200, offMs=0, windowMs=100
11-27 16:38:17.629  2597  2638 D SurfaceFlinger: getDisplayConfigs hwc config w:1920 h:1080
11-27 16:38:17.776  2597  2638 D SurfaceFlinger: getDisplayConfigs hwc config w:1920 h:1080
11-27 16:38:17.778  2597  2898 D SurfaceFlinger: getDisplayConfigs hwc config w:1920 h:1080
11-27 16:38:17.784 20630 20630 D jellyfin-apiclient: Adding request to queue:
11-27 16:38:17.892  5676  6359 I chromium: [] MdnsAppFilter: responses sent in 102 seconds: 1
11-27 16:38:17.896 20630 20630 I jellyfin-apiclient: Response received from:
11-27 16:38:17.898  3072  4471 I ActivityManager: START u0 {cmp=org.jellyfin.androidtv/.ui.playback.PlaybackOverlayActivity (has extras)} from uid 10171
11-27 16:38:17.910  4394 10296 W QVR_o   : Error occurred while uploading data.
11-27 16:38:17.910  4394 10296 W QVR_j   : Error while uploading logs.
11-27 16:38:17.941 20630 20630 W ActivityThread: handleWindowVisibility: no activity for token android.os.BinderProxy@b6774cf
11-27 16:38:17.945  2597  2898 D SurfaceFlinger: getDisplayConfigs hwc config w:1920 h:1080
11-27 16:38:17.949 20630 20630 I AppThemeCallbacks: Applying theme: DARK
11-27 16:38:18.000  2597  2898 D SurfaceFlinger: getDisplayConfigs hwc config w:1920 h:1080
11-27 16:38:18.011 20630 20630 I ExoPlayerImpl: Init 29d6aec [ExoPlayerLib/2.14.0] [BRAVIA_UR3, BRAVIA 4K UR3, Sony, 28]
11-27 16:38:18.027 20630 20630 D PlaybackController: Play called with pos: 0 and sub index: -1
11-27 16:38:18.034 20630 20630 I ProfileHelper: *** Adding AC3 as supported transcoded audio
11-27 16:38:18.035 20630 20630 I PlaybackController: *** Using extended Exoplayer profile options
11-27 16:38:18.036 20630 20630 D PlaybackController: Max bitrate is: 100000000
11-27 16:38:18.039 20630 20630 D jellyfin-apiclient: Adding request to queue:
11-27 16:38:18.042 20630 20630 W AudioManager: Use of stream types is deprecated for operations other than volume control
11-27 16:38:18.042  3377  6158 I SonySystemService: PictureModeController: ApplicationMonitor.onTaskStackChanged: packageName=org.jellyfin.androidtv
11-27 16:38:18.043 20630 20630 W AudioManager: See the documentation of requestAudioFocus() for what to use instead with to qualify your playback use case
11-27 16:38:18.044  3377  6158 I SonySystemService: PictureModeController onActivityChanged: packageName=org.jellyfin.androidtv, isTranslucent=false
11-27 16:38:18.046  3072  4471 I MediaFocusControl: requestAudioFocus() from uid/pid 10171/20630$6@a899405 callingPack=org.jellyfin.androidtv req=1 flags=0x0 sdk=30
11-27 16:38:18.056  2597  2898 D SurfaceFlinger: getDisplayConfigs hwc config w:1920 h:1080
11-27 16:38:18.058  3072  4471 E WindowManager: App trying to use insecure INPUT_FEATURE_NO_INPUT_CHANNEL flag. Ignoring
11-27 16:38:18.088 20630 20660 D mali_winsys: EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000
11-27 16:38:18.089  2597  2637 D SurfaceFlinger: getDisplayConfigs hwc config w:1920 h:1080
11-27 16:38:18.111  2597  2898 D SurfaceFlinger: duplicate layer name: changing SurfaceView - org.jellyfin.androidtv/org.jellyfin.androidtv.ui.playback.PlaybackOverlayActivity to SurfaceView - org.jellyfin.androidtv/org.jellyfin.androidtv.ui.playback.PlaybackOverlayActivity#1
11-27 16:38:18.112  2597  2637 D SurfaceFlinger: duplicate layer name: changing Background for -SurfaceView - org.jellyfin.androidtv/org.jellyfin.androidtv.ui.playback.PlaybackOverlayActivity to Background for -SurfaceView - org.jellyfin.androidtv/org.jellyfin.androidtv.ui.playback.PlaybackOverlayActivity#1
11-27 16:38:18.142  2071  6552 D gralloc : mali_gralloc_select_format: req_format=0x00000001 req_fmt_mapped=0x1 internal_format=0x700000001 usage=0xb00
11-27 16:38:18.163  2071  6552 D gralloc : ION_IOC_CUSTOM
11-27 16:38:18.166  2071  6552 D gralloc : mali_gralloc_ion_allocate: hnd->shared_fd=17, hnd->iova=0xfc000000, cpu_ptr=0xeec4f000, size=0x1030040
11-27 16:38:18.180  4394 10296 W QVR_o   : Error occurred while uploading data.
11-27 16:38:18.180  4394 10296 W QVR_j   : Error while uploading logs.
11-27 16:38:18.199  3337  3337 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onFinishInput():3466 
11-27 16:38:18.199  3337  3337 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onStartInput():2045 
11-27 16:38:18.200  2071  6552 D gralloc : mali_gralloc_select_format: req_format=0x00000001 req_fmt_mapped=0x1 internal_format=0x700000001 usage=0xb00
11-27 16:38:18.210  3337  3337 I DeviceUnlockedTag: DeviceUnlockedTag.notifyDeviceLockStatusChanged():38 Notify device unlocked.
11-27 16:38:18.257  2071  6552 D gralloc : ION_IOC_CUSTOM
11-27 16:38:18.260  2071  6552 D gralloc : mali_gralloc_ion_allocate: hnd->shared_fd=17, hnd->iova=0xfa000000, cpu_ptr=0xeec4f000, size=0x1030040
11-27 16:38:18.266 20630 20630 I jellyfin-apiclient: Response received from:
11-27 16:38:18.269 20630 20630 I PlaybackController: VLC would direct stream
11-27 16:38:18.270 20630 20630 D jellyfin-apiclient: Adding request to queue:
11-27 16:38:18.271  2071  6552 D gralloc : mali_gralloc_select_format: req_format=0x00000001 req_fmt_mapped=0x1 internal_format=0x700000001 usage=0xb00
11-27 16:38:18.328  2071  6552 D gralloc : ION_IOC_CUSTOM
11-27 16:38:18.331  2071  6552 D gralloc : mali_gralloc_ion_allocate: hnd->shared_fd=17, hnd->iova=0xf8000000, cpu_ptr=0xeec4f000, size=0x1030040
11-27 16:38:18.398 20630 20630 I jellyfin-apiclient: Response received from:
11-27 16:38:18.399 20630 20630 I PlaybackController: Internal player would direct stream
11-27 16:38:18.413 20630 20630 I PlaybackController: Explicit deinterlacing will NOT be used
11-27 16:38:18.413 20630 20630 I PlaybackController: User preferred player is: AUTO
11-27 16:38:18.415 20630 20630 I PlaybackController: Preferring VLC
11-27 16:38:18.463 20630 20630 I VideoManager: Network buffer set to 600
11-27 16:38:18.473 20630 20630 D VideoManager: Surface attached
11-27 16:38:18.473 20630 20630 I PlaybackController: Playing back in VLC.
11-27 16:38:18.477 20630 20630 I VideoManager: Video path set to:
11-27 16:38:18.478 20630 20630 D VideoManager: Setting video index to: 0
11-27 16:38:18.480 20630 20630 D jellyfin-apiclient: Adding request to queue:
11-27 16:38:18.480 20630 20630 I ReportingHelper: Playback of P5_Dolby_Amaze started.
11-27 16:38:18.613  2597  2898 E BufferQueueProducer: [org.jellyfin.androidtv/org.jellyfin.androidtv.ui.itemdetail.FullDetailsActivity#0] disconnect: not connected (req=1)
11-27 16:38:18.613 20630 20660 W libEGL  : EGLNativeWindowType 0xc93d9008 disconnect failed
11-27 16:38:18.915 20630 20630 I jellyfin-apiclient: Response received from:
11-27 16:38:19.264  3072  3072 V HotPlugDetectionAction: Poll all devices.
11-27 16:38:19.321 20630 20891 D jellyfin-apiclient: Web socket message received.
11-27 16:38:19.321 20630 20891 I jellyfin-apiclient: Received web socket message: UserDataChanged
11-27 16:38:19.394  3072  3318 E TaskPersister: File error accessing recents directory (directory doesn't exist?).
11-27 16:38:20.118 10377 10396 D UEI.SmartControl: checkWifiSSID: Network info - [type: WIFI[], state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: (none), failover: false, available: true, roaming: false]
11-27 16:38:20.119 10377 10396 D UEI.SmartControl: checkWifiSSID: SSID = 
11-27 16:38:20.700 20630 22342 W VLC     : [c7a730b0/5746] libvlc decoder: Exception occurred in MediaCodecInfo.getCapabilitiesForType
11-27 16:38:20.701 20630 22342 I chatty  : uid=10171(org.jellyfin.androidtv) identical 18 lines
11-27 16:38:20.701 20630 22342 W VLC     : [c7a730b0/5746] libvlc decoder: Exception occurred in MediaCodecInfo.getCapabilitiesForType
11-27 16:38:20.927 20630 22349 E VLC     : [c0e3c9b0/574d] libvlc window: request 1 not implemented
11-27 16:38:20.930 20630 22349 W VLC     : [c457a830/574d] libvlc vout display: Could not initialize NativeWindow Priv API.
11-27 16:38:20.931 20630 22349 E VLC     : [c0e3c9b0/574d] libvlc window: request 0 not implemented
11-27 16:38:20.931 20630 22349 E VLC     : [c0e3c9b0/574d] libvlc window: request 0 not implemented
11-27 16:38:20.931 20630 22349 E VLC     : [c0e3c9b0/574d] libvlc window: request 1 not implemented
11-27 16:38:20.931 20630 20630 D VideoManager: Surface sized 1920 x 1080 
11-27 16:38:20.965 20630 20630 D VideoManager: Surface sized 1920 x 1080 
11-27 16:38:21.013 20630 22342 D MtkACodecPlugin: MtkACodecPlugin createAPlugin
11-27 16:38:21.016 20630 22351 D MtkACodecPlugin: OMX.MTK.VIDEO.DECODER.HEVC needRmClient (673)
11-27 16:38:21.016 20630 22351 D MtkACodecPlugin: OMX.MTK.VIDEO.DECODER.HEVC mNeedVdpImgrz (679)
11-27 16:38:21.034 20630 22351 I OMXClient: IOmx service obtained
11-27 16:38:21.043  2764  2838 I OMXMaster: makeComponentInstance(OMX.MTK.VIDEO.DECODER.HEVC.kick) in omx@1.0-service process
11-27 16:38:21.046  2764  2838 D MtkOmxCore: Mtk_OMX_GetHandle (OMX.MTK.VIDEO.DECODER.HEVC.kick)
11-27 16:38:21.046  2764  2838 E MtkOmxCore: comp_index(15), path(
11-27 16:38:21.061  2764  2838 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800: MtkOmxVdec
11-27 16:38:21.061  2764  2838 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800: MtkOmxComponentCreate mCompHandle(0xe9775804)
11-27 16:38:21.061  2764  2838 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800: ComponentInit (OMX.MTK.VIDEO.DECODER.HEVC.kick)
11-27 16:38:21.062  2764  2838 D MtkOmxVdec: kick equal enabled
11-27 16:38:21.070  2593  9144 I GRM     : Create Component: MtkOmxVdec
11-27 16:38:21.070  2593  9144 I GRM     : IMtkRmClientCreateComponent(41)
11-27 16:38:21.070  2593  9144 I GRM     : <RPC> z_offs=196

11-27 16:38:21.070  2593  9144 I GRM     : <RPC> z_offs=232

11-27 16:38:21.072  2744 21243 I GRM     : Process(2764) name(media.codec) start at 736!
11-27 16:38:21.072  2744 21243 I GRM     : MtkRmServiceCreateComponent.1781, create component MtkOmxVdec(0xf4e2b060) exit...
11-27 16:38:21.072  2744 21243 I GRM     : MtkRmServiceCreateComponent.1787, create component exit...
11-27 16:38:21.073  2593  9144 I GRM     : IMtkRmClientCreateComponent.49, RET: 0
11-27 16:38:21.073  2593  9144 I GRM     : Return Component: thiz = 0x0xea29d000.
11-27 16:38:21.073  2744 21243 I GRM     : Set Component(MtkOmxVdec) priority(100) successful!
11-27 16:38:21.073  2593  9144 I GRM     : IMtkRmClientSetComponentPriority.59, RET: 0
11-27 16:38:21.073  2764  2838 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800: MtkOmxVdec call RMCreateComponent return ea29d000, priorify:100
11-27 16:38:21.073  2764  2838 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800: +AcquireHwResource, ea29d000
11-27 16:38:21.073  2764  2838 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800: AcquireHwResource Enable Kick Equal Priority Client
11-27 16:38:21.073  2593  3821 I GRM     : Open client:IMtkRmClientSetComponentPreemptEqual #77 try to auto connect 
11-27 16:38:21.075  2744 22352 I GRM     : Set Component(MtkOmxVdec) preempt equal:(TRUE) successful!
11-27 16:38:21.075  2593  3821 I GRM     : IMtkRmClientSetComponentPreemptEqual.77, RET: 0
11-27 16:38:21.075  2593  9144 I GRM     : <RPC> z_offs=116

11-27 16:38:21.075  2744 21243 I GRM     : MtkRmServiceQueryResource enter! resName: VideoDecoder.
11-27 16:38:21.075  2744 21243 I GRM     : MtkRmServiceQueryResource exit! Matched.
11-27 16:38:21.075  2593  9144 I GRM     : IMtkRmClientQueryResourceType.254, RET: 0
11-27 16:38:21.075  2593  3821 I GRM     : <RPC> z_offs=116

11-27 16:38:21.075  2744 22352 I GRM     : MtkRmServiceQueryResource enter! resName: DMXPlaybackPID.
11-27 16:38:21.076  2744 22352 I GRM     : MtkRmServiceQueryResource exit! Matched.
11-27 16:38:21.076  2593  3821 I GRM     : IMtkRmClientQueryResourceType.254, RET: 0
11-27 16:38:21.077  2593  3821 I GRM     : <RPC> z_offs=156

11-27 16:38:21.077  2744 22352 I GRM     : component(0xf4e2b060)
11-27 16:38:21.077  2744 22352 I GRM     : query resource(VideoDecoder), value(3)
11-27 16:38:21.077  2744 22352 I GRM     : Resource Type matched, RESOURCE_TYPE_NUMBERNIC!

11-27 16:38:21.077  2744 22352 I GRM     : Resource(VideoDecoder), value(3) is free
11-27 16:38:21.077  2593  3821 I GRM     : IMtkRmClientComponentQueryResource.219, RET: 0
11-27 16:38:21.077  2593  3821 I GRM     : <RPC> z_offs=176

11-27 16:38:21.077  2744 22352 I GRM     : add resource VideoDecoder(3)
11-27 16:38:21.077  2744 22352 I GRM     : addResource.1993, MtkOmxVdec add resource VideoDecoder(3)
11-27 16:38:21.077  2744 22352 I GRM     : Resource Type matched, RESOURCE_TYPE_NUMBERNIC!

11-27 16:38:21.077  2744 22352 I GRM     : add resource VideoDecoder(3), return 1
11-27 16:38:21.077  2593  3821 I GRM     : IMtkRmClientComponentAddResource.99, RET: 0
11-27 16:38:21.077  2593  9144 I GRM     : AllocResource!!!
11-27 16:38:21.106  2744 21243 I GRM     : MtkRmServiceComponentAllocResource,2870, pip mode:0
11-27 16:38:21.106  2744 21243 I GRM     : client(MtkOmxVdec) alloc resource
11-27 16:38:21.108  2744 21243 I GRM     : ============================Start==============================
11-27 16:38:21.108  2744 21243 I GRM     : Componet Name:MtkOmxVdec, Pid:2764, priority:100, preempt:TRUE, fg:TRUE.
11-27 16:38:21.108  2744 21243 I GRM     : Resource List-->>>>
11-27 16:38:21.108  2744 21243 I GRM     : Name:VideoDecoder, type: 0, value: 3, enable: TRUE
11-27 16:38:21.108  2744 21243 I GRM     : Resource List--<<<<
11-27 16:38:21.108  2744 21243 I GRM     : Component Count: 15
11-27 16:38:21.108  2744 21243 I GRM     : =============================End===============================
11-27 16:38:21.108  2593  9144 I GRM     : IMtkRmClientComponentAllocResource.143, RET: 0
11-27 16:38:21.108  2764  2838 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800: -AcquireHwResource
11-27 16:38:21.109  2764  2838 D MtkOmxVdec: e9775800: Iommu status:mIommuEnableImgRZ(1), mIommuEnableDmx(1)
11-27 16:38:21.109  2764  2838 D MtkOmxVdec: mCmdPipe[0] = 13
11-27 16:38:21.110  2764 22358 D MtkOmxVdec: MtkOmxVdecOutputThread created pVdec=0xe9775800, tid=22358
11-27 16:38:21.111  2764 22359 D MtkOmxVdec: MtkOmxVdecThread created pVdec=0xe9775800, tid=22359
11-27 16:38:21.116  2764  2838 W media.codec: Failed to obtain quirks for omx component 'OMX.MTK.VIDEO.DECODER.HEVC.kick' from XML files
11-27 16:38:21.121  2593  9144 I GRM     : Create Component: OMXNodeInstance
11-27 16:38:21.121  2593  9144 I GRM     : IMtkRmClientCreateComponent(41)
11-27 16:38:21.121  2593  9144 I GRM     : <RPC> z_offs=196

11-27 16:38:21.121  2593  9144 I GRM     : <RPC> z_offs=236

11-27 16:38:21.122  2744 21243 I GRM     : Process(2764) name(media.codec) start at 736!
11-27 16:38:21.122  2744 21243 I GRM     : MtkRmServiceCreateComponent.1781, create component OMXNodeInstance(0xf4e2b0c0) exit...
11-27 16:38:21.122  2744 21243 I GRM     : MtkRmServiceCreateComponent.1787, create component exit...
11-27 16:38:21.122  2593  9144 I GRM     : IMtkRmClientCreateComponent.49, RET: 0
11-27 16:38:21.122  2593  9144 I GRM     : Return Component: thiz = 0x0xea29d300.
11-27 16:38:21.122  2764 11278 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800 SetParameter index(OMX_GoogleAndroidIndexVdpOwnership, 0x7F00010E)
11-27 16:38:21.127 20630 22350 D SurfaceUtils: connecting to surface 0xc93d9808, reason connectToSurface
11-27 16:38:21.127 20630 22350 I MediaCodec: [OMX.MTK.VIDEO.DECODER.HEVC] setting surface generation to 21125123
11-27 16:38:21.127 20630 22350 D SurfaceUtils: disconnecting from surface 0xc93d9808, reason connectToSurface(reconnect)
11-27 16:38:21.127 20630 22350 D SurfaceUtils: connecting to surface 0xc93d9808, reason connectToSurface(reconnect)
11-27 16:38:21.128 20630 22350 D MtkMediaCodecPlugin: [OMX.MTK.VIDEO.DECODER.HEVC] set mOutputPath = 0 L(145)
11-27 16:38:21.128  2764 11278 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800 SetParameter index(OMX_IndexParamStandardComponentRole, 0x01000017)
11-27 16:38:21.129  2744 21243 I GRM     : Set Component(OMXNodeInstance) priority(100) successful!
11-27 16:38:21.129  2593  9144 I GRM     : IMtkRmClientSetComponentPriority.59, RET: 0
11-27 16:38:21.130  2764  2838 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800 SetConfig index(OMX_IndexVendorPriority, 0x7F000106)
11-27 16:38:21.130  2764  2838 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800: Set RM Priority to 100
11-27 16:38:21.130  2744 21243 I GRM     : Set Component(MtkOmxVdec) priority(100) successful!
11-27 16:38:21.130  2593  9144 I GRM     : IMtkRmClientSetComponentPriority.59, RET: 0
11-27 16:38:21.130 20630 22351 D MtkACodecPlugin: 4k contents, set mOutputPath = OUTPUT_VIDEO_MAIN
11-27 16:38:21.131  2764 11278 D MtkOMXNodeInstancePlugin: ---dhx--- mPath = 256 L(361)
11-27 16:38:21.131  2593  9144 I GRM     : <RPC> z_offs=116

11-27 16:38:21.131  2744 21243 I GRM     : MtkRmServiceQueryResource enter! resName: VideoPath.
11-27 16:38:21.131  2744 21243 I GRM     : MtkRmServiceQueryResource exit! Matched.
11-27 16:38:21.131  2593  9144 I GRM     : IMtkRmClientQueryResourceType.254, RET: 0
11-27 16:38:21.132  2593  9144 I GRM     : <RPC> z_offs=176

11-27 16:38:21.132  2744 21243 I GRM     : add resource VideoPath(0)
11-27 16:38:21.132  2744 21243 I GRM     : addResource.1993, OMXNodeInstance add resource VideoPath(0)
11-27 16:38:21.132  2744 21243 I GRM     : Resource Type matched, RESOURCE_TYPE_NUMBERNIC!

