Added, Removed, and Updated all seem to be behaving properly, but I can't get UserDataChanged to populate. It should be returning a list of items that have had their watched status changed (Watched, Unwatched, In Progress).
Example URL to load the endpoint:$YOURUSERID/GetItems?LastUpdateDT=2019-12-12T02:58:43Z&filter=None
This appears to be the source for
The plugin endpoint is returning a json payload of various changed items in the server since the last time Kodi was synced:
Added, Removed, and Updated all seem to be behaving properly, but I can't get UserDataChanged to populate. It should be returning a list of items that have had their watched status changed (Watched, Unwatched, In Progress).
Example URL to load the endpoint:$YOURUSERID/GetItems?LastUpdateDT=2019-12-12T02:58:43Z&filter=None