This will add the creation of a PDF and Excel version of the dependency track results normally displayed on the web page. This was requested in our organization to be able to forward to stakeholders and management.
When you click on the Dependency Track Report link in Jenkins two links will appear: one for downloading the PDF version of the report and the second one for downloading an Excel version. The excel version is done via Apache POI and a small problem occurs when you open it which requires a repair but after that the report is ok.
The reports are created using the Jasper Report library. A new argument to the groovy dependencyTrackPublisher step called reportSubTitle for specifying the subtitle on the report header with identifying information. See the src/test/resources/test_pipeline.groovy as an example.
The dependency configuration page has been updated to reflect this new field and all existing and new JUnit test pass.
[x] Ensure that the pull request title represents the desired changelog entry
[x] Please describe what you did
[x] Link to relevant issues in GitHub or Jira
[x] Link to relevant pull requests, esp. upstream and downstream changes
[x] Ensure you have provided tests - that demonstrates feature works or fixes the issue
This will add the creation of a PDF and Excel version of the dependency track results normally displayed on the web page. This was requested in our organization to be able to forward to stakeholders and management.
When you click on the Dependency Track Report link in Jenkins two links will appear: one for downloading the PDF version of the report and the second one for downloading an Excel version. The excel version is done via Apache POI and a small problem occurs when you open it which requires a repair but after that the report is ok.
The reports are created using the Jasper Report library. A new argument to the groovy dependencyTrackPublisher step called reportSubTitle for specifying the subtitle on the report header with identifying information. See the src/test/resources/test_pipeline.groovy as an example.
The dependency configuration page has been updated to reflect this new field and all existing and new JUnit test pass.