Closed Redirts closed 1 year ago
I have been having the same issue with similar chars. Do you any clues?
No :-(
I believe that the bug might lie somewhere in
.. I have tried using a rest client to post the same content and it worked.
curl -X POST -k -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -i '
Add a look at a possible solution for this and ended up in SO: how-to-encode-russian-text-in-post-request-using-apache-httpclient
I think perhaps in the following lines an encoding could be defined. Perhaps exists some method like post.SetEnconding("UTF-8") or something to add to the header the 'content-charset'.
In there something like Replacing the Content-Type to "application/json;charset=UTF-8"
Does this plugin support encoding?
I want to send to Google chat, text that contains accents (i.e.
test message José Caniço
) but the message arrives in Google Chat as:test message Jos Cani o
Here is my jenkinsfile setup:
... post{ failure{ emailext attachLog: true, body: 'Your build failed! \nFix it or the dolphins will come and get you: ${BUILD_URL} \nYou can see your screw up in the attached log!', recipientProviders: [[$class: 'DevelopersRecipientProvider'], [$class: 'RequesterRecipientProvider']], subject: currentBuild.currentResult + " : " + env.JOB_NAME, compressLog: true googlechatnotification url: '', message: "User: ${author_name} broke " + env.JOB_NAME + " jenkins build! \nUser commit message: ${commit_message} \nURL: ${BUILD_URL}", notifyAborted: 'true', notifyFailure: 'true', notifyNotBuilt: 'true', notifySuccess: 'false', notifyUnstable: 'true', notifyBackToNormal: 'true', suppressInfoLoggers: 'true', sameThreadNotification: 'true' } }