jenkinsci / generic-webhook-trigger-plugin

Can receive any HTTP request, extract any values from JSON or XML and trigger a job with those values available as variables. Works with GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket, Jira and many more.
410 stars 161 forks source link

JOB DSL for webhook trigger plugin #195

Closed vishnujanardhanan closed 3 years ago

vishnujanardhanan commented 3 years ago

When reporting a bug, please try to provide as much information as possible.

I wanted to trigger builds only when there is push to master branch, so i have configured the below job DSL to handle it. However no nuilds seems to get triggerred after i added them. If i just have tokens in the jobdsl it triggers the build for push on every branch. Can you please help?

triggers {
    genericTrigger {
        genericVariables {
            genericVariable {
                expressionType("JSONPath") //Optional, defaults to JSONPath
                regexpFilter("") //Optional, defaults to empty string
                defaultValue("") //Optional, defaults to empty string

post content logged in the jenkins build log was empty. I can see the post content from webhook in jenkins though.

tomasbjerre commented 3 years ago

How do you trigger the plugin? And what is the response of that?

vishnujanardhanan commented 3 years ago

@tomasbjerre A webhook is configured from git which triggers on every push. response is a 200 on git. post parameters seems to be empty on jenkins workspace logs if I enable the flag in webhook trigger plugin. So not sure whether i;m missing something here

tomasbjerre commented 3 years ago

I need to know exactly what that webhook contains. And exactly what the response is, not only http code.

vishnujanardhanan commented 3 years ago

ok, can i private msg you? Not able to post them here due to org policies

tomasbjerre commented 3 years ago

Post it here and remove sensitive parts. Or change its content.

Den tis 15 dec. 2020 15:30Vishnu Janardhanan skrev:

ok, can i private msg you? Not able to post them here due to org policies

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vishnujanardhanan commented 3 years ago

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tomasbjerre commented 3 years ago

Did you try without \\? like:


As described here:

vishnujanardhanan commented 3 years ago

@tomasbjerre thanks.. this filter worked -> regexpFilterExpression("^(refs/heads/master)\$")