11-27 16:38:21.132  2744 21243 I GRM     : add resource VideoPath(0), return 1
11-27 16:38:21.132  2593  9144 I GRM     : IMtkRmClientComponentAddResource.99, RET: 0
11-27 16:38:21.132  3349  3349 D PipManager: handleMediaResourceGranted() [org.jellyfin.androidtv]
11-27 16:38:21.132  2593  9144 I GRM     : AllocResource!!!
11-27 16:38:21.133  2744 21243 I GRM     : MtkRmServiceComponentAllocResource,2870, pip mode:0
11-27 16:38:21.133  2744 21243 I GRM     : client(OMXNodeInstance) alloc resource
11-27 16:38:21.133  2744 21243 I GRM     : ============================Start==============================
11-27 16:38:21.133  2744 21243 I GRM     : Componet Name:OMXNodeInstance, Pid:2764, priority:100, preempt:TRUE, fg:TRUE.
11-27 16:38:21.133  2744 21243 I GRM     : Resource List-->>>>
11-27 16:38:21.133  2744 21243 I GRM     : Name:VideoPath, type: 0, value: 0, enable: TRUE
11-27 16:38:21.133  2744 21243 I GRM     : Resource List--<<<<
11-27 16:38:21.133  2744 21243 I GRM     : Componet Name:MtkOmxVdec, Pid:2764, priority:100, preempt:TRUE, fg:TRUE.
11-27 16:38:21.133  2744 21243 I GRM     : Resource List-->>>>
11-27 16:38:21.133  2744 21243 I GRM     : Name:VideoDecoder, type: 0, value: 3, enable: TRUE
11-27 16:38:21.133  2744 21243 I GRM     : Resource List--<<<<
11-27 16:38:21.133  2744 21243 I GRM     : Component Count: 16
11-27 16:38:21.133  2744 21243 I GRM     : =============================End===============================
11-27 16:38:21.133  2593  9144 I GRM     : IMtkRmClientComponentAllocResource.143, RET: 0
11-27 16:38:21.135  2764  2838 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800 SetParameter index(OMX_GoogleAndroidIndexEnableAndroidNativeBuffers, 0x7F000100)
11-27 16:38:21.135  2764  2838 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800: OMX_GoogleAndroidIndexEnableAndroidNativeBuffers enable(1)
11-27 16:38:21.135  2764  2838 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800 SetParameter index(OMX_GoogleAndroidIndexAllocateNativeHandle, 0x7F00010B)
11-27 16:38:21.135  2764  2838 E MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800: OMX_GoogleAndroidIndexAllocateNativeHandle: invalid port index(1)
11-27 16:38:21.135  2764  2838 E OMXNodeInstance: setParameter(0xe9775804:MTK.DECODER.HEVC.kick, Output:1 en=0) ERROR: BadParameter(0x80001005)
11-27 16:38:21.135  2764  2838 W OMXNodeInstance: [0xe9775804:MTK.DECODER.HEVC.kick] component does not support metadata mode; using fallback
11-27 16:38:21.135 20630 22351 E ACodec  : [OMX.MTK.VIDEO.DECODER.HEVC] setPortMode on output to DynamicANWBuffer failed w/ err -1010
11-27 16:38:21.135  2764  2838 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800 SetParameter index(OMX_GoogleAndroidIndexAllocateNativeHandle, 0x7F00010B)
11-27 16:38:21.135  2764  2838 E MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800: OMX_GoogleAndroidIndexAllocateNativeHandle: invalid port index(1)
11-27 16:38:21.135  2764  2838 E OMXNodeInstance: setParameter(0xe9775804:MTK.DECODER.HEVC.kick, Output:1 en=0) ERROR: BadParameter(0x80001005)
11-27 16:38:21.135  2764  2838 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800 SetParameter index(OMX_GoogleAndroidIndexEnableAndroidNativeBuffers, 0x7F000100)
11-27 16:38:21.135  2764  2838 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800: OMX_GoogleAndroidIndexEnableAndroidNativeBuffers enable(1)
11-27 16:38:21.135  2764  2838 W OMXNodeInstance: [0xe9775804:MTK.DECODER.HEVC.kick] component does not support metadata mode; using fallback
11-27 16:38:21.136  2764  2838 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800 GetParameter index(OMX_IndexParamVideoPortFormat, 0x06000001)
11-27 16:38:21.136  2764  2838 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800 SetParameter index(OMX_IndexParamVideoPortFormat, 0x06000001)
11-27 16:38:21.136  2764  2838 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800 GetParameter index(OMX_IndexParamVideoPortFormat, 0x06000001)
11-27 16:38:21.136  2764  2838 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800: output color format get to 0x7f000101
11-27 16:38:21.136  2764  2838 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800 SetParameter index(OMX_IndexParamVideoPortFormat, 0x06000001)
11-27 16:38:21.136  2764  2838 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800: output color format set to 0x7f000101
11-27 16:38:21.136  2764 11278 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800 GetParameter index(OMX_IndexParamPortDefinition, 0x02000001)
11-27 16:38:21.136  2764 11278 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800: Get OMX_IndexParamPortDefinition Input Buffer Size: 6291456, Count: 4
11-27 16:38:21.136  2764 11278 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800 SetParameter index(OMX_IndexParamPortDefinition, 0x02000001)
11-27 16:38:21.136  2764 11278 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800: Set OMX_IndexParamPortDefinition Input Buffer size need 6291456, after page align 6291456
11-27 16:38:21.136  2764  2838 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800 GetParameter index(OMX_IndexParamPortDefinition, 0x02000001)
11-27 16:38:21.136  2764  2838 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800: Get OMX_IndexParamPortDefinition Output Buffer Size: 38016
11-27 16:38:21.136  2764 11278 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800 SetParameter index(OMX_IndexParamPortDefinition, 0x02000001)
11-27 16:38:21.137  2764 11278 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800,SetParameter#2739, Omx Stride info, stride=3840
11-27 16:38:21.137  2764 11278 D MtkOmxVdec: e9775800,SetParameter#2753, mOutputPortDef.nBufferSize=12443648
11-27 16:38:21.137  2764 11278 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800: Set OMX_IndexParamPortDefinition Output Buffer Size 12443648
11-27 16:38:21.137  2764  2838 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800 SetConfig index(OMX_GoogleAndroidIndexDescribeColorAspects, 0x7F00010D)
11-27 16:38:21.137  2764  2838 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800 setHDR10Info color aspects (R:2, P:6, M:5, T:3)
11-27 16:38:21.137  2764  2838 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800 SetConfig index(OMX_GoogleAndroidIndexDescribeHDRStaticInfo, 0x7F00010C)
11-27 16:38:21.137  2764  2838 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800 setHDR10MetadataInfo(R: 0 0, G: 0 0, B: 0, 0, W: 0, 0, MaxDispL: 0, MinDispL: 0, MaxContentL: 0, MaxFrameAvgL: 0)
11-27 16:38:21.137  2764 11278 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800 GetParameter index(OMX_IndexParamPortDefinition, 0x02000001)
11-27 16:38:21.137  2764 11278 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800: Get OMX_IndexParamPortDefinition Input Buffer Size: 6291456, Count: 4
11-27 16:38:21.138  2764  2764 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800 GetParameter index(OMX_IndexParamPortDefinition, 0x02000001)
11-27 16:38:21.138  2764  2764 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800: Get OMX_IndexParamPortDefinition Input Buffer Size: 6291456, Count: 4
11-27 16:38:21.138  2764  2764 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800 GetConfig index(OMX_IndexConfigAndroidVendorExtension, 0x6F100004)
11-27 16:38:21.138  2764  2838 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800 GetConfig index(OMX_IndexConfigAndroidVendorExtension, 0x6F100004)
11-27 16:38:21.138  2764  2838 I chatty  : uid=1046(mediacodec) HwBinder:2764_1 identical 3 lines
11-27 16:38:21.139  2764  2838 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800 GetConfig index(OMX_IndexConfigAndroidVendorExtension, 0x6F100004)
11-27 16:38:21.139  2764  2838 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800 GetParameter index(OMX_IndexParamPortDefinition, 0x02000001)
11-27 16:38:21.139  2764  2838 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800: Get OMX_IndexParamPortDefinition Output Buffer Size: 12443648
11-27 16:38:21.139  2764  2764 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800 GetConfig index(OMX_IndexConfigCommonOutputCrop, 0x0700000F)
11-27 16:38:21.140  2764  2764 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800 SetConfig index(OMX_GoogleAndroidIndexDescribeColorAspects, 0x7F00010D)
11-27 16:38:21.140  2764  2764 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800 setHDR10Info color aspects (R:2, P:6, M:5, T:3)
11-27 16:38:21.140  2764  2838 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800 GetConfig index(OMX_GoogleAndroidIndexDescribeColorAspects, 0x7F00010D)
11-27 16:38:21.140  2764  2838 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800 getHDR10Info color aspects (R:2, P:6, M:5, T:3)
11-27 16:38:21.140  2764  2764 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800 GetConfig index(OMX_GoogleAndroidIndexDescribeColorAspects, 0x7F00010D)
11-27 16:38:21.140  2764  2764 E MtkOmxVdec: bRequestingDataSpace is not supported
11-27 16:38:21.140  2764  2764 E OMXNodeInstance: getConfig(0xe9775804:MTK.DECODER.HEVC.kick, ??(0x7f00010d)) ERROR: UnsupportedSetting(0x80001019)
11-27 16:38:21.140  2764  2838 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800 GetConfig index(OMX_GoogleAndroidIndexDescribeHDRStaticInfo, 0x7F00010C)
11-27 16:38:21.140  2764  2838 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800 getHDR10MetadataInfo(R: 0 0, G: 0 0, B: 0, 0, W: 0, 0, MaxDispL: 0, MinDispL: 0, MaxContentL: 0, MaxFrameAvgL: 0)
11-27 16:38:21.140  2764  2764 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800 GetConfig index(OMX_IndexConfigAndroidVendorExtension, 0x6F100004)
11-27 16:38:21.141  2764  2764 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800 GetConfig index(OMX_IndexConfigAndroidVendorExtension, 0x6F100004)
11-27 16:38:21.141  2764  2838 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800 GetConfig index(OMX_IndexConfigAndroidVendorExtension, 0x6F100004)
11-27 16:38:21.141  2764  2838 I chatty  : uid=1046(mediacodec) HwBinder:2764_1 identical 2 lines
11-27 16:38:21.141  2764  2838 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800 GetConfig index(OMX_IndexConfigAndroidVendorExtension, 0x6F100004)
11-27 16:38:21.143  2764  2838 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800: SendCommand cmd=OMX_CommandStateSet
11-27 16:38:21.143  2764  2838 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800: set MTK_OMX_VDEC_IDLE_PENDING
11-27 16:38:21.143  2764 22359 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800: # Got general command (OMX_CommandStateSet)
11-27 16:38:21.143  2764 22359 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800: HandleStateSet 2
11-27 16:38:21.143  2764 22359 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800:Request [OMX_StateLoaded]->[OMX_StateIdle]
11-27 16:38:21.143  2764  2764 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800 GetParameter index(OMX_IndexParamPortDefinition, 0x02000001)
11-27 16:38:21.143  2764  2764 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800: Get OMX_IndexParamPortDefinition Input Buffer Size: 6291456, Count: 4
11-27 16:38:21.146  2061  2061 W AshmemAllocator: ashmem_create_region(6291456) returning hidl_memory(0xebc18180, 6291456)
11-27 16:38:21.148  2764  2764 D MtkOmxVdec: UseBuffer case, mIommuEnableDmx = 1
11-27 16:38:21.157  2764  2764 D MtkOmxVdec: IOMMU debug: MTMMU_Get_UserPtr, addr e6508000, size 6291456, iova:0xfe800000, pgd:0xcfa7006a
11-27 16:38:21.157  2764  2764 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800: MtkOmxVdec::UseBuffer port(0), idx[0], pBuffHead(0xea3a38b0), pBuffer(0xe6508000) size(6291456)
11-27 16:38:21.158  2061  2061 W AshmemAllocator: ashmem_create_region(6291456) returning hidl_memory(0xebc18180, 6291456)
11-27 16:38:21.158  2764  2764 D MtkOmxVdec: UseBuffer case, mIommuEnableDmx = 1
11-27 16:38:21.164  2764  2764 D MtkOmxVdec: IOMMU debug: MTMMU_Get_UserPtr, addr e5f08000, size 6291456, iova:0xfa800000, pgd:0xcfa7006a
11-27 16:38:21.165  2764  2764 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800: MtkOmxVdec::UseBuffer port(0), idx[1], pBuffHead(0xea3a2be0), pBuffer(0xe5f08000) size(6291456)
11-27 16:38:21.165  2061  2061 W AshmemAllocator: ashmem_create_region(6291456) returning hidl_memory(0xebc18180, 6291456)
11-27 16:38:21.165  2764  2764 D MtkOmxVdec: UseBuffer case, mIommuEnableDmx = 1
11-27 16:38:21.171  2764  2764 D MtkOmxVdec: IOMMU debug: MTMMU_Get_UserPtr, addr e5908000, size 6291456, iova:0xfa000000, pgd:0xcfa7006a
11-27 16:38:21.171  2764  2764 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800: MtkOmxVdec::UseBuffer port(0), idx[2], pBuffHead(0xea3a25f0), pBuffer(0xe5908000) size(6291456)
11-27 16:38:21.172  2061  2061 W AshmemAllocator: ashmem_create_region(6291456) returning hidl_memory(0xebc18180, 6291456)
11-27 16:38:21.172  2764  2764 D MtkOmxVdec: UseBuffer case, mIommuEnableDmx = 1
11-27 16:38:21.178  2764  2764 D MtkOmxVdec: IOMMU debug: MTMMU_Get_UserPtr, addr e4c0a000, size 6291456, iova:0xf9800000, pgd:0xcfa7006a
11-27 16:38:21.178  2764  2764 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800: MtkOmxVdec::UseBuffer port(0), idx[3], pBuffHead(0xea3a2f50), pBuffer(0xe4c0a000) size(6291456)
11-27 16:38:21.179  2764  2764 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800: UseBuffer:: input port populated
11-27 16:38:21.179  2764  2764 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800 GetParameter index(OMX_IndexParamPortDefinition, 0x02000001)
11-27 16:38:21.179  2764  2764 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800: Get OMX_IndexParamPortDefinition Output Buffer Size: 12443648
11-27 16:38:21.179  2764  2764 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800 GetParameter index(OMX_IndexParamPortDefinition, 0x02000001)
11-27 16:38:21.179  2764  2764 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800: Get OMX_IndexParamPortDefinition Output Buffer Size: 12443648
11-27 16:38:21.179  2764  2764 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800 SetParameter index(OMX_GoogleAndroidIndexAndroidNativeBufferConsumerUsage, 0x7F00010A)
11-27 16:38:21.179  2764  2764 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800: AndroidNativeBufferConsumerUsage 2304
11-27 16:38:21.179  2764  2764 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800: SurfaceView Mode
11-27 16:38:21.179  2764  2764 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800 GetParameter index(OMX_GoogleAndroidIndexGetAndroidNativeBufferUsage, 0x7F000102)
11-27 16:38:21.179  2764  2764 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800: GetParameter nUsage(0x10000000)
11-27 16:38:21.180 20630 22351 D MtkACodecPlugin: add usage GRALLOC_USAGE_PATH_VDP0
11-27 16:38:21.180 20630 22351 D SurfaceUtils: disconnecting from surface 0xc93d9808, reason setNativeWindowSizeFormatAndUsage
11-27 16:38:21.180 20630 22351 D SurfaceUtils: connecting to surface 0xc93d9808, reason setNativeWindowSizeFormatAndUsage
11-27 16:38:21.181 20630 22351 D SurfaceUtils: set up nativeWindow 0xc93d9808 for 3840x2160, color 0x7f000101, rotation 0, usage 0x30002900
11-27 16:38:21.181  2764  2764 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800 SetParameter index(OMX_IndexParamPortDefinition, 0x02000001)
11-27 16:38:21.181  2764  2764 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800,SetParameter#2739, Omx Stride info, stride=3840
11-27 16:38:21.181  2764  2764 D MtkOmxVdec: e9775800,SetParameter#2753, mOutputPortDef.nBufferSize=12443648
11-27 16:38:21.181  2764  2764 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800: Set OMX_IndexParamPortDefinition Output Buffer Size 12443648
11-27 16:38:21.183  2597  2637 W         : buffer descriptor with invalid usage bits 0x2000
11-27 16:38:21.183  2071  6552 D gralloc : mali_gralloc_select_format: req_format=0x7f000101 req_fmt_mapped=0x7f000101 internal_format=0x7f000101 usage=0x30002900
11-27 16:38:21.183  2071  6552 D gralloc : mtk_gralloc_ion_allocate() implement to FBM, usg=0x30002900, w=3840, h=2160, format=0x7f000101, *pHandle=0xf1883700
11-27 16:38:21.188  2764  2764 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800 SetParameter index(OMX_GoogleAndroidIndexUseAndroidNativeBuffer, 0x7F000101)
11-27 16:38:21.188  2764  2764 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800: u64fbmId=941
11-27 16:38:21.188  2764  2764 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800: alloc mGpuIds
11-27 16:38:21.188  2764  2764 D MtkOmxVdec: UseGraphBuffer port(1), idx[0], pBuffHead(0xea3a33b0), pBuffer(0xe9efd900), 3840x2160, size(12441600), mGpuIds(0x3ad)
11-27 16:38:21.189  2597  2898 W         : buffer descriptor with invalid usage bits 0x2000
11-27 16:38:21.189  2071  6552 D gralloc : mali_gralloc_select_format: req_format=0x7f000101 req_fmt_mapped=0x7f000101 internal_format=0x7f000101 usage=0x30002900
11-27 16:38:21.189  2071  6552 D gralloc : mtk_gralloc_ion_allocate() implement to FBM, usg=0x30002900, w=3840, h=2160, format=0x7f000101, *pHandle=0xf1883700
11-27 16:38:21.190  2764  2764 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800 SetParameter index(OMX_GoogleAndroidIndexUseAndroidNativeBuffer, 0x7F000101)
11-27 16:38:21.190  2764  2764 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800: u64fbmId=942
11-27 16:38:21.190  2764  2764 D MtkOmxVdec: UseGraphBuffer port(1), idx[1], pBuffHead(0xea3a3810), pBuffer(0xe97fed00), 3840x2160, size(12441600), mGpuIds(0x3ae)
11-27 16:38:21.190  2597  2898 W         : buffer descriptor with invalid usage bits 0x2000
11-27 16:38:21.190  2071  6552 D gralloc : mali_gralloc_select_format: req_format=0x7f000101 req_fmt_mapped=0x7f000101 internal_format=0x7f000101 usage=0x30002900
11-27 16:38:21.190  2071  6552 D gralloc : mtk_gralloc_ion_allocate() implement to FBM, usg=0x30002900, w=3840, h=2160, format=0x7f000101, *pHandle=0xf1883700
11-27 16:38:21.191  2764  2764 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800 SetParameter index(OMX_GoogleAndroidIndexUseAndroidNativeBuffer, 0x7F000101)
11-27 16:38:21.191  2764  2764 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800: u64fbmId=943
11-27 16:38:21.191  2764  2764 D MtkOmxVdec: UseGraphBuffer port(1), idx[2], pBuffHead(0xea3a3950), pBuffer(0xe97fef00), 3840x2160, size(12441600), mGpuIds(0x3af)
11-27 16:38:21.191  2597  2898 W         : buffer descriptor with invalid usage bits 0x2000
11-27 16:38:21.191  2071  6552 D gralloc : mali_gralloc_select_format: req_format=0x7f000101 req_fmt_mapped=0x7f000101 internal_format=0x7f000101 usage=0x30002900
11-27 16:38:21.191  2071  6552 D gralloc : mtk_gralloc_ion_allocate() implement to FBM, usg=0x30002900, w=3840, h=2160, format=0x7f000101, *pHandle=0xf1883700
11-27 16:38:21.192  2764  2764 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800 SetParameter index(OMX_GoogleAndroidIndexUseAndroidNativeBuffer, 0x7F000101)
11-27 16:38:21.192  2764  2764 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800: u64fbmId=944
11-27 16:38:21.192  2764  2764 D MtkOmxVdec: UseGraphBuffer port(1), idx[3], pBuffHead(0xea3a39a0), pBuffer(0xe977c000), 3840x2160, size(12441600), mGpuIds(0x3b0)
11-27 16:38:21.192  2597  2898 W         : buffer descriptor with invalid usage bits 0x2000
11-27 16:38:21.192  2071  6552 D gralloc : mali_gralloc_select_format: req_format=0x7f000101 req_fmt_mapped=0x7f000101 internal_format=0x7f000101 usage=0x30002900
11-27 16:38:21.192  2071  6552 D gralloc : mtk_gralloc_ion_allocate() implement to FBM, usg=0x30002900, w=3840, h=2160, format=0x7f000101, *pHandle=0xf1883700
11-27 16:38:21.193  2764  2764 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800 SetParameter index(OMX_GoogleAndroidIndexUseAndroidNativeBuffer, 0x7F000101)
11-27 16:38:21.193  2764  2764 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800: u64fbmId=945
11-27 16:38:21.193  2764  2764 D MtkOmxVdec: UseGraphBuffer port(1), idx[4], pBuffHead(0xea3a39f0), pBuffer(0xe977c100), 3840x2160, size(12441600), mGpuIds(0x3b1)
11-27 16:38:21.193  2597  2637 W         : buffer descriptor with invalid usage bits 0x2000
11-27 16:38:21.193  2071  6552 D gralloc : mali_gralloc_select_format: req_format=0x7f000101 req_fmt_mapped=0x7f000101 internal_format=0x7f000101 usage=0x30002900
11-27 16:38:21.194  2071  6552 D gralloc : mtk_gralloc_ion_allocate() implement to FBM, usg=0x30002900, w=3840, h=2160, format=0x7f000101, *pHandle=0xf1883700
11-27 16:38:21.194  2764  2764 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800 SetParameter index(OMX_GoogleAndroidIndexUseAndroidNativeBuffer, 0x7F000101)
11-27 16:38:21.194  2764  2764 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800: u64fbmId=946
11-27 16:38:21.194  2764  2764 D MtkOmxVdec: UseGraphBuffer port(1), idx[5], pBuffHead(0xea3a3590), pBuffer(0xe977c900), 3840x2160, size(12441600), mGpuIds(0x3b2)
11-27 16:38:21.194  2597  2898 W         : buffer descriptor with invalid usage bits 0x2000
11-27 16:38:21.194  2071  6552 D gralloc : mali_gralloc_select_format: req_format=0x7f000101 req_fmt_mapped=0x7f000101 internal_format=0x7f000101 usage=0x30002900
11-27 16:38:21.194  2071  6552 D gralloc : mtk_gralloc_ion_allocate() implement to FBM, usg=0x30002900, w=3840, h=2160, format=0x7f000101, *pHandle=0xf1883700
11-27 16:38:21.195  2764  2764 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800 SetParameter index(OMX_GoogleAndroidIndexUseAndroidNativeBuffer, 0x7F000101)
11-27 16:38:21.195  2764  2764 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800: u64fbmId=947
11-27 16:38:21.195  2764  2764 D MtkOmxVdec: UseGraphBuffer port(1), idx[6], pBuffHead(0xea3a34f0), pBuffer(0xe977ca00), 3840x2160, size(12441600), mGpuIds(0x3b3)
11-27 16:38:21.196  2597  2898 W         : buffer descriptor with invalid usage bits 0x2000
11-27 16:38:21.196  2071  6552 D gralloc : mali_gralloc_select_format: req_format=0x7f000101 req_fmt_mapped=0x7f000101 internal_format=0x7f000101 usage=0x30002900
11-27 16:38:21.196  2071  6552 D gralloc : mtk_gralloc_ion_allocate() implement to FBM, usg=0x30002900, w=3840, h=2160, format=0x7f000101, *pHandle=0xf1883700
11-27 16:38:21.197  2764  2764 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800 SetParameter index(OMX_GoogleAndroidIndexUseAndroidNativeBuffer, 0x7F000101)
11-27 16:38:21.197  2764  2764 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800: u64fbmId=948
11-27 16:38:21.197  2764  2764 D MtkOmxVdec: UseGraphBuffer port(1), idx[7], pBuffHead(0xea3a34a0), pBuffer(0xe977cb00), 3840x2160, size(12441600), mGpuIds(0x3b4)
11-27 16:38:21.197  2597  2898 W         : buffer descriptor with invalid usage bits 0x2000
11-27 16:38:21.197  2071  6552 D gralloc : mali_gralloc_select_format: req_format=0x7f000101 req_fmt_mapped=0x7f000101 internal_format=0x7f000101 usage=0x30002900
11-27 16:38:21.197  2071  6552 D gralloc : mtk_gralloc_ion_allocate() implement to FBM, usg=0x30002900, w=3840, h=2160, format=0x7f000101, *pHandle=0xf1883700
11-27 16:38:21.198  2764  2764 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800 SetParameter index(OMX_GoogleAndroidIndexUseAndroidNativeBuffer, 0x7F000101)
11-27 16:38:21.198  2764  2764 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800: u64fbmId=949
11-27 16:38:21.198  2764  2764 D MtkOmxVdec: UseGraphBuffer port(1), idx[8], pBuffHead(0xea3a3a40), pBuffer(0xe977cc00), 3840x2160, size(12441600), mGpuIds(0x3b5)
11-27 16:38:21.198  2597  2637 W         : buffer descriptor with invalid usage bits 0x2000
11-27 16:38:21.198  2071  6552 D gralloc : mali_gralloc_select_format: req_format=0x7f000101 req_fmt_mapped=0x7f000101 internal_format=0x7f000101 usage=0x30002900
11-27 16:38:21.198  2071  6552 D gralloc : mtk_gralloc_ion_allocate() implement to FBM, usg=0x30002900, w=3840, h=2160, format=0x7f000101, *pHandle=0xf1883700
11-27 16:38:21.199  2764  2764 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800 SetParameter index(OMX_GoogleAndroidIndexUseAndroidNativeBuffer, 0x7F000101)
11-27 16:38:21.199  2764  2764 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800: u64fbmId=950
11-27 16:38:21.199  2764  2764 D MtkOmxVdec: UseGraphBuffer port(1), idx[9], pBuffHead(0xea3a3ae0), pBuffer(0xe977ce00), 3840x2160, size(12441600), mGpuIds(0x3b6)
11-27 16:38:21.199  2597  2898 W         : buffer descriptor with invalid usage bits 0x2000
11-27 16:38:21.199  2071  6552 D gralloc : mali_gralloc_select_format: req_format=0x7f000101 req_fmt_mapped=0x7f000101 internal_format=0x7f000101 usage=0x30002900
11-27 16:38:21.199  2071  6552 D gralloc : mtk_gralloc_ion_allocate() implement to FBM, usg=0x30002900, w=3840, h=2160, format=0x7f000101, *pHandle=0xf1883700
11-27 16:38:21.201  2764  2764 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800 SetParameter index(OMX_GoogleAndroidIndexUseAndroidNativeBuffer, 0x7F000101)
11-27 16:38:21.201  2764  2764 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800: u64fbmId=951
11-27 16:38:21.201  2764  2764 D MtkOmxVdec: UseGraphBuffer port(1), idx[10], pBuffHead(0xea3a3b30), pBuffer(0xe977cf00), 3840x2160, size(12441600), mGpuIds(0x3b7)
11-27 16:38:21.201  2597  2637 W         : buffer descriptor with invalid usage bits 0x2000
11-27 16:38:21.201  2071  6552 D gralloc : mali_gralloc_select_format: req_format=0x7f000101 req_fmt_mapped=0x7f000101 internal_format=0x7f000101 usage=0x30002900
11-27 16:38:21.202  2071  6552 D gralloc : mtk_gralloc_ion_allocate() implement to FBM, usg=0x30002900, w=3840, h=2160, format=0x7f000101, *pHandle=0xf1883700
11-27 16:38:21.202  2764  2764 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800 SetParameter index(OMX_GoogleAndroidIndexUseAndroidNativeBuffer, 0x7F000101)
11-27 16:38:21.202  2764  2764 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800: u64fbmId=952
11-27 16:38:21.202  2764  2764 D MtkOmxVdec: UseGraphBuffer port(1), idx[11], pBuffHead(0xea3a3b80), pBuffer(0xe86d1100), 3840x2160, size(12441600), mGpuIds(0x3b8)
11-27 16:38:21.203  2597  2637 W         : buffer descriptor with invalid usage bits 0x2000
11-27 16:38:21.203  2071  6552 D gralloc : mali_gralloc_select_format: req_format=0x7f000101 req_fmt_mapped=0x7f000101 internal_format=0x7f000101 usage=0x30002900
11-27 16:38:21.203  2071  6552 D gralloc : mtk_gralloc_ion_allocate() implement to FBM, usg=0x30002900, w=3840, h=2160, format=0x7f000101, *pHandle=0xf1883700
11-27 16:38:21.203  2764  2764 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800 SetParameter index(OMX_GoogleAndroidIndexUseAndroidNativeBuffer, 0x7F000101)
11-27 16:38:21.203  2764  2764 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800: u64fbmId=953
11-27 16:38:21.203  2764  2764 D MtkOmxVdec: UseGraphBuffer port(1), idx[12], pBuffHead(0xea3a3c20), pBuffer(0xe86d1200), 3840x2160, size(12441600), mGpuIds(0x3b9)
11-27 16:38:21.204  2597  2898 W         : buffer descriptor with invalid usage bits 0x2000
11-27 16:38:21.204  2071  6552 D gralloc : mali_gralloc_select_format: req_format=0x7f000101 req_fmt_mapped=0x7f000101 internal_format=0x7f000101 usage=0x30002900
11-27 16:38:21.204  2071  6552 D gralloc : mtk_gralloc_ion_allocate() implement to FBM, usg=0x30002900, w=3840, h=2160, format=0x7f000101, *pHandle=0xf1883700
11-27 16:38:21.205  2764  2764 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800 SetParameter index(OMX_GoogleAndroidIndexUseAndroidNativeBuffer, 0x7F000101)
11-27 16:38:21.205  2764  2764 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800: u64fbmId=954
11-27 16:38:21.205  2764  2764 D MtkOmxVdec: UseGraphBuffer port(1), idx[13], pBuffHead(0xea3a3c70), pBuffer(0xe86d1300), 3840x2160, size(12441600), mGpuIds(0x3ba)
11-27 16:38:21.205  2597  2637 W         : buffer descriptor with invalid usage bits 0x2000
11-27 16:38:21.205  2071  6552 D gralloc : mali_gralloc_select_format: req_format=0x7f000101 req_fmt_mapped=0x7f000101 internal_format=0x7f000101 usage=0x30002900
11-27 16:38:21.205  2071  6552 D gralloc : mtk_gralloc_ion_allocate() implement to FBM, usg=0x30002900, w=3840, h=2160, format=0x7f000101, *pHandle=0xf1883700
11-27 16:38:21.206  2764  2764 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800 SetParameter index(OMX_GoogleAndroidIndexUseAndroidNativeBuffer, 0x7F000101)
11-27 16:38:21.206  2764  2764 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800: u64fbmId=955
11-27 16:38:21.206  2764  2764 D MtkOmxVdec: UseGraphBuffer port(1), idx[14], pBuffHead(0xea3a3d10), pBuffer(0xe86d1400), 3840x2160, size(12441600), mGpuIds(0x3bb)
11-27 16:38:21.206  2597  2898 W         : buffer descriptor with invalid usage bits 0x2000
11-27 16:38:21.206  2071  6552 D gralloc : mali_gralloc_select_format: req_format=0x7f000101 req_fmt_mapped=0x7f000101 internal_format=0x7f000101 usage=0x30002900
11-27 16:38:21.206  2071  6552 D gralloc : mtk_gralloc_ion_allocate() implement to FBM, usg=0x30002900, w=3840, h=2160, format=0x7f000101, *pHandle=0xf1883700
11-27 16:38:21.206  2764  2764 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800 SetParameter index(OMX_GoogleAndroidIndexUseAndroidNativeBuffer, 0x7F000101)
11-27 16:38:21.206  2764  2764 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800: u64fbmId=956
11-27 16:38:21.207  2764  2764 D MtkOmxVdec: UseGraphBuffer port(1), idx[15], pBuffHead(0xea3a3d60), pBuffer(0xe86d1700), 3840x2160, size(12441600), mGpuIds(0x3bc)
11-27 16:38:21.207  2597  2637 W         : buffer descriptor with invalid usage bits 0x2000
11-27 16:38:21.207  2071  6552 D gralloc : mali_gralloc_select_format: req_format=0x7f000101 req_fmt_mapped=0x7f000101 internal_format=0x7f000101 usage=0x30002900
11-27 16:38:21.207  2071  6552 D gralloc : mtk_gralloc_ion_allocate() implement to FBM, usg=0x30002900, w=3840, h=2160, format=0x7f000101, *pHandle=0xf1883700
11-27 16:38:21.207  2764  2764 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800 SetParameter index(OMX_GoogleAndroidIndexUseAndroidNativeBuffer, 0x7F000101)
11-27 16:38:21.207  2764  2764 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800: u64fbmId=957
11-27 16:38:21.207  2764  2764 D MtkOmxVdec: UseGraphBuffer port(1), idx[16], pBuffHead(0xea3a3db0), pBuffer(0xe86d1800), 3840x2160, size(12441600), mGpuIds(0x3bd)
11-27 16:38:21.207  2597  2898 W         : buffer descriptor with invalid usage bits 0x2000
11-27 16:38:21.208  2071  6552 D gralloc : mali_gralloc_select_format: req_format=0x7f000101 req_fmt_mapped=0x7f000101 internal_format=0x7f000101 usage=0x30002900
11-27 16:38:21.208  2071  6552 D gralloc : mtk_gralloc_ion_allocate() implement to FBM, usg=0x30002900, w=3840, h=2160, format=0x7f000101, *pHandle=0xf1883700
11-27 16:38:21.208  2764  2764 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800 SetParameter index(OMX_GoogleAndroidIndexUseAndroidNativeBuffer, 0x7F000101)
11-27 16:38:21.208  2764  2764 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800: u64fbmId=958
11-27 16:38:21.208  2764  2764 D MtkOmxVdec: UseGraphBuffer port(1), idx[17], pBuffHead(0xea3a3e00), pBuffer(0xe86d1900), 3840x2160, size(12441600), mGpuIds(0x3be)
11-27 16:38:21.208  2597  2637 W         : buffer descriptor with invalid usage bits 0x2000
11-27 16:38:21.208  2071  6552 D gralloc : mali_gralloc_select_format: req_format=0x7f000101 req_fmt_mapped=0x7f000101 internal_format=0x7f000101 usage=0x30002900
11-27 16:38:21.208  2071  6552 D gralloc : mtk_gralloc_ion_allocate() implement to FBM, usg=0x30002900, w=3840, h=2160, format=0x7f000101, *pHandle=0xf1883700
11-27 16:38:21.210  2764  2764 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800 SetParameter index(OMX_GoogleAndroidIndexUseAndroidNativeBuffer, 0x7F000101)
11-27 16:38:21.210  2764  2764 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800: u64fbmId=959
11-27 16:38:21.210  2764  2764 D MtkOmxVdec: UseGraphBuffer port(1), idx[18], pBuffHead(0xea3a3e50), pBuffer(0xe86d1b00), 3840x2160, size(12441600), mGpuIds(0x3bf)
11-27 16:38:21.210  2597  2637 W         : buffer descriptor with invalid usage bits 0x2000
11-27 16:38:21.210  2071  6552 D gralloc : mali_gralloc_select_format: req_format=0x7f000101 req_fmt_mapped=0x7f000101 internal_format=0x7f000101 usage=0x30002900
11-27 16:38:21.210  2071  6552 D gralloc : mtk_gralloc_ion_allocate() implement to FBM, usg=0x30002900, w=3840, h=2160, format=0x7f000101, *pHandle=0xf1883700
11-27 16:38:21.211  2764  2764 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800 SetParameter index(OMX_GoogleAndroidIndexUseAndroidNativeBuffer, 0x7F000101)
11-27 16:38:21.211  2764  2764 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800: u64fbmId=960
11-27 16:38:21.212  2764  2764 D MtkOmxVdec: UseGraphBuffer port(1), idx[19], pBuffHead(0xea3a3ea0), pBuffer(0xe86d1e00), 3840x2160, size(12441600), mGpuIds(0x3c0)
11-27 16:38:21.212  2764  2764 D MtkOmxVdec: UseGraphBuffer:: output port populated
11-27 16:38:21.212  2764 22359 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800: HandleStateSet wait idle complete
11-27 16:38:21.213  2764  2764 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800: SendCommand cmd=OMX_CommandStateSet
11-27 16:38:21.213  2764 22359 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800: # Got general command (OMX_CommandStateSet)
11-27 16:38:21.213  2764 22359 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800: HandleStateSet 3
11-27 16:38:21.213  2764 22359 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800:Request [OMX_StateIdle]->[OMX_StateExecuting]
11-27 16:38:21.213  2764 22359 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800: state changes to OMX_StateExecuting
11-27 16:38:21.213  2764 22359 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800: delay 10ms to workaround google flush issue
11-27 16:38:21.214 20630 22342 E VLC     : [df72b430/5746] libvlc audio output: too low audio sample frequency (0)
11-27 16:38:21.214 20630 22342 E VLC     : [c7c770b0/5746] libvlc decoder: failed to create audio output
11-27 16:38:21.229 20630 20630 D jellyfin-apiclient: Adding request to queue:
11-27 16:38:21.230 20630 20630 I PlaybackController: Play method: Direct
11-27 16:38:21.231 20630 20630 I PlaybackController: Turning off subs by default
11-27 16:38:21.231 20630 20630 I PlaybackController: Selecting default audio stream: 1
11-27 16:38:21.232 20630 20630 D VideoManager: Setting VLC audio track index to: 1 / 1
11-27 16:38:21.232  2764 22360 D MtkOmxVdec: Set CSD, length(105)
11-27 16:38:21.233  2764 22360 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800: set picture info: frame rate 0 width 3840 height 2160
11-27 16:38:21.232 20630 20630 D VideoManager: VLC Audio Track: Disable / -1
11-27 16:38:21.233  2593  9144 I GRM     : <RPC> z_offs=176

