[x] update sidebar icon and add sidebar mode labels
[x] add outline sidebar component
[x] update sidebarToggle from two modes to three (none, minimap, outline)
[x] create outline component
[ ] write plugin to add id to heading nodes using the title
[ ] truncate heading text
[ ] move minimap code out to minimap component
[ ] add id to each heading in a post
[ ] clicking heading in sidebar scrolls user to heading in post editor
[ ] clicking heading in sidebar updates url with id (user should be able to copy url from browser and share and recipient will land at the desired heading)
[ ] default to none (sidebar icon only)
[ ] polish ui (only show sidebar label on hover, dissolve sidebar when typing)
This PR
Design: https://www.figma.com/file/gt3p3JDh5W5i5N2wXxE7I5/Design-System?node-id=76%3A86
to heading nodes using the title