jenkinsci / juseppe

Jenkins Update Site Embedded for Plugin Publishing Easily
Apache License 2.0
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Signature verification failed #36

Closed smileisak closed 4 years ago

smileisak commented 6 years ago


In our company, we have a Jenkins instance with no Internet access. I want to put in place an update site for Jenkins locally using juseppe.

Running Juseppe

Running Juseppe in a docker container using this command: docker run --name juseppe -d -v /tmp/plugins:/juseppe/plugins/ -p 8001:8080 -e JUSEPPE_BASE_URI= lanwen/juseppe

Juseppe is working file and i can access to update-center.json.

Configuring with Jenkins



But the problem is when i'm trying to integrate it with Jenkins running in another container, i have this error .

Signature verification failed in update site 'juseppe' (show details)
lanwen commented 6 years ago

What version of Jenkins do you have? Cert in the screenshot copied from the Juseppe?

smileisak commented 6 years ago

@lanwen I'm using Jenkins ver. 2.7.4. I copied the Cert from

{json value of signature.certificates[0] (without quotes)}
lanwen commented 6 years ago

Did you try to use constant certificate? It's strange - I have newer J and it works fine with the same setup... Also you can try to put this cert to special folder, as mentioned here:

Please write feedback after trying this workarounds

smileisak commented 6 years ago

Well, @lanwen after you requested modifications, i've used a newer version of Jenkins Jenkins ver. 2.60.3.

    • Made the requested configuration
    • Configured Juseppe
    • Configured the proxy access
    • Installed UpdateSites Jenkins plugin
    • Disabled default Jenkins UpdateSites
    • Disabled proxy access
    • Try to check for update sites


Juseppe logs :+1:

2017-10-03 15:06:37 INFO - - [1507043197715] "GET /update-center.json?id=juseppe&version=2.60.3 HTTP/1.1" 200 2825

Jenkins: image

I noticed that the only plugin provided by Juseppe instance is installed successfully :dancer: . But i have this Exception.


Note: I'm behind a corporate proxy.

lanwen commented 6 years ago

How did you disable default Jenkins UpdateSites? This looks like you filled it with empty url, so now it says that can't check default UpdSite with empty url. You can try to fill juseppe url as default Update Site too.

smileisak commented 6 years ago

@lanwen Yes, i filled it with empty string.

smileisak commented 6 years ago

When i fill the default UpdateSite url with juseppe one, it will cause the same problem.

Signature verification failed in update site 'default' (show details)
lanwen commented 6 years ago

And the separate juseppe still works?

smileisak commented 6 years ago

@lanwen Yes it works fine.

lanwen commented 6 years ago

So I dunno how to help with exception :( It seems that current configuration is the most appropriate :)

Abubakar22 commented 6 years ago

I have removed the default update site and left i empty. I gave juseppe site as other sites.

juseppe 1

But still i can see all the available plugins and i can download and install all the plugins. as shown below. Can you help me regarding this


lanwen commented 6 years ago

I think it caches the last fetch somewhere. So you could try to find something about update sites in the homedir of jenkins