11-27 16:38:21.233 20630 20630 D VideoManager: VLC Audio Track: Surround 5.1 - [English] / 1
11-27 16:38:21.233  2744 21243 I GRM     : add resource DMXPlaybackPID(1)
11-27 16:38:21.234  2744 21243 I GRM     : addResource.1993, MtkOmxVdec add resource DMXPlaybackPID(1)
11-27 16:38:21.234  2744 21243 I GRM     : Resource Type matched, RESOURCE_TYPE_AMOUNT!

11-27 16:38:21.234  2744 21243 I GRM     : add resource DMXPlaybackPID(1), return 1
11-27 16:38:21.234  2593  9144 I GRM     : IMtkRmClientComponentAddResource.99, RET: 0
11-27 16:38:21.234  2593  3821 I GRM     : AllocResource!!!
11-27 16:38:21.234 20630 20630 I VideoManager: Setting by ID was successful
11-27 16:38:21.237  2744 22352 I GRM     : MtkRmServiceComponentAllocResource,2870, pip mode:0
11-27 16:38:21.237  2744 22352 I GRM     : client(MtkOmxVdec) alloc resource
11-27 16:38:21.237  2744 22352 I GRM     : (DMXPlaybackPID)Amount:96, valid:96. 
11-27 16:38:21.237  2744 22352 I GRM     : ============================Start==============================
11-27 16:38:21.237  2744 22352 I GRM     : Componet Name:OMXNodeInstance, Pid:2764, priority:100, preempt:TRUE, fg:TRUE.
11-27 16:38:21.237  2744 22352 I GRM     : Resource List-->>>>
11-27 16:38:21.237  2744 22352 I GRM     : Name:VideoPath, type: 0, value: 0, enable: TRUE
11-27 16:38:21.237  2744 22352 I GRM     : Resource List--<<<<
11-27 16:38:21.237  2744 22352 I GRM     : Componet Name:MtkOmxVdec, Pid:2764, priority:100, preempt:TRUE, fg:TRUE.
11-27 16:38:21.237  2744 22352 I GRM     : Resource List-->>>>
11-27 16:38:21.237  2744 22352 I GRM     : Name:DMXPlaybackPID, type: 1, value: 1, enable: TRUE
11-27 16:38:21.237  2744 22352 I GRM     : Name:VideoDecoder, type: 0, value: 3, enable: TRUE
11-27 16:38:21.237  2744 22352 I GRM     : Resource List--<<<<
11-27 16:38:21.237  2744 22352 I GRM     : Component Count: 16
11-27 16:38:21.237  2744 22352 I GRM     : =============================End===============================
11-27 16:38:21.237  2593  3821 I GRM     : IMtkRmClientComponentAllocResource.143, RET: 0
11-27 16:38:21.238  2764 22360 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800: Set Vdp Id to 0
11-27 16:38:21.238  2595 17214 W APM_AudioPolicyManager: getOutputForDevice() could not find output for stream 3, sampling rate 192000, format 0xd000000, channels 0x3, flags 0x1
11-27 16:38:21.238  2595 17214 E AudioFlinger: createTrack() getOutputForAttr() return error -38 or invalid output handle
11-27 16:38:21.238 20630 22364 E IAudioFlinger: createTrack returned error -38
11-27 16:38:21.238 20630 22364 E AudioTrack: AudioFlinger could not create track, status: -38 output 0
11-27 16:38:21.239  2764 22360 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800: InitVideoDecodeHW OK iDisplayWidth(0), iDisplayHeight(0), nFrameWidth(3840), nFrameHeight(2160)
11-27 16:38:21.241 20630 22364 E AudioTrack-JNI: Error -38 initializing AudioTrack
11-27 16:38:21.241 20630 22364 D AudioTrack: no metrics gathered, track status=-38
11-27 16:38:21.241 20630 22364 E Error code -20 when initializing AudioTrack.
11-27 16:38:21.241 20630 22364 W AudioTrack: Use of stream types is deprecated for operations other than volume control
11-27 16:38:21.241 20630 22364 W AudioTrack: See the documentation of AudioTrack() for what to use instead with to qualify your playback use case
11-27 16:38:21.242 20630 22364 E VLC     : [df72b430/575c] libvlc audio output: AudioTrack getState failed
11-27 16:38:21.242 20630 22364 W VLC     : [df72b430/575c] libvlc audio output: SPDIF configuration failed
11-27 16:38:21.242 20630 22364 E VLC     : [df72b430/575c] libvlc audio output: module not functional
11-27 16:38:21.242 20630 22364 E VLC     : [c7c770b0/575c] libvlc decoder: failed to create audio output
11-27 16:38:21.249  2595 17214 W AudioFlinger: createTrack_l(): mismatch between requested flags (00000008) and output flags (00000002)
11-27 16:38:21.251  2595 17214 D AudioFlinger: Client defaulted notificationFrames to 4104 for frameCount 8208
11-27 16:38:21.255 20630 22364 W AudioTrack: Use of stream types is deprecated for operations other than volume control
11-27 16:38:21.255 20630 22364 W AudioTrack: See the documentation of AudioTrack() for what to use instead with to qualify your playback use case
11-27 16:38:21.258  2062  3036 D audio_hal: [addPatch:187]handle = 0, numSources = 1, numSinks = 1
11-27 16:38:21.258  2062  3036 D audio_hal: [addPatch:198]Create new patch 27
11-27 16:38:21.258  2062  3036 D audio_hal: [addPatch:219]Sources(1):
11-27 16:38:21.258  2062  3036 D audio_hal: [increaseRef:38]Device(1) ref = 1
11-27 16:38:21.258  2062  3036 V audio_hal: [dumpAudioPort:70]============================= 1 start =============================
11-27 16:38:21.258  2062  3036 V audio_hal: [dumpAudioPort:72]port[1] role = source, type = mix
11-27 16:38:21.258  2062  3036 V audio_hal: [dumpAudioPort:81]port[1] module = 10, io handle = 13, usecase = ffffffff
11-27 16:38:21.258  2062  3036 V audio_hal: [dumpAudioPort:83]port[1] mute = 1, volume = 0
11-27 16:38:21.258  2062  3036 V audio_hal: [dumpAudioPort:84]============================== 1 end ==============================
11-27 16:38:21.258  2062  3036 D audio_hal: [addPatch:233]Sinks(1):
11-27 16:38:21.258  2062  3036 V audio_hal: [getDeviceConfig:121]devices = 40000
11-27 16:38:21.258  2062  3036 D audio_hal: [increaseRef:38]Device(3638) ref = 1
11-27 16:38:21.258  2062  3036 V audio_hal: [dumpAudioPort:70]============================= 3638 start =============================
11-27 16:38:21.258  2062  3036 V audio_hal: [dumpAudioPort:72]port[3638] role = sink, type = device
11-27 16:38:21.258  2062  3036 V audio_hal: [getDeviceConfig:121]devices = 40000
11-27 16:38:21.258  2062  3036 V audio_hal: [dumpAudioPort:74]port[3638] name = hdmi arc out
11-27 16:38:21.258  2062  3036 V audio_hal: [dumpAudioPort:77]port[3638] module = 10, device type = 0x40000, address = 
11-27 16:38:21.258  2062  3036 V audio_hal: [dumpAudioPort:83]port[3638] mute = 1, volume = 0
11-27 16:38:21.258  2062  3036 V audio_hal: [dumpAudioPort:84]============================== 3638 end ==============================
11-27 16:38:21.258  2062  3036 V audio_hal: [getDeviceConfig:121]devices = 40000
11-27 16:38:21.258  2062  3036 V audio_hal: [mute:27]bt mute = 0
11-27 16:38:21.258  2062  3036 D audio_hal: [mute:100]Un-mute 21
11-27 16:38:21.258  2062  3036 V audio_hal: [mute:27]hdmi arc out mute = 0
11-27 16:38:21.259  2062  3036 D audio_hal: [mute:112]Un-mute hdmi
11-27 16:38:21.259  2062  3036 V audio_hal: [mute:27]headphone mute = 1
11-27 16:38:21.259  2062  3036 D audio_hal: [mute:100]Mute 8
11-27 16:38:21.259  2062  3036 V audio_hal: [mute:27]speaker mute = 1
11-27 16:38:21.259  2062  3036 D audio_hal: [mute:100]Mute 0
11-27 16:38:21.261  2062  3036 D AecLib  : aec_set_ref_signal: aec is not ready yet.
11-27 16:38:21.290  3320  3916 E bt_btif : register_notification_rsp: Avrcp device is not connected, handle: 0x0
11-27 16:38:21.290  3320  3916 I chatty  : uid=1002(bluetooth) BluetoothAvrcpH identical 4 lines
11-27 16:38:21.291  3320  3916 E bt_btif : register_notification_rsp: Avrcp device is not connected, handle: 0x0
11-27 16:38:21.294  2061  2061 W AshmemAllocator: ashmem_create_region(3072) returning hidl_memory(0xebc18180, 3072)
11-27 16:38:21.296  2061  2061 W AshmemAllocator: ashmem_create_region(1024) returning hidl_memory(0xebc18180, 1024)
11-27 16:38:21.296  2595  3037 E EffectHalHidl: Buffer provider callbacks are not supported
11-27 16:38:21.301  2062  9161 D audio_hal: [get_sound_device_by_card:256]Get a card with (mtk - mtk, NULL, 1) =  0 [mtk            ]: mtk - mtk
11-27 16:38:21.301  2062  9161 D audio_hal:  .
11-27 16:38:21.308  2764  2838 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800 GetConfig index(OMX_IndexVendorSar, 0x7F00010F)
11-27 16:38:21.308  2764  2838 D MtkOmxVdec: Get SAR nWidth:nHeight=1:1
11-27 16:38:21.308  2764  2764 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800 GetParameter index(OMX_IndexParamPortDefinition, 0x02000001)
11-27 16:38:21.308  2764  2764 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800: Get OMX_IndexParamPortDefinition Output Buffer Size: 12443648
11-27 16:38:21.309  2764  2838 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800 GetConfig index(OMX_IndexConfigCommonOutputCrop, 0x0700000F)
11-27 16:38:21.309  2764 11278 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800 SetConfig index(OMX_GoogleAndroidIndexDescribeColorAspects, 0x7F00010D)
11-27 16:38:21.309  2764 11278 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800 setHDR10Info color aspects (R:2, P:6, M:5, T:3)
11-27 16:38:21.309  2764 11278 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800 GetConfig index(OMX_GoogleAndroidIndexDescribeColorAspects, 0x7F00010D)
11-27 16:38:21.309  2764 11278 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800 getHDR10Info color aspects (R:2, P:6, M:5, T:3)
11-27 16:38:21.309  2764  2838 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800 GetConfig index(OMX_GoogleAndroidIndexDescribeColorAspects, 0x7F00010D)
11-27 16:38:21.309  2764  2838 E MtkOmxVdec: bRequestingDataSpace is not supported
11-27 16:38:21.309  2764  2838 E OMXNodeInstance: getConfig(0xe9775804:MTK.DECODER.HEVC.kick, ??(0x7f00010d)) ERROR: UnsupportedSetting(0x80001019)
11-27 16:38:21.309  2764  2838 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800 GetConfig index(OMX_GoogleAndroidIndexDescribeHDRStaticInfo, 0x7F00010C)
11-27 16:38:21.309  2764  2838 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800 getHDR10MetadataInfo(R: 0 0, G: 0 0, B: 0, 0, W: 0, 0, MaxDispL: 0, MinDispL: 0, MaxContentL: 0, MaxFrameAvgL: 0)
11-27 16:38:21.309  2764  3838 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800 GetConfig index(OMX_IndexConfigAndroidVendorExtension, 0x6F100004)
11-27 16:38:21.309  2764 11278 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800 GetConfig index(OMX_IndexConfigAndroidVendorExtension, 0x6F100004)
11-27 16:38:21.309  2764 11278 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800 GetConfig index(OMX_IndexConfigAndroidVendorExtension, 0x6F100004)
11-27 16:38:21.309  2764  2838 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800 GetConfig index(OMX_IndexConfigAndroidVendorExtension, 0x6F100004)
11-27 16:38:21.310  2764  3838 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800 GetConfig index(OMX_IndexConfigAndroidVendorExtension, 0x6F100004)
11-27 16:38:21.310  2764  2764 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800 GetConfig index(OMX_IndexConfigAndroidVendorExtension, 0x6F100004)
11-27 16:38:21.310 20630 22362 E VLC     : [c7a730b0/575a] libvlc decoder: output: 2130706689 unknown, 3840x2160 stride 3840 2160, crop 0 0 0 0
11-27 16:38:21.311 20630 22349 W VLC     : [c457a830/574d] libvlc vout display: picture way too early to release at time
11-27 16:38:21.328  2072  2660 I hwcomposer: [565] new play mode: StageFright
11-27 16:38:21.330  2072  2660 I hwcomposer: [565] mVdpChannel is main. mMainVideoLayerNum:1 mSubVideoLayerNum:0
11-27 16:38:21.330  2072  2660 I hwcomposer: video source region: x:0, y:0, w:10000, h:10000, resolution: [3840 x 2160]
11-27 16:38:21.330  2072  2660 I hwcomposer: video display region: x:0, y:0, w:10000, h:10000
11-27 16:38:21.345  2072  2660 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:21.361  2072  2660 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) HwBinder:2072_1 identical 1 line
11-27 16:38:21.378  2072  2660 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:21.395  2072  2660 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:21.428  2072  2660 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) HwBinder:2072_1 identical 2 lines
11-27 16:38:21.444  2072  2660 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:21.449 20630 20630 I jellyfin-apiclient: Response received from:
11-27 16:38:21.461  2072  2660 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:21.478  2072  2660 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:21.488 20630 20630 D VideoManager: Setting VLC audio track index to: 1 / 1
11-27 16:38:21.489 20630 20630 D VideoManager: VLC Audio Track: Disable / -1
11-27 16:38:21.489 20630 20630 D VideoManager: VLC Audio Track: Surround 5.1 - [English] / 1
11-27 16:38:21.489 20630 20630 I VideoManager: Setting by ID was successful
11-27 16:38:21.494  2072  2660 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:21.678  2072  2660 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) HwBinder:2072_1 identical 11 lines
11-27 16:38:21.695  2072  2660 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:21.712  2072  2660 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:21.911  2072  2660 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) HwBinder:2072_1 identical 12 lines
11-27 16:38:21.928  2072  2660 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:21.944 20630 22349 E VLC     : [c0e3c9b0/574d] libvlc window: request 3 not implemented
11-27 16:38:21.944  2072  2660 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:22.128  2072  2660 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) HwBinder:2072_1 identical 11 lines
11-27 16:38:22.145  2072  2660 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:22.146 20630 22364 W VLC     : [df72b430/575c] libvlc audio output: playback too early (-42571): down-sampling
11-27 16:38:22.161  2072  2660 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:22.912  2072  2660 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) HwBinder:2072_1 identical 45 lines
11-27 16:38:22.928  2072  2660 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:22.945  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:23.579  2072  2661 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) HwBinder:2072_2 identical 38 lines
11-27 16:38:23.596  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:23.601  2069 25756 D mtdrm_WV: MTAL: _oecc44 OEMCrypto_GetHDCPCapability entry 
11-27 16:38:23.601  2069 25756 D mtdrm_WV: MTAL: _oecc44 OEMCrypto_GetHDCPCapability exist current=255,maximum=255
11-27 16:38:23.612  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:23.828  2072  2661 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) HwBinder:2072_2 identical 13 lines
11-27 16:38:23.845  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:23.851  2597  2898 D SurfaceFlinger: getDisplayConfigs hwc config w:1920 h:1080
11-27 16:38:23.854  3072  3251 D KeyResponseManager: setLed: onMs=200, offMs=0, windowMs=100
11-27 16:38:23.858  2597  2637 D SurfaceFlinger: getDisplayConfigs hwc config w:1920 h:1080
11-27 16:38:23.862  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:23.862  3072  3250 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast from system 3072:system/1000 pkg android
11-27 16:38:23.862  3072  3250 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-27 16:38:23.862  3072  3250 E ActivityManager:   at
11-27 16:38:23.862  3072  3250 E ActivityManager:   at
11-27 16:38:23.862  3072  3250 E ActivityManager:   at
11-27 16:38:23.862  3072  3250 E ActivityManager:   at
11-27 16:38:23.862  3072  3250 E ActivityManager:   at
11-27 16:38:23.862  3072  3250 E ActivityManager:   at
11-27 16:38:23.862  3072  3250 E ActivityManager:   at
11-27 16:38:23.862  3072  3250 E ActivityManager:   at
11-27 16:38:23.879  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:23.912  2072  2661 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) HwBinder:2072_2 identical 2 lines
11-27 16:38:23.929  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:23.935  3349  3349 I QuickUiModule: QuickLauncher: onQuickSettingsKey
11-27 16:38:23.936  3349  3349 I QuickUiModule: QuickLauncher: close requested
11-27 16:38:23.943  3072  3502 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to
11-27 16:38:23.946  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:23.946  3072  3137 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to$PersistentTrustedReceiver
11-27 16:38:23.962  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:23.964  3377  3377 I SonySystemService: PictureOffController stop:
11-27 16:38:23.979  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:23.989  2597  2898 D SurfaceFlinger: getDisplayConfigs hwc config w:1920 h:1080
11-27 16:38:23.993  2597  2898 D SurfaceFlinger: getDisplayConfigs hwc config w:1920 h:1080
11-27 16:38:23.997  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:24.012  2072  2661 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) HwBinder:2072_2 identical 1 line
11-27 16:38:24.029  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:24.033  3349  3349 I PerformanceCheck: [StartUp/None] is started.
11-27 16:38:24.039  3349  3349 I MainViewModel: message = ChangeModeRc
11-27 16:38:24.045  3349  3349 I ObservableProperty: [MainViewModel voice mode] : request update = false on Looper (main, tid 2) {4050447}
11-27 16:38:24.045  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:24.049  3349  3349 I ObservableProperty: [ModeRestrictionUtil voice mode] : request update = true on Looper (main, tid 2) {4050447}
11-27 16:38:24.063  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:24.080  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:24.080  3349  3349 W VoiceLogUtil: Session for [SmartSetting] is not started.
11-27 16:38:24.081  3349  3349 I MainViewModel: message = ShowMenu
11-27 16:38:24.089  3349  3349 I ObservableProperty: [TipsResolver - TipsControllerImpl show message] : request update = None on Looper (main, tid 2) {4050447}
11-27 16:38:24.096  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:24.113  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:24.119  4394  4850 I BiLogOutput: [bi_log] 498, Sent log successfully. 1
11-27 16:38:24.130  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:24.147  2072  2661 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) HwBinder:2072_2 identical 1 line
11-27 16:38:24.163  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:24.166  2597  2637 D SurfaceFlinger: getDisplayConfigs hwc config w:1920 h:1080
11-27 16:38:24.174  4394  4861 I QVR_t   : Triggering a new async dispatch request since currentLogsCount[127] exceeded dispatchTriggerCount[5]
11-27 16:38:24.176  2597  2898 D SurfaceFlinger: getDisplayConfigs hwc config w:1920 h:1080
11-27 16:38:24.180  2072  2660 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:24.191  3072  3502 E WindowManager: App trying to use insecure INPUT_FEATURE_NO_INPUT_CHANNEL flag. Ignoring
11-27 16:38:24.197  3349  3349 I QuickUiModule: QuickSettings: send open systemui intent
11-27 16:38:24.197  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:24.199  3072  3502 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast from system pkg
11-27 16:38:24.199  3072  3502 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-27 16:38:24.199  3072  3502 E ActivityManager:   at
11-27 16:38:24.199  3072  3502 E ActivityManager:   at
11-27 16:38:24.199  3072  3502 E ActivityManager:   at
11-27 16:38:24.199  3072  3502 E ActivityManager:   at$Stub.onTransact$broadcastIntent$(
11-27 16:38:24.199  3072  3502 E ActivityManager:   at$Stub.onTransact(
11-27 16:38:24.199  3072  3502 E ActivityManager:   at
11-27 16:38:24.199  3072  3502 E ActivityManager:   at android.os.Binder.execTransact(
11-27 16:38:24.214  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:24.223  3349  3349 I QuickUiModule: RcPowerKey: onQuickSettingsKey
11-27 16:38:24.223  3349  3349 I QuickUiModule: RcPowerKey: close requested
11-27 16:38:24.226  3072  3137 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to
11-27 16:38:24.230  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:24.233  3072  3137 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to$PersistentTrustedReceiver
11-27 16:38:24.246  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:24.247 20630 20630 D jellyfin-apiclient: Adding request to queue:
11-27 16:38:24.263  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:24.265  3072  3072 V HotPlugDetectionAction: Poll audio system.
11-27 16:38:24.265  3884  3884 D BoundBrokerSvc: onBind: Intent { }
11-27 16:38:24.265  3884  3884 D BoundBrokerSvc: Loading bound service for intent: Intent { }
11-27 16:38:24.281  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:24.291  2597  3088 D SurfaceFlinger: getDisplayConfigs hwc config w:1920 h:1080
11-27 16:38:24.293  3349  3684 D mali_winsys: EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000
11-27 16:38:24.295  2071  6552 D gralloc : mali_gralloc_select_format: req_format=0x00000001 req_fmt_mapped=0x1 internal_format=0x700000001 usage=0xb00
11-27 16:38:24.298  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:24.314  2072  2661 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) HwBinder:2072_2 identical 1 line
11-27 16:38:24.330  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:24.338  2071  2663 D gralloc : mali_gralloc_select_format: req_format=0x00000001 req_fmt_mapped=0x1 internal_format=0x700000001 usage=0xb00
11-27 16:38:24.340  2071  6552 D gralloc : ION_IOC_CUSTOM
11-27 16:38:24.345  2071  6552 D gralloc : mali_gralloc_ion_allocate: hnd->shared_fd=17, hnd->iova=0xf6000000, cpu_ptr=0xeec4f000, size=0x1030040
11-27 16:38:24.346  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:24.348  2071  6552 D gralloc : mali_gralloc_select_format: req_format=0x00000001 req_fmt_mapped=0x1 internal_format=0x700000001 usage=0xb00
11-27 16:38:24.366  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:24.399  2072  2661 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) HwBinder:2072_2 identical 2 lines
11-27 16:38:24.415  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:24.418  2071  2663 D gralloc : ION_IOC_CUSTOM
11-27 16:38:24.422  2071  6552 D gralloc : ION_IOC_CUSTOM
11-27 16:38:24.422  2071  2663 D gralloc : mali_gralloc_ion_allocate: hnd->shared_fd=17, hnd->iova=0xf4000000, cpu_ptr=0xeec4f000, size=0x1030040
11-27 16:38:24.428  2071  6552 D gralloc : mali_gralloc_ion_allocate: hnd->shared_fd=21, hnd->iova=0xf2000000, cpu_ptr=0xeec4f000, size=0x1030040
11-27 16:38:24.433  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:24.499  2072  2661 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) HwBinder:2072_2 identical 4 lines
11-27 16:38:24.515  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:24.522  3337  3337 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onFinishInput():3466 
11-27 16:38:24.523  3337  3337 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onStartInput():2045 
11-27 16:38:24.526  3337  3337 I DeviceUnlockedTag: DeviceUnlockedTag.notifyDeviceLockStatusChanged():38 Notify device unlocked.
