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JEM - an Event Manager for Joomla
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pkg_jem_v4.0.1: what is minimum booked/user=0? and other calculations #1630

Closed jojo12 closed 1 year ago

jojo12 commented 1 year ago

I am testing: 1) I think min/user=0 is wrong: only if you are a ghost, you can book attending with 0 places!

2) In addition: if max places=0 (unlimited) then reserved places =0. This is wrong too Even if there is no limit of places, I would like to have the possibility to have reserved places, because I had always persons, who didn't want to register in joomla, but want to attend and use other possibilities like letter, phone. As organisator I can use reserved places as reminder.

The request answer branch is not yet committed: I need a combined zip to test. (there are changes on the same files in different branches.

mckillo commented 1 year ago

Where do you see min/user=0? EDIT: in backend and frontend editevent I think default should be min.places/user=1 and max.places/user=1

mckillo commented 1 year ago

I see 10 conflicts to the merge, I'll resolve it and merge 'request-answer with online-help' into 'JEM-4.0.1-dev'. Let's some minutes.

mckillo commented 1 year ago

Done, you can create a 4.0.1 zip with all branchs (ready to test it and public)

jojo12 commented 1 year ago

done and installed: 1) Problem: I am in backend>event>registration I want max.places=0 (unlimited) [when max.places is limited, then this problem doesn't exist] then I want min.places/user=1 , but the standard is 0 (zero), I choose 1, then it changes back to 0 AND changes to 1. I can't change back

2) problem: waitinglist check is now doubled!

jojo12 commented 1 year ago

3) the legacy frontend>event page is broken (all on the left!), only when I am logged in->default_regform.php EDIT: 0 syntax error, unexpected token "else"

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EDIT: it must be in default_regform.php

jojo12 commented 1 year ago

it must be inside of line 163-201 EDIT: and this part is forgotten in responsive layout! That's why responsive default_regform.php works!

mckillo commented 1 year ago

Solved. Fix error in this view by last merge of branchs. Now, the conflict is right. See commit above.

jojo12 commented 1 year ago

Yes, I tested: Problem 3) is solved. Persists: 1) ERROR: There are now in backend and frontend eventedit: when max.places=unlimited, then user can be a ghost (places =0) 2) ERROR: Min.places/user can never be =0 EDIT: and 4) ERROR: Even when max.places=0 (unlimited), there should be the possibility to have reserved places!

mckillo commented 1 year ago

There is only one wailing list option in the registration section. Improvement style of Available Places (label and input in the same line). See commit above (one less)

mckillo commented 1 year ago


Respect to the registration, the javascript is wrong. If I edit an event and write down Max Places = 0, all fields reset to 0.

mckillo commented 1 year ago

@hekla Could you review the code of javascript? See previous image and issue about Max Places (reset the other fields, when write 0)

jojo12 commented 1 year ago

@mckillo : problem doubled waitinglist is solved, thanks!

jojo12 commented 1 year ago

NEXT problem: backend>event>registration: "still available places" are ---, when max.places=0 (unlimited) Do we need this in backend?

jojo12 commented 1 year ago

Sorry, but this whole thing is sh...! You wanted to do it better, but it is much worse! I don't will test anymore.

jojo12 commented 1 year ago

can we go back?

jojo12 commented 1 year ago

@Heklaterriol : (falls Du das überhaupt liest: bisher war es so: maximal Plätze = eine Zahl für die Anzahl limitierter Plätze oder wenn Null für Unbegrenzt reserved places = vorenthaltene Plätze, z.B. für unvorhergesehenes (gibts immer, oder anderweitig angemeldete. minimum pro user, kann nicht Null sein (sonst Geist) sollte standard sein. wenn Antwort (Absagen) erwartet werden Warteliste, entweder wenn voll oder von Organisator draufgesetzt. Du kannst also nicht alles durchrechnen.

mckillo commented 1 year ago

I have uploaded a commit (see above): Fix the available field as a number (in input and field xml form), with a default value of 0 when placesmax=0 (add the meaning to the help tag too).

@hekla I have added some modifications to your Javascript code:

Lines 201-204 eliminate the same condition as lines 198–200 (same condition and action). Lines 192, 195, and 104 add other conditionals && maxPlacesvalue !=0. I told you above that when I write '0' in Placesmax, it resets other fields.

Review the JavaScript code because there are errors before line 171. I saw in Github that you changed during beta1. See the console in the browser because there are errors in javascript, and the last check of the registration field doesn't work for those errors.