jenkins-x / enhancements

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Replace jx-git-operator with Argo CD #45

Open joshuasimon-taulia opened 1 year ago

joshuasimon-taulia commented 1 year ago

The release pipeline on the gitops cluster repo (bootjob) has a few issues

We run ArgoCD to sync the our non-jenkins-x config repo to our preprod environment and it is very intuitive and flexible. There is a proposal in the kubernetes slack #jenkins-x-dev channel to replace the above process with Argo CD

The most basic POC could look something like

  1. install the ArgoCD helm chart via terraform with lifecycle configuration to ignore all future changes. normally, we would manage helm releases via helmfile, but because we need to bootstrap the cluster and run a first ArgoCD sync, we can use the terraform helm provider

    resource "helm_release" "argocd_bootstrap" {
      chart            = "argo-cd"
      create_namespace = true
      namespace        = var.namespace
      name             = "argocd"
      version          = "5.5.7"
      repository       = ""
      values = [
            "controller" : {
              "serviceAccount" : {
                "annotations" : {
                  "" : "argocd-${var.cluster_name}@${var.gcp_project}"
            "repoServer" : {
              "autoscaling" : {
                "enabled" : true,
                "minReplicas" : 2
              "initContainers" : [
                  "name" : "download-tools",
                  "image" : "",
                  "command" : [
                  "args" : [
                    "wget -qO /custom-tools/ && chmod +x /custom-tools/ && mv /usr/local/bin/helmfile /custom-tools/helmfile"
                  "volumeMounts" : [
                      "mountPath" : "/custom-tools",
                      "name" : "custom-tools"
              "serviceAccount" : {
                "annotations" : {
                  "" : "argocd-${var.cluster_name}@${var.gcp_project}"
              "volumes" : [
                  "name" : "custom-tools",
                  "emptyDir" : {}
              "volumeMounts" : [
                  "mountPath" : "/usr/local/bin/",
                  "name" : "custom-tools",
                  "subPath" : ""
                  "mountPath" : "/usr/local/bin/helmfile",
                  "name" : "custom-tools",
                  "subPath" : "helmfile"
            "server" : {
              "autoscaling" : {
                "enabled" : true,
                "minReplicas" : 2
              "ingress" : {
                "enabled" : true,
                "annotations" : {
                  "" : "HTTPS",
                  "" : "true",
                  "" : "true"
                "hosts" : [
                "serviceAccount" : {
                  "annotations" : {
                    "" : "argocd-${var.cluster_name}@${var.gcp_project}"
      set {
        name  = "server.config.configManagementPlugins"
        value = <<-EOT
        - name: helmfile
          init:                          # Optional command to initialize application source directory
            command: [""]
            args: ["init"]
          generate:                      # Command to generate manifests YAML
            command: [""]
            args: ["generate"]
      set {
        name  = "configs.credentialTemplates.https-creds.url"
        value = regex("\\w+://\\w+\\.\\w+", var.jx_git_url)
      set_sensitive {
        name  = "configs.credentialTemplates.https-creds.username"
        value = var.jx_bot_username
      set_sensitive {
        name  = "configs.credentialTemplates.https-creds.password"
        value = var.jx_bot_token
      dynamic "set" {
        for_each = var.helm_settings
        content {
          name  = set.key
          value = set.value
      lifecycle {
        ignore_changes = all
  2. use terraform to configure ArgoCD to sync the config-root folder of the dev gitops repo to the dev gke cluster. maybe we can package this as a separate helm chart called argo-cd-apps or something
      - apiVersion:
        kind: ApplicationSet
          name: dev
          - git:
              revision: HEAD
              - path: helmfiles/*
              # - path: config-root/customresourcedefinitions
              # - path: config-root/namespaces/*
              name: '{{path.basename}}'
              project: default
                targetRevision: HEAD
                path: '{{path}}'
                  - name: HELMFILE_USE_CONTEXT_NAMESPACE
                    value: "true"
                  - name: HELM_TEMPLATE_OPTIONS
                    value: --skip-tests
                server: https://kubernetes.default.svc
                namespace: '{{path.basename}}'
                  prune: true
                  selfHeal: true
                - CreateNamespace=true
    • We should probably figure out whether we want to continue rendering kubernetes templates and committing them back to the cluster repo at PR time or if we should just use argo to sync directly from the helmfile. There's an example bot and a github action that post the output of helmfile diff or argo diff as a PR comment
  3. After the first sync, ArgoCD manages its own helm chart installation

i have some rough ideas here:

this is what the demo appset generates in my atlantis project Screen Shot 2022-10-20 at 7 56 13 PM when you click on the "namespace" application, the ui drills down into your actual k8s objects Screen Shot 2022-10-20 at 8 09 06 PM

keskad commented 1 year ago

Hi, thanks for taking my idea to the table, I'm so happy because of that :) I hope I will be able to help you somehow with it soon. Atm I can jump into the discussion at least.

  1. In my opinion the target behavior could be to not render the YAML's and to use helmfiles in ArgoCD directly. That would allow us to remove a lot of the jx gitops commands code, have less to maintain - the jx cli already has too many commands.

  2. Secondly I think we should go into a direction to separate two groups of resources from each other and treat them separately.

a) First group is for stateful resources and resources that have recursive dependencies. Eamples: StatefulSet, Namespace, PVC. Those kinds of resources should be protected from accidential pruning using ArgoCD's built-in mechanisms

b) Second group could be the rest of resources that should be pruned automatically and synced automatically.

  1. To protect against mistakes I suggest to configure few kind: AppProject objects with restrictions like following examples:
    • customresourcedefinitions: should contain only objects of type CRD
    • secrets: Should contain only objects of type ExternalSecret

That allows to raise an alert if we accidently put an object to a place where it should not be.

keskad commented 1 year ago

Going further;

I think that we could try to remove project's configuration in ConfigMap form from the bootrepo and replace them with CRD's eg. JXProject. When ArgoCD will sync those CRD's to the cluster then:

  1. New dedicated controller will discover newly applied CRD's JXProject
  2. Glue all CRD's JXPRoject from the cluster into a configmap that the Lighthouse will understand and apply to the cluster
  3. Create/update the webhooks to the Github/Gitlab/Gitea/Bitbucket using go-scm

That would result in:

keskad commented 1 year ago

Regarding the ArgoCD installation I would leave a possibility to have a custom way of installation, because there are multiple ways of installing ArgoCD, including by kustomize, by helm, using operator.

Probably best would be to split it in docs into two steps:

  1. How to install ArgoCD (eg. single patch with a Helm Chart)
  2. How to install JX on top of ArgoCD

The second point should be universal and independent of the type of ArgoCD installation. I have worked in a project, where we were using an ArgoCD operator and installing dozens of instances with its specific settings.

keskad commented 1 year ago

I just had loose a thought about the JXProject CRD - introducing it we could give users the possibility to extend Jenkins X with their own operators.

For example people will be able to create operators reacting on project creation/deletion to e.g. register it in monitoring, or even in tasks management software (like pipeline status integration in some external systems).

And more simpler form - ArgoCD has a post-sync hooks, a post-sync hook can be used to run e.g. Python script evertime some project in ArgoCD is synced.

I see a lot of benefits of moving from bootjob to ArgoCD :smile:

joshuasimon-taulia commented 1 year ago

@ankitm123 @msvticket @tomhobson how do you feel about