jenkinsci / junit-realtime-test-reporter-plugin

Report JUnit test results in real time
MIT License
6 stars 13 forks source link

Update dependency to v2230 - autoclosed #120

Closed renovate[bot] closed 1 year ago

renovate[bot] commented 1 year ago

Mend Renovate

This PR contains the following updates:

Package Change Age Adoption Passing Confidence (source) 2133.v2e6c00fe4d61 -> 2230.v0cb_4040cde55 age adoption passing confidence

Release Notes

jenkinsci/bom ( ### [`v2230.v0cb_4040cde55`]( [Compare Source]( #### 🚦 Tests - Remove unnecessary workaround ([#​2238]( [@​basil]( #### 📦 Dependency updates - Bump role-strategy from 633.v836e5b\_3e80a\_5 to 664.ve141973c58b\_5 in /bom-weekly ([#​2247]( [@​dependabot]( - Bump jenkins from 1.101 to 1.102 in /bom-weekly ([#​2245]( [@​dependabot]( - Bump pipeline-utility-steps from 2.15.4 to 2.16.0 in /bom-weekly ([#​2242]( [@​dependabot]( - Bump bouncycastle-api from 2.28 to 2.29 in /bom-weekly ([#​2243]( [@​dependabot]( - Bump plugin from 4.69 to 4.70 in /sample-plugin ([#​2244]( [@​dependabot]( - Bump junit-plugin.version from\_2f9db\_3e6de0 to 1217.v4297208a_a_b_ce in /bom-weekly ([#​2241]( [@​dependabot]( - Bump jenkins.version from 2.412 to 2.413 for bom-weekly ([#​2239]( [@​github-actions]( - Bump matrix-auth from 3.1.8 to 3.1.9 in /bom-weekly ([#​2240]( [@​dependabot]( - Bump http_request from 1.17 to 1.18 in /bom-weekly ([#​2237]( [@​dependabot]( ### [`v2220.vea_cea_f1a_35e4`]( [Compare Source]( #### 💥 Breaking changes - Remove 2.375.x support ([#​2218]( [@​MarkEWaite]( #### 🚀 New features and improvements - Add `parameterized-trigger` to the managed set ([#​2222]( [@​basil]( - Add `run-condition` to the managed set ([#​2223]( [@​basil]( - Add `authentication-tokens` to the managed set ([#​2189]( [@​MarkEWaite]( - Add `external-monitor-job` to the managed set ([#​2226]( [@​basil]( - Add `role-strategy` to the managed set ([#​2225]( [@​basil]( #### 🐛 Bug fixes - Add test JARs to the managed set ([#​2227]( [@​basil]( #### 👻 Maintenance - Test with Java 17 unconditionally ([#​2234]( [@​basil]( #### 📦 Dependency updates - Bump jacoco from 3.3.3 to 3.3.4 in /bom-weekly ([#​2236]( [@​dependabot]( - Bump jenkins from 1.100 to 1.101 in /bom-weekly ([#​2233]( [@​dependabot]( - Bump plugin from 4.68 to 4.69 in /sample-plugin ([#​2232]( [@​dependabot]( - Bump jenkins.version from 2.411 to 2.412 for bom-weekly ([#​2231]( [@​github-actions]( - Bump ant from 487.vd79d090d4ea_e to 497.v94e7d9fffa_b\_9 in /bom-weekly ([#​2229]( [@​dependabot]( - Bump branch-api from 2.1118.v5d691a\_82b\_5a_b\_ to 2.1122.v09cb\_8ea\_8a\_724 in /bom-weekly ([#​2230]( [@​dependabot]( - Bump workflow-cps-plugin.version from 3691.v28b\_14c465a_b_b\_ to 3697.vb\_470e454c232 