11-27 16:38:24.531  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:24.546  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:24.558 20630 20630 I jellyfin-apiclient: Response received from:
11-27 16:38:24.564  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:24.713  2072  2661 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) HwBinder:2072_2 identical 9 lines
11-27 16:38:24.730  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:24.732  3349  3349 I PerformanceCheck: [StartUp/None] is completed.
11-27 16:38:24.743  4394  4850 I BiLogOutput: [bi_log] 499, Sent log successfully. 1
11-27 16:38:24.746  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:24.763  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:24.776  4394  4861 I QVR_t   : Triggering a new async dispatch request since currentLogsCount[128] exceeded dispatchTriggerCount[5]
11-27 16:38:24.779  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:25.096  2072  2661 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) HwBinder:2072_2 identical 19 lines
11-27 16:38:25.113  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:25.119  3072  3502 E memtrack: Couldn't load memtrack module
11-27 16:38:25.119  3072  3502 W android.os.Debug: failed to get memory consumption info: -1
11-27 16:38:25.129  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:25.146  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:25.159 10377 10396 D UEI.SmartControl: checkWifiSSID: Network info - [type: WIFI[], state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: (none), failover: false, available: true, roaming: false]
11-27 16:38:25.160 10377 10396 D UEI.SmartControl: checkWifiSSID: SSID = 
11-27 16:38:25.163  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:25.346  2072  2661 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) HwBinder:2072_2 identical 11 lines
11-27 16:38:25.363  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:25.380  2072  2660 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:26.048  2072  2660 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) HwBinder:2072_1 identical 40 lines
11-27 16:38:26.063  2072  2660 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:26.073  2597  2637 D SurfaceFlinger: getDisplayConfigs hwc config w:1920 h:1080
11-27 16:38:26.074  3072  3251 D KeyResponseManager: setLed: onMs=200, offMs=0, windowMs=100
11-27 16:38:26.078  2597  2638 D SurfaceFlinger: getDisplayConfigs hwc config w:1920 h:1080
11-27 16:38:26.080  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:26.097  2072  2660 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:26.197  2072  2660 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) HwBinder:2072_1 identical 6 lines
11-27 16:38:26.213  2072  2660 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:26.223  2597  2638 D SurfaceFlinger: getDisplayConfigs hwc config w:1920 h:1080
11-27 16:38:26.226  2597  2638 D SurfaceFlinger: getDisplayConfigs hwc config w:1920 h:1080
11-27 16:38:26.230  3349  3349 I MainViewModel: message = HideMenu
11-27 16:38:26.231  2072  2660 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:26.232  3349  3349 W VoiceLogUtil: Session for [SmartSetting] is not started.
11-27 16:38:26.232  3349  3349 W VoiceLogUtil: Session for [SmartSetting] is not started.
11-27 16:38:26.247  2072  2660 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:26.264  2072  2660 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:26.278  3337  3337 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onFinishInput():3466 
11-27 16:38:26.280  2072  2660 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:26.279  3337  3337 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onStartInput():2045 
11-27 16:38:26.284  3337  3337 I DeviceUnlockedTag: DeviceUnlockedTag.notifyDeviceLockStatusChanged():38 Notify device unlocked.
11-27 16:38:26.297  2072  2660 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:26.313  2072  2660 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:26.330  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:26.713  2072  2661 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) HwBinder:2072_2 identical 23 lines
11-27 16:38:26.731  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:26.747  3349  3349 I MainViewModel: message = FocusLost
11-27 16:38:26.747  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:26.753  3349  3349 I ObservableProperty: call unbind [MainViewRestriction: prop]
11-27 16:38:26.757  2597  2638 E BufferQueueProducer: [QuickSettingsWindowImpl#0] disconnect: not connected (req=1)
11-27 16:38:26.757  3349  3684 W libEGL  : EGLNativeWindowType 0xc0bcd008 disconnect failed
11-27 16:38:26.763  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:26.776  2071  6552 D gralloc : mali_gralloc_select_format: req_format=0x00000001 req_fmt_mapped=0x1 internal_format=0x1 usage=0x966
11-27 16:38:26.782  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:26.797  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:26.808  2071  6552 D gralloc : ION_IOC_CUSTOM
11-27 16:38:26.810  2071  6552 D gralloc : mali_gralloc_ion_allocate: hnd->shared_fd=17, hnd->iova=0xf1800000, cpu_ptr=0xef497000, size=0x7e9000
11-27 16:38:26.814  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:26.830  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:26.835  3349  3349 I MainViewModel: message = FocusLost
11-27 16:38:26.835  3349  3349 I MainViewModel: message = FocusLost
11-27 16:38:26.843  3349  3349 I ObservableProperty: [BrightnessTileModel collection] : request update = [$Brightness@32,$Brightness@2d,$Brightness@28,$Brightness@23,$Brightness@1e,$Brightness@19,$Brightness@14,$Brightness@f,$Brightness@a,$Brightness@5,$Brightness@0] on Looper (main, tid 2) {4050447}
11-27 16:38:26.844  3349  3349 I ObservableProperty: [BrightnessTileModel collection] : apply value change [$Brightness@32,$Brightness@2d,$Brightness@28,$Brightness@23,$Brightness@1e,$Brightness@19,$Brightness@14,$Brightness@f,$Brightness@a,$Brightness@5,$Brightness@0] -> [$Brightness@32,$Brightness@2d,$Brightness@28,$Brightness@23,$Brightness@1e,$Brightness@19,$Brightness@14,$Brightness@f,$Brightness@a,$Brightness@5,$Brightness@0] on Looper (main, tid 2) {4050447}
11-27 16:38:26.844  3349  3349 I ObservableProperty: [BrightnessTileViewModel collection] : request update = [$Brightness@32,$Brightness@2d,$Brightness@28,$Brightness@23,$Brightness@1e,$Brightness@19,$Brightness@14,$Brightness@f,$Brightness@a,$Brightness@5,$Brightness@0] on Looper (main, tid 2) {4050447}
11-27 16:38:26.844  3349  3349 I ObservableProperty: [BrightnessTileViewModel collection] : apply value change [$Brightness@32,$Brightness@2d,$Brightness@28,$Brightness@23,$Brightness@1e,$Brightness@19,$Brightness@14,$Brightness@f,$Brightness@a,$Brightness@5,$Brightness@0] -> [$Brightness@32,$Brightness@2d,$Brightness@28,$Brightness@23,$Brightness@1e,$Brightness@19,$Brightness@14,$Brightness@f,$Brightness@a,$Brightness@5,$Brightness@0] on Looper (main, tid 2) {4050447}
11-27 16:38:26.848  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:26.864  2597  2638 W SurfaceFlinger: Attempting to destroy on removed layer: bad9dc9 QuickSettingsWindowImpl#0
11-27 16:38:26.866  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:27.230  2072  2661 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) HwBinder:2072_2 identical 22 lines
11-27 16:38:27.247  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:27.248 20630 20630 D jellyfin-apiclient: Adding request to queue:
11-27 16:38:27.263  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:27.413  2072  2661 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) HwBinder:2072_2 identical 9 lines
11-27 16:38:27.431  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:27.442 20630 20630 I jellyfin-apiclient: Response received from:
11-27 16:38:27.447  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:28.064  2072  2661 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) HwBinder:2072_2 identical 37 lines
11-27 16:38:28.080  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:28.096  5676  5676 I chromium: [] gRPC client channel state changed to GRPC_CHANNEL_TRANSIENT_FAILURE
11-27 16:38:28.098  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:30.182  2072  2661 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) HwBinder:2072_2 identical 125 lines
11-27 16:38:30.199  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:30.204 10377 10396 D UEI.SmartControl: checkWifiSSID: Network info - [type: WIFI[], state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: (none), failover: false, available: true, roaming: false]
11-27 16:38:30.208 10377 10396 D UEI.SmartControl: checkWifiSSID: SSID = 
11-27 16:38:30.216  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:30.232  2072  2661 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) HwBinder:2072_2 identical 1 line
11-27 16:38:30.248  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:30.249 20630 20630 D jellyfin-apiclient: Adding request to queue:
11-27 16:38:30.265  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:30.432  2072  2661 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) HwBinder:2072_2 identical 10 lines
11-27 16:38:30.448  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:30.466 20630 20630 I jellyfin-apiclient: Response received from:
11-27 16:38:30.466  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:31.099  2072  2661 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) HwBinder:2072_2 identical 38 lines
11-27 16:38:31.116  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:31.132  2072  2660 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:31.416  2072  2660 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) HwBinder:2072_1 identical 17 lines
11-27 16:38:31.432  2072  2660 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:31.450  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:32.132  2072  2661 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) HwBinder:2072_2 identical 41 lines
11-27 16:38:32.149  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:32.149  3884  5391 I NetworkScheduler.Stats: Task started execution. cause:2 exec_start_elapsed_seconds: 94750 [CONTEXT service_id=218 ]
11-27 16:38:32.154  3884  8903 W FontLog : New version from GServices 22 is less than or equal to current version 22 [CONTEXT service_id=132 ]
11-27 16:38:32.158  3884  8903 I FontLog : Did not start update [CONTEXT service_id=132 ]
11-27 16:38:32.163  3884  5391 I NetworkScheduler.Stats: Task finished executing. cause:2 result: 1 elapsed_millis: 53 uptime_millis: 53 exec_start_elapsed_seconds: 94750 [CONTEXT service_id=218 ]
11-27 16:38:32.166  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:33.217  2072  2661 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) HwBinder:2072_2 identical 63 lines
11-27 16:38:33.233  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:33.249 20630 20630 D jellyfin-apiclient: Adding request to queue:
11-27 16:38:33.250  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:29.266  3072  3072 V HotPlugDetectionAction: Poll audio system.
11-27 16:38:33.291  3072  3302 I HdmiCecController: [S]:<Give Device Power Status> 05:8F
11-27 16:38:33.400  2072  2661 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) HwBinder:2072_2 identical 9 lines
11-27 16:38:33.417  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:33.433  2072  2660 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:33.451  3072  3072 I HdmiCecController: [R]:<Report Power Status> 50:90:00
11-27 16:38:33.483  2072  2660 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) HwBinder:2072_1 identical 3 lines
11-27 16:38:33.500  2072  2660 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:33.509 20630 20630 I jellyfin-apiclient: Response received from:
11-27 16:38:33.517  2072  2660 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:33.583  2072  2660 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) HwBinder:2072_1 identical 4 lines
11-27 16:38:33.600  2072  2660 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:33.603  2069 25756 D mtdrm_WV: MTAL: _oecc44 OEMCrypto_GetHDCPCapability entry 
11-27 16:38:33.604  2069 25756 D mtdrm_WV: MTAL: _oecc44 OEMCrypto_GetHDCPCapability exist current=255,maximum=255
11-27 16:38:33.616  2072  2660 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:34.266  3072  3072 V HotPlugDetectionAction: Poll all devices.
11-27 16:38:34.284  2072  2660 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) HwBinder:2072_1 identical 40 lines
11-27 16:38:34.301  2072  2660 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:34.317  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:35.218  2072  2661 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) HwBinder:2072_2 identical 54 lines
11-27 16:38:35.234  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:35.243 10377 10396 D UEI.SmartControl: checkWifiSSID: Network info - [type: WIFI[], state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: (none), failover: false, available: true, roaming: false]
11-27 16:38:35.243 10377 10396 D UEI.SmartControl: checkWifiSSID: SSID = 
11-27 16:38:35.252  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:35.618  2072  2661 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) HwBinder:2072_2 identical 22 lines
11-27 16:38:35.635  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:35.651  2072  2660 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:35.835  2072  2660 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) HwBinder:2072_1 identical 11 lines
11-27 16:38:35.851  2072  2660 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:35.869  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:36.218  2072  2661 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) HwBinder:2072_2 identical 21 lines
11-27 16:38:36.235  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:36.251 20630 20630 D jellyfin-apiclient: Adding request to queue:
11-27 16:38:36.252  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:36.419  2072  2661 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) HwBinder:2072_2 identical 10 lines
11-27 16:38:36.435  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:36.451 20630 20630 I jellyfin-apiclient: Response received from:
11-27 16:38:36.452  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:36.699  3072  3235 D AlarmManager: Wakeup history#0 Wakeup alarmType=ELAPSED_WAKEUP package=android wakeups=1771 alarms=1771 whenElapsed=-6s568ms when=-6s568ms nowRTC=2021-11-27 16:37:36 workSource=WorkSource{10036} uid=1000 tag="*walarm*:*job.delay*"
11-27 16:38:36.699  3072  3235 D AlarmManager: Wakeup history#1 Wakeup alarmType=ELAPSED_WAKEUP package=android wakeups=276 alarms=276 whenElapsed=0 when=0 nowRTC=2021-11-27 16:37:36 workSource=null uid=1000 tag="*walarm*:WifiConnectivityManager Schedule Periodic Scan Timer"
11-27 16:38:36.699  3072  3235 D AlarmManager: Wakeup history#2 Wakeup alarmType=ELAPSED_WAKEUP package=android wakeups=1772 alarms=1772 whenElapsed=0 when=0 nowRTC=2021-11-27 16:38:06 workSource=WorkSource{10036} uid=1000 tag="*walarm*:*job.delay*"
11-27 16:38:36.704  3072  3072 D JobScheduler.Time: Setting alarmType=ELAPSED_WAKEUP alarmTag=*job.delay* whenElapsed=+1m48s934ms workSource=WorkSource{10164 com.discovery.discoveryplus.androidtv} uid=10164 package=com.discovery.discoveryplus.androidtv tag="*job*/com.discovery.discoveryplus.androidtv/"
11-27 16:38:36.707  3072  3235 D AlarmManager: Wakeup alarmType=ELAPSED_WAKEUP package=android wakeups=1773 alarms=1773 whenElapsed=0 when=0 nowRTC=2021-11-27 16:38:36 workSource=WorkSource{10036} uid=1000 tag="*walarm*:*job.delay*"
11-27 16:38:36.738  3072  3502 D JobScheduler.Time: Setting alarmType=ELAPSED_WAKEUP alarmTag=*job.delay* whenElapsed=+1m48s896ms workSource=WorkSource{10164 com.discovery.discoveryplus.androidtv} uid=10164 package=com.discovery.discoveryplus.androidtv tag="*job*/com.discovery.discoveryplus.androidtv/"
11-27 16:38:36.744  3072  3502 D JobScheduler.Time: Setting alarmType=ELAPSED_WAKEUP alarmTag=*job.deadline* whenElapsed=+31m51s735ms workSource=WorkSource{10007} uid=10007 tag="*job*/"
11-27 16:38:36.752  3072  3502 D JobScheduler.Time: Setting alarmType=ELAPSED_WAKEUP alarmTag=*job.delay* whenElapsed=+29s999ms workSource=WorkSource{10036} uid=10036 tag="*job*/"
11-27 16:38:36.757  3072  3502 D JobScheduler.Time: Setting alarmType=ELAPSED_WAKEUP alarmTag=*job.deadline* whenElapsed=+59s992ms workSource=WorkSource{10036} uid=10036 tag="*job*/"
11-27 16:38:39.020  2072  2661 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) HwBinder:2072_2 identical 154 lines
11-27 16:38:39.037  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:39.055  2072  2660 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:39.220  2072  2660 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) HwBinder:2072_1 identical 10 lines
11-27 16:38:39.237  2072  2660 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:39.254 20630 20630 D jellyfin-apiclient: Adding request to queue:
11-27 16:38:39.254  2072  2660 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:39.268  3072  3072 V HotPlugDetectionAction: Poll audio system.
11-27 16:38:39.489  2072  2660 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) HwBinder:2072_1 identical 14 lines
11-27 16:38:39.504  2072  2660 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:39.515  3884  3884 D BoundBrokerSvc: onUnbind: Intent { }
11-27 16:38:39.521  2072  2660 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:39.571  2072  2660 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) HwBinder:2072_1 identical 3 lines
11-27 16:38:39.588  2072  2660 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:39.594 20630 20630 I jellyfin-apiclient: Response received from:
11-27 16:38:39.604  2072  2660 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:39.920  2072  2660 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) HwBinder:2072_1 identical 19 lines
11-27 16:38:39.937  2072  2660 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:39.954  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:40.254  2072  2661 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) HwBinder:2072_2 identical 18 lines
11-27 16:38:40.271  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:40.282 10377 10396 D UEI.SmartControl: checkWifiSSID: Network info - [type: WIFI[], state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: (none), failover: false, available: true, roaming: false]
11-27 16:38:40.282 10377 10396 D UEI.SmartControl: checkWifiSSID: SSID = 
11-27 16:38:40.289  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:40.955  2072  2661 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) HwBinder:2072_2 identical 40 lines
11-27 16:38:40.971  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:40.988  2072  2660 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:41.203  2072  2660 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) HwBinder:2072_1 identical 13 lines
11-27 16:38:41.220  2072  2660 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:41.230  3804  3804 D AtvRemote.ABridgeX: AudioPolicy is being unregistered
11-27 16:38:41.231  3072  4997 I AudioService: unregisterAudioPolicyAsync for android.os.BinderProxy@123a461
11-27 16:38:41.231  2062  3029 I audio_hal: [adev_set_parameters:584]kvpairs = -581846373:ap:81mixr:0=;disconnect=32768
11-27 16:38:41.232  2062  3029 V libmvs  : adev_set_parameters adev 0xec327e60 params -581846373:ap:81mixr:0=;disconnect=32768
11-27 16:38:41.233  2595 22315 D AudioFlinger: will be ignored for threads on AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_REMOTE_SUBMIX
11-27 16:38:41.237  2072  2660 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:41.239  2062  3036 D r_submix: out_set_parameters(): shutting down MonoPipe sink
11-27 16:38:41.240  2062  3036 D r_submix: adev_close_output_stream() addr = -581846373:ap:81mixr:0
11-27 16:38:41.240  2062  3036 D r_submix: submix_audio_device_release_pipe_l(idx=9) addr=-581846373:ap:81mixr:0
11-27 16:38:41.240  2062  3036 D r_submix: submix_audio_device_destroy_pipe_l(): pipe destroyed
11-27 16:38:41.254  2072  2660 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:41.257  2062  2642 D audio_hal: [addPatch:187]handle = 0, numSources = 1, numSinks = 1
11-27 16:38:41.257  2062  2642 I audio_hal: [getPatchExistBySource:528]Get a patch (27) by the sources
11-27 16:38:41.257  2062  2642 D audio_hal: [addPatch:202]Patch 0xec30bda0 exists. Remove all port first and add back.
11-27 16:38:41.257  2062  2642 D audio_hal: [decreaseRef:45]Device(1) ref = 0
11-27 16:38:41.257  2062  2642 D audio_hal: [decreaseRef:45]Device(3638) ref = 0
11-27 16:38:41.257  2062  2642 D audio_hal: [addPatch:219]Sources(1):
11-27 16:38:41.257  2062  2642 D audio_hal: [increaseRef:38]Device(1) ref = 1
11-27 16:38:41.257  2062  2642 V audio_hal: [dumpAudioPort:70]============================= 1 start =============================
11-27 16:38:41.257  2062  2642 V audio_hal: [dumpAudioPort:72]port[1] role = source, type = mix
11-27 16:38:41.257  2062  2642 V audio_hal: [dumpAudioPort:81]port[1] module = 10, io handle = 13, usecase = ffffffff
11-27 16:38:41.257  2062  2642 V audio_hal: [dumpAudioPort:83]port[1] mute = 1, volume = 0
11-27 16:38:41.257  2062  2642 V audio_hal: [dumpAudioPort:84]============================== 1 end ==============================
11-27 16:38:41.257  2062  2642 D audio_hal: [addPatch:233]Sinks(1):
11-27 16:38:41.257  2062  2642 V audio_hal: [getDeviceConfig:121]devices = 40000
11-27 16:38:41.257  2062  2642 D audio_hal: [increaseRef:38]Device(3638) ref = 1
11-27 16:38:41.257  2062  2642 V audio_hal: [dumpAudioPort:70]============================= 3638 start =============================
11-27 16:38:41.257  2062  2642 V audio_hal: [dumpAudioPort:72]port[3638] role = sink, type = device
11-27 16:38:41.257  2062  2642 V audio_hal: [getDeviceConfig:121]devices = 40000
11-27 16:38:41.257  2062  2642 V audio_hal: [dumpAudioPort:74]port[3638] name = hdmi arc out
11-27 16:38:41.257  2062  2642 V audio_hal: [dumpAudioPort:77]port[3638] module = 10, device type = 0x40000, address = 
11-27 16:38:41.257  2062  2642 V audio_hal: [dumpAudioPort:83]port[3638] mute = 0, volume = 0
11-27 16:38:41.257  2062  2642 V audio_hal: [dumpAudioPort:84]============================== 3638 end ==============================
11-27 16:38:41.257  2062  2642 V audio_hal: [getDeviceConfig:121]devices = 40000
11-27 16:38:41.257  2062  2642 V audio_hal: [mute:27]bt mute = 0
11-27 16:38:41.258  2062  2642 D audio_hal: [mute:100]Un-mute 21
