jenkinsci / allure-plugin

Allure Jenkins Plugin
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Selenide, Jenkins // After running jobs on locally deployed Jenkins, the screenshot in allure looks very strange (black screen) #366

Open StasiukMarian opened 3 weeks ago

StasiukMarian commented 3 weeks ago

Jenkins and plugins versions report

Brief info: I deployed Jenkins locally and configured the necessary plugins. I take a screenshot during execution and in allure I see that screenshot is empty (black screen) in the report

Environment: Allure Jenkins Plugin - Version 2.31.1 Selenide version - 7.3.2 Chrome version - 126.0.6478.127

What Operating System are you using (both controller, and any agents involved in the problem)?

Controller: Windows 11 Agents: Windows 11

Reproduction steps

  1. I configured code to take a screenshot which was working previosly:

    public class BaseTest {
    public void configuration() {
            SelenideLogger.addListener("AllureSelenide", new AllureSelenide()

    also attached pom.xml file: pom.txt

  2. I created locally freestyle job with a: Source code management - Git, Build Steps - Invoke top-level Maven targets - Goals: clean install Post-build Actions - Allure report

Expected Results

After bulid done should be created allure report with a screenshot if test failed:

Local execution from IntelliJIdea: image

Actual Results

After bulid done created allure report with a screenshot if test failed:

Execution from Jenkins - Screenshot is empty (black screen if download): image

Screenshot: 1719940956731 0

Anything else?

Notes: With the same code everything works month ago.

After installing a new version Jenkins with Allure Jenkins Plugin - Version 2.31.1 this issue happens.

Also attaching github project:

Are you interested in contributing a fix?

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