Open dmitrylyzo opened 1 year ago
Made the splashscreen similar to splashLogo in the web (fit into 30% of the width/height): |
webOS | Tizen |
convert banner-light.png -resize 576x324 -gravity center -background transparent -extent 1920x1080 splash_fg.png
or with a background
convert banner-light.png -resize 576x324 -gravity center -background '#000b25' -extent 1920x1080 splash.png
But... the splashscreen doesn't work on Tizen 4 TV (doesn't appear) and Tizen 3 emulator (doesn't hide). :confused: It works in Tizen 5 emulator. :man_shrugging:
Would this replace the black square you get on the loading screen or will that only be there on the officially published version?
It should have been displayed before the app was finished loading at startup, just like the webOS app does. Currently, there is a native Samsung spin with the Jellyfin Loading
text below and the previous screen in the background.
the splashscreen doesn't work on Tizen 4 TV (doesn't appear) and Tizen 3 emulator (doesn't hide). It works in Tizen 5 emulator.
I took the "Logo" parts from
It is larger than the one used in webOS, but aligned better, imo.
The attributes are marked as "mandatory", but it also works with just
. :man_shrugging: