Describe your use-case which is not covered by existing documentation.
I want to use Azure fileshare as rootFS.
I have created a fileshare and I am able to add it as volume.
mountPath: "/mnt/j"
shareName: "- moacishare"
credentialsId: azurestorageaccessforacifileshare`
However, when I try to use this mounted volume as rootFS, I get errors.
Mainly because container runs as jenkins user and mount has access and ownership for root user.
Reference any relevant documentation, other materials or issues/pull requests that can be used for inspiration.
Describe your use-case which is not covered by existing documentation.
I want to use Azure fileshare as rootFS. I have created a fileshare and I am able to add it as volume. `volumes:
Reference any relevant documentation, other materials or issues/pull requests that can be used for inspiration.
Are you interested in contributing to the documentation?
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