jenkinsci / kubernetes-operator

Kubernetes native Jenkins Operator
598 stars 233 forks source link

The Jenkins deployed with the operator is stuck in "Terminating" status #965

Closed Alvaro-Campesino closed 5 months ago

Alvaro-Campesino commented 8 months ago

Describe the bug By simply deploying the helm chart as it is the pods get stuck in terminating:

jenkins-jenkins                              0/2     Terminating   0               94s
jenkins-operator-77c57cb46c-pdq2r            1/1     Running       0               115s

To Reproduce Just install the helm chart with default values, or same effects if you set backup.enable to false.

Additional information

Kubernetes version: v1.24.10 Jenkins Operator version: 0.8.0

Add error logs about the problem here (operator logs and Kubernetes events).

Events from describe pod:

  Type    Reason                  Age   From                     Message
  ----    ------                  ----  ----                     -------
  Normal  Scheduled               9s    default-scheduler        Successfully assigned nampespace-gitlab/jenkins-jenkins to kube-node-k98kjpr6
  Normal  SuccessfulAttachVolume  9s    attachdetach-controller  AttachVolume.Attach succeeded for volume "pvc-80969eac-2a73-4090-b2a8-bf06c4221470"
  Normal  Pulling                 6s    kubelet                  Pulling image "jenkins/jenkins:2.414.1-lts"
  Normal  Pulled                  5s    kubelet                  Successfully pulled image "jenkins/jenkins:2.414.1-lts" in 824.642378ms
  Normal  Created                 5s    kubelet                  Created container jenkins-master
  Normal  Started                 5s    kubelet                  Started container jenkins-master
  Normal  Pulled                  5s    kubelet                  Container image "" already present on machine
  Normal  Created                 5s    kubelet                  Created container backup
  Normal  Started                 5s    kubelet                  Started container backup
  Normal  Killing                 5s    kubelet                  Stopping container jenkins-master
  Normal  Killing                 5s    kubelet                  Stopping container backup

Jenkins-master logs (tail from the logs):

Returning cached value for: update-center-2.414.1
Returning cached value for: experimental-update-center-2.414.1
Returning cached value for: plugin-versions
+ echo 'Installing plugins required by user - end'
Installing plugins required by user - end
Running from: /usr/share/jenkins/jenkins.war
webroot: /var/lib/jenkins/war
2024-02-06 12:31:38.516+0000 [id=1] INFO    winstone.Logger#logInternal: Beginning extraction from war file
2024-02-06 12:31:40.096+0000 [id=1] WARNING o.e.j.s.handler.ContextHandler#setContextPath: Empty contextPath
2024-02-06 12:31:40.215+0000 [id=1] INFO    org.eclipse.jetty.server.Server#doStart: jetty-10.0.15; built: 2023-04-11T17:25:14.480Z; git: 68017dbd00236bb7e187330d7585a059610f661d; jvm 11.0.20+8
2024-02-06 12:31:40.895+0000 [id=1] INFO    o.e.j.w.StandardDescriptorProcessor#visitServlet: NO JSP Support for /, did not find org.eclipse.jetty.jsp.JettyJspServlet
2024-02-06 12:31:41.019+0000 [id=1] INFO    o.e.j.s.s.DefaultSessionIdManager#doStart: Session workerName=node0
2024-02-06 12:31:42.228+0000 [id=1] INFO    hudson.WebAppMain#contextInitialized: Jenkins home directory: /var/lib/jenkins found at: EnvVars.masterEnvVars.get("JENKINS_HOME")

jenkins backup logs:

Trimming to only 3 recent backups in preparation for new backup
Trimming to only 3 recent backups in preparation for new backup
Trimming to only 3 recent backups in preparation for new backup

