jellyfin / jellyfin

The Free Software Media System
GNU General Public License v2.0
30.97k stars 2.86k forks source link

[Issue]: M3U stream gets stuck in first frame with no errors #11710

Closed hmonteiro closed 2 weeks ago

hmonteiro commented 2 weeks ago

Please describe your bug

When using the M3U tuner, if I atttemp to start a stream, it doesn't work, but doesn't display any errors in the log. If I enable Auto-loop live streams in the provider, I get the first frame and then the video pauses. If I don't enable that option, nothing gets displayed. The log pattern is always the same in both situations, no errors are displayed, ffmpeg continues processing through the stream as if nothing is wrong but the stream doesn't get displayed in the client.

I have tried with 2 different clients:

The same M3U file works correctly on VLC.

Reproduction Steps

All my streams (from here) exibit the same issue, but if you create a new m3u file with the following content (one channel extracted from that source source) and then try to play said stream, it will replicate the issue I am seeing:

#EXTINF:-1 group-title="TV" tvg-id="" tvg-logo="",SIC

Jellyfin Version


if other:



- OS: Linux QNAP
- Linux Kernel: 5.10.60-qnap
- Virtualization: Docker
- Clients: Firefox, WebOS
- Browser: Firefox
- FFmpeg Version: 6.0.1-Jellyfin
- Playback Method: Stream
- Hardware Acceleration: VAAPI
- GPU Model: Intel UHD (Jasper Lake) - N5105
- Reverse Proxy: none
- Base URL: none
- Storage: local

