jelovirt / dita-generator

DITA Generator is a Python program that generates DITA shell DTDs, DITA topic specialization stubs, and DITA-OT plug-in stubs.
Apache License 2.0
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opentopic-func:isAbsolute() is used in plugin for DITA OT 1.8 code #23

Closed markgif closed 9 years ago

markgif commented 11 years ago

The plugin produced has this line in front-matter.xsl in this line:

<xsl:with-param name="href" select="if (@scope = 'external' or
opentopic-func:isAbsolute(@href)) then @href else concat($input.dir.url,
@href)" />

This crashes the PDF build in Oxygen using DITA OT 1.8 because it is not defined.

jelovirt commented 11 years ago

Fixed in commit e4f5d6bb3aad46a750faaae62c7d037e0ff6f3ad, deployed to production.

infotexture commented 11 years ago

The changes in e4f5d6b fix the following error:

[xslt] /.../dita-ot/plugins/com.example.pdf/cfg/fo/xsl/custom.xsl:21:155: 
    Fatal Error! XPath syntax error at char 59 on line 21 in {...c-func:isAbsolute(@href)) t...}:
[xslt]     Cannot find a matching 1-argument function named 

But build still fails with the following error:

  [xslt] /.../dita-ot/plugins/com.example.pdf/cfg/fo/xsl/custom.xsl:4:38: 
    Fatal Error! Duplicate named template 
    (see line 17 of file:/.../dita-ot/plugins/com.example.pdf/cfg/fo/xsl/custom.xsl)

Line 17 defines <xsl:template name="e:cover-image">, but this is already defined above beginning on Line 4.

Temporarily commenting out the second template occurrence beginning on Line 17 allows build to succeed.

Tested w/ DITA-OT version 1.7 & XEP.

jelovirt commented 9 years ago

Support for DITA-OT 1.x has been removed. Thus closing this as obsolete.