jenkinsci / generic-webhook-trigger-plugin

Can receive any HTTP request, extract any values from JSON or XML and trigger a job with those values available as variables. Works with GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket, Jira and many more.
403 stars 159 forks source link

JSONPath return string, but plugin returns string with square brackets #260

Closed izenk closed 1 year ago

izenk commented 1 year ago


pipeline {
    agent {
        label "master"
    options {
        buildDiscarder logRotator(artifactDaysToKeepStr: '1', artifactNumToKeepStr: '', daysToKeepStr: '31', numToKeepStr: '')
    triggers {
        genericVariables: [
                key: 'sentry_issue_str',
                value: '$',
                defaultValue: '',
                expressionType: 'JSONPath',
                regexpFilter: ''
                key: 'customer',
                value: '$.event.tags[?(@[0] == "customer")][1]',
                defaultValue: '',
                expressionType: 'JSONPath',
                regexpFilter: ''
        causeString: 'Test sentry to jira issue',
        printContributedVariables: true,
        printPostContent: true,
        regexpFilterExpression: '',
        regexpFilterText: '',
        shouldNotFlattern: false,
        silentResponse: true,
        token: 'token',
        tokenCredentialId: ''

    stages {
        stage('Hello') {
            steps {
                sh 'echo "DEBUG: !!!!!!!!!!"'

Job log

Test sentry to jira issue
  "id": "1043",
  "project": "test_sentry_to_jira_issue",
  "project_name": "test_sentry_to_jira_issue",
  "project_slug": "test_sentry_to_jira_issue",
  "logger": null,
  "level": "error",
  "culprit": "",
  "message": "",
  "url": "<some_url>",
  "triggering_rules": [
  "event": {
    "event_id": "a75b0af569e1418083cf4c1ca459b53e",
    "level": "error",
    "version": "7",
    "type": "error",
    "fingerprint": [
      "{{ default }}"
    "culprit": "",
    "logger": "",
    "modules": {
      "actioncable": "",
      "actionmailbox": "",
      "actionmailer": "",
      "actionpack": "",
      "actiontext": "",
      "actionview": "",
      "activejob": "",
      "activemodel": "",
      "activerecord": "",
      "activestorage": "",
      "activesupport": "",
      "bootsnap": "1.16.0",
      "builder": "3.2.4",
      "bundler": "2.4.7",
      "concurrent-ruby": "1.2.2",
      "crass": "1.0.6",
      "date": "3.3.3",
      "debug": "1.7.1",
      "erubi": "1.12.0",
      "faraday": "2.7.4",
      "faraday-net_http": "3.0.2",
      "globalid": "1.1.0",
      "i18n": "1.12.0",
      "io-console": "0.6.0",
      "irb": "1.6.2",
      "loofah": "2.19.1",
      "mail": "2.8.1",
      "marcel": "1.0.2",
      "method_source": "1.0.0",
      "mini_mime": "1.1.2",
      "minitest": "5.17.0",
      "msgpack": "1.6.0",
      "net-imap": "0.3.4",
      "net-pop": "0.1.2",
      "net-protocol": "0.2.1",
      "net-smtp": "0.3.3",
      "nio4r": "2.5.8",
      "nokogiri": "1.14.2",
      "racc": "1.6.2",
      "rack": "",
      "rack-test": "2.0.2",
      "rails": "",
      "rails-dom-testing": "2.0.3",
      "rails-html-sanitizer": "1.5.0",
      "railties": "",
      "rake": "13.0.6",
      "reline": "0.3.2",
      "ruby2_keywords": "0.0.5",
      "sentry-rails": "5.8.0",
      "sentry-ruby": "5.8.0",
      "thor": "1.2.1",
      "timeout": "0.3.2",
      "tzinfo": "2.0.6",
      "websocket-driver": "0.7.5",
      "websocket-extensions": "0.1.5",
      "zeitwerk": "2.6.7"
    "platform": "ruby",
    "timestamp": 1680989144.0,
    "received": 1680989144.447589,
    "release": "0.0.0",
    "environment": "production",
    "contexts": {
      "os": {
        "name": "Linux",
        "version": "#42~20.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Wed Mar 1 19:17:41 UTC 2023",
        "build": "5.15.0-1035-azure",
        "kernel_version": "#42~20.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Wed Mar 1 19:17:41 UTC 2023",
        "type": "os"
      "runtime": {
        "name": "ruby",
        "version": "ruby 3.2.1 (2023-02-08 revision 31819e82c8) +YJIT [x86_64-linux]",
        "type": "runtime"
    "exception": {
      "values": [
          "type": "Exception",
          "value": "test99 (Exception)",
          "module": "",
          "thread_id": 2500
    "threads": {
      "values": [
          "id": 2500,
          "crashed": true,
          "current": true
    "tags": [
        "Linux #42~20.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Wed Mar 1 19:17:41 UTC 2023"
        "ruby ruby 3.2.1 (2023-02-08 revision 31819e82c8) +YJIT [x86_64-linux]"
    "sdk": {
      "name": "sentry.ruby",
      "version": "5.8.0"
    "key_id": "46",
    "project": 46,
    "grouping_config": {
      "enhancements": "eJybzDRxY3J-bm5-npWRgaGlroGxrpHxBABcYgcZ",
      "id": "newstyle:2019-10-29"
    "_metrics": {
      "bytes.ingested.event": 2105,
      "bytes.stored.event": 2812
    "_ref": 46,
    "_ref_version": 2,
    "hashes": [
    "metadata": {
      "display_title_with_tree_label": false,
      "type": "Exception",
      "value": "test99 (Exception)"
    "nodestore_insert": 1680989145.51168,
    "title": "Exception: test99 (Exception)",
    "id": "a75b0af569e1418083cf4c1ca459b53e"