Jellyfin logs

[2024-05-18 08:35:35.346 +00:00] [INF] [56] Jellyfin.Api.Helpers.MediaInfoHelper: User policy for "admin". EnablePlaybackRemuxing: True EnableVideoPlaybackTranscoding: True EnableAudioPlaybackTranscoding: True
[2024-05-18 08:35:35.346 +00:00] [INF] [56] Jellyfin.LiveTv.LiveTvMediaSourceProvider: Opening channel stream from "Emby", external channel Id: "m3u_45d8a400bf9ab5e30d7ce4aa47fb77792ae0d873017c429551ced73530180505"
[2024-05-18 08:35:35.346 +00:00] [INF] [56] Jellyfin.LiveTv.DefaultLiveTvService: Streaming Channel "m3u_45d8a400bf9ab5e30d7ce4aa47fb77792ae0d873017c429551ced73530180505"
[2024-05-18 08:35:35.348 +00:00] [INF] [56] Jellyfin.LiveTv.TunerHosts.M3UTunerHost: Live stream opened after 0.0013ms
[2024-05-18 08:35:35.348 +00:00] [INF] [56] Jellyfin.LiveTv.DefaultLiveTvService: Returning mediasource streamId "2ae0d873017c429551ced73530180505", mediaSource.Id "2ae0d873017c429551ced73530180505", mediaSource.LiveStreamId null
[2024-05-18 08:35:35.350 +00:00] [INF] [52] Emby.Server.Implementations.Library.MediaSourceManager: Live tv media info probe took "0.0021089" seconds
[2024-05-18 08:35:35.350 +00:00] [INF] [52] Emby.Server.Implementations.Library.MediaSourceManager: Live stream opened: MediaSourceInfo { Protocol: Http, Id: "2ae0d873017c429551ced73530180505", Path: "", EncoderPath: null, EncoderProtocol: null, Type: Default, Container: "hls", Size: 769, Name: null, IsRemote: True, ETag: null, RunTimeTicks: null, ReadAtNativeFramerate: False, IgnoreDts: False, IgnoreIndex: False, GenPtsInput: False, SupportsTranscoding: True, SupportsDirectStream: False, SupportsDirectPlay: False, IsInfiniteStream: True, RequiresOpening: True, OpenToken: null, RequiresClosing: True, LiveStreamId: "e2329f4997b378e64ccf8fa396deb76e_af999c25a00715699361240d4c6c7a53_2ae0d873017c429551ced73530180505", BufferMs: null, RequiresLooping: True, SupportsProbing: True, VideoType: null, IsoType: null, Video3DFormat: null, MediaStreams: [MediaStream { Codec: "h264", CodecTag: null, Language: null, ColorRange: "tv", ColorSpace: null, ColorTransfer: null, ColorPrimaries: null, DvVersionMajor: null, DvVersionMinor: null, DvProfile: null, DvLevel: null, RpuPresentFlag: null, ElPresentFlag: null, BlPresentFlag: null, DvBlSignalCompatibilityId: null, Comment: null, TimeBase: "1/90000", CodecTimeBase: null, Title: null, VideoRange: SDR, VideoRangeType: SDR, VideoDoViTitle: null, AudioSpatialFormat: None, LocalizedUndefined: null, LocalizedDefault: null, LocalizedForced: null, LocalizedExternal: null, LocalizedHearingImpaired: null, DisplayTitle: "360p H264 SDR", NalLengthSize: "0", IsInterlaced: False, IsAVC: null, ChannelLayout: null, BitRate: null, BitDepth: 8, RefFrames: 1, PacketLength: null, Channels: null, SampleRate: null, IsDefault: False, IsForced: False, IsHearingImpaired: False, Height: 270, Width: 480, AverageFrameRate: 25, RealFrameRate: 25, Profile: "Constrained Baseline", Type: Video, AspectRatio: "16:9", Index: -1, Score: null, IsExternal: False, DeliveryMethod: null, DeliveryUrl: null, IsExternalUrl: null, IsTextSubtitleStream: False, SupportsExternalStream: False, Path: null, PixelFormat: "yuv420p", Level: 21, IsAnamorphic: False }, MediaStream { Codec: "aac", CodecTag: null, Language: null, ColorRange: null, ColorSpace: null, ColorTransfer: null, ColorPrimaries: null, DvVersionMajor: null, DvVersionMinor: null, DvProfile: null, DvLevel: null, RpuPresentFlag: null, ElPresentFlag: null, BlPresentFlag: null, DvBlSignalCompatibilityId: null, Comment: null, TimeBase: "1/90000", CodecTimeBase: null, Title: null, VideoRange: Unknown, VideoRangeType: Unknown, VideoDoViTitle: null, AudioSpatialFormat: None, LocalizedUndefined: null, LocalizedDefault: null, LocalizedForced: null, LocalizedExternal: null, LocalizedHearingImpaired: null, DisplayTitle: "AAC - Stereo", NalLengthSize: null, IsInterlaced: False, IsAVC: False, ChannelLayout: "stereo", BitRate: 192000, BitDepth: null, RefFrames: null, PacketLength: null, Channels: 2, SampleRate: 48000, IsDefault: False, IsForced: False, IsHearingImpaired: False, Height: null, Width: null, AverageFrameRate: null, RealFrameRate: null, Profile: "LC", Type: Audio, AspectRatio: null, Index: -1, Score: null, IsExternal: False, DeliveryMethod: null, DeliveryUrl: null, IsExternalUrl: null, IsTextSubtitleStream: False, SupportsExternalStream: False, Path: null, PixelFormat: null, Level: 0, IsAnamorphic: null }], MediaAttachments: [], Formats: [], Bitrate: 192000, Timestamp: null, RequiredHttpHeaders: [("User-Agent": "Firefox")], TranscodingUrl: null, TranscodingSubProtocol: http, TranscodingContainer: null, AnalyzeDurationMs: 3000, TranscodeReasons: 0, DefaultAudioStreamIndex: null, DefaultSubtitleStreamIndex: null, VideoStream: MediaStream { Codec: "h264", CodecTag: null, Language: null, ColorRange: "tv", ColorSpace: null, ColorTransfer: null, ColorPrimaries: null, DvVersionMajor: null, DvVersionMinor: null, DvProfile: null, DvLevel: null, RpuPresentFlag: null, ElPresentFlag: null, BlPresentFlag: null, DvBlSignalCompatibilityId: null, Comment: null, TimeBase: "1/90000", CodecTimeBase: null, Title: null, VideoRange: SDR, VideoRangeType: SDR, VideoDoViTitle: null, AudioSpatialFormat: None, LocalizedUndefined: null, LocalizedDefault: null, LocalizedForced: null, LocalizedExternal: null, LocalizedHearingImpaired: null, DisplayTitle: "360p H264 SDR", NalLengthSize: "0", IsInterlaced: False, IsAVC: null, ChannelLayout: null, BitRate: null, BitDepth: 8, RefFrames: 1, PacketLength: null, Channels: null, SampleRate: null, IsDefault: False, IsForced: False, IsHearingImpaired: False, Height: 270, Width: 480, AverageFrameRate: 25, RealFrameRate: 25, Profile: "Constrained Baseline", Type: Video, AspectRatio: "16:9", Index: -1, Score: null, IsExternal: False, DeliveryMethod: null, DeliveryUrl: null, IsExternalUrl: null, IsTextSubtitleStream: False, SupportsExternalStream: False, Path: null, PixelFormat: "yuv420p", Level: 21, IsAnamorphic: False } }
[2024-05-18 08:35:35.351 +00:00] [INF] [52] Jellyfin.Api.Helpers.MediaInfoHelper: User policy for "admin". EnablePlaybackRemuxing: True EnableVideoPlaybackTranscoding: True EnableAudioPlaybackTranscoding: True
[2024-05-18 08:35:36.543 +00:00] [INF] [52] MediaBrowser.MediaEncoding.Transcoding.TranscodeManager: "/usr/lib/jellyfin-ffmpeg/ffmpeg" "-analyzeduration 3000000 -probesize 1G -user_agent \"Firefox\" -stream_loop -1 -reconnect_at_eof 1 -reconnect_streamed 1 -reconnect_delay_max 2 -init_hw_device vaapi=va:/dev/dri/renderD128,driver=iHD -hwaccel vaapi -hwaccel_output_format vaapi -noautorotate -i \"\" -noautoscale -map_metadata -1 -map_chapters -1 -threads 0 -sn -codec:v:0 hevc_vaapi -tag:v:0 hvc1 -low_power 1 -rc_mode VBR -b:v 160872955 -maxrate 160872955 -bufsize 321745910 -sei -a53_cc -force_key_frames:0 \"expr:gte(t,n_forced*3)\" -vf \"setparams=color_primaries=bt709:color_trc=bt709:colorspace=bt709,scale_vaapi=format=nv12:extra_hw_frames=24\" -codec:a:0 copy -bsf:a aac_adtstoasc -copyts -avoid_negative_ts disabled -max_muxing_queue_size 2048 -f hls -max_delay 5000000 -hls_time 3 -hls_segment_type fmp4 -hls_fmp4_init_filename \"54df66b220a8fa1243d30d4c463f5ac6-1.mp4\" -start_number 0 -hls_base_url \"hls/54df66b220a8fa1243d30d4c463f5ac6/\" -hls_segment_filename \"/config/transcodes/54df66b220a8fa1243d30d4c463f5ac6%d.mp4\" -hls_playlist_type event -hls_list_size 0 -y \"/config/transcodes/54df66b220a8fa1243d30d4c463f5ac6.m3u8\""

FFmpeg logs

{"Protocol":1,"Id":"2ae0d873017c429551ced73530180505","Path":"","EncoderPath":null,"EncoderProtocol":null,"Type":0,"Container":"hls","Size":769,"Name":null,"IsRemote":true,"ETag":null,"RunTimeTicks":null,"ReadAtNativeFramerate":false,"IgnoreDts":false,"IgnoreIndex":false,"GenPtsInput":false,"SupportsTranscoding":true,"SupportsDirectStream":false,"SupportsDirectPlay":false,"IsInfiniteStream":true,"RequiresOpening":true,"OpenToken":null,"RequiresClosing":true,"LiveStreamId":"e2329f4997b378e64ccf8fa396deb76e_af999c25a00715699361240d4c6c7a53_2ae0d873017c429551ced73530180505","BufferMs":null,"RequiresLooping":true,"SupportsProbing":true,"VideoType":null,"IsoType":null,"Video3DFormat":null,"MediaStreams":[{"Codec":"h264","CodecTag":null,"Language":null,"ColorRange":"tv","ColorSpace":null,"ColorTransfer":null,"ColorPrimaries":null,"DvVersionMajor":null,"DvVersionMinor":null,"DvProfile":null,"DvLevel":null,"RpuPresentFlag":null,"ElPresentFlag":null,"BlPresentFlag":null,"DvBlSignalCompatibilityId":null,"Comment":null,"TimeBase":"1/90000","CodecTimeBase":null,"Title":null,"VideoRange":1,"VideoRangeType":1,"VideoDoViTitle":null,"AudioSpatialFormat":0,"LocalizedUndefined":null,"LocalizedDefault":null,"LocalizedForced":null,"LocalizedExternal":null,"LocalizedHearingImpaired":null,"DisplayTitle":"360p H264 SDR","NalLengthSize":"0","IsInterlaced":false,"IsAVC":null,"ChannelLayout":null,"BitRate":null,"BitDepth":8,"RefFrames":1,"PacketLength":null,"Channels":null,"SampleRate":null,"IsDefault":false,"IsForced":false,"IsHearingImpaired":false,"Height":270,"Width":480,"AverageFrameRate":25,"RealFrameRate":25,"Profile":"Constrained Baseline","Type":1,"AspectRatio":"16:9","Index":-1,"Score":null,"IsExternal":false,"DeliveryMethod":null,"DeliveryUrl":null,"IsExternalUrl":null,"IsTextSubtitleStream":false,"SupportsExternalStream":false,"Path":null,"PixelFormat":"yuv420p","Level":21,"IsAnamorphic":false},{"Codec":"aac","CodecTag":null,"Language":null,"ColorRange":null,"ColorSpace":null,"ColorTransfer":null,"ColorPrimaries":null,"DvVersionMajor":null,"DvVersionMinor":null,"DvProfile":null,"DvLevel":null,"RpuPresentFlag":null,"ElPresentFlag":null,"BlPresentFlag":null,"DvBlSignalCompatibilityId":null,"Comment":null,"TimeBase":"1/90000","CodecTimeBase":null,"Title":null,"VideoRange":0,"VideoRangeType":0,"VideoDoViTitle":null,"AudioSpatialFormat":0,"LocalizedUndefined":null,"LocalizedDefault":null,"LocalizedForced":null,"LocalizedExternal":null,"LocalizedHearingImpaired":null,"DisplayTitle":"AAC - Stereo","NalLengthSize":null,"IsInterlaced":false,"IsAVC":false,"ChannelLayout":"stereo","BitRate":192000,"BitDepth":null,"RefFrames":null,"PacketLength":null,"Channels":2,"SampleRate":48000,"IsDefault":false,"IsForced":false,"IsHearingImpaired":false,"Height":null,"Width":null,"AverageFrameRate":null,"RealFrameRate":null,"Profile":"LC","Type":0,"AspectRatio":null,"Index":-1,"Score":null,"IsExternal":false,"DeliveryMethod":null,"DeliveryUrl":null,"IsExternalUrl":null,"IsTextSubtitleStream":false,"SupportsExternalStream":false,"Path":null,"PixelFormat":null,"Level":0,"IsAnamorphic":null}],"MediaAttachments":[],"Formats":[],"Bitrate":192000,"Timestamp":null,"RequiredHttpHeaders":{"User-Agent":"Firefox"},"TranscodingUrl":null,"TranscodingSubProtocol":0,"TranscodingContainer":null,"AnalyzeDurationMs":3000,"DefaultAudioStreamIndex":null,"DefaultSubtitleStreamIndex":null}

/usr/lib/jellyfin-ffmpeg/ffmpeg -analyzeduration 3000000 -probesize 1G -user_agent "Firefox" -stream_loop -1 -reconnect_at_eof 1 -reconnect_streamed 1 -reconnect_delay_max 2 -init_hw_device vaapi=va:/dev/dri/renderD128,driver=iHD -hwaccel vaapi -hwaccel_output_format vaapi -noautorotate -i "" -noautoscale -map_metadata -1 -map_chapters -1 -threads 0 -sn -codec:v:0 hevc_vaapi -tag:v:0 hvc1 -low_power 1 -rc_mode VBR -b:v 160872955 -maxrate 160872955 -bufsize 321745910 -sei -a53_cc -force_key_frames:0 "expr:gte(t,n_forced*3)" -vf "setparams=color_primaries=bt709:color_trc=bt709:colorspace=bt709,scale_vaapi=format=nv12:extra_hw_frames=24" -codec:a:0 copy -bsf:a aac_adtstoasc -copyts -avoid_negative_ts disabled -max_muxing_queue_size 2048 -f hls -max_delay 5000000 -hls_time 3 -hls_segment_type fmp4 -hls_fmp4_init_filename "54df66b220a8fa1243d30d4c463f5ac6-1.mp4" -start_number 0 -hls_base_url "hls/54df66b220a8fa1243d30d4c463f5ac6/" -hls_segment_filename "/config/transcodes/54df66b220a8fa1243d30d4c463f5ac6%d.mp4" -hls_playlist_type event -hls_list_size 0 -y "/config/transcodes/54df66b220a8fa1243d30d4c463f5ac6.m3u8"