11-27 16:38:41.258  2062  2642 V audio_hal: [mute:27]hdmi arc out mute = 0
11-27 16:38:41.258  2062  2642 D audio_hal: [mute:112]Un-mute hdmi
11-27 16:38:41.258  2062  2642 V audio_hal: [mute:27]headphone mute = 1
11-27 16:38:41.258  2062  2642 D audio_hal: [mute:100]Mute 8
11-27 16:38:41.258  2062  2642 V audio_hal: [mute:27]speaker mute = 1
11-27 16:38:41.258  2062  2642 D audio_hal: [mute:100]Mute 0
11-27 16:38:41.266  3489  4193 D AudioOutputService: onAudioPortListUpdate() device = 262144
11-27 16:38:41.268  3489  4193 D AudioOutputService: getHdmiConnectionState() connection detected. getDeviceType:5
11-27 16:38:41.271  2072  2660 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:41.272  3072  3295 W AudioService: handleDeviceConnection() failed, deviceKey=0x40000:, deviceSpec=[type:0x40000 name: address:], connect=true
11-27 16:38:41.274  3489  4193 D AudioOutputService: #### updateAudioPath() connect device for eARC HdmiSystemAudioSupported:true
11-27 16:38:41.274  3489  4193 D TV_MtkTvConfig: Enter setConfigValue, inputGroup=-1, cfgId=g_audio__bt_hp_conn_st, value=0, isUpdate=3
11-27 16:38:41.274  3489  4193 D MtkTvConfig_jni: MtkTvConfig Java_com_mediatek_twoworlds_tv_TVNative_setConfigValue_1native
11-27 16:38:41.274  3489  4193 D hw_mtktvapi_config(client): <a_mtktvapi_config_set_value:72> a_mtktvapi_config_set_value
11-27 16:38:41.275  2594 27932 D MtkTvApiConfig(service): <a_hidl_a_mtktvapi_config_set_value:79> [Return ]ARG=[g_audio__bt_hp_conn_st]
11-27 16:38:41.276  2594 27932 D MtkTvApiConfig(service): <a_hidl_a_mtktvapi_config_set_value:81> [Return ]ARG=[0]
11-27 16:38:41.279  3489  4193 D hw_mtktvapi_config(client): <a_mtktvapi_config_set_value:80> a_mtktvapi_config_set_value  i4_value=0, i4_ret=0
11-27 16:38:41.279  3489  4193 D MtkTvConfig_jni: setConfigValue_native inputGroup = -1,s_cfgid = g_audio__bt_hp_conn_st,value = 0 ,isUpdate = 3
11-27 16:38:41.280  3489  4193 D TV_MtkTvConfig: Leave setConfigValue, return value = 0
11-27 16:38:41.280  3489  4193 D AudioOutputService: updateAudioPath() BT_HP Connectio status off result:0
11-27 16:38:41.280  3489  4193 D AudioOutputService: updateAudioPath() results 
11-27 16:38:41.280  3489  4193 D AudioOutputService: SPK       = false
11-27 16:38:41.280  3489  4193 D AudioOutputService: HP        = false
11-27 16:38:41.280  3489  4193 D AudioOutputService: HDMI ARC  = true
11-27 16:38:41.280  3489  4193 D AudioOutputService: SPDIF     = true
11-27 16:38:41.280  3489  4193 D AudioOutputService: BT        = false
11-27 16:38:41.280  3489  4193 D MtkTvSonyCustom_jni: 0: 2
11-27 16:38:41.280  3489  4193 D (hw_mtal)(client): <MTDRVCUST_dcustom_cust_spec_set:409> ####  call MTDRVCUST_dcustom_cust_spec_set
11-27 16:38:41.280  2594 27932 D MtkTvApi(service): <a_hidl_MTDRVCUST_dcustom_cust_spec_set:1438> enter a_hidl_MTDRVCUST_dcustom_cust_spec_set(131461,0)
11-27 16:38:41.280  2594 27932 D MtkTvApi(service): <a_hidl_MTDRVCUST_dcustom_cust_spec_set:1440> exit a_hidl_MTDRVCUST_dcustom_cust_spec_set,return 0
11-27 16:38:41.280  3489  4193 D (hw_mtal)(client): <MTDRVCUST_dcustom_cust_spec_set:412> ####  mt_ret=0 #### 
11-27 16:38:41.280  3489  4193 D D_INTERFACE: jni_d_interface_set_BePqParam, i4_ret=0
11-27 16:38:41.280  3489  4193 D MtkTvSony: setBePqGeneralParam ret = 0
11-27 16:38:41.287  2072  2660 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:41.822  2072  2660 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) HwBinder:2072_1 identical 32 lines
11-27 16:38:41.838  2072  2660 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:41.855  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:42.239  2072  2661 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) HwBinder:2072_2 identical 23 lines
11-27 16:38:42.255  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:42.257 20630 20630 D jellyfin-apiclient: Adding request to queue:
11-27 16:38:42.272  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:42.538  2072  2661 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) HwBinder:2072_2 identical 16 lines
11-27 16:38:42.555  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:42.567 20630 20630 I jellyfin-apiclient: Response received from:
11-27 16:38:42.571  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:43.588  2072  2661 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) HwBinder:2072_2 identical 61 lines
11-27 16:38:43.606  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:43.607  2069 25756 D mtdrm_WV: MTAL: _oecc44 OEMCrypto_GetHDCPCapability entry 
11-27 16:38:43.607  2069 25756 D mtdrm_WV: MTAL: _oecc44 OEMCrypto_GetHDCPCapability exist current=255,maximum=255
11-27 16:38:43.622  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:45.189  2072  2661 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) HwBinder:2072_2 identical 93 lines
11-27 16:38:45.205  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:45.223  2072  2660 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:45.239  2072  2660 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) HwBinder:2072_1 identical 1 line
11-27 16:38:45.256  2072  2660 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:45.257 20630 20630 D jellyfin-apiclient: Adding request to queue:
11-27 16:38:45.272  2072  2660 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:45.289  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:45.305  2072  2661 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) HwBinder:2072_2 identical 1 line
11-27 16:38:45.323  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:45.324 10377 10396 D UEI.SmartControl: checkWifiSSID: Network info - [type: WIFI[], state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: (none), failover: false, available: true, roaming: false]
11-27 16:38:45.325 10377 10396 D UEI.SmartControl: checkWifiSSID: SSID = 
11-27 16:38:45.340  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:45.456  2072  2661 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) HwBinder:2072_2 identical 7 lines
11-27 16:38:45.472  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:45.476 20630 20630 I jellyfin-apiclient: Response received from:
11-27 16:38:45.489  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:46.923  2072  2661 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) HwBinder:2072_2 identical 84 lines
11-27 16:38:46.939  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:46.948  5676  5676 I chromium: [] Metrics stat for the past 60 secs : total=7
11-27 16:38:46.948  5676  5676 I chromium: [metrics_stat_logger] AppRunning=2
11-27 16:38:46.948  5676  5676 I chromium: [metrics_stat_logger] Cast.CecHdmiInputState.Active=1
11-27 16:38:46.948  5676  5676 I chromium: [metrics_stat_logger] Cast.CecStandby.On=1
11-27 16:38:46.948  5676  5676 I chromium: [metrics_stat_logger] Cast.ConnectionType.Wifi=1
11-27 16:38:46.948  5676  5676 I chromium: [metrics_stat_logger] Cast.Discovery.Mdns.Request.In=1
11-27 16:38:46.948  5676  5676 I chromium: [metrics_stat_logger] Cast.Discovery.Mdns.Response.Out=1
11-27 16:38:46.948  5676  5676 I chromium: [metrics_stat_logger] Cast.Network.CheckIn=1
11-27 16:38:46.956  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:46.990  2072  2661 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) HwBinder:2072_2 identical 2 lines
11-27 16:38:47.007  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:47.023  2072  2660 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:47.107  2072  2660 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) HwBinder:2072_1 identical 5 lines
11-27 16:38:47.140  2072  2660 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:47.150  5676  6359 I chromium: [] Mdns cast queries recently sent: queries=1
11-27 16:38:47.156  2072  2660 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:47.290  2072  2660 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) HwBinder:2072_1 identical 8 lines
11-27 16:38:47.307  2072  2660 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:47.323  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:48.240  2072  2661 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) HwBinder:2072_2 identical 49 lines
11-27 16:38:48.257  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:48.260 20630 20630 D jellyfin-apiclient: Adding request to queue:
11-27 16:38:48.290  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:48.307  2072  2661 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) HwBinder:2072_2 identical 1 line
11-27 16:38:48.323  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:48.341  2072  2660 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:48.407  2072  2660 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) HwBinder:2072_1 identical 3 lines
11-27 16:38:48.440  2072  2660 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:48.451 20630 20630 I jellyfin-apiclient: Response received from:
11-27 16:38:48.457  2072  2660 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:44.274  3072  3072 V HotPlugDetectionAction: Poll audio system.
11-27 16:38:49.280  3072  3072 V HotPlugDetectionAction: Poll all devices.
11-27 16:38:49.757  2072  2660 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) HwBinder:2072_1 identical 59 lines
11-27 16:38:49.773  2072  2660 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:49.789  5676 31480 I chromium: [5676:31480:INFO:ssdp_device.c(101)] SSDP packets sent for 121 seconds = 4
11-27 16:38:49.807  2072  2660 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:50.340  2072  2660 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) HwBinder:2072_1 identical 25 lines
11-27 16:38:50.357  2072  2660 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:50.359 10377 10396 D UEI.SmartControl: checkWifiSSID: Network info - [type: WIFI[], state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: (none), failover: false, available: true, roaming: false]
11-27 16:38:50.360 10377 10396 D UEI.SmartControl: checkWifiSSID: SSID = 
11-27 16:38:50.375  2072  2660 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:51.241  2072  2660 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) HwBinder:2072_1 identical 49 lines
11-27 16:38:51.257  2072  2660 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:51.262 20630 20630 D jellyfin-apiclient: Adding request to queue:
11-27 16:38:51.274  2072  2660 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:51.557  2072  2660 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) HwBinder:2072_1 identical 17 lines
11-27 16:38:51.574  2072  2660 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:51.583 20630 20630 I jellyfin-apiclient: Response received from:
11-27 16:38:51.591  2072  2660 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:51.774  2072  2660 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) HwBinder:2072_1 identical 11 lines
11-27 16:38:51.791  2072  2660 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:51.824  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:52.408  2072  2661 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) HwBinder:2072_2 identical 31 lines
11-27 16:38:52.424  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:52.441  2072  2660 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:53.574  2072  2660 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) HwBinder:2072_1 identical 67 lines
11-27 16:38:53.607  2072  2660 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:53.608  2069 25756 D mtdrm_WV: MTAL: _oecc44 OEMCrypto_GetHDCPCapability entry 
11-27 16:38:53.608  2069 25756 D mtdrm_WV: MTAL: _oecc44 OEMCrypto_GetHDCPCapability exist current=255,maximum=255
11-27 16:38:53.624  2072  2660 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:54.058  2072  2660 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) HwBinder:2072_1 identical 25 lines
11-27 16:38:54.074  2072  2660 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:54.091  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:54.108  2072  2661 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) HwBinder:2072_2 identical 1 line
11-27 16:38:54.124  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:54.139  4394 10296 W QVR_o   : Error occurred while uploading data.
11-27 16:38:54.139  4394 10296 W QVR_j   : Error while uploading logs.
11-27 16:38:54.141  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:54.257  2072  2661 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) HwBinder:2072_2 identical 7 lines
11-27 16:38:54.274  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:54.276 20630 20630 D jellyfin-apiclient: Adding request to queue:
11-27 16:38:54.284  3072  3072 V HotPlugDetectionAction: Poll audio system.
11-27 16:38:54.291  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:54.440  2072  2661 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) HwBinder:2072_2 identical 9 lines
11-27 16:38:54.457  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:54.467 20630 20630 I jellyfin-apiclient: Response received from:
11-27 16:38:54.474  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:55.124  2072  2661 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) HwBinder:2072_2 identical 38 lines
11-27 16:38:55.141  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:55.151  3072  3333 E memtrack: Couldn't load memtrack module
11-27 16:38:55.152  3072  3333 W android.os.Debug: failed to get memory consumption info: -1
11-27 16:38:55.157  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:55.374  2072  2661 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) HwBinder:2072_2 identical 12 lines
11-27 16:38:55.391  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:55.397 10377 10396 D UEI.SmartControl: checkWifiSSID: Network info - [type: WIFI[], state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: (none), failover: false, available: true, roaming: false]
11-27 16:38:55.398 10377 10396 D UEI.SmartControl: checkWifiSSID: SSID = 
11-27 16:38:55.407  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:56.041  2072  2661 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) HwBinder:2072_2 identical 35 lines
11-27 16:38:56.057  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:56.074  2072  2660 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:56.224  2072  2660 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) HwBinder:2072_1 identical 9 lines
11-27 16:38:56.241  2072  2660 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:56.258  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:57.257  2072  2661 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) HwBinder:2072_2 identical 58 lines
11-27 16:38:57.274  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:57.277 20630 20630 D jellyfin-apiclient: Adding request to queue:
11-27 16:38:57.291  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:57.507  2072  2661 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) HwBinder:2072_2 identical 11 lines
11-27 16:38:57.524  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:57.528 20630 20630 I jellyfin-apiclient: Response received from:
11-27 16:38:57.541  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:57.908  2072  2661 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) HwBinder:2072_2 identical 21 lines
11-27 16:38:57.924  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:57.941  2072  2660 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:58.741  2072  2660 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) HwBinder:2072_1 identical 44 lines
11-27 16:38:58.758  2072  2660 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:58.764  5676  6338 I chromium: [] GRPC[]: num_pending_calls=0, num_active_handlers=0, num_free_handlers=0
11-27 16:38:58.764  5676  6338 I chromium: [] GRPC[uri=[::]:8012]: num_pending_calls=0, num_active_handlers=0, num_free_handlers=0
11-27 16:38:58.774  2072  2660 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:58.791  2072  2660 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) HwBinder:2072_1 identical 1 line
11-27 16:38:58.808  2072  2660 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:58.828  5676  5676 I chromium: [] GRPC[uri=]: num_pending_calls=0, num_active_handlers=0, num_free_handlers=0
11-27 16:38:58.829  5676  5676 I chromium: [] GRPC[uri=[::]:0]: num_pending_calls=0, num_active_handlers=3, num_free_handlers=0
11-27 16:38:58.829  5676  5676 I chromium: [] GRPC[uri=]: num_pending_calls=0, num_active_handlers=0, num_free_handlers=0
11-27 16:38:58.829  5676  5676 I chatty  : uid=10023( identical 1 line
11-27 16:38:58.829  5676  5676 I chromium: [] GRPC[uri=]: num_pending_calls=0, num_active_handlers=0, num_free_handlers=0
11-27 16:38:58.841  2072  2660 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:58.847  4394 10296 W QVR_o   : Error occurred while uploading data.
11-27 16:38:58.847  4394 10296 W QVR_j   : Error while uploading logs.
11-27 16:38:58.857  2072  2660 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:58.874  2072  2660 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) HwBinder:2072_1 identical 1 line
11-27 16:38:58.891  2072  2660 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:58.907  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:38:59.288  3072  3072 V HotPlugDetectionAction: Poll audio system.
11-27 16:39:00.027  4337  4337 E AgentTimeActionReceiver: {DT} CAUTION: time sync feature is not enabled
11-27 16:39:00.027  4337  4337 E TimeMsgProcess: {DT} msgTpye:14
11-27 16:39:00.258  2072  2661 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) HwBinder:2072_2 identical 77 lines
11-27 16:39:00.274  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:39:00.278 20630 20630 D jellyfin-apiclient: Adding request to queue:
11-27 16:39:00.291  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:39:00.424  2072  2661 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) HwBinder:2072_2 identical 8 lines
11-27 16:39:00.441  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:39:00.445 10377 10396 D UEI.SmartControl: checkWifiSSID: Network info - [type: WIFI[], state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: (none), failover: false, available: true, roaming: false]
11-27 16:39:00.447 10377 10396 D UEI.SmartControl: checkWifiSSID: SSID = 
11-27 16:39:00.458  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:39:00.491  2072  2661 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) HwBinder:2072_2 identical 2 lines
11-27 16:39:00.508  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:39:00.517 20630 20630 I jellyfin-apiclient: Response received from:
11-27 16:39:00.524  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:39:01.524  2072  2661 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) HwBinder:2072_2 identical 57 lines
11-27 16:39:01.541  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:39:01.558  2072  2660 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:39:03.257  2072  2660 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) HwBinder:2072_1 identical 97 lines
11-27 16:39:03.275  2072  2660 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:39:03.279 20630 20630 D jellyfin-apiclient: Adding request to queue:
11-27 16:39:03.291  2072  2660 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:39:03.441  2072  2660 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) HwBinder:2072_1 identical 9 lines
11-27 16:39:03.458  2072  2660 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:39:03.469 20630 20630 I jellyfin-apiclient: Response received from:
11-27 16:39:03.474  2072  2660 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:39:03.591  2072  2660 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) HwBinder:2072_1 identical 6 lines
11-27 16:39:03.608  2072  2660 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:39:03.610  2069 25756 D mtdrm_WV: MTAL: _oecc44 OEMCrypto_GetHDCPCapability entry 
11-27 16:39:03.610  2069 25756 D mtdrm_WV: MTAL: _oecc44 OEMCrypto_GetHDCPCapability exist current=255,maximum=255
11-27 16:39:03.624  2072  2660 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:39:04.292  3072  3072 V HotPlugDetectionAction: Poll all devices.
11-27 16:39:05.458  2072  2660 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) HwBinder:2072_1 identical 106 lines
11-27 16:39:05.474  2072  2660 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:39:05.481 10377 10396 D UEI.SmartControl: checkWifiSSID: Network info - [type: WIFI[], state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: (none), failover: false, available: true, roaming: false]
11-27 16:39:05.483 10377 10396 D UEI.SmartControl: checkWifiSSID: SSID = 
11-27 16:39:05.491  2072  2660 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:39:05.608  2072  2660 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) HwBinder:2072_1 identical 7 lines
11-27 16:39:05.625  2072  2660 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:39:05.641  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:39:06.258  2072  2661 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) HwBinder:2072_2 identical 34 lines
11-27 16:39:06.274  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:39:06.280 20630 20630 D jellyfin-apiclient: Adding request to queue:
11-27 16:39:06.291  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:39:06.308  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:39:06.324  2072  2660 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:39:06.441  2072  2660 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) HwBinder:2072_1 identical 7 lines
11-27 16:39:06.457  2072  2660 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:39:06.468 20630 20630 I jellyfin-apiclient: Response received from:
11-27 16:39:06.475  2072  2660 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:39:06.491  2072  2660 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) HwBinder:2072_1 identical 1 line
11-27 16:39:06.508  2072  2660 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:39:06.525  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:39:06.541  2072  2660 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:39:06.557  2072  2660 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) HwBinder:2072_1 identical 1 line
11-27 16:39:06.575  2072  2660 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:39:06.592  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:39:06.753  3072  3072 D JobScheduler.Time: Setting alarmType=ELAPSED_WAKEUP alarmTag=*job.delay* whenElapsed=+1m18s881ms workSource=WorkSource{10164 com.discovery.discoveryplus.androidtv} uid=10164 package=com.discovery.discoveryplus.androidtv tag="*job*/com.discovery.discoveryplus.androidtv/"