 Contributing variables:  
      customer = ["test_sentry_to_jira"]
      customer_0 = test_sentry_to_jira

Plugin returns it as string with brackets, while I expect just a simple value "test_sentry_to_jira":

01:34:39  [Pipeline] echo
01:34:39  class java.lang.String
01:34:39  [Pipeline] echo
01:34:39  ["test_sentry_to_jira"]
tomasbjerre commented 1 year ago

You pipeline does:

sh 'echo "DEBUG: !!!!!!!!!!"'

And you supply build log:

01:34:39  [Pipeline] echo
01:34:39  class java.lang.String
01:34:39  [Pipeline] echo
01:34:39  ["test_sentry_to_jira"]

So hard to say exactly what you are doing here.

The build log states:

 Contributing variables:  
      customer = ["test_sentry_to_jira"]
      customer_0 = test_sentry_to_jira

I would suggest:

izenk commented 1 year ago

@tomasbjerre Ye, I copied build log from another build. Just see "Contributing variables" section. What do you mean under "Change the JSONPath to not match a branch, but an leaf. Not a list, just a single element."

Im using customer_0 right now, but it's just workaround, not fix.

tomasbjerre commented 1 year ago

This is not the place to ask about jsonpath. I would suggest trying this Stackoverflow and/or fiddle with an online evaluator like . You will see the result of your jsonpath is a list.

izenk commented 1 year ago

@tomasbjerre I checked with for two variables: Both are shown as list

Screenshot 2023-04-11 at 15 25 56 Screenshot 2023-04-11 at 15 26 39

But plugin returns one as simple string, and other one as string with square brackets

15:23:22  customer var type: class java.lang.String
15:23:22  [Pipeline] echo
15:23:22  customer var value: ["test_sentry_to_jira"]
15:23:22  [Pipeline] echo
15:23:22  test_var type: class java.lang.String
15:23:22  [Pipeline] echo
15:23:22  test_var value: test_sentry_to_jira_issue

Here is trigger config

    triggers {
        genericVariables: [
                key: 'sentry_issue_str',
                value: '$',
                defaultValue: '',
                expressionType: 'JSONPath',
                regexpFilter: ''
                key: 'customer',
                value: '$.event.tags[?(@[0] == "customer")][1]',
                defaultValue: '',
                expressionType: 'JSONPath',
                regexpFilter: ''
                key: 'test_var',
                value: '$.project',
                defaultValue: '',
                expressionType: 'JSONPath',
                regexpFilter: ''
        causeString: 'Test sentry to jira issue',
        printContributedVariables: true,
        printPostContent: true,
        regexpFilterExpression: '',
        regexpFilterText: '',
        shouldNotFlattern: false,
        silentResponse: true,
        token: 'testsentrytojiratoken',
        tokenCredentialId: ''