ffmpeg version 6.0.1-Jellyfin Copyright (c) 2000-2023 the FFmpeg developers
  built with gcc 12 (Debian 12.2.0-14)
  configuration: --prefix=/usr/lib/jellyfin-ffmpeg --target-os=linux --extra-version=Jellyfin --disable-doc --disable-ffplay --disable-ptx-compression --disable-static --disable-libxcb --disable-sdl2 --disable-xlib --enable-lto --enable-gpl --enable-version3 --enable-shared --enable-gmp --enable-gnutls --enable-chromaprint --enable-opencl --enable-libdrm --enable-libass --enable-libfreetype --enable-libfribidi --enable-libfontconfig --enable-libbluray --enable-libmp3lame --enable-libopus --enable-libtheora --enable-libvorbis --enable-libopenmpt --enable-libdav1d --enable-libsvtav1 --enable-libwebp --enable-libvpx --enable-libx264 --enable-libx265 --enable-libzvbi --enable-libzimg --enable-libfdk-aac --arch=amd64 --enable-libshaderc --enable-libplacebo --enable-vulkan --enable-vaapi --enable-amf --enable-libvpl --enable-ffnvcodec --enable-cuda --enable-cuda-llvm --enable-cuvid --enable-nvdec --enable-nvenc
  libavutil      58.  2.100 / 58.  2.100
  libavcodec     60.  3.100 / 60.  3.100
  libavformat    60.  3.100 / 60.  3.100
  libavdevice    60.  1.100 / 60.  1.100
  libavfilter     9.  3.100 /  9.  3.100
  libswscale      7.  1.100 /  7.  1.100
  libswresample   4. 10.100 /  4. 10.100
  libpostproc    57.  1.100 / 57.  1.100
[https @ 0x55e423ab2880] Will reconnect at 769 in 0 second(s), error=End of file.
[https @ 0x55e423ab2880] Will reconnect at 769 in 1 second(s), error=End of file.
[hls @ 0x55e423ab1480] Skip ('#EXT-X-VERSION:3')
[hls @ 0x55e423ab1480] Skip ('#EXT-X-INDEPENDENT-SEGMENTS')
[https @ 0x55e423ab2880] Will reconnect at 769 in 0 second(s), error=End of file.
[https @ 0x55e423ab2880] Will reconnect at 769 in 1 second(s), error=End of file.
[https @ 0x55e423ab2880] Will reconnect at 769 in 0 second(s), error=End of file.
[https @ 0x55e423ab2880] Will reconnect at 769 in 1 second(s), error=End of file.
[hls @ 0x55e423ab1480] Opening '' for reading
[hls @ 0x55e423ab1480] Skip ('#EXT-X-VERSION:3')
[https @ 0x55e423dfc540] Opening '' for reading
[hls @ 0x55e423ab1480] Skip ('#EXT-X-VERSION:3')
[https @ 0x55e423dfc540] Opening '' for reading
[hls @ 0x55e423ab1480] Skip ('#EXT-X-VERSION:3')
[https @ 0x55e423dfc540] Opening '' for reading
[hls @ 0x55e423ab1480] Skip ('#EXT-X-VERSION:3')
[https @ 0x55e423dfc540] Opening '' for reading
[hls @ 0x55e423ab1480] Skip ('#EXT-X-VERSION:3')
[hls @ 0x55e423ab1480] Opening '' for reading
[hls @ 0x55e423ab1480] Opening '' for reading
[hls @ 0x55e423ab1480] Opening '' for reading
[hls @ 0x55e423ab1480] Opening '' for reading
[hls @ 0x55e423ab1480] Opening '' for reading
[hls @ 0x55e423ab1480] Opening '' for reading
[hls @ 0x55e423ab1480] Opening '' for reading
[hls @ 0x55e423ab1480] Opening '' for reading
[hls @ 0x55e423ab1480] Opening '' for reading
[hls @ 0x55e423ab1480] Opening '' for reading
Input #0, hls, from '':
  Duration: N/A, start: 3646.158844, bitrate: N/A
  Program 0 
      variant_bitrate : 829725
  Stream #0:0: Video: h264 (Constrained Baseline) ([27][0][0][0] / 0x001B), yuv420p(tv), 480x270 [SAR 1:1 DAR 16:9], 25 fps, 25 tbr, 90k tbn
      variant_bitrate : 829725
  Stream #0:1: Audio: aac (LC) ([15][0][0][0] / 0x000F), 48000 Hz, stereo, fltp
      variant_bitrate : 829725
  Stream #0:2: Data: scte_35
      variant_bitrate : 829725
  Stream #0:3: Data: timed_id3 (ID3  / 0x20334449)
      variant_bitrate : 829725
  Program 1 
      variant_bitrate : 1489712
  Stream #0:4: Video: h264 (Main) ([27][0][0][0] / 0x001B), yuv420p(tv), 640x360 [SAR 1:1 DAR 16:9], 25 fps, 25 tbr, 90k tbn
      variant_bitrate : 1489712
  Stream #0:5: Audio: aac (LC) ([15][0][0][0] / 0x000F), 48000 Hz, stereo, fltp
      variant_bitrate : 1489712
  Stream #0:6: Data: scte_35
      variant_bitrate : 1489712
  Stream #0:7: Data: timed_id3 (ID3  / 0x20334449)
      variant_bitrate : 1489712
  Program 2 
      variant_bitrate : 2369712
  Stream #0:8: Video: h264 (Main) ([27][0][0][0] / 0x001B), yuv420p(tv), 960x540 [SAR 1:1 DAR 16:9], 25 fps, 25 tbr, 90k tbn
      variant_bitrate : 2369712
  Stream #0:9: Audio: aac (LC) ([15][0][0][0] / 0x000F), 48000 Hz, stereo, fltp
      variant_bitrate : 2369712
  Stream #0:10: Data: scte_35
      variant_bitrate : 2369712
  Stream #0:11: Data: timed_id3 (ID3  / 0x20334449)
      variant_bitrate : 2369712
  Program 3 
      variant_bitrate : 3836377
  Stream #0:12: Video: h264 (High) ([27][0][0][0] / 0x001B), yuv420p(tv), 1280x720 [SAR 1:1 DAR 16:9], 25 fps, 25 tbr, 90k tbn
      variant_bitrate : 3836377
  Stream #0:13: Audio: aac (LC) ([15][0][0][0] / 0x000F), 48000 Hz, stereo, fltp
      variant_bitrate : 3836377
  Stream #0:14: Data: scte_35
      variant_bitrate : 3836377
  Stream #0:15: Data: timed_id3 (ID3  / 0x20334449)
      variant_bitrate : 3836377
  Program 4 
      variant_bitrate : 5303042
  Stream #0:16: Video: h264 (High) ([27][0][0][0] / 0x001B), yuv420p(tv), 1920x1080 [SAR 1:1 DAR 16:9], 25 fps, 25 tbr, 90k tbn
      variant_bitrate : 5303042
  Stream #0:17: Audio: aac (LC) ([15][0][0][0] / 0x000F), 48000 Hz, stereo, fltp
      variant_bitrate : 5303042
  Stream #0:18: Data: scte_35
      variant_bitrate : 5303042
  Stream #0:19: Data: timed_id3 (ID3  / 0x20334449)
      variant_bitrate : 5303042
Stream mapping:
  Stream #0:16 -> #0:0 (h264 (native) -> hevc (hevc_vaapi))
  Stream #0:1 -> #0:1 (copy)
Press [q] to stop, [?] for help
[hls @ 0x55e42626b380] Opening '/config/transcodes/54df66b220a8fa1243d30d4c463f5ac6-1.mp4' for writing
Output #0, hls, to '/config/transcodes/54df66b220a8fa1243d30d4c463f5ac6.m3u8':
