jenkinsci / cucumber-living-documentation-plugin
MIT License
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Generate Cucumber json output file and generate live documentation #6

Closed marciomsm closed 7 years ago

marciomsm commented 7 years ago

I have installed this plugin on Jenkins and I have a pipeline where I run some tests using feature files.

Inside all feature files I inserted the code bellow:

@CucumberOptions(plugin ={"json:target/cucumber.json"})

Is it correct? I cannot find cucumber.json. Is there some way to know if the file was generated?

After that, if I use the code bellow, will I be able to see the live documentation?

stage ('Publisher') {
        step([$class: 'CukedoctorPublisher', featuresDir: 'target/cucumber-json'])


marciomsm commented 7 years ago

This documentation helped me:
