[X] I have provided a link to the pull request in my plugin, which enables CD according to the documentation.
Reviewer checklist
[ ] Check that the $pluginId Developers team has Admin permissions while granting the access.
[ ] In the case of plugin adoption, ensure that the Jenkins Jira default assignee is either removed or changed to the new maintainer.
[ ] If security contacts are changed (this includes add/remove), ping the security officer (currently @Wadeck) in this pull request. If an email contact is changed, wait for approval from the security officer.
Link to GitHub repository
Link to the PR enabling CD in your plugin
The required changes in the plugin repository are proposed in https://github.com/jenkinsci/leastload-plugin/pull/19
CD checklist (for submitters)
Reviewer checklist
$pluginId Developers
team hasAdmin
permissions while granting the access.@Wadeck
) in this pull request. If an email contact is changed, wait for approval from the security officer.