    encoder         : Lavf60.3.100
  Stream #0:0: Video: hevc (Main) (hvc1 / 0x31637668), vaapi(tv, bt709, progressive), 1920x1080 [SAR 1:1 DAR 16:9], q=2-31, 160872 kb/s, 25 fps, 12800 tbn
      encoder         : Lavc60.3.100 hevc_vaapi
  Stream #0:1: Audio: aac (LC) ([15][0][0][0] / 0x000F), 48000 Hz, stereo, fltp
frame=    0 fps=0.0 q=0.0 size=       0kB time=-577014:32:22.77 bitrate=  -0.0kbits/s speed=N/A    
frame=   86 fps=0.0 q=-0.0 size=N/A time=-00:00:01.70 bitrate=N/A speed=N/A    
[hls @ 0x55e42626b380] Opening '/config/transcodes/54df66b220a8fa1243d30d4c463f5ac60.mp4' for writing
[hls @ 0x55e42626b380] Opening '/config/transcodes/54df66b220a8fa1243d30d4c463f5ac6.m3u8.tmp' for writing
[hls @ 0x55e423ab1480] No longer receiving playlist 1 ('')
[hls @ 0x55e423ab1480] No longer receiving playlist 2 ('')
[hls @ 0x55e423ab1480] No longer receiving playlist 3 ('')
[https @ 0x55e425b6ddc0] Opening '' for reading
[https @ 0x55e4242fe140] Opening '' for reading
frame=  184 fps=180 q=-0.0 size=N/A time=00:00:02.58 bitrate=N/A speed=2.53x    
[hls @ 0x55e42626b380] Opening '/config/transcodes/54df66b220a8fa1243d30d4c463f5ac61.mp4' for writing
[hls @ 0x55e42626b380] Opening '/config/transcodes/54df66b220a8fa1243d30d4c463f5ac6.m3u8.tmp' for writing
[hls @ 0x55e42626b380] Opening '/config/transcodes/54df66b220a8fa1243d30d4c463f5ac62.mp4' for writing
[hls @ 0x55e42626b380] Opening '/config/transcodes/54df66b220a8fa1243d30d4c463f5ac6.m3u8.tmp' for writing
frame=  289 fps=190 q=-0.0 size=N/A time=00:00:06.68 bitrate=N/A speed=4.38x    
[hls @ 0x55e42626b380] Opening '/config/transcodes/54df66b220a8fa1243d30d4c463f5ac63.mp4' for writing
[hls @ 0x55e42626b380] Opening '/config/transcodes/54df66b220a8fa1243d30d4c463f5ac6.m3u8.tmp' for writing
frame=  390 fps=192 q=-0.0 size=N/A time=00:00:11.31 bitrate=N/A speed=5.58x    
[hls @ 0x55e42626b380] Opening '/config/transcodes/54df66b220a8fa1243d30d4c463f5ac64.mp4' for writing
[hls @ 0x55e42626b380] Opening '/config/transcodes/54df66b220a8fa1243d30d4c463f5ac6.m3u8.tmp' for writing
[https @ 0x55e423dfc540] Opening '' for reading
[hls @ 0x55e423ab1480] Skip ('#EXT-X-VERSION:3')
[https @ 0x55e425b6ddc0] Opening '' for reading
frame=  440 fps= 79 q=-0.0 size=N/A time=00:00:13.38 bitrate=N/A speed= 2.4x    
[https @ 0x55e423dfc540] Opening '' for reading
[hls @ 0x55e423ab1480] Skip ('#EXT-X-VERSION:3')
[https @ 0x55e4242fe140] Opening '' for reading
[hls @ 0x55e42626b380] Opening '/config/transcodes/54df66b220a8fa1243d30d4c463f5ac65.mp4' for writing
[hls @ 0x55e42626b380] Opening '/config/transcodes/54df66b220a8fa1243d30d4c463f5ac6.m3u8.tmp' for writing
frame=  536 fps= 88 q=-0.0 size=N/A time=00:00:16.30 bitrate=N/A speed=2.68x    
[hls @ 0x55e42626b380] Opening '/config/transcodes/54df66b220a8fa1243d30d4c463f5ac66.mp4' for writing
[hls @ 0x55e42626b380] Opening '/config/transcodes/54df66b220a8fa1243d30d4c463f5ac6.m3u8.tmp' for writing
[https @ 0x55e423dfc540] Opening '' for reading
[hls @ 0x55e423ab1480] Skip ('#EXT-X-VERSION:3')
[https @ 0x55e425b6ddc0] Opening '' for reading
frame=  590 fps= 51 q=-0.0 size=N/A time=00:00:18.37 bitrate=N/A speed=1.57x    
[https @ 0x55e423dfc540] Opening '' for reading
[hls @ 0x55e423ab1480] Skip ('#EXT-X-VERSION:3')
[https @ 0x55e4242fe140] Opening '' for reading
[hls @ 0x55e42626b380] Opening '/config/transcodes/54df66b220a8fa1243d30d4c463f5ac67.mp4' for writing
[hls @ 0x55e42626b380] Opening '/config/transcodes/54df66b220a8fa1243d30d4c463f5ac6.m3u8.tmp' for writing
frame=  676 fps= 56 q=-0.0 size=N/A time=00:00:21.95 bitrate=N/A speed= 1.8x    
[hls @ 0x55e42626b380] Opening '/config/transcodes/54df66b220a8fa1243d30d4c463f5ac68.mp4' for writing
[hls @ 0x55e42626b380] Opening '/config/transcodes/54df66b220a8fa1243d30d4c463f5ac6.m3u8.tmp' for writing
[https @ 0x55e423dfc540] Opening '' for reading
[hls @ 0x55e423ab1480] Skip ('#EXT-X-VERSION:3')
[https @ 0x55e425b6ddc0] Opening '' for reading
frame=  740 fps= 42 q=-0.0 size=N/A time=00:00:24.36 bitrate=N/A speed=1.38x    
[https @ 0x55e423dfc540] Opening '' for reading
[hls @ 0x55e423ab1480] Skip ('#EXT-X-VERSION:3')
[https @ 0x55e4242fe140] Opening '' for reading
[hls @ 0x55e42626b380] Opening '/config/transcodes/54df66b220a8fa1243d30d4c463f5ac69.mp4' for writing
[hls @ 0x55e42626b380] Opening '/config/transcodes/54df66b220a8fa1243d30d4c463f5ac6.m3u8.tmp' for writing
frame=  829 fps= 46 q=-0.0 size=N/A time=00:00:27.95 bitrate=N/A speed=1.53x    
[hls @ 0x55e42626b380] Opening '/config/transcodes/54df66b220a8fa1243d30d4c463f5ac610.mp4' for writing
[hls @ 0x55e42626b380] Opening '/config/transcodes/54df66b220a8fa1243d30d4c463f5ac6.m3u8.tmp' for writing
[https @ 0x55e423dfc540] Opening '' for reading
[hls @ 0x55e423ab1480] Skip ('#EXT-X-VERSION:3')
[https @ 0x55e425b6ddc0] Opening '' for reading
frame=  890 fps= 37 q=-0.0 size=N/A time=00:00:30.70 bitrate=N/A speed=1.29x    
[https @ 0x55e423dfc540] Opening '' for reading
[hls @ 0x55e423ab1480] Skip ('#EXT-X-VERSION:3')
[https @ 0x55e4242fe140] Opening '' for reading
[hls @ 0x55e42626b380] Opening '/config/transcodes/54df66b220a8fa1243d30d4c463f5ac611.mp4' for writing
[hls @ 0x55e42626b380] Opening '/config/transcodes/54df66b220a8fa1243d30d4c463f5ac6.m3u8.tmp' for writing
frame=  972 fps= 40 q=-0.0 size=N/A time=00:00:34.97 bitrate=N/A speed=1.44x    
[hls @ 0x55e42626b380] Opening '/config/transcodes/54df66b220a8fa1243d30d4c463f5ac612.mp4' for writing
[hls @ 0x55e42626b380] Opening '/config/transcodes/54df66b220a8fa1243d30d4c463f5ac6.m3u8.tmp' for writing
[https @ 0x55e423dfc540] Opening '' for reading
[hls @ 0x55e423ab1480] Skip ('#EXT-X-VERSION:3')