operator logs

2024-02-06T14:20:05.422Z    INFO    cmd Git commit: a6e32fde
2024-02-06T14:20:05.422Z    INFO    cmd Go Version: go1.15.6
2024-02-06T14:20:05.422Z    INFO    cmd Go OS/Arch: linux/amd64
2024-02-06T14:20:05.422Z    INFO    cmd Watch namespace: namespace-gitlab
I0206 14:20:06.472842       1 request.go:655] Throttling request took 1.038320305s, request: GET:
2024-02-06T14:20:06.879Z    INFO    controller-runtime.metrics  metrics server is starting to listen    {"addr": ""}
2024-02-06T14:20:06.885Z    INFO    cmd starting manager
I0206 14:20:06.886076       1 leaderelection.go:243] attempting to acquire leader lease namespace-gitlab/
2024-02-06T14:20:06.886Z    INFO    controller-runtime.manager  starting metrics server {"path": "/metrics"}
I0206 14:20:21.994302       1 leaderelection.go:253] successfully acquired lease namespace-gitlab/
2024-02-06T14:20:21.994Z    DEBUG   Normal  {"object": {"kind":"ConfigMap","namespace":"namespace-gitlab","name":"","uid":"bd3e1c6f-b3f9-40fc-8042-c2aa430cb850","apiVersion":"v1","resourceVersion":"121927203"}, "reason": "LeaderElection", "message": "jenkins-operator-77c57cb46c-6pwzj_6346bbc8-fe20-417c-84a1-ffe4d6fefb50 became leader"}
2024-02-06T14:20:21.994Z    DEBUG   Normal  {"object": {"kind":"Lease","namespace":"namespace-gitlab","name":"","uid":"7a99fa4c-294f-479d-8667-7ace2b934890","apiVersion":"","resourceVersion":"121927205"}, "reason": "LeaderElection", "message": "jenkins-operator-77c57cb46c-6pwzj_6346bbc8-fe20-417c-84a1-ffe4d6fefb50 became leader"}
2024-02-06T14:20:21.994Z    INFO    controller-runtime.manager.controller.jenkins   Starting EventSource    {"reconciler group": "", "reconciler kind": "Jenkins", "source": "kind source:, Kind=Jenkins"}
2024-02-06T14:20:22.095Z    INFO    controller-runtime.manager.controller.jenkins   Starting EventSource    {"reconciler group": "", "reconciler kind": "Jenkins", "source": "kind source: /, Kind="}
2024-02-06T14:20:22.195Z    INFO    controller-runtime.manager.controller.jenkins   Starting EventSource    {"reconciler group": "", "reconciler kind": "Jenkins", "source": "kind source: /, Kind="}
2024-02-06T14:20:22.296Z    INFO    controller-runtime.manager.controller.jenkins   Starting EventSource    {"reconciler group": "", "reconciler kind": "Jenkins", "source": "kind source: /, Kind="}
2024-02-06T14:20:22.397Z    INFO    controller-runtime.manager.controller.jenkins   Starting EventSource    {"reconciler group": "", "reconciler kind": "Jenkins", "source": "kind source: core/v1, Kind=Secret"}
2024-02-06T14:20:22.397Z    INFO    controller-runtime.manager.controller.jenkins   Starting EventSource    {"reconciler group": "", "reconciler kind": "Jenkins", "source": "kind source: core/v1, Kind=ConfigMap"}
2024-02-06T14:20:22.397Z    INFO    controller-runtime.manager.controller.jenkins   Starting EventSource    {"reconciler group": "", "reconciler kind": "Jenkins", "source": "kind source:, Kind=Jenkins"}
2024-02-06T14:20:22.397Z    INFO    controller-runtime.manager.controller.jenkins   Starting Controller {"reconciler group": "", "reconciler kind": "Jenkins"}
2024-02-06T14:20:22.397Z    INFO    controller-runtime.manager.controller.jenkins   Starting workers    {"reconciler group": "", "reconciler kind": "Jenkins", "worker count": 1}
2024-02-06T14:20:22.397Z    INFO    controller-jenkins  *v1alpha2.Jenkins/jenkins was created   {"cr": "jenkins"}
2024-02-06T14:20:22.397Z    DEBUG   controller-jenkins  Reconciling Jenkins {"cr": "jenkins"}
2024-02-06T14:20:22.397Z    INFO    controller-jenkins  Setting default Jenkins container command   {"cr": "jenkins"}
