jenkinsci / helm-charts

Jenkins helm charts
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import custom CA and intermediate certs #940

Open danseo-reisys opened 8 months ago

danseo-reisys commented 8 months ago

Describe the bug

we are on chart 4.1.3

we have a need to import several custom CA and intermediate certs to our jenkins.

can you provide an example of custominitcontainer that can import multiple CA and intermediate certs (crt, pem) ?

i have tried few methods from different thread but not having success.

i have tried this one but getting errors.

master: customInitContainers:

============================= getting following events.

50m Warning FailedCreate statefulset/jenkins create Pod jenkins-0 in StatefulSet jenkins failed error: Pod "jenkins-0" is invalid: [spec.initContainers[0].volumeMounts[0].name: Not found: "cacerts", spec.initContainers[0].volumeMounts[1].name: Not found: "certs"] 2s Warning FailedCreate statefulset/jenkins create Pod jenkins-0 in StatefulSet jenkins failed error: Pod "jenkins-0" is invalid: spec.initContainers[0].volumeMounts[0].name: Not found: "cacerts-share"

Version of Helm and Kubernetes

- Helm: 
version.BuildInfo{Version:"v3.12.0", GitCommit:"c9f554d75773799f72ceef38c51210f1842a1dea", GitTreeState:"clean", GoVersion:"go1.20.3"}

- Kubernetes: 1.26.3

Chart version


What happened?

please see above

What you expected to happen?

import self signed CA and intermediate certs

How to reproduce it

helm upgrade jenkins jenkins/jenkins -f jenkins-values3.yaml.tls --set controller.jenkinsUrl='https://xxxxxxxxxx/'

Anything else we need to know?

No response

lemeurherve commented 8 months ago

Duplicate of