jelovirt / org.lwdita

LwDITA parser for DITA-OT
Apache License 2.0
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`<audio>` does not work #180

Closed darrenn-jackson closed 1 year ago

darrenn-jackson commented 1 year ago

The plugin doesn't seem to support the <audio> LwDITA element. I created an MDITA topic that contains the following HDITA snippet, based on the example for the draft spec:

<audio title="Alarm audio" controls>
  <source src="../Alarm10.wav">
  <p data-class="fallback">This music is not available.</p>

When I use the default html5 transtype, that markup becomes:

<object><param name="source">

  <p class="p">This music is not available.</p>

Which doesn't match the syntax example for this element on MDN.

This is the normalized DITA output (dita transtype):

<audio title="Alarm audio" controls="">
  <source name="source" src="../Alarm10.wav"/>
  <p data-class="fallback">This music is not available.</p>

The October 2018 Committee Note says that the LwDITA multimedia elements would be added to a new domain in DITA 1.3, but there haven't been any changes to DITA 1.3 since June of 2018. But I do see that the latest draft of DITA 2.0 includes the <audio> and <video> multimedia domain elements. The draft LwDITA spec doesn't currently say what version of full DITA it's supposed to be a subset of. I think this all means that the LwDITA subcommittee changed its mind and LwDITA is no longer meant to be a fully conforming subset of DITA 1.3, but of 2.0 instead.

Does this mean that the lwdita plugin must process MDITA/HDITA as DITA 2.0 in order to support these multimedia elements?

jelovirt commented 1 year ago

LwDITA plug-in should support parsing <audio>, but DITA-OT HTML5 output doesn't support audio yet.