11-27 16:39:06.754  3072  3235 D AlarmManager: Wakeup history#0 Wakeup alarmType=ELAPSED_WAKEUP package=android wakeups=276 alarms=276 whenElapsed=0 when=0 nowRTC=2021-11-27 16:37:36 workSource=null uid=1000 tag="*walarm*:WifiConnectivityManager Schedule Periodic Scan Timer"
11-27 16:39:06.754  3072  3235 D AlarmManager: Wakeup history#1 Wakeup alarmType=ELAPSED_WAKEUP package=android wakeups=1772 alarms=1772 whenElapsed=0 when=0 nowRTC=2021-11-27 16:38:06 workSource=WorkSource{10036} uid=1000 tag="*walarm*:*job.delay*"
11-27 16:39:06.754  3072  3235 D AlarmManager: Wakeup history#2 Wakeup alarmType=ELAPSED_WAKEUP package=android wakeups=1773 alarms=1773 whenElapsed=0 when=0 nowRTC=2021-11-27 16:38:36 workSource=WorkSource{10036} uid=1000 tag="*walarm*:*job.delay*"
11-27 16:39:06.754  3072  3235 D AlarmManager: Wakeup alarmType=ELAPSED_WAKEUP package=android wakeups=1774 alarms=1774 whenElapsed=0 when=0 nowRTC=2021-11-27 16:39:06 workSource=WorkSource{10036} uid=1000 tag="*walarm*:*job.delay*"
11-27 16:39:06.779  3072  4997 D JobScheduler.Time: Setting alarmType=ELAPSED_WAKEUP alarmTag=*job.delay* whenElapsed=+1m18s855ms workSource=WorkSource{10164 com.discovery.discoveryplus.androidtv} uid=10164 package=com.discovery.discoveryplus.androidtv tag="*job*/com.discovery.discoveryplus.androidtv/"
11-27 16:39:06.787  3072  4997 D JobScheduler.Time: Setting alarmType=ELAPSED_WAKEUP alarmTag=*job.deadline* whenElapsed=+31m21s691ms workSource=WorkSource{10007} uid=10007 tag="*job*/"
11-27 16:39:06.795  3072  4997 D JobScheduler.Time: Setting alarmType=ELAPSED_WAKEUP alarmTag=*job.delay* whenElapsed=+29s999ms workSource=WorkSource{10036} uid=10036 tag="*job*/"
11-27 16:39:06.800  3072  4997 D JobScheduler.Time: Setting alarmType=ELAPSED_WAKEUP alarmTag=*job.deadline* whenElapsed=+59s994ms workSource=WorkSource{10036} uid=10036 tag="*job*/"
11-27 16:39:07.008  2072  2661 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) HwBinder:2072_2 identical 21 lines
11-27 16:39:07.024  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:39:07.041  2072  2660 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:39:07.708  2072  2660 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) HwBinder:2072_1 identical 37 lines
11-27 16:39:07.724  2072  2660 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:39:07.741  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:39:07.808  2072  2661 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) HwBinder:2072_2 identical 4 lines
11-27 16:39:07.825  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:39:07.841  2072  2660 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:39:08.107  2072  2660 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) HwBinder:2072_1 identical 16 lines
11-27 16:39:08.124  2072  2660 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:39:08.136  5676  6337 I chromium: [] Request scan.
11-27 16:39:08.141  2072  2660 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:39:08.407  2072  2660 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) HwBinder:2072_1 identical 14 lines
11-27 16:39:08.424  2072  2660 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:39:08.441  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:39:09.257  2072  2661 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) HwBinder:2072_2 identical 47 lines
11-27 16:39:09.274  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:39:09.282 20630 20630 D jellyfin-apiclient: Adding request to queue:
11-27 16:39:09.291  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:39:09.295  3072  3072 V HotPlugDetectionAction: Poll audio system.
11-27 16:39:09.441  2072  2661 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) HwBinder:2072_2 identical 8 lines
11-27 16:39:09.457  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:39:09.468 20630 20630 I jellyfin-apiclient: Response received from:
11-27 16:39:09.474  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:39:10.491  2072  2661 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) HwBinder:2072_2 identical 60 lines
11-27 16:39:10.507  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:39:10.520 10377 10396 D UEI.SmartControl: checkWifiSSID: Network info - [type: WIFI[], state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: (none), failover: false, available: true, roaming: false]
11-27 16:39:10.520 10377 10396 D UEI.SmartControl: checkWifiSSID: SSID = 
11-27 16:39:10.541  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:39:12.257  2072  2661 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) HwBinder:2072_2 identical 102 lines
11-27 16:39:12.274  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:39:12.283 20630 20630 D jellyfin-apiclient: Adding request to queue:
11-27 16:39:12.291  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:39:12.557  2072  2661 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) HwBinder:2072_2 identical 16 lines
11-27 16:39:12.574  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:39:12.576 20630 20630 I jellyfin-apiclient: Response received from:
11-27 16:39:12.591  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:39:13.591  2072  2661 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) HwBinder:2072_2 identical 59 lines
11-27 16:39:13.607  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:39:13.612  2069 25756 D mtdrm_WV: MTAL: _oecc44 OEMCrypto_GetHDCPCapability entry 
11-27 16:39:13.612  2069 25756 D mtdrm_WV: MTAL: _oecc44 OEMCrypto_GetHDCPCapability exist current=255,maximum=255
11-27 16:39:13.624  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:39:15.257  2072  2661 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) HwBinder:2072_2 identical 98 lines
11-27 16:39:15.274  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:39:15.284 20630 20630 D jellyfin-apiclient: Adding request to queue:
11-27 16:39:15.291  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:39:15.508  2072  2661 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) HwBinder:2072_2 identical 12 lines
11-27 16:39:15.524  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:39:15.527 20630 20630 I jellyfin-apiclient: Response received from:
11-27 16:39:15.541  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:39:15.557  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:39:15.560 10377 10396 D UEI.SmartControl: checkWifiSSID: Network info - [type: WIFI[], state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: (none), failover: false, available: true, roaming: false]
11-27 16:39:15.560 10377 10396 D UEI.SmartControl: checkWifiSSID: SSID = 
11-27 16:39:15.574  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:39:15.857  2072  2661 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) HwBinder:2072_2 identical 17 lines
11-27 16:39:15.874  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:39:15.877 20630 22342 W VLC     : [c1d9df70/5746] libvlc demux: find KaxCues FIXME
11-27 16:39:15.877 20630 22342 W VLC     : [c1d9df70/5746] libvlc demux: EOF
11-27 16:39:15.877 20630 22342 W VLC     : [c1d9df70/5746] libvlc demux: cannot get block EOF?
11-27 16:39:15.891  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:39:17.191  2072  2661 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) HwBinder:2072_2 identical 76 lines
11-27 16:39:17.207  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:39:17.213 20630 22363 E VLC     : [c7a730b0/575b] libvlc decoder: Decoder is draining
11-27 16:39:17.224  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:39:17.230 20630 22363 W VLC     : [c7a730b0/575b] libvlc decoder: EOS sent, waiting for OutThread
11-27 16:39:17.241  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:39:17.257  2072  2661 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) HwBinder:2072_2 identical 1 line
11-27 16:39:17.274  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:39:17.280  2764 22360 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800: EOS at input_idx(1), pBufHead(0xea3a2be0), nFlags(17), pBuffer(0xe5f08000), nFilledLen(0)
11-27 16:39:17.280  2764 22360 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800: EOS received, TS=0
11-27 16:39:17.291  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:39:17.296  2764 22360 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800: EOS at input_idx(1), pBufHead(0xea3a2be0), nFlags(17), pBuffer(0xe5f08000), nFilledLen(0)
11-27 16:39:17.296  2764 22360 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800: EOS received, TS=0
11-27 16:39:17.297  2764 22360 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800: @@## mFramesDecoded=0, mTotalDecodeTime=0
11-27 16:39:17.307  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:39:17.341  2072  2661 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) HwBinder:2072_2 identical 2 lines
11-27 16:39:17.357  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:39:17.366 20630 22364 D AudioTrack: stop() called with 2699442 frames delivered
11-27 16:39:17.368  3320  3916 E bt_btif : register_notification_rsp: Avrcp device is not connected, handle: 0x0
11-27 16:39:17.370  3320  3916 I chatty  : uid=1002(bluetooth) BluetoothAvrcpH identical 10 lines
11-27 16:39:17.370  3320  3916 E bt_btif : register_notification_rsp: Avrcp device is not connected, handle: 0x0
11-27 16:39:17.374  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:39:17.384  2764 22358 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800: GetDisplayInfor got EOS, pts:56017001
11-27 16:39:17.384 20630 22362 W VLC     : [c7a730b0/575a] libvlc decoder: EOS received
11-27 16:39:17.391  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:39:17.491  2072  2661 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) HwBinder:2072_2 identical 6 lines
11-27 16:39:17.507  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:39:17.510 20630 22349 W VLC     : [b737a030/574d] libvlc video output: picture is too late to be displayed (missing 166 ms)
11-27 16:39:17.579 20630 20630 D PlaybackController: On Completion fired
11-27 16:39:17.580 20630 20630 I jellyfin-apiclient: ReportPlaybackStopped: Item 656187872484857d93b8d805cd4d3145, Ticks: 560520000
11-27 16:39:17.580 20630 22362 E NdkMediaCodec: sf error code: -38
11-27 16:39:17.580 20630 22362 W VLC     : [c7a730b0/575a] libvlc decoder: AMediaCodec.dequeueOutputBuffer failed
11-27 16:39:17.580  2764  2764 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800: SendCommand cmd=OMX_CommandFlush
11-27 16:39:17.581  2764 22359 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800: # Got general command (OMX_CommandFlush)
11-27 16:39:17.581  2764 22359 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800: HandleFlush nPortIndex(0xFFFFFFFF)
11-27 16:39:17.581  2764 22359 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800: +FlushInputPort
11-27 16:39:17.581  2764 22359 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800: FlushInputPort -> mNumPendingInput(0)
11-27 16:39:17.581  2764 22359 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800: -FlushInputPort
11-27 16:39:17.581  2764 22359 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800: +FlushOutputPort
11-27 16:39:17.581 20630 20630 D jellyfin-apiclient: Adding request to queue:
11-27 16:39:17.581  2764 22358 D MtkOmxVdec: Flush Done Event received!
11-27 16:39:17.581  2764 22359 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800: -FlushOutputPort
11-27 16:39:17.582 20630 20630 D PlaybackController: Last item completed. Finishing activity.
11-27 16:39:17.586  2764  3838 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800: SendCommand cmd=OMX_CommandStateSet
11-27 16:39:17.586  2764  3838 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800: set MTK_OMX_VDEC_IDLE_PENDING
11-27 16:39:17.586  2764 22359 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800: # Got general command (OMX_CommandStateSet)
11-27 16:39:17.586  2764 22359 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800: HandleStateSet 2
11-27 16:39:17.587  2764 22359 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800:Request [OMX_StateExecuting]->[OMX_StateIdle]
11-27 16:39:17.587  2764 22359 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800: +FlushInputPort
11-27 16:39:17.587  2764 22359 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800: FlushInputPort -> mNumPendingInput(0)
11-27 16:39:17.587  2764 22359 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800: -FlushInputPort
11-27 16:39:17.587  2764 22359 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800: +FlushOutputPort
11-27 16:39:17.587  2764 22358 D MtkOmxVdec: Flush Done Event received!
11-27 16:39:17.587  2764 22359 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800: -FlushOutputPort
11-27 16:39:17.587  2764 22359 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800: HandleStateSet wait idle complete
11-27 16:39:17.588  2764  3838 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800: SendCommand cmd=OMX_CommandStateSet
11-27 16:39:17.588  2764  3838 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800: set MTK_OMX_VDEC_LOADED_PENDING
11-27 16:39:17.588  2764  4057 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800: FreeBuffer input idx[3] hdr(0xea3a2f50) pBuffer(0xe4c0a000)
11-27 16:39:17.589  2764 22359 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800: # Got general command (OMX_CommandStateSet)
11-27 16:39:17.589  2764 22359 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800: HandleStateSet 1
11-27 16:39:17.589  2764 22359 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800: Request [OMX_StateIdle]-> [OMX_StateLoaded]
11-27 16:39:17.591  2764  4057 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800: MTMMU_Put_UserPtr, pInternalBuffer = 0xea3ad3e0
11-27 16:39:17.594  2764  3838 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800: FreeBuffer input idx[2] hdr(0xea3a25f0) pBuffer(0xe5908000)
11-27 16:39:17.597  2764  3838 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800: MTMMU_Put_UserPtr, pInternalBuffer = 0xea3ad370
11-27 16:39:17.602  2764  3838 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800: FreeBuffer input idx[1] hdr(0xea3a2be0) pBuffer(0xe5f08000)
11-27 16:39:17.603  3072  4997 I MediaFocusControl: abandonAudioFocus() from uid/pid 10171/20630$6@a899405
11-27 16:39:17.604  3072  3333 I MediaFocusControl: abandonAudioFocus() from uid/pid 10171/20630$6@a899405
11-27 16:39:17.605  2764  3838 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800: MTMMU_Put_UserPtr, pInternalBuffer = 0xea3ad300
11-27 16:39:17.613  2764  3838 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800: FreeBuffer input idx[0] hdr(0xea3a38b0) pBuffer(0xe6508000)
11-27 16:39:17.617  2764  3838 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800: MTMMU_Put_UserPtr, pInternalBuffer = 0xea3ad258
11-27 16:39:17.617  2764  3838 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800: FreeBuffer all input buffers have been freed!!! signal mInPortFreeDoneSem(1)
11-27 16:39:17.621  2764  3838 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800: FreeBuffer output idx[19] hdr(0xea3a3ea0) pBuffer(0xe86d1e00)
11-27 16:39:17.621  2764  3838 D gralloc : unregister FBM buffer
11-27 16:39:17.622  2764  3838 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800: FreeBuffer output idx[18] hdr(0xea3a3e50) pBuffer(0xe86d1b00)
11-27 16:39:17.623  2764  3838 D gralloc : unregister FBM buffer
11-27 16:39:17.623  2764  3838 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800: FreeBuffer output idx[17] hdr(0xea3a3e00) pBuffer(0xe86d1900)
11-27 16:39:17.623  2764  3838 D gralloc : unregister FBM buffer
11-27 16:39:17.623  2764  4057 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800: FreeBuffer output idx[16] hdr(0xea3a3db0) pBuffer(0xe86d1800)
11-27 16:39:17.624  2764  4057 D gralloc : unregister FBM buffer
11-27 16:39:17.624  2764  4057 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800: FreeBuffer output idx[15] hdr(0xea3a3d60) pBuffer(0xe86d1700)
11-27 16:39:17.624  2764  4057 D gralloc : unregister FBM buffer
11-27 16:39:17.624  2764  4057 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800: FreeBuffer output idx[14] hdr(0xea3a3d10) pBuffer(0xe86d1400)
11-27 16:39:17.624  2764  4057 D gralloc : unregister FBM buffer
11-27 16:39:17.624  2764  3838 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800: FreeBuffer output idx[13] hdr(0xea3a3c70) pBuffer(0xe86d1300)
11-27 16:39:17.624  2764  3838 D gralloc : unregister FBM buffer
11-27 16:39:17.624  2764  4057 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800: FreeBuffer output idx[12] hdr(0xea3a3c20) pBuffer(0xe86d1200)
11-27 16:39:17.625  2764  4057 D gralloc : unregister FBM buffer
11-27 16:39:17.625  2764  3838 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800: FreeBuffer output idx[11] hdr(0xea3a3b80) pBuffer(0xe86d1100)
11-27 16:39:17.625  2764  3838 D gralloc : unregister FBM buffer
11-27 16:39:17.625  2764  3838 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800: FreeBuffer output idx[10] hdr(0xea3a3b30) pBuffer(0xe977cf00)
11-27 16:39:17.625  2764  3838 D gralloc : unregister FBM buffer
11-27 16:39:17.626  2764  3838 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800: FreeBuffer output idx[9] hdr(0xea3a3ae0) pBuffer(0xe977ce00)
11-27 16:39:17.626  2764  3838 D gralloc : unregister FBM buffer
11-27 16:39:17.626  2764  3838 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800: FreeBuffer output idx[8] hdr(0xea3a3a40) pBuffer(0xe977cc00)
11-27 16:39:17.626  2764  3838 D gralloc : unregister FBM buffer
11-27 16:39:17.626  2764  3838 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800: FreeBuffer output idx[7] hdr(0xea3a34a0) pBuffer(0xe977cb00)
11-27 16:39:17.626  2764  3838 D gralloc : unregister FBM buffer
11-27 16:39:17.626  2764  3838 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800: FreeBuffer output idx[6] hdr(0xea3a34f0) pBuffer(0xe977ca00)
11-27 16:39:17.626  2764  3838 D gralloc : unregister FBM buffer
11-27 16:39:17.627  2764  3838 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800: FreeBuffer output idx[5] hdr(0xea3a3590) pBuffer(0xe977c900)
11-27 16:39:17.627  2764  3838 D gralloc : unregister FBM buffer
11-27 16:39:17.627  2764  3838 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800: FreeBuffer output idx[4] hdr(0xea3a39f0) pBuffer(0xe977c100)
11-27 16:39:17.627  2764  3838 D gralloc : unregister FBM buffer
11-27 16:39:17.627  2764  3838 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800: FreeBuffer output idx[3] hdr(0xea3a39a0) pBuffer(0xe977c000)
11-27 16:39:17.627  2764  3838 D gralloc : unregister FBM buffer
11-27 16:39:17.627  2764  3838 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800: FreeBuffer output idx[2] hdr(0xea3a3950) pBuffer(0xe97fef00)
11-27 16:39:17.627  2764  3838 D gralloc : unregister FBM buffer
11-27 16:39:17.628  2764  3838 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800: FreeBuffer output idx[1] hdr(0xea3a3810) pBuffer(0xe97fed00)
11-27 16:39:17.628  2764  3838 D gralloc : unregister FBM buffer
11-27 16:39:17.628  2764  3838 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800: FreeBuffer output idx[0] hdr(0xea3a33b0) pBuffer(0xe9efd900)
11-27 16:39:17.628  2764  3838 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800: FreeBuffer all output buffers have been freed!!! signal mOutPortFreeDoneSem(1)
11-27 16:39:17.628  2764  3838 D gralloc : unregister FBM buffer
11-27 16:39:17.630  2764 22359 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800: +DeInitVideoDecodeHW
11-27 16:39:17.641  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:39:17.641 20630 20630 D BackgroundServiceFragment: Restoring active backgrounds
11-27 16:39:17.642 20630 20630 D BackgroundServiceFragment: Restoring background drawable
11-27 16:39:17.658  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:39:17.659  2597  2898 D SurfaceFlinger: getDisplayConfigs hwc config w:1920 h:1080
11-27 16:39:17.661 20630 20660 D mali_winsys: EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000
11-27 16:39:17.662  2071  6552 D gralloc : mali_gralloc_select_format: req_format=0x00000001 req_fmt_mapped=0x1 internal_format=0x700000001 usage=0xb00
11-27 16:39:17.662  2071  6552 D gralloc : ION_IOC_CUSTOM
11-27 16:39:17.666  2071  6552 D gralloc : mali_gralloc_ion_allocate: hnd->shared_fd=17, hnd->iova=0xf6000000, cpu_ptr=0xeec4f000, size=0x1030040
11-27 16:39:17.668  2071  2663 D gralloc : mali_gralloc_select_format: req_format=0x00000001 req_fmt_mapped=0x1 internal_format=0x700000001 usage=0xb00
11-27 16:39:17.670  2071  2663 D gralloc : ION_IOC_CUSTOM
11-27 16:39:17.674  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:39:17.675  2071  2663 D gralloc : mali_gralloc_ion_allocate: hnd->shared_fd=17, hnd->iova=0xf4000000, cpu_ptr=0xeec4f000, size=0x1030040
11-27 16:39:17.676  2071  2663 D gralloc : mali_gralloc_select_format: req_format=0x00000001 req_fmt_mapped=0x1 internal_format=0x700000001 usage=0xb00
11-27 16:39:17.685  2764 22359 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800: -DeInitVideoDecodeHW
11-27 16:39:17.687 20630 22350 D SurfaceUtils: disconnecting from surface 0xc93d9808, reason disconnectFromSurface
11-27 16:39:17.687 20630 22350 D gralloc : unregister FBM buffer
11-27 16:39:17.687 20630 22350 I chatty  : uid=10171(org.jellyfin.androidtv) identical 18 lines
11-27 16:39:17.687 20630 22350 D gralloc : unregister FBM buffer
11-27 16:39:17.692  2764  3838 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800: GetState (mState=OMX_StateLoaded)
11-27 16:39:17.692  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:39:17.692  2764  3838 D MtkOmxCore: Mtk_OMX_FreeHandle
11-27 16:39:17.693  2764  3838 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800: +MtkOmxVdec::ComponentDeInit
11-27 16:39:17.693  2764 22360 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800: MtkOmxVdecDecodeThread terminated
11-27 16:39:17.693  2764 22358 D MtkOmxVdec: MtkOmxVdecOutputThread will exited
11-27 16:39:17.693  2764 22358 D MtkOmxVdec: MtkOmxVdecOutputThread terminated
11-27 16:39:17.693  2764 22359 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800: MtkOmxVdecThread terminated
11-27 16:39:17.693  2764 22357 D VCodecDrv: Last Event Got
11-27 16:39:17.694  2764  3838 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800: +ReleaseHwResource ea29d000
11-27 16:39:17.694  2593  3821 I GRM     : MTKRmReleaseAllResource(588) thiz = 0x0xea29d000. 
11-27 16:39:17.694  2744 22352 I GRM     : (MtkOmxVdec)Release All Resource(0xf4e2b060)

