jeluard / lucuma

Web Components library for ClojureScript
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ReferenceError: ShadowDOMPolyfill is not defined #31

Closed radix closed 10 years ago

radix commented 10 years ago

When I run my lucuma-using app in node-webkit, and use the :style feature of a web component, I get an error:

ReferenceError: ShadowDOMPolyfill is not defined

this points at lucuma.cljs line 22, where (when js/ShadowDOMPolyfill ...) is used. I guess just accessing it this way isn't a good way to check for it.

I notice that my installed version of Chrome doesn't have this error, because it does actually have the ShadowDOMPolyfill object.

jeluard commented 10 years ago

Good catch! It's now fixed in master.

If you don't mind I would suggest you try to play with 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT (I will try to push something to clojars later today). I'm interested in your opinion on some changes I made recently, especially as there are some around attributes.

radix commented 10 years ago

I noticed that you were doing some changes when I reloaded the documentation today and couldn't find references to :content :-) I'll check out the 0.2.0 snapshot.

jeluard commented 10 years ago

Ah right content changed to document in 0.2.0.

I try not to change the documentation before doing the release but examples are pulled from github.

jeluard commented 10 years ago

0.2.0-SNAPSHOT is now available in clojars. I also updated the documentation but be aware it does not reflect all the new features yet.