jemise111 / react-native-swipe-list-view

A React Native ListView component with rows that swipe open and closed
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renderHiddenRow flash when switch page #182

Closed Victoriayangx closed 4 years ago

Victoriayangx commented 6 years ago

All implement is very good but when i switch the page ,the renderHiddenRow flash once. i can see the red hidden region in seconds,then it disapper. then everything is ok.when i navigate to another page, and goBack ,the hidden region flash again. How can i solve it?

Source Code: 1、renderRow(rowData, sectionID, rowID) { return ( <TouchableHighlight underlayColor="#DDDDDD" onPress={() => this.clickMinimize(rowData, sectionID, rowID)} >

I am {rowData.row} in a SwipeListView I am {""+rowData.isSelect} ); }

2、renderHiddenRow(rowData, sectionID, rowID, rowMap) { return ( <TouchableOpacity onPress={() => this._onPressRow(rowID, rowData, sectionID, rowMap)}>

); }

jemise111 commented 6 years ago

Hey @Victoriayangx is the SwipeListView being rendered inside a tabbed view of some sort by any chance? Someone had a similar issue and was able to fix it by adding the following:


maybe give that a try? If that doesn't work could you show more code and perhaps a reproducible small example I could try on my end? Thanks!

neomib commented 6 years ago

Hi, I'm having the same problem.The recalculateHiddenLayout solution didn't help. I'm using react-native-elements Button in my hidden rows and TouchableHighlight for my visibles rows.

It happens only upon navigation to a different page. When the view changes inside the same page the flashy thing doesn't happen.

@Victoriayangx did you find a solution?

neomib commented 6 years ago

Found a solution: overriding the opacity value of the screen like so:

this.navigator = StackNavigator(Pages,
                initialRouteName: root,
                cardStyle: {
                    opacity: 1,
Victoriayangx commented 6 years ago

i did not modify the code .this issue only happens on Android. because for Android, when open a new page, the default open/close mode is forFadeFromBottomAndroid,but ios is forHorizontal, so IOS did not found this issue.

What i do to solve this issue: // import this line import CardStackStyleInterpolator from 'react-navigation/src/views/CardStackStyleInterpolator';

// in StackNavigator, found where to config headerMode,use transitionConfig to add below code { headerMode: 'screen', transitionConfig:()=>({ screenInterpolator:CardStackStyleInterpolator.forHorizontal, }) }

rickysullivan commented 6 years ago

My solution so far, is to prevent the hidden items from rendering until the page has transitioned. Using the didFocus event of ReactNavigation.

 componentDidMount = () => {
    this.props.navigation.addListener("didFocus", () => {
      this.renderButtons = true;

_listHiddenItem = data => {
    if (!this.renderButtons) {

    return (
      <View style={styles.rowBack}>

The only issue is a slight delay in being able to swipe the row.

apostolnikov commented 5 years ago

i did not modify the code .this issue only happens on Android. because for Android, when open a new page, the default open/close mode is forFadeFromBottomAndroid,but ios is forHorizontal, so IOS did not found this issue.

What i do to solve this issue: // import this line import CardStackStyleInterpolator from 'react-navigation/src/views/CardStackStyleInterpolator';

// in StackNavigator, found where to config headerMode,use transitionConfig to add below code { headerMode: 'screen', transitionConfig:()=>({ screenInterpolator:CardStackStyleInterpolator.forHorizontal, }) }

For react-navigation v2.12+

import CardStackStyleInterpolator from "react-navigation-stack/dist/views/StackView/StackViewStyleInterpolator";

ankhzet commented 5 years ago

Somewhat fixed by forcing needsOffscreenAlphaCompositing on the container view of the list when screen is transitioning (isFocused set to true on navigation didFocus event and to false on willBlur):

const shouldForceOffscreen = (Platform.OS === 'android') && !isFocused;

    style={shouldForceOffscreen && styles.forceComposition}

const styles = StyleSheet.create({
  forceComposition: {
    opacity: 0.99,

This way it preserves native look&feel of navigation transitions and (hopefully) don't degenerate performance (swipe animations f.e.) when not in transitioning state.

thanhluantl2304 commented 4 years ago

Thank ankhzet, that works fine. But why this issue is still open?

jemise111 commented 4 years ago

@thanhluantl2304 I agree! Looks like there are some good solutions in the comments, thanks all, going to close this - please reopen if anyone is still having issues

hengkx commented 3 years ago

Somewhat fixed by forcing needsOffscreenAlphaCompositing on the container view of the list when screen is transitioning (isFocused set to true on navigation didFocus event and to false on willBlur):

const shouldForceOffscreen = (Platform.OS === 'android') && !isFocused;

    style={shouldForceOffscreen && styles.forceComposition}

const styles = StyleSheet.create({
  forceComposition: {
    opacity: 0.99,

This way it preserves native look&feel of navigation transitions and (hopefully) don't degenerate performance (swipe animations f.e.) when not in transitioning state.

It can't be solved