jellyfin / jellyfin-media-player

Jellyfin Desktop Client
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Media keys (mpris) support #3

Open ilya-zlobintsev opened 3 years ago

ilya-zlobintsev commented 3 years ago

I'm not sure if this is the case on Windows, but on Linux there's no media keys support. I'm not sure if this has to be done in the web wrapper or implemented manually, but there's a dbus interface for media key control.

iwalton3 commented 3 years ago

It's definitely possible but this is possibility a very substantial addition. There is an input manager for handling remote control of other types (not sure about mpris) that I haven't done anything with yet.

ilya-zlobintsev commented 3 years ago

There's an mpris plugin for mpv, but I don't know if it works with libmpv (which is used here if I understand it correctly?) without the full player.

iwalton3 commented 3 years ago

It does work in MPV Shim but this player doesn't respond to MPV keybinds or player events. It is more treated like an embedded player.

ilya-zlobintsev commented 3 years ago

I've made this small script to play/pause:

import requests
import os
from os.path import expanduser

home = expanduser("~")

TOKEN = "1234567890abcdefgh"

headers = {
        "X-Emby-Authorization": """MediaBrowser Client="Python", Device="script", DeviceId="asdf", Version="0.1", Token=\"""" + TOKEN + "\"" }

    f = open(home + "/.cache/jellyfin-id")
    session_id =
    sessions = requests.get(SERVER_URL + "/Sessions?ActiveWithinSeconds=960", headers=headers).json()

    for session in sessions:
        if session["DeviceName"] == "Web Browser":
            session_id = session["Id"]

            f = open(home + "/.cache/jellyfin-id", "w")

            break + "/Sessions/" + session_id + "/Playing/PlayPause", headers=headers)
Maxr1998 commented 3 years ago

If you install this and softlink to /usr/share/mpv/scripts/ in ~/.local/share/jellyfinmediaplayer/scripts, play/pause and metadata works perfectly, both for music and video.

ilya-zlobintsev commented 3 years ago

Thank you, that works perfectly, though the path was /usr/lib/mpv/ for me.

ilya-zlobintsev commented 3 years ago

Would it be possible to include the plugin by default with it being MIT licensed?

rodrigosargaco commented 3 years ago

Is it possible to add play/pause with spacebar key? (Windows 10)

iwalton3 commented 3 years ago

There is partial media key support on Linux in the new release. It just binds to the keyboard keys and doesn't do any MPRIS stuff. This may or may not work in Flatpak.

iwalton3 commented 3 years ago

For MPRIS it looks like combining and the taskbar component added recently is a solid option.

viggy96 commented 3 years ago

Linking/copying to the Jellyfin media player scripts directory worked for me. The only slight annoyance is that title information is not shown. The mpris notification only shows the streaming URL that is being used.

zjeffer commented 3 years ago

Linking the file indeed works, here's a handy command to link the file:

ln -s /usr/lib/mpv/ ~/.local/share/jellyfinmediaplayer/scripts

It has full MPRIS support, except for the information. Has anyone found a fix for that yet?

viggy96 commented 3 years ago

@zjeffer I started on a fix for missing title data but as I talked to the other developers, I realised there are other issues with this hacky solution to MPRIS.

The problem is that since this is being applied from the MPV side, the next/previous track buttons don't work, because MPV doesn't know what the next/previous items are. MPRIS needs to be implemented at a deeper level in JMP.

That said, if you just want play/pause functionality, then just copy/link the file and you're good for now.

zjeffer commented 3 years ago

I noticed some files do correctly display metadata, but I haven't figured out what causes it.

viggy96 commented 3 years ago

I haven't seen that at all. Anything I play with MPRIS enabled just shows the streaming URL that mpv is using behind the scenes.

iwalton3 commented 3 years ago

I noticed some files do correctly display metadata, but I haven't figured out what causes it.

This is likely due to embedded metadata that MPV is reading from the files and not any metadata in Jellyfin.

zjeffer commented 3 years ago

This is likely due to embedded metadata that MPV is reading from the files and not any metadata in Jellyfin.

Makes sense, that's probably it.

mueslimak3r commented 2 years ago

Like viggy96 said, prev/next don't work, and neither does stop. prev/next not working is OK but pressing stop seems to cut the connection between jellyfin media player and mpris so and subsequent media key presses don't work until I press stop in jellyfin media player and then start media again. Any updates on this? I'm using a Corsair K70 keyboard

v1r0x commented 2 years ago

I'm on Ubuntu 20.04 and with latest JMP (v 1.6.1) media keys do not work at all. I tried both, Flatpak and deb version. Is there anything additional software I need to get it working?

zjeffer commented 2 years ago

@v1r0x Did you try this?

You might need to change the path, I don't know where it is on Ubuntu.

v1r0x commented 2 years ago

@zjeffer I downloaded the from this repo: and moved it to the JMP scripts folder, but after a restart it still doesn't work

mueslimak3r commented 2 years ago

@zjeffer I downloaded the from this repo: and moved it to the JMP scripts folder, but after a restart it still doesn't work

What I had to do was install mpv-mpris, in my case via the AUR on arch Linux, and then symlink the .so for the mpv-mpris into the scripts folder. This process is described above in this thread

The shared library (.so) won't do anything without the mpv-mpris package being installed correctly

v1r0x commented 2 years ago

I finally have fixed it :tada: Thanks @zjeffer and @mueslimak3r ! I couldn't find a way to install mpv-mpris on ubuntu, but I found a PPA to install mpv itself and copy the prebuild from hoyons repo to JMP scripts folder.