11-27 16:39:17.694  2744 22352 I GRM     : Not need Android Client callback.
11-27 16:39:17.694  2593  3821 I GRM     : IMtkRmClientComponentReleaseAll.193, RET: 0
11-27 16:39:17.695  2593  3821 I GRM     : MTKRmReleaseAllResource ret=1.
11-27 16:39:17.695  2764  3838 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800: -ReleaseHwResource
11-27 16:39:17.695  2764  3838 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800: ~MtkOmxVdec call RMDestoryComponent(ea29d000)
11-27 16:39:17.695  2593  3821 I GRM     : MTKRmReleaseAllResource(588) thiz = 0x0xea29d000. 
11-27 16:39:17.695  2744 22352 I GRM     : (MtkOmxVdec)Release All Resource(0xf4e2b060)

11-27 16:39:17.695  2744 22352 I GRM     : Not need Android Client callback.
11-27 16:39:17.695  2593  3821 I GRM     : IMtkRmClientComponentReleaseAll.193, RET: 0
11-27 16:39:17.695  2593  3821 I GRM     : MTKRmReleaseAllResource ret=1.
11-27 16:39:17.695  2593  9144 I GRM     : MTKRmCallbackDone(614) thiz = 0x0xea29d000. 
11-27 16:39:17.695  2744 21243 I GRM     : (MtkOmxVdec)Release All Resource(0xf4e2b060)

