jelovirt / dita-generator

DITA Generator is a Python program that generates DITA shell DTDs, DITA topic specialization stubs, and DITA-OT plug-in stubs.
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Error message "PDF_Num" is not a recognized transformation type" when I try to run DITA-OT PDF plug-in #15

Closed AndrewG1 closed 11 years ago

AndrewG1 commented 11 years ago

EDIT: I was able to make this work.

I was able to get this to work by recreating the plug in and making a minor change below. In doing so I found the answers to two of my questions:

Q1. How do I enter a new Transaction Type? A1. The Plug In Generator prompts you to enter a transaction type, and you must remember this name to enter later during the install process.

Q2. Why did the plug in not recognize the parameter Value I entered of "PDF_Num"? A2. The parameter Value I entered of "PDF_Num" was SPECIFIC to the plug in that another user had generated, and only relevant to his example. When I followed his install procedures (below) I didn't realize this value was specific to him. What you would enter instead, is the value that you entered in the generator's transtype field. (And you will enter this value in the transtype parameter when you are setting up your configuration).


I created a a plug in from your site Jarno's DITA-OT PDF plug-in generator ( but I cannot get it to work properly when I run it. I get an error message:

Description [DOTA001F][FATAL] "PDF_Num" is not a recognized transformation type. Supported transformation types are docbook, eclipsecontent, eclipsehelp, epub, htmlhelp, javahelp, legacypdf, odt, pdf, pdf2, tocjs, troff, webhelp, webhelp-feedback, wordrtf, xhtml.

How can I get Oxygen Editor to recognize "PDF_Num" as a recognized transformation type?

By the way, are there installation instructions for this? I found someone else's installation steps, and followed them, but wonderd if they are correct. Here's the steps I followed:

  1. I also use a generated plugin without problems. Thit is how i did it.
  2. Unpack the plugin to the plugins directory of dita-ot in oxygen.
  3. Run scenario "Run DITA OT integrator"
  4. Create new scenario as duplicate from "DITA Map PDF" and rename it
  5. Edit this new scenario -> tab Parameters -> New
  6. parameter Name: transtype
  7. parameter Value: PDF_Num
  8. Select OK to save the scenario
  9. Then run this scenario

When I ran step 9, I got the following error message: Description [DOTA001F][FATAL] "PDF_Num" is not a recognized transformation type.


jelovirt commented 11 years ago

Incorrect usage assumptions by the used, closing as invalid.