Now Play/Pause works fine :)

freshgum-bubbles commented 2 years ago

There's actually a standard API for responding to media key events (which doesn't include hacky workarounds such as subscribing to individual Xf86* media keys): the Navigator Media Session API. It looks like Jellyfin Web already subscribes to events from this API:

From my limited understanding of Qt, could this be an upstream issue with QtWebEngine? If it does not already do so, shouldn't it provide this API to embedded websites?

mijofa commented 2 years ago

Qt can't easily just make this work as is, because the video player isn't part of Qt itself. If Qt does support that then it's theoretically possible to write something that works between MPV and Qt's javascript APIs to then use that Navigator Media Session API, but it would likely be just as easy as writing the mpris support directly into JMP itself. (although perhaps more platform-independant)

bufothefrog commented 2 years ago

Was anyone able to replicate any of these solution within the flatpak? I have attempted the linking with no success. ln -s ~/.var/app/io.mpv.Mpv/config/mpv/scripts/ ~/.var/app/com.github.iwalton3.jellyfin-media-player/data/jellyfinmediaplayer/scripts

mohkale commented 1 year ago

Does the aformentioned solution still work? I tried installing mpv-mpris and symlinking as suggested but jmp doesn't seem to be doing anything with it. I tried loading it with mpv itself to check if the so might be corrupted but it worked fine there. Anyone know what I could be doing wrong?

sudo pacman -S mpv-mpris
ln -sv /usr/lib/mpv-mpris/ ~/.local/share/jellyfinmediaplayer/scripts/

I'm on jellyfinmediaplayer 1.7.1.

Edit: Nevermind. Working as expected now (not sure what changed :thinking:).

b-m-f commented 1 year ago

I tried bundling this into flatpak and got stuck with the following.

Nothing that can be done unless the above config-dir setting is not set

b-m-f commented 1 year ago

Was anyone able to replicate any of these solution within the flatpak? I have attempted the linking with no success. ln -s ~/.var/app/io.mpv.Mpv/config/mpv/scripts/ ~/.var/app/com.github.iwalton3.jellyfin-media-player/data/jellyfinmediaplayer/scripts

Still works for me

adamlwgriffiths commented 1 year ago

This really needs a proper solution as it is impeding use of this for HTPC. As it stands without this, the best option currently is to use Firefox in kiosk mode.

Benguin commented 1 year ago

The solution works for me (archlinux) but only for the pause / play command (which is better than nothing). Could do with the next / prev commands working, too.

SpirTBBX commented 1 year ago

I am running EndeavourOS with kde. I have installed mpv-mpris and linked the file from /usr/lib/mpv-mpris to ~/.local/share/jellyfinmediaplayer/scripts

After restarting jellyfin and the media center still doesn't detect that I'm playing media (which is annoying because that is the fix on kde to not suspend the machine or turn off the screen after the specified period).

Is there a different fix for it?

I tried going to firefox. Firefox only supports 720p on jellyfin (I have the playback limit to 10mbps on the host but the client app still shows higher qualities though) which is a shame as I am not able to watch the content I want on their resolution.

Kowalski7 commented 7 months ago

After looking a bit through jellyfinmediaplayer.log, I noticed that it does find the script in the Flatpak version, but it fails to load it:

2024-02-07 22:56:19.292 [critical] unknown @ 0 - mpris: C plugin error: ' cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory'
2024-02-07 22:56:19.292 [critical] unknown @ 0 - mpris: Could not load cplugin script /home/username/.var/app/com.github.iwalton3.jellyfin-media-player/data/jellyfinmediaplayer/scripts/

It appears that in the last update of mpv-mpris (version 1.1), an extra dependency was added for and even though I have installed, it seems to be looking for

For now, in order to get it to work, I downloaded version 1.0 that doesn't have this dependency and placed it in ~/.var/app/com.github.iwalton3.jellyfin-media-player/data/jellyfinmediaplayer/scripts/ and it works really well.

konradmoesch commented 3 months ago

For native mpris support in jmp, might be an option. Looks pretty small to set up. However, it is based on sdbus-c++, which I failed to integrate into the jellyfinmediaplayer build so far. Another option would be implementing MPRIS on top of QDBusConnection. This is what KDE Connect does, for example. I think, the latter option might be what we want?

If I find time, I might take a further look into this topic

Edit: mpris_server can quite easily be used; it needs c++20, though. Setting CXX_STANDARD to 20, I get jmp to build (some implicit capture warnings, though). Not sure if raising CXX_STANDARD would be okay. I can then register as a mpris player that gets detected by playerctl and also shows in the plasma taskbar. Regarding hooking it up to jmp (the PlayerComponent?) and getting meta info/controlling the player, I found TaskbarComponentWin that is connected to PlayerComponent and InputComponent. If a similar approach would be the right one, I am not sure.

craigers521 commented 3 months ago

@Kowalski7 your comment totally solved my issue! For any else coming to fedora silverblue / bazzite that used to use the unified remote server and are having issues with it, simple as grabbing the 1.0 release and copying into the flatpak path for JMP that kowalski listed. Now my media remote is working. Also i ended up moving to this app on android for remote media control over the unified remote one and im liking it alot, hope that helps someone else with HTPC build

dataprolet commented 1 month ago

On Arch Linux linking the library still did the trick and KDE Connect worked without further configuration.

$ ln -s /usr/lib/mpv-mpris/ ~/.local/share/jellyfinmediaplayer/scripts

kuligs2 commented 3 weeks ago

on popOS the media keys in jellyfin media player application still not working when i press them on keyboard :(