jemjemzzZ / ModelCard

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Questionnaire - S3: Score System Evaluation #3

Open YYue-Eric opened 4 weeks ago

YYue-Eric commented 4 weeks ago


1. Do you think using a score system would be helpful in evaluating and selecting parameters?

YYue-Eric commented 4 weeks ago

2. Do you think this system meets the following properties? (1-very satisfied, 5-satisfied):

YYue-Eric commented 4 weeks ago

3. For score setting, this system requires you to configure the score according to the project focus you value. Will it be a big burden for you to set a large number of parameters (more than 200, and the number of parameters will be more after scalability)?

YYue-Eric commented 3 weeks ago
  1. Compared with the linear usage process of other similar templates (, do you think the introduction of the score system in this template can effectively improve the usage efficiency?