Closed dmitrylyzo closed 8 months ago
this is.... unusual?
jassub only uses fetch for engines which support streamed WASM compilation, which REQUIRES fetch in the engine to work, as it uses fetch responses, so if fetch doesnt exist, streamed compilation will never run, and never call fetch, so it's a non-issue?
// hack, we want custom WASM URLs
const _fetch = fetch
const wasm = !WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming && read_(data.wasmUrl, true)
if (WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming) self.fetch = _ => _fetch(data.wasmUrl)
WASM({ wasm }).then(Module => {
_malloc = Module._malloc
// ...
fetch is overwritten because emscripten in their infinite wisdom decided to hardcode the wasm url when using instantiateStreaming
so this unwraps it, kinda hacky, but it works really good
instantiateStreaming was added way after fetch so even if fetch doesn't exist, it should never cause an error during runtime as fetch itself wont ever be called
from emscripten's compiled code:
so fetch will never run on engines which don't support it, this is already checked by jassub and emscripten
promise also shouldn't need to be polyfilled as Promises are only required when using webassembly which was added after promises and on engines which don't support WASM promises aren't used, instead a fake WASM emulation is used:
try {
const module = new WebAssembly.Module(Uint8Array.of(0x0, 0x61, 0x73, 0x6d, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00))
if (!(module instanceof WebAssembly.Module) || !(new WebAssembly.Instance(module) instanceof WebAssembly.Instance)) throw new Error('WASM not supported')
} catch (e) {
// load WASM2JS code if WASM is unsupported
which fakes the promise.then code with [from emscriptens compiled code]:
WebAssembly = {
// Note that we do not use closure quoting (this['buffer'], etc.) on these
// functions, as they are just meant for internal use. In other words, this is
// not a fully general polyfill.
/** @constructor */
Memory: function(opts) {
this.buffer = new ArrayBuffer(opts['initial'] * 65536);
Module: function(binary) {
// TODO: use the binary and info somehow - right now the wasm2js output is embedded in
// the main JS
/** @constructor */
Instance: function(module, info) {
// TODO: use the module somehow - right now the wasm2js output is embedded in
// the main JS
// This will be replaced by the actual wasm2js code.
this.exports = (
// ...esm2js code
instantiate: /** @suppress{checkTypes} */ function(binary, info) {
return {
then: function(ok) {
var module = new WebAssembly.Module(binary);
'instance': new WebAssembly.Instance(module, info)
// Emulate a simple WebAssembly.instantiate(..).then(()=>{}).catch(()=>{}) syntax.
return { catch: function() {} };
RuntimeError: Error
it does however require Promise inside the main thread, which I think is already polyfilled in JF web so it shouldn't be an issue?
also I can't get JF to even play any media to test this :&
I couldn't get JF-web to work, so I simply copied its webpack config and hosted it on my test page, it works on chrome 76, but I can't really test webOS:
Chrome 76 (2019) is much more modern than the webOS 1.2 (2014) web engine.
webOS 1.2 uses old WebKit. In strict mode, it complains about fetch
and WebAssembly
just because they aren't in global scope. Using self.*
helps here (at least with WebAssembly
), but then it fails on Promise
The problem started after WASM and JS workers were combined.
First of all, worker now requires transpilation. A week ago, that wasn't required. :thinking:
I created fix-legacy branch (not ready, but some commits are fine).