11-27 16:39:17.695  2744 21243 I GRM     : Not need Android Client callback.
11-27 16:39:17.696  2593  9144 I GRM     : IMtkRmClientComponentReleaseAll.193, RET: 0
11-27 16:39:17.696  2744 21243 I GRM     : (MtkOmxVdec)check the callback done or not(0xf4e2b060)

11-27 16:39:17.696  2744 21243 I GRM     : (MtkOmxVdec)callback done(0xf4e2b060)

11-27 16:39:17.696  2593  9144 I GRM     : IMtkRmClientComponentCallbackDone.200, RET: 0
11-27 16:39:17.696  2593  9144 I GRM     : MTKRmCallbackDone ret=1.
11-27 16:39:17.696  2593  9144 I GRM     : Destroy Component!!! thiz = 0x0xea29d000
11-27 16:39:17.696  2744 21243 I GRM     : ============================Start==============================
11-27 16:39:17.696  2744 21243 I GRM     : Componet Name:OMXNodeInstance, Pid:2764, priority:100, preempt:TRUE, fg:TRUE.
11-27 16:39:17.696  2744 21243 I GRM     : Resource List-->>>>
11-27 16:39:17.696  2744 21243 I GRM     : Name:VideoPath, type: 0, value: 0, enable: TRUE
11-27 16:39:17.696  2744 21243 I GRM     : Resource List--<<<<
11-27 16:39:17.696  2744 21243 I GRM     : Component Count: 16
11-27 16:39:17.696  2744 21243 I GRM     : =============================End===============================
11-27 16:39:17.696  2744 21243 I GRM     : MtkRmServiceDestoryComponent(1904) destory component:MtkOmxVdec
11-27 16:39:17.696  2744 21243 I GRM     : ============================Start==============================
11-27 16:39:17.696  2744 21243 I GRM     : Componet Name:OMXNodeInstance, Pid:2764, priority:100, preempt:TRUE, fg:TRUE.
11-27 16:39:17.696  2744 21243 I GRM     : Resource List-->>>>
11-27 16:39:17.696  2744 21243 I GRM     : Name:VideoPath, type: 0, value: 0, enable: TRUE
11-27 16:39:17.696  2744 21243 I GRM     : Resource List--<<<<
11-27 16:39:17.696  2744 21243 I GRM     : Component Count: 15
11-27 16:39:17.696  2744 21243 I GRM     : =============================End===============================
11-27 16:39:17.696  2744 21243 I GRM     : MtkRmServiceDestoryComponent(1967) return
11-27 16:39:17.696  2593  9144 I GRM     : IMtkRmClientDestoryComponent.84, RET: 0
11-27 16:39:17.696  2764  3838 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800: -MtkOmxVdec::ComponentDeInit
11-27 16:39:17.696  2764  3838 D MtkOmxVdec: 0xe9775800: ~MtkOmxVdec
11-27 16:39:17.696  2764  3838 D MtkOmxCore: free_inst_handle dlclose(0x78771e7b), free(0xe9775804)
11-27 16:39:17.697  2764  3838 D MtkOMXNodeInstancePlugin: close hwc main L(442)
11-27 16:39:17.699  2764  3838 V OmxIoctls: mFramebufferFd:11
11-27 16:39:17.699  2764  3838 D MtkOMXNodeInstancePlugin: [e86fe000] freeNode call RMDestoryComponent(ea29d300) L(453)
11-27 16:39:17.699  2593  9144 I GRM     : MTKRmReleaseAllResource(588) thiz = 0x0xea29d300. 
11-27 16:39:17.699  2744 21243 I GRM     : (OMXNodeInstance)Release All Resource(0xf4e2b0c0)

11-27 16:39:17.700  2744 21243 I GRM     : Not need Android Client callback.
11-27 16:39:17.700  2593  9144 I GRM     : IMtkRmClientComponentReleaseAll.193, RET: 0
11-27 16:39:17.700  2593  9144 I GRM     : MTKRmReleaseAllResource ret=1.
11-27 16:39:17.700  2593  3821 I GRM     : MTKRmCallbackDone(614) thiz = 0x0xea29d300. 
11-27 16:39:17.700  2744 22352 I GRM     : (OMXNodeInstance)Release All Resource(0xf4e2b0c0)

11-27 16:39:17.700  2744 22352 I GRM     : Not need Android Client callback.
11-27 16:39:17.700  2593  3821 I GRM     : IMtkRmClientComponentReleaseAll.193, RET: 0
11-27 16:39:17.700  2744 22352 I GRM     : (OMXNodeInstance)check the callback done or not(0xf4e2b0c0)

11-27 16:39:17.700  2744 22352 I GRM     : (OMXNodeInstance)callback done(0xf4e2b0c0)

11-27 16:39:17.700  2593  3821 I GRM     : IMtkRmClientComponentCallbackDone.200, RET: 0
11-27 16:39:17.700  2593  3821 I GRM     : MTKRmCallbackDone ret=1.
11-27 16:39:17.700  2593  3821 I GRM     : Destroy Component!!! thiz = 0x0xea29d300
11-27 16:39:17.701  2744 22352 I GRM     : ============================Start==============================
11-27 16:39:17.702  2744 22352 I GRM     : Component Count: 15
11-27 16:39:17.702  2744 22352 I GRM     : =============================End===============================
11-27 16:39:17.702  2744 22352 I GRM     : MtkRmServiceDestoryComponent(1904) destory component:OMXNodeInstance
11-27 16:39:17.702  2744 22352 I GRM     : ============================Start==============================
11-27 16:39:17.702  2744 22352 I GRM     : Component Count: 14
11-27 16:39:17.702  2744 22352 I GRM     : =============================End===============================
11-27 16:39:17.702  2744 22352 I GRM     : MtkRmServiceDestoryComponent(1967) return
11-27 16:39:17.702  2593  3821 I GRM     : IMtkRmClientDestoryComponent.84, RET: 0
11-27 16:39:17.702  2593 22353 E GRM     :  recv(i4_sock, &t_msg_base, sizeof(MTKRM_IPC_MSG_BASE_T), 0) = 0, errno:Success
11-27 16:39:17.702  2744 22352 E GRM     :  recv(i4_sock, &t_msg_base, sizeof(MTKRM_IPC_MSG_BASE_T), 0) = 0, errno:Success
11-27 16:39:17.709  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:39:17.718 20630 22342 D MediaCodec: mState = 0, mHaveKick = 0, L(722)
11-27 16:39:17.725  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:39:17.727 20630 22342 D MtkACodecPlugin: MtkACodecPlugin destoryAPlugin
11-27 16:39:17.727 20630 22350 W AMessage: failed to deliver message as target handler 8 is gone.
11-27 16:39:17.734 20630 22342 D AudioTrack: stop() called with 0 frames delivered
11-27 16:39:17.735  3377 18955 I SonySystemService: PictureModeController: ApplicationMonitor.onTaskStackChanged: packageName=org.jellyfin.androidtv
11-27 16:39:17.739  3320  3916 E bt_btif : register_notification_rsp: Avrcp device is not connected, handle: 0x0
11-27 16:39:17.739  3320  3916 I chatty  : uid=1002(bluetooth) BluetoothAvrcpH identical 4 lines
11-27 16:39:17.739  3320  3916 E bt_btif : register_notification_rsp: Avrcp device is not connected, handle: 0x0
11-27 16:39:17.741  3337  3337 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onFinishInput():3466 
11-27 16:39:17.742  3337  3337 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onStartInput():2045 
11-27 16:39:17.743  3377 18955 I SonySystemService: PictureModeController onActivityChanged: packageName=org.jellyfin.androidtv, isTranslucent=false
11-27 16:39:17.747  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:39:17.752  3320  3916 E bt_btif : register_notification_rsp: Avrcp device is not connected, handle: 0x0
11-27 16:39:17.752  3320  3916 I chatty  : uid=1002(bluetooth) BluetoothAvrcpH identical 4 lines
11-27 16:39:17.752  3320  3916 E bt_btif : register_notification_rsp: Avrcp device is not connected, handle: 0x0
11-27 16:39:17.754  3337  3337 I DeviceUnlockedTag: DeviceUnlockedTag.notifyDeviceLockStatusChanged():38 Notify device unlocked.
11-27 16:39:17.755  3320  3916 E bt_btif : register_notification_rsp: Avrcp device is not connected, handle: 0x0
11-27 16:39:17.755  3320  3916 I chatty  : uid=1002(bluetooth) BluetoothAvrcpH identical 4 lines
11-27 16:39:17.755  3320  3916 E bt_btif : register_notification_rsp: Avrcp device is not connected, handle: 0x0
11-27 16:39:17.760  2071  6552 D gralloc : mali_gralloc_select_format: req_format=0x00000001 req_fmt_mapped=0x1 internal_format=0x700000001 usage=0xb00
11-27 16:39:17.762  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:39:17.773  2071  2663 D gralloc : ION_IOC_CUSTOM
11-27 16:39:17.774  2071  6552 D gralloc : ION_IOC_CUSTOM
11-27 16:39:17.776  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:39:17.778  2071  2663 D gralloc : mali_gralloc_ion_allocate: hnd->shared_fd=17, hnd->iova=0xf2000000, cpu_ptr=0xeec4f000, size=0x1030040
11-27 16:39:17.780  2071  6552 D gralloc : mali_gralloc_ion_allocate: hnd->shared_fd=21, hnd->iova=0xf0000000, cpu_ptr=0xeec4f000, size=0x1030040
11-27 16:39:17.794  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:39:17.811  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:39:17.827  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:39:17.843  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:39:17.943  2072  2661 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) HwBinder:2072_2 identical 6 lines
11-27 16:39:17.959  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:39:17.972 20630 20630 I jellyfin-apiclient: Response received from:
11-27 16:39:17.976  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:39:18.110  2072  2661 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) HwBinder:2072_2 identical 8 lines
11-27 16:39:18.126  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: same layer type is change to 3 from 3 for the same layer id
11-27 16:39:18.141  2072  2661 D gralloc : unregister FBM buffer
11-27 16:39:18.142  2072  2661 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) HwBinder:2072_2 identical 18 lines
11-27 16:39:18.142  2072  2661 D gralloc : unregister FBM buffer
11-27 16:39:18.142  2597  2597 D gralloc : unregister FBM buffer
11-27 16:39:18.143  2597  2597 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) /system/bin/surfaceflinger identical 17 lines
11-27 16:39:18.143  2597  2597 D gralloc : unregister FBM buffer
11-27 16:39:18.144  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: destroy play mode: StageFright
11-27 16:39:18.144  2072  2661 I hwcomposer: set vdp display region zero
11-27 16:39:18.149  2597  3088 E BufferQueueProducer: [org.jellyfin.androidtv/org.jellyfin.androidtv.ui.playback.PlaybackOverlayActivity#0] disconnect: not connected (req=1)
11-27 16:39:18.149 20630 20660 W libEGL  : EGLNativeWindowType 0xc70a8008 disconnect failed
11-27 16:39:18.157  2597  2597 D gralloc : unregister FBM buffer
11-27 16:39:18.188  2597  2637 E BufferQueueProducer: [SurfaceView - org.jellyfin.androidtv/org.jellyfin.androidtv.ui.playback.PlaybackOverlayActivity#0] connect: BufferQueue has been abandoned
11-27 16:39:18.189 20630 22349 E libEGL  : eglCreateWindowSurface: native_window_api_connect (win=0xc93d9808) failed (0xffffffed) (already connected to another API?)
11-27 16:39:18.189 20630 22349 E libEGL  : eglCreateWindowSurface:720 error 3003 (EGL_BAD_ALLOC)
11-27 16:39:18.189 20630 22349 E VLC     : [c0e531b0/574d] libvlc gl: cannot create EGL window surface
11-27 16:39:18.193 20630 20630 I ExoPlayerImpl: Release 29d6aec [ExoPlayerLib/2.14.0] [BRAVIA_UR3, BRAVIA 4K UR3, Sony, 28] [goog.exo.core, goog.exo.ui]
11-27 16:39:18.351 20630 20891 D jellyfin-apiclient: Web socket message received.
11-27 16:39:18.352 20630 20891 I jellyfin-apiclient: Received web socket message: UserDataChanged
11-27 16:39:18.390 20630 20630 D FullDetailsActivity: Updating info after playback
11-27 16:39:18.390 20630 20630 D jellyfin-apiclient: Adding request to queue:
11-27 16:39:18.504 20630 20630 I jellyfin-apiclient: Response received from:
11-27 16:39:14.300  3072  3072 V HotPlugDetectionAction: Poll audio system.
11-27 16:39:19.301  3072  3072 V HotPlugDetectionAction: Poll all devices.
11-27 16:39:20.555  2062  2642 D audio_hal: [out_standby:589]stream = 0xeb1a9000
11-27 16:39:20.555  2062  2642 I audio_hal: [do_output_standby:481]output_type = 0 drain = 1 
11-27 16:39:20.597 10377 10396 D UEI.SmartControl: checkWifiSSID: Network info - [type: WIFI[], state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: (none), failover: false, available: true, roaming: false]
11-27 16:39:20.597 10377 10396 D UEI.SmartControl: checkWifiSSID: SSID = 
11-27 16:39:21.251  3072  3318 E TaskPersister: File error accessing recents directory (directory doesn't exist?).
11-27 16:39:23.616  2069 25756 D mtdrm_WV: MTAL: _oecc44 OEMCrypto_GetHDCPCapability entry 
11-27 16:39:23.616  2069 25756 D mtdrm_WV: MTAL: _oecc44 OEMCrypto_GetHDCPCapability exist current=255,maximum=255
11-27 16:39:24.305  3072  3072 V HotPlugDetectionAction: Poll audio system.
11-27 16:39:25.192  3072  4471 E memtrack: Couldn't load memtrack module
11-27 16:39:25.192  3072  4471 W android.os.Debug: failed to get memory consumption info: -1
11-27 16:39:25.637 10377 10396 D UEI.SmartControl: checkWifiSSID: Network info - [type: WIFI[], state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: (none), failover: false, available: true, roaming: false]
11-27 16:39:25.638 10377 10396 D UEI.SmartControl: checkWifiSSID: SSID = 
11-27 16:39:30.677 10377 10396 D UEI.SmartControl: checkWifiSSID: Network info - [type: WIFI[], state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: (none), failover: false, available: true, roaming: false]
11-27 16:39:30.677 10377 10396 D UEI.SmartControl: checkWifiSSID: SSID = 
11-27 16:39:29.310  3072  3072 V HotPlugDetectionAction: Poll audio system.
11-27 16:39:33.290  3072  3302 I HdmiCecController: [S]:<Give Device Power Status> 05:8F
11-27 16:39:33.450  3072  3072 I HdmiCecController: [R]:<Report Power Status> 50:90:00
11-27 16:39:33.618  2069 25756 D mtdrm_WV: MTAL: _oecc44 OEMCrypto_GetHDCPCapability entry 
11-27 16:39:33.618  2069 25756 D mtdrm_WV: MTAL: _oecc44 OEMCrypto_GetHDCPCapability exist current=255,maximum=255
11-27 16:39:34.311  3072  3072 V HotPlugDetectionAction: Poll all devices.

FFmpeg logs

Not applicable as not transcoding

Media info of the file

Unique ID                                : 18456457596877740425369750804511899463 (0xDE2959D8D804F795981E69726DCBF47)
Format                                   : Matroska
Format version                           : Version 2
File size                                : 190 MiB
Duration                                 : 56 s 200 ms
Overall bit rate                         : 28.4 Mb/s
Movie name                               : Dolby Amaze (Dolby Vision)
Encoded date                             : UTC 2020-08-02 17:13:13
Writing application                      : MakeMKV v1.15.2 win(x86-debug)
Writing library                          : libmakemkv v1.15.1 (1.3.10/1.5.2) win(x86-debug)

ID                                       : 1
Format                                   : HEVC
Format/Info                              : High Efficiency Video Coding
Format profile                           : Main 10@L5.1@Main
HDR format                               : Dolby Vision, Version 1.0, dvhe.05.09, BL+RPU
Codec ID                                 : V_MPEGH/ISO/HEVC
Duration                                 : 56 s 200 ms
Bit rate                                 : 27.7 Mb/s
Width                                    : 3 840 pixels
Height                                   : 2 160 pixels
Display aspect ratio                     : 16:9
Frame rate mode                          : Constant
Frame rate                               : 60.000 FPS
Color space                              : YUV
Chroma subsampling                       : 4:2:0
Bit depth                                : 10 bits
Bits/(Pixel*Frame)                       : 0.056
Stream size                              : 186 MiB (98%)
Language                                 : English
Default                                  : No
Forced                                   : No

ID                                       : 2
Format                                   : E-AC-3 JOC
Format/Info                              : Enhanced AC-3 with Joint Object Coding
Commercial name                          : Dolby Digital Plus with Dolby Atmos
Format settings                          : Dolby Surround EX
Codec ID                                 : A_EAC3
Duration                                 : 56 s 192 ms
Bit rate mode                            : Constant
Bit rate                                 : 640 kb/s
Channel(s)                               : 6 channels
Channel layout                           : L R C LFE Ls Rs
Sampling rate                            : 48.0 kHz
Frame rate                               : 31.250 FPS (1536 SPF)
Compression mode                         : Lossy
Stream size                              : 4.29 MiB (2%)
Title                                    : Surround 5.1
Language                                 : English
Service kind                             : Complete Main
Default                                  : Yes
Forced                                   : No
Complexity index                         : 14
Number of dynamic objects                : 13
Bed channel count                        : 1 channel
Bed channel configuration                : LFE

Application version


Device information

Sony X950H

Android version

Android 9

Jellyfin server version


mueslimak3r commented 3 years ago

The logs show it chose to use libVLC for playback, and it looks like that player doesn't support Dolby Vision. In the app settings, try switching the preferred player to exoplayer.

If that does work, we can look into adding Dolby Vision to the exoplayer profile so the "automatically choose" setting selects exoplayer

gyCfjSnO commented 3 years ago

The logs show it chose to use libVLC for playback, and it looks like that player doesn't support Dolby Vision. In the app settings, try switching the preferred player to exoplayer.

If that does work, we can look into adding Dolby Vision to the exoplayer profile so the "automatically choose" setting selects exoplayer

Changing the player from Auto to Exo resolved the issue. Any way to make it use Exo if it's Android TV so in future don't have to manually change it?

themegaphoenix commented 3 years ago

I believe that exoplayer is the default player in new installation. Did you happen to change the player before in the older versions?

mueslimak3r commented 3 years ago

I believe that exoplayer is the default player in new installation. Did you happen to change the player before in the older versions?

The current migrations code runs all the migrations for new installs, which includes a migration that sets the player to AUTO. This will be fixed with #1244

gyCfjSnO commented 3 years ago

I believe that exoplayer is the default player in new installation. Did you happen to change the player before in the older versions?

It was a brand new installation.

jellyfin-bot commented 2 years ago

This issue has gone 120 days without comment. To avoid abandoned issues, it will be closed in 21 days if there are no new comments.

If you're the original submitter of this issue, please comment confirming if this issue still affects you in the latest release or master branch, or close the issue if it has been fixed. If you're another user also affected by this bug, please comment confirming so. Either action will remove the stale label.

This bot exists to prevent issues from becoming stale and forgotten. Jellyfin is always moving forward, and bugs are often fixed as side effects of other changes. We therefore ask that bug report authors remain vigilant about their issues to ensure they are closed if fixed, or re-confirmed - perhaps with fresh logs or reproduction examples - regularly. If you have any questions you can reach us on Matrix or Social Media.