jemise111 / react-native-swipe-list-view

A React Native ListView component with rows that swipe open and closed
MIT License
2.78k stars 528 forks source link

wrap React.PropsWithChildren #598

Open KAMEDAkyosuke opened 2 years ago

KAMEDAkyosuke commented 2 years ago children is removed on React 18

Thanks for submitting a pull request!

Please confirm you have linted your code and fixed any issues:

execute result. None were relevant to this fix.

% yarn run fix                           
yarn run v1.22.10
$ yarn run prettier && yarn run lint
$ prettier --write --loglevel=warn "**/*.js"
$ eslint . --ext .js

  46:29  warning  Inline style: { backgroundColor: "mode === type ? 'grey' : 'white'" }  react-native/no-inline-styles

   84:40  warning  Inline style: { backgroundColor: 'lightgreen' }  react-native/no-inline-styles
   91:44  warning  Inline style: { backgroundColor: 'lightgreen' }  react-native/no-inline-styles
  142:44  warning  Inline style: { backgroundColor: 'lightgreen' }  react-native/no-inline-styles
  159:29  warning  Inline style: { flex: 1 }                        react-native/no-inline-styles

  35:31  warning  Missing radix parameter  radix

  21:31  warning  '_' is already declared in the upper scope  no-shadow

  42:44  warning  'err' is already declared in the upper scope  no-shadow

  634:28  warning  Inline style: { zIndex: 2 }  react-native/no-inline-styles
  648:28  warning  Inline style: { zIndex: 2 }  react-native/no-inline-styles

  2:0  warning  Unexpected unlimited 'eslint-disable' comment. Specify some rule names to disable  eslint-comments/no-unlimited-disable
  2:1  warning  ESLint rules are disabled but never reported                                       eslint-comments/no-unused-disable

✖ 12 problems (0 errors, 12 warnings)

✨  Done in 4.68s.

Please provide information on what your PR achieves and any issues that it addresses: children is removed on React 18. So I add.

DianaLaa commented 1 year ago

Can this be merged please?

vickycabrera commented 1 year ago

I need it too u.u

KAMEDAkyosuke commented 1 year ago

@jemise111 Would you review/merge/release this for us?

lethib commented 1 year ago

I was also expecting this PR to be merged.

You can fix it on your own using patch-package ! Steps are also really well described in this video.

vickycabrera commented 1 year ago

I was also expecting this PR to be merged.

You can fix it on your own using patch-package ! Steps are also really well described in this video.

Thank you, I will try it while await for merge

brunomacedo commented 1 year ago

I also need this fix