jenkins-infra / jenkins-maven-cd-action

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Support automatic semVer with conventionalCommits #19

Open agaudreault opened 2 years ago

agaudreault commented 2 years ago

Allow the developers to use the SemVer scheme with the CD workflow. It is possible to fully generate a semantic version based on the commit message and history.

For instance, if the last semantic Tag in the current branch is 1.0.0 and a commit is made starting with feat:, the next release will be 1.1.0. The current JEP-229 generate version numbers such as {digit}.v{hash} that lose all meaning of changes. When a Jenkins maintainers needs to bump a plugin, it is impossible to know at a glance if it contains breaking change or not. The developers will have to do a comparison of the git history and try to find any breaking change. The proposed way to do that is to keep the major.minor part of the version manual, which defeat the purpose of automating the version and release process.

Generating a semantic version number based on commit history has many advantages:

The Conventional Commits specification is a lightweight convention on top of commit messages. It provides an easy set of rules for creating an explicit commit history; which makes it easier to write automated tools on top of. This convention dovetails with SemVer, by describing the features, fixes, and breaking changes made in commit messages.

Tools such as Semantic Release offers many libraries to perform the automation based on existing and widely adopted conventions. The library also allows maintainers to customize release rules of their projects for their needs instead of forcing them in a box. The CI can still enforce some configuration by merging the 2 with a precedence order.

Suggested version scheme would be Use case current (JEP-229) Proposal
general {history_depth}.v{commit_hash} (0.vabcd1234) semver: 🚫 {semver}+{commit_hash} (0.0.0+abcd1234) semver: βœ…
manual prefix {prefix}.{history_depth}.v{commit_hash} (0.0.0.vabcd1234) semver: 🚫 N/A controled by commit messages (0.0.0+abcd1234) semver: βœ…
wrapped components {wrapped_semver}-{history_depth}.v{commit_hash} (1.0.0-0.vabcd1234) semver: βœ… {wrapped_semver}-{semver}+{commit_hash} (1.0.0-0.0.0+abcd1234) semver: βœ…

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timja commented 2 years ago

FWIW it is possible to use semantic release with the CD process, there's an example here:

But then that requires conventional commits which aren't really used in the Jenkins ecosystem

agaudreault commented 2 years ago

From what I read, using would conflict with what is documented in The conventional-commits-plugin is omitting -Dchangelist.format=%d.v%s in maven.config and ignoring the JEP-229 version. I am curious to have the opinion of @garethjevans to know why he opted-out of the new scheme with CD.

I think it would be good to document that approach as an option to CD. It would also require some settings on the repository, such as Squash & Merge option to be enforced, and a status checks to have or something similar enabled and configured. @jglick

garethjevans commented 2 years ago

Hi @agaudreault-jive, the reason we went with jx-release-version in the conventional commits plugin was that we felt that there is value in providing proper semantic versions for releases. The conventional commits plugin is designed to do just that - its just that we have a dog fooding issue trying to get the plugin to trigger from github actions for the plugin release.

jglick commented 2 years ago

I could not recommend the approach taken in conventional-commits-plugin as it runs only inside the GitHub Action workflow performing the release; builds from source (including plugin-compat-tester and various developer workflows) will use some unrelated version number. This makes for messier Maven usage particularly in the case of components which expose an API or which might otherwise become a Maven dependency. Someone who cares about semantic versioning could write a variant of which follows Conventional Commit semantics walking history on the first ancestor (to the root, or some base commit with an initial version also specified in .mvn/maven.config) so that

mvn -Dset.changelist install

would produce the desired versioned artifact. In that case jenkins-maven-cd-action would probably handle it fine, and I expect you could in fact use the stock

jglick commented 2 years ago

Tried to transfer this to but that seems impossible as it is in a distinct GitHub organization?

timja commented 2 years ago

Yeah unfortunately you can't transfer across organisations.

multi-organisation places normally work around it with a bot which re-reports it with a backlink and a comment on the side it was 'transferred' from.