in /bom-weekly ([#​2228]( [@​dependabot]( - Bump workflow-job-plugin.version from 1308.v58d48a\_763b\_31 to 1316.vd2290d3341a_f in /bom-weekly ([#​2219]( [@​dependabot]( - Bump support-core from 1325.vb_a\_6a\_7b_c083a_d to 1328.vb\_4e66d4d525c in /bom-weekly ([#​2214]( [@​dependabot]( - Bump jersey2-api from 2.39.1-2 to 2.40-1 in /bom-weekly ([#​2216]( [@​dependabot]( - Bump lockable-resources from 1171.v7a\_4699ec2e7e to 1172.v4b\_8fc8eed570 in /bom-weekly ([#​2215]( [@​dependabot]( - Bump branch-api from 2.1109.vdf225489a\_16d to 2.1118.v5d691a\_82b\_5a_b\_ in /bom-weekly ([#​2213]( [@​dependabot]( - Bump workflow-api-plugin.version from 1215.v2b_ee3e1b_dd39 to 1219.v05cd837ea\_249 in /bom-weekly ([#​2212]( [@​dependabot]( - Bump plugin from 4.67 to 4.68 in /sample-plugin ([#​2211]( [@​dependabot]( ### [`v2198.v39c76fc308ca`]( [Compare Source]( #### 👷 Changes for plugin developers - Add docker java API plugin to managed set ([#​2191]( [@​MarkEWaite]( #### 👻 Maintenance - Exclude a git client maintenance test ([#​2209]( [@​MarkEWaite]( #### 🚦 Tests - Exclude failing tests pending release ([#​2201]( [@​basil]( #### 📦 Dependency updates - Bump lockable-resources from 1167.v04861534072b\_ to 1171.v7a\_4699ec2e7e in /bom-weekly ([#​2207]( [@​dependabot]( - Bump support-core from 1318.va_a\_105294c1df to 1325.vb_a\_6a\_7b_c083a_d in /bom-weekly ([#​2206]( [@​dependabot]( - Bump data-tables-api.version from 1.13.4-2 to 1.13.4-3 in /bom-weekly ([#​2205]( [@​dependabot]( - Bump http_request from 1.16 to 1.17 in /bom-weekly ([#​2204]( [@​dependabot]( - Bump junit from\_09d5100410f to\_2f9db\_3e6de0 in /bom-weekly ([#​2203]( [@​dependabot]( - Bump support-core from 1315.v0f514a_a\_7e133 to 1318.va_a\_105294c1df in /bom-weekly ([#​2202]( [@​dependabot]( - Bump jenkins.version from 2.410 to 2.411 for bom-weekly ([#​2200]( [@​github-actions]( - Bump jenkins from 1.99 to 1.100 in /bom-weekly ([#​2199]( [@​dependabot]( - Bump throttle-concurrents from 2.13 to 2.14 in /bom-weekly ([#​2198]( [@​dependabot]( - Bump declarative-pipeline-migration-assistant-plugin.version from 1.5.6 to 1.6.0 in /bom-weekly ([#​2197]( [@​dependabot]( - Bump support-core from 1283.v9ddb\_0284a\_00c to 1315.v0f514a_a\_7e133 in /bom-weekly ([#​2193]( [@​dependabot]( - Bump gitlab-branch-source from 663.v2602c3e6376d to 664.v877fdc293c89 in /bom-weekly ([#​2192]( [@​dependabot]( - Bump gitlab-api from 5.3.0-88.vf8787b\_92d679 to 5.3.0-91.v1f9a_fda_d654f in /bom-weekly ([#​2196]( [@​dependabot]( - Bump pipeline-stage-view-plugin.version from 2.32 to 2.33 in /bom-weekly ([#​2194]( [@​dependabot]( - Bump lockable-resources from 1166.v7ef984f72fe2 to 1167.v04861534072b\_ in /bom-weekly ([#​2195]( [@​dependabot]( ### [`v2179.v0884e842b_859`]( [Compare