Open rafinhacp opened 4 years ago
Do you have an updated repository? If so, when you type the command:
cmake -H. -Bbuild
You should be able to see whether your dependencies are fulfilled. The expected output is:
-- Check for pandoc: /usr/bin/pandoc
-- Check for Rscript: /usr/bin/Rscript
-- Check for gunzip: /usr/bin/gunzip
-- Check for gzip: /usr/bin/gzip
-- Found R_rmarkdown: TRUE
-- Found R_pheatmap: TRUE
-- Found R_knitr: TRUE
Hi Paula!
When I try this command you suggested, I have the following output: cmake: /usr/local/lib/ no version information available (required by cmake) -- Check the prefix for root installation: /media/raid/raperez/sw/FASTQPURI_v1.0.6/FastqPuri -- uint8_t size: 1 bytes -- uint16_t size: 2 bytes -- uint32_t size: 4 bytes -- uint64_t size: 8 bytes -- Check for pandoc: /home/raperez/sw/ANACONDA_v5.0.1/installation_dir/bin/pandoc -- Check for Rscript: /usr/local/bin/Rscript -- Check for gunzip: /bin/gunzip -- Check for gzip: /bin/gzip -- Setting Illumina maximum read length: READ_MAXLEN 400 -- Setting Rmd quality report file: /media/raid/raperez/sw/FASTQPURI_v1.0.6/FastqPuri/share/FastqPuri/R/quality_report.Rmd -- Setting Rmd summary report file: /media/raid/raperez/sw/FASTQPURI_v1.0.6/FastqPuri/share/FastqPuri/R/summary_report.Rmd -- Setting Rmd summary filter report file: /media/raid/raperez/sw/FASTQPURI_v1.0.6/FastqPuri/share/FastqPuri/R/summary_filter_report.Rmd -- Setting Rmd summary filter report file for DS data: /media/raid/raperez/sw/FASTQPURI_v1.0.6/FastqPuri/share/FastqPuri/R/summary_filter_reportDS.Rmd -- Setting compiler flags: -Wall -Wextra -O3 -march=native -std=c11 -D_DEFAULT_SOURCE -- Configuring done -- Generating done -- Build files have been written to: /media/raid/raperez/sw/FASTQPURI_v1.0.6/FastqPuri/build
I understand the repository is updated, but he libraries pheatmap, knitr and rmarkdown are not found. I double-checked and they are installed in the default path of R. I tried to install then locally and define the path using 'R_LIBS', but it did not work, the libraries are not being found.
Could be that the R version I'm using (version 3.3.0) is not adequate? Is it necessary to have a specific version of R? Does FastqPuri uses the default path to look for the R libraries?
can you check the following:
, and if so check its location (mine is /usr/bin/Rscript
)Rscript --slave -e "library('pheatmap')"
Rscript --slave -e "library('knitr')"
Rscript --slave -e "library('rmarkdown')"
if one of them is not recognized, it will tell you something like
Error in library("knitr") : there is no package called 'knitr'
Execution halted
git pull
cmake -H. -Bbuild
Hi Paula,
Yes, I have Rscript
, the location is /usr/local/bin/Rscript
When I ran
Rscript --slave -e "library('pheatmap')" Rscript --slave -e "library('knitr')" Rscript --slave -e "library('rmarkdown')"
I got the same warning message for all of them, so no "complains":
During startup - Warning message: Setting LC_CTYPE failed, using "C"
I then proceeded as you suggested and again, the output for cmake -H. -Bbuild
was the same as before: it can't "see" the R libraries. And the output to git pull
is Already up-to-date.
I don't have sudo access in the machine and I'm still learningh programming. I think there is a problem with R versions in the server (that maybe were not completely uninstall or there are different versions installed locally and globally). Do you have any suggestion of modification I could do in the file CMakeLists.txt so during the build of FastqPuri a version of R is specified?
I'm open to any other suggestions as well. Thanks in advance.
Hi, The problem is the warning message, I am afraid. You can either,
defaults write org.R-project.R force.LANG en_US.UTF-8
by commenting the lines (adding the #
find_r_package(rmarkdown ${RSCRIPT_EXEC})
find_r_package(pheatmap ${RSCRIPT_EXEC})
find_r_package(knitr ${RSCRIPT_EXEC})
if (R_rmarkdown AND R_pheatmap AND R_knitr)
endif(R_rmarkdown AND R_pheatmap AND R_knitr)
And simply adding the line
Then, try to generate the reports again...
If that does not work either, we can set the variable HAVE_RPKG
to true by hand, but let's true this first.
I tried modifying the Cmakelists.txt
file as you specified in your previous message, but reports are still not generated:
Qreport from FastqPuri
Should we set the variable HAVE_RPKG
by hand?
Uhm... Weird. Have you removed the build directory and run cmake
again ?
No entiendo que no funcione. Si no, sí, haz un grep a la cadena HAVE_RPKG
, abre el fichero y dale el valor correcto.
Hi Paula,
yes, I changed the Cmakelists.txt
, deleted the build
directory, ran $ cmake -H. -Bbuild/ [-DRSCRIPT=/path/to/my/R/bin/Rscript] [-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/path/to/my/root]
followed by make
and sudo make install
After that, I went back and ran cmake -H. -Bbuild
to see if the dependencies were fulfilled, but I got the same output as before:
cmake: /usr/local/lib/ no version information available (required by cmake)
-- Check the prefix for root installation: /media/raid/raperez/sw/FASTQPURI_v1.0.6/FastqPuri
-- uint8_t size: 1 bytes
-- uint16_t size: 2 bytes
-- uint32_t size: 4 bytes
-- uint64_t size: 8 bytes
-- Check for pandoc: /home/raperez/sw/ANACONDA_v5.0.1/installation_dir/bin/pandoc
-- Check for Rscript: /usr/local/bin/Rscript
-- Check for gunzip: /bin/gunzip
-- Check for gzip: /bin/gzip
-- Setting Illumina maximum read length: READ_MAXLEN 400
-- Setting Rmd quality report file: /media/raid/raperez/sw/FASTQPURI_v1.0.6/FastqPuri/share/FastqPuri/R/quality_report.Rmd
-- Setting Rmd summary report file: /media/raid/raperez/sw/FASTQPURI_v1.0.6/FastqPuri/share/FastqPuri/R/summary_report.Rmd
-- Setting Rmd summary filter report file: /media/raid/raperez/sw/FASTQPURI_v1.0.6/FastqPuri/share/FastqPuri/R/summary_filter_report.Rmd
-- Setting Rmd summary filter report file for DS data: /media/raid/raperez/sw/FASTQPURI_v1.0.6/FastqPuri/share/FastqPuri/R/summary_filter_reportDS.Rmd
-- Setting compiler flags: -Wall -Wextra -O3 -march=native -std=c11 -D_DEFAULT_SOURCE
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /media/raid/raperez/sw/FASTQPURI_v1.0.6/FastqPuri/build
Repository is updated and
Rscript --slave -e "library('pheatmap')" Rscript --slave -e "library('knitr')" Rscript --slave -e "library('rmarkdown')"
do not present any errors.
I'll try to talk with the server administrator to double check everything and make sure it is not our server the problem.
Otherwise, edit the corresponding header file and set the variable HAVE_RPKG properly
Hello all!
I'm trying to run FastqPuri on my MacBook (OS Catalina 10.15.5) and I'm getting the following warning/error when running the test provided:
Qreport from FastqPuri -Input file: ../test.fq.bz2 -Read length: 51 -Number of tiles: 96 -Min quality: 27 -Qualities for properties plot: 27,33,37 -Output bin-file : my_test_output.bin -Output html-file : my_test_output.html -Output info-file: Starting Qreport at: Mon Jul 20 15:26:52 2020 -Reading a filtered file? no. -Finished reading file. WARNING: expected 96 tiles but found only 20. -Writing data structure to file my_test_output.bin. WARNING: html reports are NOT being generated. Dependencies not fulfilled. Finishing program at: Mon Jul 20 15:26:55 2020 Time elapsed: 0.791192 s.
However, I've checked and:
I also tried to run FastqPuri in my lab's server (OS Ubuntu 14) and I get the same warning/error:
WARNING: html reports are NOT being generated. Dependencies not fulfilled.
In the server:
So, the Qreport generates the my_test_output.bin and the but not the html file.
If I try to run Sreport, it gives me the following: Sreport from FastqPuri -Input folder: ./ -Rmd-file used to generate HTML: /usr/local/share/FastqPuri/R/summary_report.Rmd -Output file: my_test_summary_report.html Starting Sreport at: Mon Jul 20 13:44:09 2020 WARNING: html reports are NOT being generated. Dependencies not fulfilled. Finishing program at: Mon Jul 20 13:44:09 2020 Time elapsed: 0.000271 s.
The thing is: I can't know which dependencies are missing because the warning only tells me something is missing. Everything said to be a dependency or a requirement for FastqPuri to work is installed.
Does anyone knows what could me missing to be causing html files not to be generated? If anyone has gone through this problem and can help me, I'll be very grateful.
Thanks in advance.