but I can't really test webOS
I test webOS 1.2 using LG SDK:
the worker always required transpiration, this isn't new, I'll look into missing globals when using strict, or I could remove use strict which I think is added by vite [as always causes problems]
also I don't see why it would cry about WebAssembly missing, if it doesn't exist it should error inside the trycatch, and polyfill it, and the next time it's ran it's already defined
I see the issue with promise tho, that's annoying
I think promise needs to be polyfilled in worker, I tried, but I'm faily sure I failed
I'm fairly sure I fixed all these issues in 1.7.7
I'm fairly sure I fixed all these issues in 1.7.7
JASSUB 1.7.7 doesn't work in Chrome 79
Uncaught (in promise) RangeError: WebAssembly.Table.get(): invalid index 584944 into function table
at ae (http://.../jellyfin/web/176e75238a0c18a53cdd.js:480:74)
at Dr (http://.../jellyfin/web/176e75238a0c18a53cdd.js:1142:16)
at wasm-function[722]:0xa18b4
at wasm-function[747]:0xa68eb
at wasm-function[870]:0xea152
at Ir (http://.../jellyfin/web/176e75238a0c18a53cdd.js:1159:9)
at http://.../jellyfin/web/176e75238a0c18a53cdd.js:1173:197
It doesn't work on webOS 1.2: it loads jassub-worker.wasm.js
, but then it also loads data.wasmUrl
, which is jassub-worker.wasm
audible confusion
it loading both wasm modules is a side effect but it doesn't really matter, since only the legacy one is used, and the latter is ignored, that table.get is a massive woe however, because it shouldn't even run webassembly code, ever, if it loads the legacy code it shouldn't ever use normal WASM
the stack trace is kinda useless as that's definetly code transpiled by jf's webpack config, so some code snippets or screenshots would be nicer
webOS 1.2:
function Rr(t, r, n) {
var i = Ce();
try {
return ae(t)(r, n);
} catch (o) {
if (we(i), o !== o + 0) throw o;
me(1, 0);
function Dr(t, r, n, i, o) {
var u = Ce();
try {
return ae(t)(r, n, i, o); // TypeError: 'undefined' is not a function (evaluating 'ae(t)(r, n, i, o)')
} catch (p) {
if (we(u), p !== p + 0) throw p;
me(1, 0);
function Wr(t, r, n, i) {
var o = Ce();
try {
return ae(t)(r, n, i);
} catch (u) {
if (we(o), u !== u + 0) throw u;
me(1, 0);
f.getTempRet0 = tt, f.setTempRet0 = et;
function Ir(t) {
var Ze = {
a: Ur
return (WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming ? WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming(fetch("jassub-worker-modern.wasm"), Ze) : WebAssembly.instantiate(f.wasm, Ze)).then(function (t) {
C = (t.instance || t).exports, f._malloc = We = C.N, J = C.O, Ne = C.P, f.__embind_initialize_bindings = C.Q, me = C.S, et = C.T, tt = C.U, Ce = C.V, we = C.W, C.X, C.Y, C.Z, C._, ue = C.R, Ir(C), P();
}), f.ready;
Chrome 79:
function Lt(t, r, n) {
f.hasOwnProperty(t) || ge("Replacing nonexistant public symbol"), f[t].overloadTable !== void 0 && n !== void 0 ? f[t].overloadTable[n] = r : (f[t] = r, f[t].argCount = n);
function Ht(t, r, n) {
var i = dynCalls[t];
return n && n.length ? i.apply(null, [r].concat(n)) :, r);
var be = [];
function ae(t) {
var r = be[t];
return r || (t >= be.length && (be.length = t + 1), be[t] = r = ue.get(t)), r; // RangeError: WebAssembly.Table.get(): invalid index 584944 into function table
function Bt(t, r, n) {
if (t.includes("j")) return Ht(t, r, n);
var i = ae(r).apply(null, n);
return i;
function xt(t, r) {
var n = [];
return function () {
return n.length = 0, Object.assign(n, arguments), Bt(t, r, n);
function q(t, r) {
t = I(t);
function n() {
return t.includes("j") ? xt(t, r) : ae(r);
var i = n();
return typeof i != "function" && _("unknown function pointer with signature ".concat(t, ": ").concat(r)), i;
Does JASSUB 1.7.7 work in Chrome 76 for you?
the issue is some emscripten bug, I've downgraded emscripten and I think it should fix this issue, the chrome 76 bug is worrying, as that implies the C compiled code errored, which hasnt been changed in months
you can try npm install
and see if it errors
I tested latest jassub/main
( in Chrome 79 - works.
Regarding webOS 1.2 and transpilation, there is some warning about using variables when constructing Worker.
Using a variable in the Worker constructor is not supported by webpack. For example, the following code will not work: const url = new URL('./path/to/worker.ts', import.meta.url); const worker = new Worker(url);. This is because webpack cannot analyse the syntax statically. It is important to be aware of this limitation when using Worker syntax with webpack.
Could this be the reason it isn't transpiled?