[https @ 0x55e425b6ddc0] Opening '' for reading
frame= 1040 fps= 35 q=-0.0 size=N/A time=00:00:38.06 bitrate=N/A speed=1.27x    
[https @ 0x55e423dfc540] Opening '' for reading
[hls @ 0x55e423ab1480] Skip ('#EXT-X-VERSION:3')
[https @ 0x55e4242fe140] Opening '' for reading
[hls @ 0x55e42626b380] Opening '/config/transcodes/54df66b220a8fa1243d30d4c463f5ac613.mp4' for writing
[hls @ 0x55e42626b380] Opening '/config/transcodes/54df66b220a8fa1243d30d4c463f5ac6.m3u8.tmp' for writing
frame= 1139 fps= 37 q=-0.0 size=N/A time=00:00:40.64 bitrate=N/A speed=1.34x    
[hls @ 0x55e42626b380] Opening '/config/transcodes/54df66b220a8fa1243d30d4c463f5ac614.mp4' for writing
[hls @ 0x55e42626b380] Opening '/config/transcodes/54df66b220a8fa1243d30d4c463f5ac6.m3u8.tmp' for writing
[https @ 0x55e423dfc540] Opening '' for reading
[hls @ 0x55e423ab1480] Skip ('#EXT-X-VERSION:3')
[https @ 0x55e425b6ddc0] Opening '' for reading
frame= 1190 fps= 33 q=-0.0 size=N/A time=00:00:42.37 bitrate=N/A speed=1.18x    
[https @ 0x55e423dfc540] Opening '' for reading
[hls @ 0x55e423ab1480] Skip ('#EXT-X-VERSION:3')
[https @ 0x55e4242fe140] Opening '' for reading
[hls @ 0x55e42626b380] Opening '/config/transcodes/54df66b220a8fa1243d30d4c463f5ac615.mp4' for writing
[hls @ 0x55e42626b380] Opening '/config/transcodes/54df66b220a8fa1243d30d4c463f5ac6.m3u8.tmp' for writing
frame= 1254 fps= 34 q=-0.0 size=N/A time=00:00:44.93 bitrate=N/A speed=1.23x    
[hls @ 0x55e42626b380] Opening '/config/transcodes/54df66b220a8fa1243d30d4c463f5ac616.mp4' for writing
[hls @ 0x55e42626b380] Opening '/config/transcodes/54df66b220a8fa1243d30d4c463f5ac6.m3u8.tmp' for writing
[https @ 0x55e423dfc540] Opening '' for reading
[hls @ 0x55e423ab1480] Skip ('#EXT-X-VERSION:3')
[https @ 0x55e425b6ddc0] Opening '' for reading
frame= 1340 fps= 32 q=-0.0 size=N/A time=00:00:48.36 bitrate=N/A speed=1.15x    
[https @ 0x55e423dfc540] Opening '' for reading
[hls @ 0x55e423ab1480] Skip ('#EXT-X-VERSION:3')
[https @ 0x55e4242fe140] Opening '' for reading
[hls @ 0x55e42626b380] Opening '/config/transcodes/54df66b220a8fa1243d30d4c463f5ac617.mp4' for writing
[hls @ 0x55e42626b380] Opening '/config/transcodes/54df66b220a8fa1243d30d4c463f5ac6.m3u8.tmp' for writing
frame= 1429 fps= 34 q=-0.0 size=N/A time=00:00:51.95 bitrate=N/A speed=1.22x    
[hls @ 0x55e42626b380] Opening '/config/transcodes/54df66b220a8fa1243d30d4c463f5ac618.mp4' for writing
[hls @ 0x55e42626b380] Opening '/config/transcodes/54df66b220a8fa1243d30d4c463f5ac6.m3u8.tmp' for writing
[https @ 0x55e423dfc540] Opening '' for reading
[hls @ 0x55e423ab1480] Skip ('#EXT-X-VERSION:3')
[https @ 0x55e425b6ddc0] Opening '' for reading
frame= 1490 fps= 31 q=-0.0 size=N/A time=00:00:54.36 bitrate=N/A speed=1.13x    
[https @ 0x55e423dfc540] Opening '' for reading
[hls @ 0x55e423ab1480] Skip ('#EXT-X-VERSION:3')
[https @ 0x55e4242fe140] Opening '' for reading
[hls @ 0x55e42626b380] Opening '/config/transcodes/54df66b220a8fa1243d30d4c463f5ac619.mp4' for writing
[hls @ 0x55e42626b380] Opening '/config/transcodes/54df66b220a8fa1243d30d4c463f5ac6.m3u8.tmp' for writing
frame= 1582 fps= 33 q=-0.0 size=N/A time=00:00:57.94 bitrate=N/A speed=1.19x    
[hls @ 0x55e42626b380] Opening '/config/transcodes/54df66b220a8fa1243d30d4c463f5ac620.mp4' for writing
[hls @ 0x55e42626b380] Opening '/config/transcodes/54df66b220a8fa1243d30d4c463f5ac6.m3u8.tmp' for writing
[https @ 0x55e423dfc540] Opening '' for reading
[hls @ 0x55e423ab1480] Skip ('#EXT-X-VERSION:3')
[https @ 0x55e425b6ddc0] Opening '' for reading
frame= 1640 fps= 30 q=-0.0 size=N/A time=00:01:00.35 bitrate=N/A speed=1.12x    
[https @ 0x55e423dfc540] Opening '' for reading
[hls @ 0x55e423ab1480] Skip ('#EXT-X-VERSION:3')
[https @ 0x55e4242fe140] Opening '' for reading
[hls @ 0x55e42626b380] Opening '/config/transcodes/54df66b220a8fa1243d30d4c463f5ac621.mp4' for writing
[hls @ 0x55e42626b380] Opening '/config/transcodes/54df66b220a8fa1243d30d4c463f5ac6.m3u8.tmp' for writing
frame= 1734 fps= 32 q=-0.0 size=N/A time=00:01:04.30 bitrate=N/A speed=1.18x    
[hls @ 0x55e42626b380] Opening '/config/transcodes/54df66b220a8fa1243d30d4c463f5ac622.mp4' for writing
[hls @ 0x55e42626b380] Opening '/config/transcodes/54df66b220a8fa1243d30d4c463f5ac6.m3u8.tmp' for writing
[https @ 0x55e423dfc540] Opening '' for reading
[hls @ 0x55e423ab1480] Skip ('#EXT-X-VERSION:3')
[https @ 0x55e425b6ddc0] Opening '' for reading
frame= 1790 fps= 30 q=-0.0 size=N/A time=00:01:06.37 bitrate=N/A speed= 1.1x    
[https @ 0x55e423dfc540] Opening '' for reading
[hls @ 0x55e423ab1480] Skip ('#EXT-X-VERSION:3')
[https @ 0x55e4242fe140] Opening '' for reading
[hls @ 0x55e42626b380] Opening '/config/transcodes/54df66b220a8fa1243d30d4c463f5ac623.mp4' for writing
[hls @ 0x55e42626b380] Opening '/config/transcodes/54df66b220a8fa1243d30d4c463f5ac6.m3u8.tmp' for writing
frame= 1861 fps= 31 q=-0.0 size=N/A time=00:01:09.27 bitrate=N/A speed=1.14x    
[hls @ 0x55e42626b380] Opening '/config/transcodes/54df66b220a8fa1243d30d4c463f5ac624.mp4' for writing
[hls @ 0x55e42626b380] Opening '/config/transcodes/54df66b220a8fa1243d30d4c463f5ac6.m3u8.tmp' for writing
[https @ 0x55e423dfc540] Opening '' for reading
[hls @ 0x55e423ab1480] Skip ('#EXT-X-VERSION:3')
[https @ 0x55e425b6ddc0] Opening '' for reading
frame= 1940 fps= 29 q=-0.0 size=N/A time=00:01:12.36 bitrate=N/A speed=1.09x    
[https @ 0x55e423dfc540] Opening '' for reading
[hls @ 0x55e423ab1480] Skip ('#EXT-X-VERSION:3')
[https @ 0x55e4242fe140] Opening '' for reading
[https @ 0x55e424604f00] Opening '' for reading
frame= 1998 fps= 30 q=-0.0 size=N/A time=00:01:14.58 bitrate=N/A speed=1.12x

