jenkinsci / kubernetes-cd-plugin

A Jenkins plugin to deploy to Kubernetes cluster
MIT License
139 stars 70 forks source link

Loading configuration: /home/jenkins/workspace/recall/MyAwesomeApp/springboot-lb.yaml ERROR: ERROR: java.lang.RuntimeException: io.kubernetes.client.openapi.ApiException: Name or service not known #154

Open ajith26061995 opened 3 years ago

ajith26061995 commented 3 years ago

Step 1/4 : FROM lolhens/baseimage-openjre ---> 7990e5390b8d Step 2/4 : ADD target/springbootApp.jar springbootApp.jar ---> 097b58d99027 Step 3/4 : EXPOSE 8085 ---> Running in ce256da3b5f9 Removing intermediate container ce256da3b5f9 ---> e8d0e66431e5 Step 4/4 : ENTRYPOINT ["java", "-jar", "springbootApp.jar"] ---> Running in 9bca72b29087 Removing intermediate container 9bca72b29087 ---> f32a35f69be6 Successfully built f32a35f69be6 Successfully tagged demo:latest [Pipeline] sh

Login Succeeded [Pipeline] sh

plugins are downgraded and tried a lot, already a case is opened fro this is there any solution?

ajith26061995 commented 3 years ago

can anyone take a look at above one?

DraconPern commented 3 years ago

Clearly you have a DNS issue resolving, so it doesn't seem like a plugin issue. may be typo?