2024-02-06T14:20:22.397Z    INFO    controller-jenkins  Setting default Jenkins container JAVA_OPTS environment variable    {"cr": "jenkins"}
2024-02-06T14:20:22.397Z    INFO    controller-jenkins  Setting default operator plugins    {"cr": "jenkins"}
2024-02-06T14:20:22.397Z    INFO    controller-jenkins  Setting default Jenkins master service  {"cr": "jenkins"}
2024-02-06T14:20:22.397Z    INFO    controller-jenkins  Setting default Jenkins slave service   {"cr": "jenkins"}
2024-02-06T14:20:22.436Z    INFO    controller-jenkins  *v1alpha2.Jenkins/jenkins has been updated  {"cr": "jenkins"}
2024-02-06T14:20:22.436Z    DEBUG   controller-jenkins  Reconciling Jenkins {"cr": "jenkins"}
2024-02-06T14:20:22.557Z    DEBUG   controller-jenkins  Operator credentials secret is present  {"cr": "jenkins"}
2024-02-06T14:20:22.577Z    DEBUG   controller-jenkins  Scripts config map is present   {"cr": "jenkins"}
2024-02-06T14:20:22.592Z    DEBUG   controller-jenkins  Init configuration config map is present    {"cr": "jenkins"}
2024-02-06T14:20:22.639Z    DEBUG   controller-jenkins  Base configuration config map is present    {"cr": "jenkins"}
2024-02-06T14:20:22.639Z    DEBUG   controller-jenkins  GroovyScripts Secret and ConfigMap added watched labels {"cr": "jenkins"}
2024-02-06T14:20:22.639Z    DEBUG   controller-jenkins  ConfigurationAsCode Secret and ConfigMap added watched labels   {"cr": "jenkins"}
2024-02-06T14:20:22.740Z    DEBUG   controller-jenkins  createServiceAccount with annotations map[] {"cr": "jenkins"}
2024-02-06T14:20:22.805Z    DEBUG   controller-jenkins  Service account, role and role binding are present  {"cr": "jenkins"}
2024-02-06T14:20:22.905Z    DEBUG   controller-jenkins  Extra role bindings are present {"cr": "jenkins"}
2024-02-06T14:20:23.028Z    DEBUG   controller-jenkins  Jenkins HTTP Service is present {"cr": "jenkins"}
2024-02-06T14:20:23.069Z    DEBUG   controller-jenkins  Jenkins slave Service is present    {"cr": "jenkins"}
2024-02-06T14:20:23.069Z    DEBUG   controller-jenkins  Kubernetes resources are present    {"cr": "jenkins"}
2024-02-06T14:20:23.069Z    INFO    controller-jenkins  Creating a new Jenkins Master Pod namespace-gitlab/jenkins-jenkins  {"cr": "jenkins"}
2024-02-06T14:20:23.161Z    DEBUG   controller-jenkins  Reconciling Jenkins {"cr": "jenkins"}
2024-02-06T14:20:23.161Z    DEBUG   controller-jenkins  Operator credentials secret is present  {"cr": "jenkins"}
2024-02-06T14:20:23.241Z    DEBUG   controller-jenkins  Scripts config map is present   {"cr": "jenkins"}
2024-02-06T14:20:23.295Z    DEBUG   controller-jenkins  Init configuration config map is present    {"cr": "jenkins"}
2024-02-06T14:20:23.372Z    DEBUG   controller-jenkins  Base configuration config map is present    {"cr": "jenkins"}
2024-02-06T14:20:23.372Z    DEBUG   controller-jenkins  GroovyScripts Secret and ConfigMap added watched labels {"cr": "jenkins"}
2024-02-06T14:20:23.372Z    DEBUG   controller-jenkins  ConfigurationAsCode Secret and ConfigMap added watched labels   {"cr": "jenkins"}
2024-02-06T14:20:23.372Z    DEBUG   controller-jenkins  createServiceAccount with annotations map[] {"cr": "jenkins"}
2024-02-06T14:20:23.522Z    DEBUG   controller-jenkins  Service account, role and role binding are present  {"cr": "jenkins"}
2024-02-06T14:20:23.522Z    DEBUG   controller-jenkins  Extra role bindings are present {"cr": "jenkins"}
2024-02-06T14:20:23.532Z    DEBUG   controller-jenkins  Jenkins HTTP Service is present {"cr": "jenkins"}
2024-02-06T14:20:23.547Z    DEBUG   controller-jenkins  Jenkins slave Service is present    {"cr": "jenkins"}