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Code of Conduct

jellyfin-bot commented 2 weeks ago

Hi, it seems like your issue report has the following item(s) that need to be addressed:

This is an automated message, currently under testing. Please file an issue here if you encounter any problems.

gnattu commented 2 weeks ago

Can you try Chrome and see if it plays fine?

It might be firefox cannot handle hls stream with this high bitrate (due to transcoding).

You may also try disable the "prefer fMP4 Media container" option to see if it helps.

When I'm testing your channel it loads slow but eventually plays in chrome and safari, but firefox will refuse to play it in fmp4 container, probably due to too high bitrate settings.

gnattu commented 2 weeks ago

I can confirm that capping the bitrate to a lower value makes it work in Firefox with auto-loop enabled.

It turns out the Firefox really doesn't want to play your media with fmp4 enabled, reason unknown.

Tested with more your channels, and now I believe at lot of them just loading very slow, because a lot of them do continue playback after a few seconds.

hmonteiro commented 2 weeks ago

Thank you for your help. I have tested unchecking "prefer fMP4 Media container" in both clients and I can confirm it works. This made me wonder if there was some issue with the encoding of the content. I went to check the transcoding folder and verified that when I tick the box it produces mp4 files that I cannot open with VLC whilst if I untick it it produces .ts files that I can open normally.

Does this mean that there is something wrong with my transcoding settings that is leading to corrupt mp4 files during encoding?

gnattu commented 2 weeks ago

Does this mean that there is something wrong with my transcoding settings that is leading to corrupt mp4 files during encoding?

No, I tested across multiple browsers, and it seems like a firefox bug because it does not even play properly with pure software transcoding, capped to 3Mbit bitrate either, and in other browsers like Chrome and Safari, it plays despite the loading speed might be a little bit slow due to the too high default transcoding bitrate.

hmonteiro commented 2 weeks ago

I wonder why it also doesn't work on the WebOS client on my LG TV which is supposedly based on the Chrome engine. I left it running for many minutes, with no luck.

gnattu commented 2 weeks ago

webOS does not use chrome's playback engine and they implemented their own native player, and that one does have known-issues with fmp4. To workaround that it can even accept HEVC codec in ts container, a non-standard behavior.

hmonteiro commented 2 weeks ago

Great, thank you very much for your help.

Feel free to close the issue, unless you feel there is anything else to debug here.