Open qwertyI opened 6 years ago
Jenkins logs would be nice to see, the plugin produces some useful logs to check.
About your question:
I have the same problem
Jenkins version: 2.122 Gitlab version: 11.4.7-ee Gitlab Hook Plugin: 1.4.2
the push events trigger logs are
`Dec 29, 2018 3:38:00 PM org.jruby.javasupport.JavaMethod invokeDirectWithExceptionHandling INFO: matching projects:
and the create a merge request trigger logs are :
`Dec 29, 2018 3:41:42 PM org.jruby.javasupport.JavaMethod invokeDirectWithExceptionHandling INFO: matching projects:
the INfO line is empty
My jenkins config is:
Hi, guys:
I had added http://jenkins_server/gitlab/build_now to Gitlab and add push events and merge request events.
When I push a new code to Gitlab, the hook will trigger my Jenkins job. But when I create a merge request in Gitlab, there had happened nothing.
I don't know what's up. There anyone has the experience?
Jenkins version: 2.7.1 Gitlab version: 10.4.0 & 7.11.4 Gitlab Hook Plugin: 1.4.2