jenkinsci / bitbucket-push-and-pull-request-plugin

Plugin for Jenkins v2.138.2 or later, that triggers job builds on Bitbucket's push and pull request events.
MIT License
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Multiple pipelines not triggering #292

Open groliffe opened 1 year ago

groliffe commented 1 year ago

I would have put this is a Discussion, but couldn't create one, so I don't know if this is really an issue or just something I'm doing wrong.

Jenkins : 2.361.2 PPR Plugin : 2.8.3

I’m trying to set up PPR to work on multiple pipelines, and I just cannot get it to work :

Here’s my setup.

Pipeline A.

This should be triggered whenever a push is made to repository ‘origin/X’

This is set up with a PPR Bitbucket Cloud Push with an Allowed Branch set to ‘X’

Pipeline B.

This should be triggered when a Pull Request for repository origin/RC- gets merged into repository origin/master.

This is set up with a PPR Bitbucket Cloud Pull Request, with an action of Merged, and an Allowed Branch of ‘master’

There is a ’Bitbucket Push and Pull Request Hook Log’ item added to the menu on each Pipeline.

Pipeline A gets triggered on a push as expected.

Pipeline B never gets triggered, unless I disable Pipeline A.

So, the hook log on Pipeline B doesn’t have anything in it unless I disable Pipeline A.

With both pipelines enabled, only the hook log on Pipeline A gets updated - and I can see it gets updated when the merge to master is done… and what it looks like is happening is that pipeline A gets the trigger - decides that it’s not for itself and then the process stops, and Pipeline B never gets triggered.

Does anyone have any ideas of how to get this working?



martens-d commented 1 year ago

Hi, create a third pipeline that gets triggered on both events and start pipeline A or B depending on what the payload says. And disable the trigger on A and B.

import groovy.json.JsonOutput;
import groovy.json.JsonSlurperClassic;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;

  agent any

    stage ('PPR')
        echo "stage PPR #####################################"
          if (env.BITBUCKET_PULL_REQUEST_ID != null) 
            // it's a Pull Request
            // use curl to get more info
            def pretty = parseJsonToMap(env.BITBUCKET_PAYLOAD);

            prId =;
            slug = pretty.pullRequest.fromRef.repository.slug;
            key  = pretty.pullRequest.fromRef.repository.project.key;

            withCredentials([usernameColonPassword(credentialsId: '###', variable: "API_TOKEN")]) {
              response = sh(script: " \"C:\\Program Files\\curl\\bin\\\\\"curl -u ${API_TOKEN} -H \"Content-Type: application/json\" https://bitbucket/rest/api/1.0/projects/${key}/repos/${slug}/pull-requests/${prId} ", returnStdout: true)

            def json = parseJsonToMap(response);
            def state = json.state;
            def prinfo = json.fromRef.displayId + ' nach ' + json.toRef.displayId;

            // now you have all kind of infos
            if (state == "OPEN")
              // PR Status
              prUnApproved = 0;
              json.reviewers.each{ item ->
                if (!item.approved.toBoolean())
                  prUnApproved += 1;
              if (prUnApproved == 0)
                prText = "Pull Request is aproved";

              } else {
                prText = "Prease aprove Pull Request";

                // build job A or B the one for Pull Request
                build job: '###', 
                  parameters: []
                  wait: true

            if (state == "MERGED")
          } else {
          // not an Pull Request
          // maybe something similar to above
          // build job A or B the one for Push

Not a working example, I (want) to use it to add MessageCards in Teams, but have trouble with multiple repos and absurd naming of the folders.