Source]( #### 👻 Maintenance - Retry tasks up to 6 times ([#​2171]( [@​MarkEWaite]( #### 📦 Dependency updates - Bump scm-api-plugin.version from 672.v64378a_b\_20c60 to 676.v886669a\_199a_a\_ in /bom-weekly ([#​2185]( [@​dependabot]( - Bump plugin from 4.66 to 4.67 in /sample-plugin ([#​2187]( [@​dependabot]( - Bump lockable-resources from 1156.v5e9f897ece02 to 1166.v7ef984f72fe2 in /bom-weekly ([#​2186]( [@​dependabot]( - Bump dark-theme from\_22e7d692ea_a to 336.v02165cd8c2ee in /bom-weekly ([#​2188]( [@​dependabot]( - Bump email-ext from 2.98 to 2.99 in /bom-weekly ([#​2184]( [@​dependabot]( - Bump workflow-api-plugin.version from 1213.v646def1087f9 to 1215.v2b_ee3e1b_dd39 in /bom-weekly ([#​2183]( [@​dependabot]( - Bump gitlab-api from 5.2.0-86.v1ed41a\_9cf486 to 5.3.0-88.vf8787b\_92d679 in /bom-weekly ([#​2182]( [@​dependabot]( - Bump gitlab-branch-source from 660.vd45c0f4c0042 to 663.v2602c3e6376d in /bom-weekly ([#​2181]( [@​dependabot]( - Bump jenkins.version from 2.409 to 2.410 for bom-weekly ([#​2179]( [@​github-actions]( - Bump junit-attachments from 131.vef2117770555 to 167.vf1d139e316b\_3 in /bom-weekly ([#​2176]( [@​dependabot]( - Bump jnr-posix-api from 3.1.16-2 to 3.1.17-1 in /bom-weekly ([#​2174]( [@​dependabot]( - Bump data-tables-api.version from 1.13.4-1 to 1.13.4-2 in /bom-weekly ([#​2178]( [@​dependabot]( - Bump instance-identity from 142.v04572ca\_5b\_265 to\_37c494ec4e5 in /bom-weekly ([#​2177]( [@​dependabot]( - Bump github-branch-source from 1725.vd391eef681a_e to 1728.v859147241f49 in /bom-weekly ([#​2175]( [@​dependabot]( - Bump plugin-compat-tester version to 1337.vd1853588a\_0c6 ([#​2156]( [@​github-actions]( ### [`v2163.v2d916d90c305`]( [Compare Source]( #### 👻 Maintenance - Honor a `full-test` marker file in addition to label ([#​2166]( [@​jglick]( #### 📦 Dependency updates - Bump pipeline-model-definition-plugin.version from 2.2133.ve46a\_6113dfc3 to 2.2141.v5402e818a\_779 in /bom-weekly ([#​2170]( [@​dependabot]( - Bump metrics from 4.2.18-438.v0ede325a\_4c68 to 4.2.18-439.v86a\_20b_a\_8318b\_ in /bom-weekly ([#​2169]( [@​dependabot]( - Use email-ext 2.98 and revert commit [`2ed8f3a`]( ([#​2168]( [@​basil]( - Bump pipeline-build-step from 491.v1fec530da\_858 to 496.v2449a\_9a\_221f2 in /bom-weekly ([#​2165]( [@​dependabot]( - Bump workflow-multibranch-plugin.version from 746.v05814d19c001 to 756.v891d88f2cd46 in /bom-weekly ([#​2162]( [@​dependabot]( - Bump branch-api from 2.1105.v472604208c55 to 2.1109.vdf225489a\_16d in /bom-weekly ([#​2160]( [@​dependabot]( - Bump workflow-cps-plugin.version from 3673.v5b_dd74276262 to 3691.v28b\_14c465a_b_b\_ in /bom-weekly ([#​2161]( [@​dependabot]( - Bump git-client from 4.3.0 to 4.4.0 in /bom-weekly ([#​2164]( [@​dependabot]( - Bump workflow-scm-step from 408.v7d5b\_135a_b_d49 to 415.v434365564324 in /bom-weekly ([#​2163]( [@​dependabot]( - Bump git-plugin.version from 5.0.2 to 5.1.0 in /bom-weekly ([#​2159]( [@​dependabot]( - Bump jersey2-api from 2.39.1-1 to 2.39.1-2 in /bom-weekly ([#​2153]( [@​dependabot]( - Bump okhttp-api from 4.10.0-136.v1d8ce1b\_1db\_72 to 4.11.0-145.vcb\_8de402ef81 in /bom-weekly ([#​2155]( [@​dependabot]( - Bump jenkins.version from 2.407 to 2.409 for bom-weekly ([#​2157]( [@​github-actions]( - Bump custom-folder-icon from 2.7 to 2.8 in /bom-weekly ([#​2154]( [@​dependabot]( - Bump okhttp-api from 4.10.0-132.v7a\_7b\_91cef39c to 4.10.0-136.v1d8ce1b\_1db\_72 in /bom-weekly ([#​2150]( [@​dependabot]( - Bump aws-java-sdk-plugin.version from 1.12.447-382.vda\_68e2007233 to 1.12.481-392.v8b\_291cfcda\_09 in /bom-weekly ([#​2147]( [@​dependabot]( - Bump github-branch-source from 1703.vd5a\_2b\_29c6cdc to 1725.vd391eef681a_e in /bom-weekly ([#​2149]( [@​dependabot]( - Bump jackson2-api from 2.15.1-344.v6eb\_55303dc3e to 2.15.2-350.v0c2f3f8fc595 in /bom-weekly ([#​2148]( [@​dependabot]( ### [`v2143.ve4c3c9ec790a`]( [Compare Source]( #### 👷 Changes for plugin developers - Bump configuration-as-code-plugin.version from 1646.v98b\_72d209775 to 1647.ve39ca_b\_829b\_42 in /bom-weekly ([#​2142]( [@​dependabot]( #### 📦 Dependency updates - Bump plugin from 4.65 to 4.66 in /sample-plugin ([#​2145]( [@​dependabot]( - Bump configuration-as-code-plugin.version from 1646.v98b\_72d209775 to 1647.ve39ca_b\_829b\_42 in /bom-weekly ([#​2142]( [@​dependabot]( - Bump forensics-api.version from 2.2.0 to 2.3.0 in /bom-weekly ([#​2144]( [@​dependabot]( - Bump plugin-util-api.version from 3.2.1 to 3.3.0 in /bom-weekly ([#​2143]( [@​dependabot]( - Bump bootstrap5-api from 5.2.3-1 to 5.3.0-1 in /bom-weekly ([#​2137]( [@​dependabot]( - Bump font-awesome-api from 6.3.0-2 to 6.4.0-1 in /bom-weekly ([#​2140]( [@​dependabot]( - Bump workflow-job-plugin.version from 1301.v054d9cea\_9593 to 1308.v58d48a\_763b\_31 in /bom-weekly ([#​2139]( [@​dependabot]( - Bump data-tables-api.version from 1.13.3-4 to 1.13.4-1 in /bom-weekly ([#​2138]( [@​dependabot]( - Bump echarts-api from 5.4.0-4 to 5.4.0-5 in /bom-weekly ([#​2136]( [@​dependabot]( - Bump plugin-compat-tester version to 1336.v9d7ff9c73839 ([#​2112]( [@​github-actions](


📅 Schedule: Branch creation - "before 4am on Monday" (UTC), Automerge - At any time (no schedule defined).

🚦 Automerge: Enabled.

Rebasing: Whenever PR becomes conflicted, or you tick the rebase/retry checkbox.

🔕 Ignore: Close this PR and you won't be reminded about this update again.

This PR has been generated by Mend Renovate. View repository job log here.