2024-02-06T14:20:23.547Z    DEBUG   controller-jenkins  Kubernetes resources are present    {"cr": "jenkins"}
2024-02-06T14:20:23.547Z    INFO    controller-jenkins  Jenkins master pod restarted by operator:   {"cr": "jenkins"}
2024-02-06T14:20:23.547Z    INFO    controller-jenkins  Jenkins Operator version has changed, actual '' new 'v0.8.0'    {"cr": "jenkins"}
2024-02-06T14:20:23.547Z    INFO    controller-jenkins  Jenkins priorityClassName has changed, actual 'default-nonpreempting' required ''   {"cr": "jenkins"}
2024-02-06T14:20:23.547Z    INFO    controller-jenkins  Jenkins CR has been replaced    {"cr": "jenkins"}
2024-02-06T14:20:23.628Z    DEBUG   controller-jenkins  Reconciling Jenkins {"cr": "jenkins"}
2024-02-06T14:20:23.629Z    DEBUG   controller-jenkins  Operator credentials secret is present  {"cr": "jenkins"}
2024-02-06T14:20:23.711Z    DEBUG   controller-jenkins  Scripts config map is present   {"cr": "jenkins"}
2024-02-06T14:20:23.758Z    DEBUG   controller-jenkins  Init configuration config map is present    {"cr": "jenkins"}
2024-02-06T14:20:23.815Z    DEBUG   controller-jenkins  Base configuration config map is present    {"cr": "jenkins"}
2024-02-06T14:20:23.815Z    DEBUG   controller-jenkins  GroovyScripts Secret and ConfigMap added watched labels {"cr": "jenkins"}
2024-02-06T14:20:23.815Z    DEBUG   controller-jenkins  ConfigurationAsCode Secret and ConfigMap added watched labels   {"cr": "jenkins"}
2024-02-06T14:20:23.815Z    DEBUG   controller-jenkins  createServiceAccount with annotations map[] {"cr": "jenkins"}
2024-02-06T14:20:23.956Z    DEBUG   controller-jenkins  Service account, role and role binding are present  {"cr": "jenkins"}
2024-02-06T14:20:23.957Z    DEBUG   controller-jenkins  Extra role bindings are present {"cr": "jenkins"}
2024-02-06T14:20:23.966Z    DEBUG   controller-jenkins  Jenkins HTTP Service is present {"cr": "jenkins"}
2024-02-06T14:20:23.977Z    DEBUG   controller-jenkins  Jenkins slave Service is present    {"cr": "jenkins"}
2024-02-06T14:20:23.977Z    DEBUG   controller-jenkins  Kubernetes resources are present    {"cr": "jenkins"}
2024-02-06T14:20:23.977Z    DEBUG   controller-jenkins  Jenkins master pod is present   {"cr": "jenkins"}
2024-02-06T14:20:23.977Z    DEBUG   controller-jenkins  Jenkins master pod is terminating   {"cr": "jenkins"}
2024-02-06T14:20:23.977Z    DEBUG   controller-jenkins  Reconciling Jenkins {"cr": "jenkins"}
2024-02-06T14:20:23.978Z    DEBUG   controller-jenkins  Operator credentials secret is present  {"cr": "jenkins"}
2024-02-06T14:20:24.038Z    DEBUG   controller-jenkins  Scripts config map is present   {"cr": "jenkins"}
2024-02-06T14:20:24.075Z    DEBUG   controller-jenkins  Init configuration config map is present    {"cr": "jenkins"}
2024-02-06T14:20:24.145Z    DEBUG   controller-jenkins  Base configuration config map is present    {"cr": "jenkins"}
2024-02-06T14:20:24.145Z    DEBUG   controller-jenkins  GroovyScripts Secret and ConfigMap added watched labels {"cr": "jenkins"}
2024-02-06T14:20:24.145Z    DEBUG   controller-jenkins  ConfigurationAsCode Secret and ConfigMap added watched labels   {"cr": "jenkins"}
2024-02-06T14:20:24.145Z    DEBUG   controller-jenkins  createServiceAccount with annotations map[] {"cr": "jenkins"}
2024-02-06T14:20:24.264Z    DEBUG   controller-jenkins  Service account, role and role binding are present  {"cr": "jenkins"}
2024-02-06T14:20:24.264Z    DEBUG   controller-jenkins  Extra role bindings are present {"cr": "jenkins"}
2024-02-06T14:20:24.273Z    DEBUG   controller-jenkins  Jenkins HTTP Service is present {"cr": "jenkins"}