The worker is being transpiled by webpack because of the babel loader config as you saw yourself, the function and variable names are mangled, I think it's honestly some stupid emscripten bug, and it's starting to annoy me
@dmitrylyzo okay, with v1.7.8 I've 100% confirmed that legacy works again, I didn't have time to check if it worked previously or not but I'm sure it works now, if it still doesn't work then it's likely because of the transpilation done by babel
@dmitrylyzo could you test 1.7.8? if it still errors, any you get any errors, send them, I'm fairly sure it's gonna be caused by the wasm.js worker being broken by babel so I'll simply have to exclude it
Worker (1.7.8, 1.7.9) now requires a polyfill for Array.prototype.copyWithin
(webOS 1.2).
minor oversight, fixed in 1.7.10
minor oversight, fixed in 1.7.10
Now the same error as
TypeError: 'undefined' is not a function (evaluating 'ie(t)(r, n, i, o)')
Also, I have different output files when building from source (main
branch) - it fails ES check (arrow-functions). It seems the build infra differs.
okay, so babel is definetly at fault here, if you copy over the worker.wasm.js file from jassub's dist and replace it in jellyfin-web's folder, tho you'd need to rename it to some hash that webpack uses for the file, and it should work
If this still doesn't work, then this is a JS engine error, as it runs correctly on newer chrome engines, and the error you referenced is emitted in the WASM emulation, which means somehow on older engines, the JS is executed differently, because the WASM steps should be the same, giga yikes
did you use docker to compile? the output should be the same
where is the ES check failed? it should fail in worker and main, but not in .wasm.js
Tried 1.7.11 on webOS 1.2: TypeError: 'undefined' is not a function (evaluating 'ie(t)(r, n, i, o)')
Tried rebuilding (using
): Babel doesn't transpile the worker (arrow functions in the output).
And again, the result of JASSUB rebuild differs from what is in the npm store. :man_shrugging:
I'll have some time this weekend to look into this, but from what you described: this is bad, really bad, in summary the JS engine webOS 1.2 uses evaluates things differently?
JASSUB doesn't do any transpilation, it's on the end developer to transpile the code JASSUB provides, which jellyfin already has a config for and does
at most the JASSUB rebuild should ONLY differ from the npm store with stuff like new lines, and nothing else, I cleaned out my ubuntu install, tried running this again, and I get the same output as what the NPM store has
give me a few hours and I'll look deeper
either there was something critically wrong with my wsl install, or I lack some basic understanding of how it works but I had a lot of issues with files being cached and not updated, not sure what happened, it's fixed
it's as I feared, babel is transpiling the JS files, and breaking the WASM, which is the root of the issue, I'm however at my wit's end as to how to disable that, static copy doesn't seem to work as expected, and the worker keeps changing, I tried changing this behavior but I keep failing, not sure why: left is what's outputed by webpack's static copy, right is original from node_modules
TIL, production mode makes Terser run on ALL files even statically copied ones, and since it has dead code removal..... yeah you can imagine the rest
this was up there with some of the least fun things I've had to track down in recent weeks
fixed in jassub 1.7.13
@dmitrylyzo is this now resolved on jassub's end? or is there still something I need to fix? asking cuz I want to mark this as complete on my TODO list
@dmitrylyzo is this now resolved on jassub's end? or is there still something I need to fix? asking cuz I want to mark this as complete on my TODO list
Yes, it is resolved. 🤞 At least it finally works on webOS 1.2. I am waiting for Renovate to update its PR.
webOS 2 (it has a native Promise, but it is buggy - it should still be polyfilled):
TypeError: PromiseResolver is not a function (evaluating 'h(l)')
var Module = function Module() {
var l = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {};
return function (l) {
var l = l,
l.ready = new Promise(function (t, r) {
h = t;
var C = function C(t) {
return console.log(t);
y = function y(t) {
return console.error(t);
function _() {
h(l); // TypeError: PromiseResolver is not a function (evaluating 'h(l)')
Tizen 5 and webOS 5:
Uncaught (in promise) CompileError: WasmCompile: Wasm decoding failed: unexpected section: Code @+4549
return (WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming ? WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming(fetch("jassub-worker-modern.wasm"), Ze) : WebAssembly.instantiate(l.wasm, Ze)).then(function (t) {
^ loading jassub-worker.wasm
I added a fix for engines which pretend that promise is supported in .15 [I don't understand how resolve in promise can not be a function], but I was not able to reproduce the webOS 5 error so I'm not sure whats wrong
Describe The Bug JASSUB doesn't work in legacy browsers: worker fails on webOS 1.2, requiring
(probably more).Steps To Reproduce
.Expected Behavior No error and see subtitles.
System (please complete the following information):
Additional Context Promise in webOS 2 has a weird implementation, so it also requires testing. JASSUB 1.5.13 works fine, because it was built with compatibility flags (browser version).