jenkins-x / jx

Jenkins X provides automated CI+CD for Kubernetes with Preview Environments on Pull Requests using Cloud Native pipelines from Tekton
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error configuring jenkinsX using jx-admin-operator #7729

Closed platof closed 6 months ago

platof commented 3 years ago

I'm trying to install Jenkins X on a physical server with Kubernetes cluster already configured.

Following the configuration of jenkins on premise from this link After creating the clutser Git Repo based on the jx3-gitops-repositories/jx3-kubernetes template I modified the jx-requirements.yml and modified the ingress.domain. I commited the change and push back to github. I installed the jx admin operator by specifying the gituser and gittoken. This is meant to install the git operator and then trigger a job which installs jenkins x. I get 2 errors while jx-admin-operator command is running first error image

second error image

kubectcl get pods command gives image

Tried Fix: I manually installed and helmfile and move it to /usr/bin/ directory but I still got same error

Is there a way around this? Thanks

jstrachan commented 3 years ago

I wonder if upgrading your cluster git repository helps?

the helmfile issue looks odd; there's definitely a helmfile binary in the recent boot images. I wonder if you were unlucky and generated your git repository from jx3-kubernetes a few weeks ago when we had a temporary issue with helmfile not being in the image?

e.g. whats the version of jx-boot image in this file in your git repository:

at the time of writing the latest is 3.2.77 which definitely has helmfile on the $PATH (in /usr/bin) - upgrading your cluster above should fix it.