2024-02-06T14:20:24.283Z    DEBUG   controller-jenkins  Jenkins slave Service is present    {"cr": "jenkins"}
2024-02-06T14:20:24.283Z    DEBUG   controller-jenkins  Kubernetes resources are present    {"cr": "jenkins"}
2024-02-06T14:20:24.283Z    DEBUG   controller-jenkins  Jenkins master pod is present   {"cr": "jenkins"}
2024-02-06T14:20:24.283Z    DEBUG   controller-jenkins  Jenkins master pod is terminating   {"cr": "jenkins"}
2024-02-06T14:20:25.753Z    DEBUG   controller-jenkins  Reconciling Jenkins {"cr": "jenkins"}
2024-02-06T14:20:25.754Z    DEBUG   controller-jenkins  Operator credentials secret is present  {"cr": "jenkins"}
2024-02-06T14:20:25.826Z    DEBUG   controller-jenkins  Scripts config map is present   {"cr": "jenkins"}
2024-02-06T14:20:25.877Z    DEBUG   controller-jenkins  Init configuration config map is present    {"cr": "jenkins"}
2024-02-06T14:20:25.939Z    DEBUG   controller-jenkins  Base configuration config map is present    {"cr": "jenkins"}
2024-02-06T14:20:25.939Z    DEBUG   controller-jenkins  GroovyScripts Secret and ConfigMap added watched labels {"cr": "jenkins"}
2024-02-06T14:20:25.939Z    DEBUG   controller-jenkins  ConfigurationAsCode Secret and ConfigMap added watched labels   {"cr": "jenkins"}
2024-02-06T14:20:25.939Z    DEBUG   controller-jenkins  createServiceAccount with annotations map[] {"cr": "jenkins"}
2024-02-06T14:20:26.100Z    DEBUG   controller-jenkins  Service account, role and role binding are present  {"cr": "jenkins"}
2024-02-06T14:20:26.100Z    DEBUG   controller-jenkins  Extra role bindings are present {"cr": "jenkins"}
2024-02-06T14:20:26.111Z    DEBUG   controller-jenkins  Jenkins HTTP Service is present {"cr": "jenkins"}
2024-02-06T14:20:26.125Z    DEBUG   controller-jenkins  Jenkins slave Service is present    {"cr": "jenkins"}
2024-02-06T14:20:26.125Z    DEBUG   controller-jenkins  Kubernetes resources are present    {"cr": "jenkins"}
2024-02-06T14:20:26.125Z    DEBUG   controller-jenkins  Jenkins master pod is present   {"cr": "jenkins"}
2024-02-06T14:20:26.125Z    DEBUG   controller-jenkins  Jenkins master pod is terminating   {"cr": "jenkins"}
2024-02-06T14:20:28.977Z    DEBUG   controller-jenkins  Reconciling Jenkins {"cr": "jenkins"}
2024-02-06T14:20:28.978Z    DEBUG   controller-jenkins  Operator credentials secret is present  {"cr": "jenkins"}
2024-02-06T14:20:29.059Z    DEBUG   controller-jenkins  Scripts config map is present   {"cr": "jenkins"}
2024-02-06T14:20:29.100Z    DEBUG   controller-jenkins  Init configuration config map is present    {"cr": "jenkins"}
2024-02-06T14:20:29.170Z    DEBUG   controller-jenkins  Base configuration config map is present    {"cr": "jenkins"}
2024-02-06T14:20:29.170Z    DEBUG   controller-jenkins  GroovyScripts Secret and ConfigMap added watched labels {"cr": "jenkins"}
2024-02-06T14:20:29.170Z    DEBUG   controller-jenkins  ConfigurationAsCode Secret and ConfigMap added watched labels   {"cr": "jenkins"}
2024-02-06T14:20:29.170Z    DEBUG   controller-jenkins  createServiceAccount with annotations map[] {"cr": "jenkins"}
2024-02-06T14:20:29.287Z    DEBUG   controller-jenkins  Service account, role and role binding are present  {"cr": "jenkins"}
2024-02-06T14:20:29.287Z    DEBUG   controller-jenkins  Extra role bindings are present {"cr": "jenkins"}
2024-02-06T14:20:29.297Z    DEBUG   controller-jenkins  Jenkins HTTP Service is present {"cr": "jenkins"}
2024-02-06T14:20:29.309Z    DEBUG   controller-jenkins  Jenkins slave Service is present    {"cr": "jenkins"}
2024-02-06T14:20:29.309Z    DEBUG   controller-jenkins  Kubernetes resources are present    {"cr": "jenkins"}
