jenkinsci / bitbucket-push-and-pull-request-plugin

Plugin for Jenkins v2.138.2 or later, that triggers job builds on Bitbucket's push and pull request events.
MIT License
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Jenkins Catches 'Comment Created' but BITBUCKET_PULL_REQUEST_COMMENT_TEXT is Empty. #252

Open mohammad-eghlima opened 2 years ago

mohammad-eghlima commented 2 years ago

We have the Jenkins hook setup in the bitbucket cloud:


We have the plugin setup in the Jenkins:


We have the trigger on the job:


I have a freestyle job, it is set to be run when i leave a comment on a PR like 'deploy to qa-[2|3|4]' It runs the job but in the shell script which i have for the build step:


It prints the below:



the $BITBUCKET_PULL_REQUEST_COMMENT_TEXT is empty! it means it was not populated with the comment on pr which was deploy to qa-[2|3|4].

In the available environment variable link, i have:

The following variables are available to shell and batch build steps:

Source branch - only for pull requests (BB Cloud and BB Server).
Pull request identifier (BB Cloud and BB Server).
Pull request link (BB Cloud and BB Server).
Target branch (BB Cloud and BB Server).
Repository identifier - only for BB Cloud pushs.
Repository identifier - only for BB Server pushs.
Repository URL - only for BB Cloud pushs.
Text comment of BB Cloud Pull Request.
mohammad-eghlima commented 2 years ago

and this is the log for Jenkins:

Trigger not set
Apr 23, 2022 7:24:12 PM FINEST io.jenkins.plugins.bitbucketpushandpullrequest.BitBucketPPRTrigger
Called onPost Method for action BitBucketPPRPullRequestAction
Apr 23, 2022 7:24:12 PM WARNING io.jenkins.plugins.bitbucketpushandpullrequest.BitBucketPPRTrigger onPost
Triggers are not configured.
Apr 23, 2022 7:25:05 PM INFO io.jenkins.plugins.bitbucketpushandpullrequest.receiver.BitBucketPPRHookReceiver doIndex
Received POST request over Bitbucket hook
Apr 23, 2022 7:25:05 PM FINEST io.jenkins.plugins.bitbucketpushandpullrequest.receiver.BitBucketPPRHookReceiver
the payload is: {}
Apr 23, 2022 7:25:05 PM INFO io.jenkins.plugins.bitbucketpushandpullrequest.processor.BitBucketPPRPayloadProcessorFactory createProcessor
Create BitBucketPPRPullRequestCloudPayloadProcessor
Apr 23, 2022 7:25:05 PM FINE
Add BitBucketPPRPullRequestCloudObserver for {}
Apr 23, 2022 7:25:05 PM WARNING io.jenkins.plugins.bitbucketpushandpullrequest.BitBucketPPRJobProbe lambda$triggerMatchingJobs$1
Trigger not set
Apr 23, 2022 7:25:05 PM FINEST io.jenkins.plugins.bitbucketpushandpullrequest.BitBucketPPRTrigger
Called onPost Method for action BitBucketPPRPullRequestAction
Apr 23, 2022 7:25:05 PM WARNING io.jenkins.plugins.bitbucketpushandpullrequest.BitBucketPPRTrigger onPost
Triggers are not configured.
Apr 23, 2022 7:34:27 PM INFO io.jenkins.plugins.bitbucketpushandpullrequest.receiver.BitBucketPPRHookReceiver doIndex
Received POST request over Bitbucket hook
Apr 23, 2022 7:34:27 PM FINEST io.jenkins.plugins.bitbucketpushandpullrequest.receiver.BitBucketPPRHookReceiver
the payload is: {}
Apr 23, 2022 7:34:27 PM INFO io.jenkins.plugins.bitbucketpushandpullrequest.processor.BitBucketPPRPayloadProcessorFactory createProcessor
Create BitBucketPPRPullRequestCloudPayloadProcessor
Apr 23, 2022 7:34:27 PM FINE
Add BitBucketPPRPullRequestCloudObserver for {}
Apr 23, 2022 7:34:27 PM WARNING io.jenkins.plugins.bitbucketpushandpullrequest.BitBucketPPRJobProbe lambda$triggerMatchingJobs$1
Trigger not set
Apr 23, 2022 7:34:27 PM FINEST io.jenkins.plugins.bitbucketpushandpullrequest.BitBucketPPRTrigger
Called onPost Method for action BitBucketPPRPullRequestAction
Apr 23, 2022 7:34:27 PM WARNING io.jenkins.plugins.bitbucketpushandpullrequest.BitBucketPPRTrigger onPost
Triggers are not configured.
mohammad-eghlima commented 2 years ago

any update on this one? i am stuck! the comment on the PR which triggered the job is empty.