2024-02-06T14:20:29.309Z    DEBUG   controller-jenkins  Jenkins master pod is present   {"cr": "jenkins"}
2024-02-06T14:20:29.309Z    DEBUG   controller-jenkins  Jenkins master pod is terminating   {"cr": "jenkins"}
2024-02-06T14:20:34.309Z    DEBUG   controller-jenkins  Reconciling Jenkins {"cr": "jenkins"}
2024-02-06T14:20:34.310Z    DEBUG   controller-jenkins  Operator credentials secret is present  {"cr": "jenkins"}
2024-02-06T14:20:34.379Z    DEBUG   controller-jenkins  Scripts config map is present   {"cr": "jenkins"}
2024-02-06T14:20:34.407Z    DEBUG   controller-jenkins  Init configuration config map is present    {"cr": "jenkins"}
2024-02-06T14:20:34.468Z    DEBUG   controller-jenkins  Base configuration config map is present    {"cr": "jenkins"}
2024-02-06T14:20:34.468Z    DEBUG   controller-jenkins  GroovyScripts Secret and ConfigMap added watched labels {"cr": "jenkins"}
2024-02-06T14:20:34.468Z    DEBUG   controller-jenkins  ConfigurationAsCode Secret and ConfigMap added watched labels   {"cr": "jenkins"}
2024-02-06T14:20:34.468Z    DEBUG   controller-jenkins  createServiceAccount with annotations map[] {"cr": "jenkins"}
2024-02-06T14:20:34.595Z    DEBUG   controller-jenkins  Service account, role and role binding are present  {"cr": "jenkins"}
2024-02-06T14:20:34.595Z    DEBUG   controller-jenkins  Extra role bindings are present {"cr": "jenkins"}
2024-02-06T14:20:34.605Z    DEBUG   controller-jenkins  Jenkins HTTP Service is present {"cr": "jenkins"}
2024-02-06T14:20:34.620Z    DEBUG   controller-jenkins  Jenkins slave Service is present    {"cr": "jenkins"}
2024-02-06T14:20:34.620Z    DEBUG   controller-jenkins  Kubernetes resources are present    {"cr": "jenkins"}
2024-02-06T14:20:34.620Z    DEBUG   controller-jenkins  Jenkins master pod is present   {"cr": "jenkins"}
2024-02-06T14:20:34.620Z    DEBUG   controller-jenkins  Jenkins master pod is terminating   {"cr": "jenkins"}
2024-02-06T14:20:39.620Z    DEBUG   controller-jenkins  Reconciling Jenkins {"cr": "jenkins"}
2024-02-06T14:20:39.621Z    DEBUG   controller-jenkins  Operator credentials secret is present  {"cr": "jenkins"}
2024-02-06T14:20:39.699Z    DEBUG   controller-jenkins  Scripts config map is present   {"cr": "jenkins"}
2024-02-06T14:20:39.740Z    DEBUG   controller-jenkins  Init configuration config map is present    {"cr": "jenkins"}
2024-02-06T14:20:39.807Z    DEBUG   controller-jenkins  Base configuration config map is present    {"cr": "jenkins"}
2024-02-06T14:20:39.807Z    DEBUG   controller-jenkins  GroovyScripts Secret and ConfigMap added watched labels {"cr": "jenkins"}
2024-02-06T14:20:39.807Z    DEBUG   controller-jenkins  ConfigurationAsCode Secret and ConfigMap added watched labels   {"cr": "jenkins"}
2024-02-06T14:20:39.807Z    DEBUG   controller-jenkins  createServiceAccount with annotations map[] {"cr": "jenkins"}
2024-02-06T14:20:39.959Z    DEBUG   controller-jenkins  Service account, role and role binding are present  {"cr": "jenkins"}
2024-02-06T14:20:39.959Z    DEBUG   controller-jenkins  Extra role bindings are present {"cr": "jenkins"}
2024-02-06T14:20:39.968Z    DEBUG   controller-jenkins  Jenkins HTTP Service is present {"cr": "jenkins"}
2024-02-06T14:20:39.978Z    DEBUG   controller-jenkins  Jenkins slave Service is present    {"cr": "jenkins"}
2024-02-06T14:20:39.978Z    DEBUG   controller-jenkins  Kubernetes resources are present    {"cr": "jenkins"}
2024-02-06T14:20:39.978Z    DEBUG   controller-jenkins  Jenkins master pod is present   {"cr": "jenkins"}
2024-02-06T14:20:39.978Z    DEBUG   controller-jenkins  Jenkins master pod is terminating   {"cr": "jenkins"}